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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

05-27-2016 , 10:01 PM
and 4th for like 4.7k, annoying end in 11th and 29th in the fast 109 and hot 44 as well

one of these days will get around to the post i want to make, hopefully one day next week
05-28-2016 , 06:55 AM
it is really super hard to follow how much money you actually make

how much action of the hypersats do you have for starters?
05-28-2016 , 11:20 AM
^^ lol you ask that as if he owes you an anwser
05-28-2016 , 05:59 PM
Yeah really not anyone's business how much he makes or what is cut is. Does it even matter anyways? Btwn him and his backers someone is winning/losing tons of money at a time. It's entertaining to watch the swings either way without knowing his exact income lol.
05-28-2016 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
it is really super hard to follow how much money you actually make

how much action of the hypersats do you have for starters?
bout tree fiddy
05-28-2016 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
it is really super hard to follow how much money you actually make

how much action of the hypersats do you have for starters?
Yea Jdawg , we reallly need to see your bank statements to bring this thread a bit of legitimacy.
05-29-2016 , 04:41 AM
last 10 years of tax returns too

oh god what am i saying
05-29-2016 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by squire1888
bout tree fiddy
05-29-2016 , 05:16 PM
well his net worth is almost entirely dependent on how he values his brand anyways
05-29-2016 , 05:26 PM
I just wanted to know how hard that -100k day was in real terms.
05-30-2016 , 01:20 AM
Holy ****, lot of stuff to respond to.

Will just once again say thanks much to each and every person that posted in here to congratulate me or tell me gl or whatever, I've now read each of those posts 3x and I always have a big smile on my face anytime I'm reading back over that last week of SCOOP

Also shoutout to ccuster, siggo, debacle and others who were on the rail and posting itt, was pretty cool to go back and read all the updates and actually reminded me of a cpl things I forgot happened

Originally Posted by B3RTstare
Good to see all the hard work paying off. Really happy for you
I will single out this congrats post though as B3rt has always supported me and believed in me (at least outwardly/to me ), even when I got in 200k+ makeup. I'm sure inwardly you were quite worried about me being a huge bust, especially as you bought my MU at a super high price and my literal first full month on stake I lost like 75k and it didn't get better from there lol; very glad I was able to turn it around!

Will always be forever grateful for everything you've done for me and continue to do for me, glad to be apart of #TeamApex

Originally Posted by b1ochemical
Railed those 3.4ks for a good time and you ran absolutely brutal. No luck whatsoever, even when you grabbed a lead, the microstakcs(1-2bb) kept coming back and sucking out on you non-stop.
Keep your head up, you got this boss!
Yea, that **** is always really annoying in the sats and is one of the most tilting things to deal with at the highest stakes, due to so few games running per year

Originally Posted by coinflipper
does a day like yday affect the games you play going forward minimally,massively, or not at all? just curious how many days like that you could potentially have before you would have to change something.
Not at all, my EV was nice given how poorly I ran all day long, and a -100k day, where all of it comes from the 3.4ks is only a -30 BI day, thats the really sick thing about it all haha!

Originally Posted by Cooozy
I know how you feel, I had a some crazy swings at the $1.50s.

Originally Posted by RE-DOUGH
Been following your thread and thank you for doing it. Few questions. I'm sure you have had 100k winning days too but do you ever stop loss at a certain amount of games or dollar amount? You work very hard to hit 100k profit for the year than drop it all in one day. I saw the EV graph and that has to tilt anyone even the zen master? I hope you make it all back in one day too. GL out there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well selling a lot of action helps in that regard, the -100k day was massively bad for my HS-nosebleed investor but not that bad for me. I'm not sure how I'd react to things like this if I didn't sell action, but I also couldn't fathom me ever playing the 3.4ks for >33% of myself/stake br just due to the absurd swings that the hyper sats present along with limited volume. I've talked more in depth about it before, but I keep very little of the 3.4k+ games, highest I've had in $/game I think was WCOOP 3.5ks where kept 10% (and 5% of the 1 17,340 that went off)

Originally Posted by Grammen1985
vgg mate ! i was always wondering if it would be more profitable for u to grind exclusively mtts especially w the changes in sne. U seem to crash hsmtt.
I'd have a tonnn of work to do on my mtt game if I were to super excel at hsmtts, but do think I do a lot of things right. Maybe we'll find out next year, who the hell knows what will happen to hyper sat and 25bb traffic if all rb is 30% or less!

