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Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16

10-09-2011 , 09:10 PM
Anyone know how many players the Wednesday night tourney gets?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-09-2011 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by acdawg712
plan to get there around 11 ish. will take a look at plo, and depending on the lineup, at the very least play if there i have to go on the waitlist.
I was in the PLO lineup for a bit, adding sizable juiciness to it. Hope you got in a bit before heading to the other game.

Any 4 will do, right?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-09-2011 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Berge20
I was in the PLO lineup for a bit, adding sizable juiciness to it. Hope you got in a bit before heading to the other game.

Any 4 will do, right?
I was the asian kid in the blue button down who got stacked 3 times before storming off. I didn't get there till about 12:30 AM ish. Were you there then?

I continued to run bad at 2/5 so I came back when my friend told me we was going to play every hand pre and betting based on board texture/position and would only look at this cards if facing a bet. He managed to pass around 3-4k to the table, mostly to 2 guys. I got lucky enough to triple up one hand, but after that he bought in again, and about 30 minutes, had about 4k in front of him, stacking both the players he had previously gifted, and had broken even and the game.

I did stop by 5/10 mixed and had to go the list, and I believed I talked to Lyrrad based on reading some posts here. Looked pretty fun, maybe next time.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 08:08 AM
Nah, I had moved back to 2/5 by then. Sounds like you guys were having a good time though.

Love PLO, but had spewed off enough. Just terrible at it. Really should have learned it online before BF.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 11:01 AM
I see the sched is up for the Fall Poker Open

Main Event Schedule

For the bounty events, e.g. Black Chip bounty, do you bring the black chip with you (i.e. you get it yourself from the casino cashier) to the event, or do you buy it at the sign in desk?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 12:04 PM
Bring it with you. They have will probably have a chip cart but there is usually a line.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 12:36 PM
How many runners do they typically get for friday's tourneys?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 08:22 PM
Keep in mind if the cage has a long line, or if they want to be a bitch about buying odd #s of chips (like if you want 60 in red), you can go to ANY TABLE GAME and buy whatever # of chips you want in whatever denomination you want.

Don't try to buy 300 in red off a game and walk, that'll piss them off since they'll have to do a fill. But if you want a single green/black/purple, or a few reds, just go to an empty table and buy them there.

Another thing you can do at the cage if you want say, 60 in red, or 400 in green, is buy the full 500 in green, then pull 4 chips out of the rack once they hand it to you and request cash for it. They won't mind. The people working there only refuse to give you 400 in green because by procedure they're not allowed to.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by onecardpoker
Keep in mind if the cage has a long line, or if they want to be a bitch about buying odd #s of chips (like if you want 60 in red), you can go to ANY TABLE GAME and buy whatever # of chips you want in whatever denomination you want.

Don't try to buy 300 in red off a game and walk, that'll piss them off since they'll have to do a fill. But if you want a single green/black/purple, or a few reds, just go to an empty table and buy them there.

Another thing you can do at the cage if you want say, 60 in red, or 400 in green, is buy the full 500 in green, then pull 4 chips out of the rack once they hand it to you and request cash for it. They won't mind. The people working there only refuse to give you 400 in green because by procedure they're not allowed to.
You've had them refuse to give you 400 in green? That makes no sense to me.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 09:09 PM
they only do full racks. 500 in green is the minimum
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by SIThomer
they only do full racks. 500 in green is the minimum
500 in green is a full stack not a rack. I assume you mean you have to buy in increments of 20 chips. This makes sense but must be true only for greens on down as I've bought single black and purple chips.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2011 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by GTL
You've had them refuse to give you 400 in green? That makes no sense to me.
Yep, it's true for greens and lower. I routinely go to the cage to buy 3 - 4 orange chips, or color up orange to grey, or break grey to orange, and I've seen people hand em 5K and ask for a single grey. (So it's perfectly fine for them to count out 4 orange chips for me, but NOT OK to count out 4 green chips for someone??)

Next time you go, give em 400 bucks and ask for green and see what they say. Or give $50 and ask for red.

