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02-07-2013 , 08:13 PM
LOL- fun life, had 3 comped rooms setup for me, was saying absolutely not i wont do the 400 buyin today because If i made day 2, i wouldnt have a place to sleep,(and i refuse to pay $400 or whatever for 7-8 hrs sleep, thats crazy imo. and that is a MUST to have to do tourney. Turns out, they canceled the guarantee and made it a 1 day tourney, i could've played

I ended up just going home, wait for next tourney series i guess, i really wanted to do the 400 and 1200 :-(

Last edited by Mark275; 02-07-2013 at 08:14 PM. Reason: spellin
02-07-2013 , 08:31 PM
They didnt cancel the guarantee on the 400
02-07-2013 , 08:33 PM
I'm at burkes right now and they've confirmed they are staying open through all of this. Fyi.
02-07-2013 , 08:39 PM
Atleast that's one place to eat tomorrow night
02-07-2013 , 09:36 PM
any plans to reschedule the 1200?
02-07-2013 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
They didnt cancel the guarantee on the 400

yah i know but i had to checkout by 11am tomorrow(or id haveta pay $400-800 for 1 night which ill never do ever.) so AT THE TIME i tthought it was 2 day event. Id be in trouble if i made day 2.

watever ill wait till march
02-07-2013 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
yah i know but i had to checkout by 11am tomorrow(or id haveta pay $400-800 for 1 night which ill never do ever.) so AT THE TIME i tthought it was 2 day event. Id be in trouble if i made day 2.

watever ill wait till march
Prize pool wasn't amazing
02-08-2013 , 01:48 AM
? Really all this hate on Foxwoods for doing the right thing. I don't know where you people live but someone who lives in the Area. They did the right move if we get that type of snow. the roads will be a mess especially the ones around Foxwoods. Who would want too drive 214 in a blizzard ?
02-08-2013 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by Natural945
Extremely Disappointed how Foxwoods is handling the $1,200 mega stack event! I know for a fact a lot of people were looking forward to this event. I believe there are much better ways to handle this situation such as, cancel the guarantee not the tournament. I don't think Foxwoods would have to worry about finding 30 dealers to run the tournament. I have heard they offer "big rewards" for working in a snow storm such as 1 paid day off or even pay and a half. So this really sucks for people who like the 1,200 it has an extremely good structure and now you have to wait until May.
This. How come Foxwoods didn't fire rockets into the sky to stop the storm like the Chinese did for the Olympics?
02-08-2013 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by groton
? Really all this hate on Foxwoods for doing the right thing. I don't know where you people live but someone who lives in the Area. They did the right move if we get that type of snow. the roads will be a mess especially the ones around Foxwoods. Who would want too drive 214 in a blizzard ?
LOL- you are just misinformed and uneducated on how foxwoods is. Its only a "guarantee" if they KNOW theyll make it. IF something comes up then its alll of a sudden off. If there was no snow and they didnt have a certin # of signups theyd of bumped it down to 150k, i heard they done something like that before.

I bet you think its ok and normal that online poker sites say"omg play our 20k guarantee its got an 18 thousaaand dollar overlay!"(keep in mind its starting in 15 minutes. All a joke and poor advertisement.

ITs bad business to have a post about a main event for 1200 and promise a 200k guar. something happens and then close it out. What about all the people who made plans specifically for that tourney and inconvenienced themselves? Im sure theyd be happy playing with 120 people if it came to that, but to get ridda it all together is a joke. i wanted to play it too and cuz of it im home now, and it costed me entry to the $400 buyin today i wanted to do
02-08-2013 , 06:05 AM
Mark welcome to the real world. Things happen and they are a business and they can't force dealers to come to work
02-08-2013 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
LOL- you are just misinformed and uneducated on how foxwoods is. Its only a "guarantee" if they KNOW theyll make it. IF something comes up then its alll of a sudden off. If there was no snow and they didnt have a certin # of signups theyd of bumped it down to 150k, i heard they done something like that before.

I bet you think its ok and normal that online poker sites say"omg play our 20k guarantee its got an 18 thousaaand dollar overlay!"(keep in mind its starting in 15 minutes. All a joke and poor advertisement.

