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02-22-2013 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by maddog876
Drive an hour for a PLO game. Ran out of dealers. Excellent job Foxwoods.
Yeah why are the waitlists so long? No tournaments or waether situations... what gives???
02-22-2013 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Yeah why are the waitlists so long? No tournaments or waether situations... what gives???
Presidents day perhaps? Do full timers have 4 day weeks with a holiday?
02-23-2013 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by 413AceKing
Presidents day perhaps? Do full timers have 4 day weeks with a holiday?
It's Prime vacation week with kids off school. Even with that said they should be able to compensate for it. Pretty bad.
02-23-2013 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
It's Prime vacation week with kids off school. Even with that said they should be able to compensate for it. Pretty bad.

There were massive hordes of children there all week. I counted 39,472 kids in the Two Trees pool at 8:45 on Thursday morning while I was in the exercise room. It was a frightening sight.
02-23-2013 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by sailorsaint
There were massive hordes of children there all week. I counted 39,472 kids in the Two Trees pool at 8:45 on Thursday morning while I was in the exercise room. It was a frightening sight.
G SPA....

Last few posts are funny. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I BET AT BLACKJACK?

We don't give a FKKK sir.

I am going to Mohegan!

02-23-2013 , 08:41 AM
Running 2 series in 1 month is very interesting. Feel like most people are gonna just wait til the WSOP. Be interested to see the numbers for the fields.
02-23-2013 , 02:49 PM
Don't forget about MS starting patriot classic same day as the WSOP ciruit with the main event day2 on easter lol
02-23-2013 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Billy723
Don't forget about MS starting patriot classic same day as the WSOP ciruit with the main event day2 on easter lol
I'm sure MS will kill it with blackjack players jumping ship to go over there.
02-25-2013 , 06:01 PM
BBJ finally back to normal levels since Hitfest '13.
02-25-2013 , 09:11 PM
I'm sure it purely coincidental, but I sent an email to Foxwoods explaining my unhappiness with playing the last couple months, 3 days a week and getting no rooms. They explained that I needed to play more pit/table games to give me a better chance at free rooms.

Well... I don't still don't play pits, but I just checked my offers and BOOM, free rooms in April.
02-25-2013 , 11:12 PM
I've just begun playing $1/$2NL at foxwoods, and its very important for me to get the comped Midweek Room offers ASAP. A couple poker regs told me to go play a few bucks on roulette, or i've considered learn enough about blackjack to play close to breakeven until I get my offers. Any thoughts on these and expediting this process?
02-25-2013 , 11:13 PM
If you've really just started, you're not going to see any until at least May.
02-26-2013 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Stoic5
I've just begun playing $1/$2NL at foxwoods, and its very important for me to get the comped Midweek Room offers ASAP. A couple poker regs told me to go play a few bucks on roulette, or i've considered learn enough about blackjack to play close to breakeven until I get my offers. Any thoughts on these and expediting this process?
Size of bet matters, from the little I understand about this. So playing roulette for 10 bucks black vs red probably isnt going to get it done.

However, nobody really knows the secret. Your best bet is to become friendly with some regs, and share their rooms until you get some offers. It could be awhile though...
02-26-2013 , 05:49 AM
I hardly come down (been there twice since August 2012), play only 4/8 hold'em for a day, and I've gotten free rooms Feb, March and April. I think living in a south of Boton zip code was the trigger more than anything. ~Joe
02-26-2013 , 05:21 PM
I would have to agree that it is pretty hard to figure out how to get free rooms. If I were to make a bet though, I would say that it involves how much you tip.
02-26-2013 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by -evlife
I would have to agree that it is pretty hard to figure out how to get free rooms. If I were to make a bet though, I would say that it involves how much you tip.
Don't think that is true
02-26-2013 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by TheTyman9
Don't think that is true
It's certainly not true. I was hoping he was being facetious and doesn't really believe that.
02-26-2013 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Mygtar
I hardly come down (been there twice since August 2012), play only 4/8 hold'em for a day, and I've gotten free rooms Feb, March and April. I think living in a south of Boton zip code was the trigger more than anything. ~Joe
I live in NH, and I was offered discounted rooms in Feb (on which I passed), free rooms for March (I'm booked for two nights in March at the MGM)...and just yesterday I received an offer for rooms in April (free at TT, $29/$39 at the attached hotels).

I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth
02-26-2013 , 08:43 PM
I got the same offers and so did a buddy of mine and we havent gone a ton in the past few months. Just remember that all of these are based on availability. The rates aren't guaranteed.
02-27-2013 , 12:53 AM
RIP to those little boys found deceased at Lake of Isles
02-27-2013 , 02:51 AM
I got free rooms sun-fri in April and am only wild card.but last 4 times down I was playing $100 min blackjack lol
02-27-2013 , 10:06 AM
gotta say i am just a lowly poker player and i had MGM for the last two months sun-thur
two trees prior to that
promos gifts and points
i am pleased with what foxwoods gives for poker
for april 29.00 TT
again i'll take it
02-27-2013 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by -evlife
I would have to agree that it is pretty hard to figure out how to get free rooms. If I were to make a bet though, I would say that it involves how much you tip.
The probability that you would purchase a room if they did not give it to you for free? So if you are betting 1k a hand blackjack they figure you have enough money to buy a room if they don't offer it for free. Yes, giving you good comps would entice you to come back and drop more money on -EV games, but they are getting guaranteed money when you buy a room.
02-27-2013 , 05:25 PM
I heard about a guy that recently got banned from the poker room for grabbing a dealer's arm and punching out a fixture? Can someone clarify for me?
02-27-2013 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by colt45ss
gotta say i am just a lowly poker player and i had MGM for the last two months sun-thur
two trees prior to that
promos gifts and points
i am pleased with what foxwoods gives for poker
for april 29.00 TT
again i'll take it
