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02-21-2013 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rinny
Haha, my plan was to act the part of "little **** internet kid" as much as possible because it seems to tilt the **** out of live players. I do play in a 50n- excuse me .25/.5 home game , so I've already learned raising KTo in middle position is a great way to pick up 6 players to the flop LOL.
I was just breaking balls. I don't think using online speak would tilt anyone at the table, but people on the live poker forums will likely give you **** for it. (Like Dominic's post to another user that I quoted.)

If you haven't already, search the forums a bit. There are a ton of post about transitioning from online to live since BF.

Good luck!
02-21-2013 , 06:22 PM
Hi Fellas -

Wondering what you all have found to be the best days & times to play $1-$2NL at the woods. Fri & Sat are pretty much a given, but optimal times for weekdays / weeknights and Sundays?
02-21-2013 , 06:40 PM
Whenever you want to play. If you are good, you will win moneys, if not, you will lose. Obviously weekends are better on average, but other than that its luck of the draw and table selection.
02-21-2013 , 06:59 PM
How do you table select at foxwoods for $1-$2? Is it (Join List)>(Do a walkaround scoping for vpip and maniacs)>(sit at the first seat you come up on the list)>(Request Table Transfer to the table(s))>(switch to the best seat if possible)?

-Do you periodically get up from your table to check for better ones once already seated?

Thanks, hope this is specific enough to foxwoods to be in this thread. I am new to foxwoods and casino mechanics in general
02-21-2013 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Stoic5
How do you table select at foxwoods for $1-$2? ,,,,
After you get called from the list and seated at any table (usually you won't have a choice when you first sit down), look around periodically at other tables. If you see one which looks a lot better to you, ask floor for a transfer to it (or to be put on transfer list if no seats are open there).
You should be able to make $ at pretty much any 1/2 if you're any good. But you will need to adapt a bit to live poker.
Lots of other threads have been written on this, also on how to identify a "good" table.
02-21-2013 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by MJ88
After you get called from the list and seated at any table (usually you won't have a choice when you first sit down), look around periodically at other tables. If you see one which looks a lot better to you, ask floor for a transfer to it (or to be put on transfer list if no seats are open there).
You should be able to make $ at pretty much any 1/2 if you're any good. But you will need to adapt a bit to live poker.
Lots of other threads have been written on this, also on how to identify a "good" table.
Thanks, will search for them and read up.
02-21-2013 , 07:40 PM
Foxwoods is such a joke. I was at the casino all night on 16th-17-18-19th and played blackjack(i must've played 35 hours) I bet from at start $200 a hand to 1k a hand, i managed to win 30k and early on the 20th i asked the pitboss if he could get me hooked up for another day. He told me to go talk to a host, so i went downstairs and talked to 2 different people and they both said"no your points are like your comps and we can give you a discounted room " they also said"you won on your last 6 months here so we cant give you any extra comps"

I went back to the stargazer to tell the pitboss what i just was told and told him idc about the $89 it costs for a room i said something along the lines of"if this casino is making me run all over the place and beg for a $100 room then im done and will just gamble at mohegan" I simply figured after playing an 11 hr session at that time i was tired and simply wanted someone to just callup the hotel lobby or whatever and gimme another day. ONce i told the pitboss that, someone came upstairs and he told me i was all set for another night, but in future dont expect anything if im up $$$. I laughed and said ok. I truly couldnt believe it.

Foxwoods worst comp service by far, vegas or AC would be offering limos i bet to guys who bet $500 a hand for long periods of time. I even told them im not gonna come back

fwiw im not a super degen fully- i was up 2k after a poker session so decided to"degen it up" with 1k in the pit and just ran like god.. i wasnt risking much
02-21-2013 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
Foxwoods is such a joke. I was at the casino all night on 16th-17-18-19th and played blackjack(i must've played 35 hours) I bet from at start $200 a hand to 1k a hand, i managed to win 30k and early on the 20th i asked the pitboss if he could get me hooked up for another day. He told me to go talk to a host, so i went downstairs and talked to 2 different people and they both said"no your points are like your comps and we can give you a discounted room " they also said"you won on your last 6 months here so we cant give you any extra comps"

I went back to the stargazer to tell the pitboss what i just was told and told him idc about the $89 it costs for a room i said something along the lines of"if this casino is making me run all over the place and beg for a $100 room then im done and will just gamble at mohegan" I simply figured after playing an 11 hr session at that time i was tired and simply wanted someone to just callup the hotel lobby or whatever and gimme another day. ONce i told the pitboss that, someone came upstairs and he told me i was all set for another night, but in future dont expect anything if im up $$$. I laughed and said ok. I truly couldnt believe it.

Foxwoods worst comp service by far, vegas or AC would be offering limos i bet to guys who bet $500 a hand for long periods of time. I even told them im not gonna come back

fwiw im not a super degen fully- i was up 2k after a poker session so decided to"degen it up" with 1k in the pit and just ran like god.. i wasnt risking much
Mohegan doesn't give anything away either
02-22-2013 , 12:42 AM
Was playing 1-2 today from 111am till 6. Plenty of action on my table (under the arch) and tons of games running throughout the afternoon.
02-22-2013 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
Foxwoods is such a joke. I was at the casino all night on 16th-17-18-19th and played blackjack(i must've played 35 hours) I bet from at start $200 a hand to 1k a hand, i managed to win 30k and early on the 20th i asked the pitboss if he could get me hooked up for another day. He told me to go talk to a host, so i went downstairs and talked to 2 different people and they both said"no your points are like your comps and we can give you a discounted room " they also said"you won on your last 6 months here so we cant give you any extra comps"

I went back to the stargazer to tell the pitboss what i just was told and told him idc about the $89 it costs for a room i said something along the lines of"if this casino is making me run all over the place and beg for a $100 room then im done and will just gamble at mohegan" I simply figured after playing an 11 hr session at that time i was tired and simply wanted someone to just callup the hotel lobby or whatever and gimme another day. ONce i told the pitboss that, someone came upstairs and he told me i was all set for another night, but in future dont expect anything if im up $$$. I laughed and said ok. I truly couldnt believe it.