ITs bad business to have a post about a main event for 1200 and promise a 200k guar. something happens and then close it out. What about all the people who made plans specifically for that tourney and inconvenienced themselves? Im sure theyd be happy playing with 120 people if it came to that, but to get ridda it all together is a joke. i wanted to play it too and cuz of it im home now, and it costed me entry to the $400 buyin today i wanted to do
You do realize that some areas are expected to get up to 2 1/2 feet of snow, right? I mean this would be pretty standard for any major casino. Government has issued a blizzard warning in a ton of areas urging people to not leave their homes.
02-08-2013 , 09:38 AM
I believe in the fine print Foxwoods has the right to cancel a guarantee due to weather. So would have rather them cancel the guarantee but have the tournament? There would have been 17 people playing.
02-08-2013 , 10:42 AM
LOL at being mad at Foxwoods for cancelling this event due to the forecast. Obviously FW isn't perfect by any means, but I don't think you're grasping how bad of a storm this could potentially be.

2+ feet of snow, high winds and white out conditions is no joke. Expecting dealers to traverse in these conditions is unrealistic. Go play a SnG and pretend it's the 1200 with no guarantee as it'll be close to the same turnout anyway.

Almost everything is going to be closed on Saturday, I don't know why you'd expect Foxwoods to be business as usual during the worst projected storm in over 30 years.
02-08-2013 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
LOL- you are just misinformed and uneducated on how foxwoods is. Its only a "guarantee" if they KNOW theyll make it. IF something comes up then its alll of a sudden off. If there was no snow and they didnt have a certin # of signups theyd of bumped it down to 150k, i heard they done something like that before.

I bet you think its ok and normal that online poker sites say"omg play our 20k guarantee its got an 18 thousaaand dollar overlay!"(keep in mind its starting in 15 minutes. All a joke and poor advertisement.

ITs bad business to have a post about a main event for 1200 and promise a 200k guar. something happens and then close it out. What about all the people who made plans specifically for that tourney and inconvenienced themselves? Im sure theyd be happy playing with 120 people if it came to that, but to get ridda it all together is a joke. i wanted to play it too and cuz of it im home now, and it costed me entry to the $400 buyin today i wanted to do

No I don't but Online does not have too deal with not having enough workers. Or the Gov of a state closing roads and the like.

I see your from New Haven how would you got too Foxwoods when the State closes I95 and especially all the Bridges late night tonight/Saturday ??

I live 15 minutes from Foxwoods so all I take is backroads. But I'd not drive/ride up there once this gets bad and I feel most people would not be it players or workers. Hell my place of work which never closes told people no overtime for Saturday yesterday and is going close early today during 1st shift which means I won't need too go in on 2nd. Treat this like a Winter Hurricane
02-08-2013 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
LOL- you are just misinformed and uneducated on how foxwoods is. Its only a "guarantee" if they KNOW theyll make it. IF something comes up then its alll of a sudden off. If there was no snow and they didnt have a certin # of signups theyd of bumped it down to 150k, i heard they done something like that before.

I bet you think its ok and normal that online poker sites say"omg play our 20k guarantee its got an 18 thousaaand dollar overlay!"(keep in mind its starting in 15 minutes. All a joke and poor advertisement.

ITs bad business to have a post about a main event for 1200 and promise a 200k guar. something happens and then close it out. What about all the people who made plans specifically for that tourney and inconvenienced themselves? Im sure theyd be happy playing with 120 people if it came to that, but to get ridda it all together is a joke. i wanted to play it too and cuz of it im home now, and it costed me entry to the $400 buyin today i wanted to do
I know from your posting history you do not seem to have much common sense, but my goodness. Do you hate airlines for cancelling flights during this? People made plans for that too, how dare them airlines not fly anyway.
Things happen.
02-08-2013 , 01:15 PM

Beating a dead horse but I am baffled that anyone would expect dealers and floor people to risk their lives and vehicles to come to work so that you can play poker.
Crazy games the last week. If anyone would like to read about one of the most insane hands that I have ever witnessed, please go to the "Most Absurd Thinking" thread. It will be worth it, I promise

Last edited by jpsychlady; 02-08-2013 at 01:26 PM.
02-08-2013 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Beating a dead horse
Yeah that's enough of the pile-on on Mark. Point has been made. Moving on...
02-08-2013 , 02:42 PM
anyone else hear rob garf getting berated by the tilting russian dude? funniest thing I've seen in the poker room in a while
02-08-2013 , 03:03 PM
Are they running satellites for the fpc?
02-08-2013 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
anyone else hear rob garf getting berated by the tilting russian dude? funniest thing I've seen in the poker room in a while
Not funny at all. First he is from Ukraine, is a regular and is actually a pretty nice guy. Second Rob Garf was extremely drunk and kind of out of line. He was involved in a pot that has nothing to do with him, talking about the hand and even pretending to impersonate the other player in the hand by saying check out loud, which caused confusion when the Ukrainian (I guess that is what they are called) checked behind, technically out of turn.

