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10-03-2013 , 06:23 PM
is that a verified truth, or just speculation given what you have observed?
10-03-2013 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Why did you wait so long? You need to book those up like the day you get them or the pickings will be slim.
I called a day or two after tops. Just silly that nothing would be available all month long.
10-03-2013 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by kkotov100
what kind of people/regs can I expect to see at Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun at the $1-1 or $1/2 tables today between like 5-10pm? I'm still not sure what a "reg" is yet.
most 1/2 games ive played at foxwoods have about 6 fish, 2 decent players and 1 or 2 solid players. this is a generalization of course...anyone else have this type of analysis?
10-04-2013 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
I called a day or two after tops. Just silly that nothing would be available all month long.
You said on 9/29 that you just called. That's too late. You can't wait for your offers to show up in an email or snail mail. In the 2nd half of the month you need to be checking your account online at least once/day. I know that seems like overkill, but enough other people are doing it that it's become a necessity.
10-04-2013 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by the machine
is that a verified truth, or just speculation given what you have observed?
It's common sense. Look around at other "reward" programs. Gas stations or supermarkets that give you points, airlines that give you miles. They don't do that to say "here's a token of our appreciation for visiting us", it's to entice you to continue coming back. "Reward" program, "incentive" program, the name is marketing semantics, it's all the same thing.
10-04-2013 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by the machine
yeah im still pretty pissed about the comps/room situation.

was playing on tuesday and the $10 gas card was brought up, a few of us who play 2 or 3 times a week said we got $10 and mentioned how our room offers changed, some lost one day, i lost all rooms. this lady sitting next to me says "i get rooms sun-thursday and i only come once a month. my gas card bonus was $50, and when its a food voucher its $50" i obv said its from slots, to which she replied, "i never play slots, all i ever play is 1-2nl poker once a month if that"

it seems the rewards are more of an enticement. they are trying to get the players who wouldnt normally come down to show up, because the 2-3 times a week regs will be there no matter what the comps are.

has anyone written anyone in some sort of management role about the comp issue? im gonna do it just to see if it wakes them up, esp with the new casinos going up in the near future. not sure exactly who i should write the letter to.

everytime that i can complete a survey I do and i focus on the comp system.
my brother who plays tournaments like once a month received the 25 gas card 25 match play and 25 foof voucher
i think its an enticement to come in for those of us that go once twice a week like clockwork thay can book that rake as revenue certain
10-04-2013 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by metdude3128
most 1/2 games ive played at foxwoods have about 6 fish, 2 decent players and 1 or 2 solid players. this is a generalization of course...anyone else have this type of analysis?
I would say that this is a pretty big over estimation of the talent in the 1/2nl player pool at foxwoods.
10-04-2013 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Yeah, that guy they hired about 4 months ago. I've heard a couple different rumors as to why so I don't really know the real reason behind it.
But he wrote me that personal note in my rewards mailer... I'm gonna miss him!!
10-04-2013 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
It's common sense. Look around at other "reward" programs. Gas stations or supermarkets that give you points, airlines that give you miles. They don't do that to say "here's a token of our appreciation for visiting us", it's to entice you to continue coming back. "Reward" program, "incentive" program, the name is marketing semantics, it's all the same thing.
Exactly. The only different is Foxwoods Rewards/Incentives are not clearly laid out so you really don't know how to earn what.
10-04-2013 , 07:21 PM
I thought I heard on the radio today that Foxwoods is offering double points on Sundays.
Can anyone confirm this?
If true does it apply to poker?
Thanks in advance
10-04-2013 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
It's common sense. Look around at other "reward" programs. Gas stations or supermarkets that give you points, airlines that give you miles. They don't do that to say "here's a token of our appreciation for visiting us", it's to entice you to continue coming back. "Reward" program, "incentive" program, the name is marketing semantics, it's all the same thing.
But if you purchase groceries, they don't drop your points if you purchase too many, or go to the supermarket too often. I understand enticing new customers. I understand the "open a new card and get xxxx". What makes no sense is treating your rare customers better than you treat your regulars, you know, the ones who help keep your doors open.
10-04-2013 , 08:30 PM
Machine are you strictly poker?
10-05-2013 , 12:14 AM
Yes strictly poker. I had room comps for about a year and change in the past and then they went away. I started to play much more frequently in the last 4 months 2-3 times a week and I still get no offers, while I find people that go rarely still get rooms all the time. It really seems like it's an enticement and once you become a regular you lose this bonus, which frankly sucks for them because they would make more money off me if I had a place I could go crash after a mid week session, rather than have to drive home at night. Much easier to drive home in the morning while tired than at night
10-05-2013 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by the machine
Yes strictly poker. I had room comps for about a year and change in the past and then they went away. I started to play much more frequently in the last 4 months 2-3 times a week and I still get no offers, while I find people that go rarely still get rooms all the time. It really seems like it's an enticement and once you become a regular you lose this bonus, which frankly sucks for them because they would make more money off me if I had a place I could go crash after a mid week session, rather than have to drive home at night. Much easier to drive home in the morning while tired than at night
But see that's just it. Part of the formula is figuring the difference between the overall profit in giving you the room vs without. They've determined that, although you may give an increase in play with comped rooms, that increase in revenue doesn't overcome the accounting cost of said rooms. So they don't do it.