Foxwoods worst comp service by far, vegas or AC would be offering limos i bet to guys who bet $500 a hand for long periods of time. I even told them im not gonna come back

fwiw im not a super degen fully- i was up 2k after a poker session so decided to"degen it up" with 1k in the pit and just ran like god.. i wasnt risking much
I was betting 1k-3k a hand bj for like 8 hours and never got a single thing besides points, place is the worst of all time
02-22-2013 , 11:47 AM
Actually- 2 yrs ago during a big life meltdown when i gambled at mohegan i hit sagamore in like 3 days, then the next level after that in a week. That casino offered me trips and pickup service, hotels 7 nights a week everything. They even gave me $500 matchplay on my birthday for the time and the yr after.

I still cant believe how bad foxwoods is, i know people who play bingo 7 days a week and 1/2 and 4/8 limit holdem, they get free rooms 5 days a week. I know a guy who plays 3 card poker 25 a hand and did it for months and he gets rooms. I bet pink and orange for at least 30 hours and i gotta BEG for a $100 room ? lol foxwoods seriously. If i was a manager or big decision maker i would want all the big spenders to spend more days, i woulda offered someone like me, spa treatment golf lessons a week at their best suite they had and high roller bar, and then just hope i gave action back.

Ok i should stop ranting, im just surprised in how they treat people, another big thing which i dont care about was beggers. Are you people aware at the amount of BEGGARS there are mostly at the rainmaker area? I had at least 20 people tell me lines from"im your gl charm whenever i watch people start winning" "i saw a guy win 72k on this table over here last night follow me ill show you a lucky table you win i promise! then get me on backend" i heard " I Can count if i snap my fingers i want you to LET IT RIDE!" i even had 1 lady stand behind me and say"can i have just 1 of your chips?" im like"this chip?(and held up a 1) shes like no the one you're betting and Im like"how do you expect me to give you $500 when i have no idea who you are? did you ever get this out of someone before" She said i should stop being greedy and its only 1 chip LOL, then said"in the end it will work for you" I assume she was a hooker. I have had 10 people watching my tables when i bet 500 and 1k, i did it so much i was afraid to go to the bathroom cuz you never know- i always just went straight up to my room all alone.

I saw a guy sit down watch me play blackjack, he'll see me get a 5 and 6 and dealer would be showing a 4 and he'll be like"ahh thats a nice hand put more $$ down double double" Ill put more chips out obviously and get a 21 and win and he'll be like"see you listen to me you win $$ i know what im doing" IF i surrendered on 16 vs a A or something he'd say"you're smart you decide to save $$ in bad situations" Basically the guy just said everything good expecting a handout. The same guy followed me to roullette and started saying random"lucky #s" hoping i bet it and hit to throw him $$$" followed me to texas holdem against house game and told me"yesyes bet that" when i had top pair and its an obvious bet. MOral of stories are foxwoods is a complete joke and they lost control of everything or they like degens watching and railing and begging their good customers/rant. POker only from now on i guess

BTW prizminferno- are you who i think you are? we played 5/10 twice now?
02-22-2013 , 12:29 PM
The beggars are very annoying. Whenever I get people like that on me while I'm playing I eye-communicate to the pit boss that I want them gone, and then they'll be told to leave.
02-22-2013 , 01:51 PM
You guys think it would be possible to get a SNG satellite going for the 2500?
02-22-2013 , 02:14 PM
id snap get in ^. Im debating on entering that tourney anyway. im looking forward to the 500 6max
02-22-2013 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
You guys think it would be possible to get a SNG satellite going for the 2500?
What would that look like? Something like $500+50, top 2?
02-22-2013 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
What would that look like? Something like $500+50, top 2?
Exactly. It's 2500 exactly for the main right?
02-22-2013 , 02:31 PM
02-22-2013 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
What would that look like? Something like $500+50, top 2?
They run a $560, top 2 get 2500. I'm sure they would have no problem renaming this to get more interest.
02-22-2013 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by CammyCash
They run a $560, top 2 get 2500. I'm sure they would have no problem renaming this to get more interest.
Ah that's right, they call them "cash satellites".
02-22-2013 , 02:59 PM
They should be soft, id do a bunch of them if allowed to sell after you win 1 ticket? is that allowed anyone know?

Im not a satty player, are people begging for chopping these 3 handed normally? WHen i did the normal sngs i useda always politely decline and get hated for it.... unless some people would even chop when i had like 3 bbs lol.
02-22-2013 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
They should be soft, id do a bunch of them if allowed to sell after you win 1 ticket? is that allowed anyone know?

Im not a satty player, are people begging for chopping these 3 handed normally? WHen i did the normal sngs i useda always politely decline and get hated for it.... unless some people would even chop when i had like 3 bbs lol.
U should get cash if you already won one
02-22-2013 , 04:11 PM
I am who you think I am, mark. We played yesterday
02-22-2013 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
They are who we thought they were, AND WE LET EM OFF THE HOOK!!!
02-22-2013 , 04:35 PM
thought so^ would you wanna get a pretty plo going even NLO if allowed(4k at 5 10 or 10 20 ) ? willing to start hu until more joined
directed@ priz

Last edited by Mark275; 02-22-2013 at 04:35 PM. Reason: directed at wrong person
02-22-2013 , 10:33 PM
Drive an hour for a PLO game. Ran out of dealers. Excellent job Foxwoods.