Rob Garf was just trying to have fun, as he usually does but he was out of line and hurting the integrity of the game. Hopefully he sobered up a bit and realized that having fun (which I do all the time) must not come at the price of the integrity of the game.
02-08-2013 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by bosoxfanatic7117
Not funny at all. First he is from Ukraine, is a regular and is actually a pretty nice guy. Second Rob Garf was extremely drunk and kind of out of line. He was involved in a pot that has nothing to do with him, talking about the hand and even pretending to impersonate the other player in the hand by saying check out loud, which caused confusion when the Ukrainian (I guess that is what they are called) checked behind, technically out of turn.

Rob Garf was just trying to have fun, as he usually does but he was out of line and hurting the integrity of the game. Hopefully he sobered up a bit and realized that having fun (which I do all the time) must not come at the price of the integrity of the game.
Trololol uhhh I def found the entire situation funny as did just about everyone else within three table lengths who could hear what was going on... First of all that guy is a complete dick except when he somehow luckboxes a win, I realize you haven't been playing in the room that long and prob have a limited sample size of interaction with that guy so your opinion might be a bit skewed. Secondly Rob might have been out of line but it was still hilarious to see such a heated back and forth over a few hundred dollars and if the Ukrainian was paying the slightest bit of attention in the hand he would have realized that it wasn't the other player who said check. Lastly it's pretty funny to see you act like you know everybody and everything about Foxwoods and to then hear people you say you're good friends who say they barely know you...
02-08-2013 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
Trololol uhhh I def found the entire situation funny as did just about everyone else within three table lengths who could hear what was going on... First of all that guy is a complete dick except when he somehow luckboxes a win, I realize you haven't been playing in the room that long and prob have a limited sample size of interaction with that guy so your opinion might be a bit skewed. Secondly Rob might have been out of line but it was still hilarious to see such a heated back and forth over a few hundred dollars and if the Ukrainian was paying the slightest bit of attention in the hand he would have realized that it wasn't the other player who said check. Lastly it's pretty funny to see you act like you know everybody and everything about Foxwoods and to then hear people you say you're good friends who say they barely know you...
I have 0 poker friends. We can start there. I know people, I talk to people, I am friendly with people but I would never describe any player at foxwoods as my friend. My only friends at Foxwoods are a few dealers and a few floors. I have NEVER hung out with any regular at foxwoods so please don't put words in my mouth about being friends with people.

Secondly, I have been playing at woods full-time since last april. And before that I had been playing pretty consistently down there for the last 3 years. I would say that although my sample size might not be as big as others, its big enough.

3rd, no matter what you say Rob was out of line. He said it to me himself when I asked him about the whole situation. You don't say check, pretending to be the other player in the hand. And you don't drunkly yell out "English only at the table" when the Ukrainian is trying to explain the situation to the floor, further exaccerbating the situation.

P.S- I am at a disadvantage since you seem to know me but I have no clue who you are. Maybe you can PM me your name so at least I might be able to put a face and name with the online profile.
02-08-2013 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by bosoxfanatic7117
He goes by the nickname Botchy. Friend of mine. Most people do know him by botchy, and if you played there enough youd definitely recognize him.

Added: Also lindsford is Teddy, a big loud jamaican who most know for playing fast loose, and quite loudly.
your words not mine

I never said Rob was not out of line, I agree that he was... that does not mean that the situation can't be funny. He was drunk and made a inappropriate mistake, if the dude in the hand was paying attention then there would be no issue at all and he wouldn't have gotten anywhere near as upset.

My name is Nick but most people in this thread call me ooch. I was at your table yesterday and you raised my flop c-bet on AJJ.

Side note - I'm not normally this big of an ******* except when talking politics with big whoop
02-08-2013 , 05:00 PM
I feel so out if it I don't know anyone. I've met whoop once and Jess once that's it