It really is stupid. I mean yeah, the idea is they don't trust the employees to count the # of chips correctly so they want to keep odd chip transactions to a minimum (hence why they'll only do it for black+) and only sell stacks of 20, but aren't these same people counting odd #s of chips for cash outs? Either way, if you want an odd # of small chips go buy it off a table game.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Meekmill
They need more plo at the borgata if anything plo plo plo woot I was in a sick game during the series and does anyone know when the fall is gettting posted what?
the fall schedule here,
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 10:25 AM
was in the 7 seat yesterday at 40-80 any 2 + 2 out there at the table?

you'll know which one I was ;-)
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 10:49 AM
I'm coming in Sunday for the 300k Guaranteed. I'll probably get there at 2 PM, but the hotel doesn't allow check-ins until 5 PM. (kinda ridiculous) Does the hotel have somewhere to hold bags or should I just lug my bags with me to the poker tables??Thanks
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 11:10 AM
jrda you can check in and check your bags way before 5pm. They may or may not have a room ready but you can get yourself all checked in and then only go back to the line for room keys after whatever time they give you. The 5pm Sunday check in is on the late side but in my experience they usually have rooms ready long before that.

I would love to see some clarity from Stan on the chip purchasing discussion. It seems like another one of those things that there is no clear rule on and even less clear enforcement of whatever that rule is. I have personally tried to purchase chips higher than green in off amounts (not 20) and been told that you can't but there are people itt saying they have. I don't really have an issue with the full stick only rule just would like to know if it only applies to certain colors and what they are. Stan is there any way this could be posted at the cages to avoid confusion? Seems like it would be a pretty simple thing to do.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 11:30 AM
It sounds like you haven't stayed at Borgata before. If I am wrong, I apologize. To the immediate right of the hotel check in desk is Bell Services, where you can store your baggage. If you come in the through the front entrance, it will be directly to your left. Through the parking lot, turn right when you get into the actual casino area and follow the path until you get to the desk. You will pass by Bell Services first.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by acdawg712
It sounds like you haven't stayed at Borgata before. If I am wrong, I apologize. To the immediate right of the hotel check in desk is Bell Services, where you can store your baggage. If you come in the through the front entrance, it will be directly to your left. Through the parking lot, turn right when you get into the actual casino area and follow the path until you get to the desk. You will pass by Bell Services first.
I call BS...if you really knew wtf you were talking about you would be able to provide the exact number of steps it is from the door to the desk (+/- for height obv.).
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 11:56 AM
i plan on going down thanksgiving wkend, and i know in the past there's a pretty big tournament that black friday, any info on it this year? buy in and start time? gtd prizepool? thanks
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by hamsamich
I call BS...if you really knew wtf you were talking about you would be able to provide the exact number of steps it is from the door to the desk (+/- for height obv.).
I never know what I'm talking about - just ask my wife or kids.

However, I've given $10 at check in and usually get a room key right away.
FYI - if no room is available when you check in, you don't have to wait in line again for your room key. They can issue them at the bell desk where you check your bags.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by jrda88
I'm coming in Sunday for the 300k Guaranteed. I'll probably get there at 2 PM, but the hotel doesn't allow check-ins until 5 PM. (kinda ridiculous) Does the hotel have somewhere to hold bags or should I just lug my bags with me to the poker tables??Thanks
Ive received a room as early as noon and never later than 2pm. My usual plan is to leave my bag in the car, check in and if I get a room, go back and get my bag. If I don't get a room, I get in a game and get my room from the bell desk whenever I take a break.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by jrda88
I'm coming in Sunday for the 300k Guaranteed. I'll probably get there at 2 PM, but the hotel doesn't allow check-ins until 5 PM. (kinda ridiculous) Does the hotel have somewhere to hold bags or should I just lug my bags with me to the poker tables??Thanks
The surface parking is right near the poker room. An option would be to leave your bags in the car, and then short walk from the table to the parking lot.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by F0RCE F1VE
The surface parking is right near the poker room. An option would be to leave your bags in the car, and then short walk from the table to the parking lot.
how do you get to the surface parking lot? can you still use the parking coupons? thanks!
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by F0RCE F1VE
The surface parking is right near the poker room. An option would be to leave your bags in the car, and then short walk from the table to the parking lot.
Don't have a car this time around, taking the bus as it actually saves money on gas and trying not to put miles on the car (getting up there in age lol + coming from Pittsburgh)

But thanks for all the quick responses. First time staying at the B, should be a great time. Hopefully I can get a room around 2 or so, but if not its nice to know I can check my bags ahead of time. See you all there Sunday! Hoping the 2/5 games are still juicy
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-11-2011 , 05:56 PM
You can absolutely check in before do five. I always do.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