Think about it from the business perspective: Who are you going to give comp rooms to - the guy who plays once/month who you want to try to get here more often, or the guy who plays 3 time/week and is seemingly here regardless?
10-05-2013 , 03:40 AM
Unfortunately unless you play slots or TGs every now and then your offers will keep decreasing
10-05-2013 , 05:20 AM
And don't believe what poker players say, the ones that say "I only play poker and get 2 free nights a week" are usually full of it as I've seen some of them degen at craps/slots etc
10-05-2013 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by jh12547
Unfortunately unless you play slots or TGs every now and then your offers will keep decreasing
I know the comp system is impossible to handicap ... But what would guess they are looking for in slot play dollar wise.coupled with poker
10-06-2013 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
And don't believe what poker players say, the ones that say "I only play poker and get 2 free nights a week" are usually full of it as I've seen some of them degen at craps/slots etc
of course some of them are lying, but being a 35/hr week reg at 1-2 or 2-5 will be enough to earn king and get 2 free rooms/week, so it obviously can be done
10-06-2013 , 10:38 AM
of course I am like 4 months late understanding I don't get 10 points a week anymore so now I get to say "that sucks".

FARGO brought insane PLO action-was a great day yesterday for mixed games/PLO games etc.

Wish I had played that stuff all day instead of busting the 300 in spectacular fashion.
10-06-2013 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
And don't believe what poker players say, the ones that say "I only play poker and get 2 free nights a week" are usually full of it as I've seen some of them degen at craps/slots etc
I haven't played poker or anything in a year and got free room offeres I used rescently. Used the room offeres 2x without playing anything in a year .
10-06-2013 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by PardoG
of course I am like 4 months late understanding I don't get 10 points a week anymore so now I get to say "that sucks".

FARGO brought insane PLO action-was a great day yesterday for mixed games/PLO games etc.

Wish I had played that stuff all day instead of busting the 300 in spectacular fashion.
Damnit. We need to have a FARGO alert in this thread next time so I don't miss out.
10-06-2013 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by 413AceKing
Damnit. We need to have a FARGO alert in this thread next time so I don't miss out.
At one point there was 4 PLO games (2/5 PLO, two 1/2 PLO/PLO8 mix and one 1/2PLO high only) 8/16 HORSE, 5/10 Omaha8 full kill and 10/20 OE half kill
10-07-2013 , 02:07 AM
A great weekend of plo action, except I can't even hit a 53 outter to save my life.

Next plo event Oct 23 350+50 rebuy tourney during the World Poker Finals. Takeout seems high, plus another 3% taken out of the total 400, but it is what it is. Hoping for a good turnout and great cash plo action through the weekend
10-07-2013 , 03:34 AM
How are the 2/5 and 5/10 games at Foxwoods nowadays?

I see talk of people getting comped rooms. The heck? Does that come out of your normal comp rate or what?
10-09-2013 , 07:41 AM
Was the bad-beat jackpot hit in holdem recently?
Foxwoods website has the jackpot at $1.00. That cannot be correct, can it?