Originally Posted by 0desmu1
You're a legend J-dawg!

Thanks for being an inspiration and a reminder that smart, hard, and consistent work through dark times pays off in the end. Good luck from here on out.
Thanks broski <3. No more pcove, sad times lol

Originally Posted by Gramps
Also looks like a good JDawg saddle spot for a giddy up horsey MS Paint Job.
Lolz <3, loved all your other posts between 2p2 and fb too

Originally Posted by Liquidd14
100k daily swong net worth <100k wut

Originally Posted by coinflipper
you can change the sharkscope charts like swap out avg roi for total roi, if you have the paid version
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
we don't know if has that in his budget
Hahah uhren, yea I just always use avg for the lolz, makes some of the SS lines more funny as we've seen

Originally Posted by El P
i love this thread. awesome work mate.

Q re your bustout hand when you took 3rd in the 1k, was it a mistake? not the c/shove, that seems pretty standard, but defending 84o with only 11bb or so left? i'm not a tourney player so have no idea. either way, sick run and followup to that mega ass day before.
Think defending there was fine, we were 3/3 by quite a lot at that point, could be a fold but meh, I don't like folding my bb

Originally Posted by debacle
glgl man

also watched nanonoko change your tag from orange to yellow when you folded bvb w 8bb or something at 15k/30k, thought it was funny, he asked "is this guy just trying to mincash?"

hope you take it down
Originally Posted by LoctoBong
"How did this Slayer guy get top 5?!!" - Nanonoko lol
Originally Posted by U-n-o

gg Slayer, excellent results!
Originally Posted by CCuster_911

I only watched like 30 minutes with like 13 left but i did see nanonoko raise AKhh bvb then check fold the T83r flop.

Glass houses
Lol nano, heard about this from some others as well

Originally Posted by 4GET2PWNED0
sick heart, congrats! hope youre goin to the wsop, gotta ride that rush kid. wont have a prob sellin action if ya wanna
No WSOP for me, 10mil lifetime vpp chase!

Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
Hahaaaa, immediately checked the lobby when I woke up and fistpumped and sorta yelled 'BAM' when I say your name up top Huuuuuge congrats!
Haha this made me legit lol too, loved all your posts and rail chat and everything all series long, know I pm'd you but much <3 and hope you have a great summer grind!

Originally Posted by U shove i call

I remember us playing $2 180 competitions in 09 how times change eh (for one of us)

Man, so long ago. Gl in LV this summer, believe I saw you selling in the live mp

Originally Posted by a octopus


Also, this post sparked the next bit of conversation, figured I would quote it as well since so much **** got said

Originally Posted by jdawg91
Haha, big post will eventually be coming, but thanks again all <3. Got some sad news for you all though, I had a ridic small % of these High events. Hindsight is obviously always 20/20, in the past, part of how I got so buried in makeup was by bricking SCOOP and not selling a ton of the 1k and 2k events, and after clearing the ridic amount of MU I said I'd never allow myself to get super stuck in a ****ty situation like that again and have held true to my word on that.

So yea,I was only even playing the High events to begin with because I wanted to play the late reg hyper sats, so I sold massive %'s of the events (massive like 90%). Basically, the way I approached this, was that I wanted to be freerolling the events by a lot after the late reg sats to the event so that the results in the actual events didn't even matter (as in, the amount of money I'd/stake BR would personally lose in MTTs wouldn't really affect my personal sng profit) given the toughness of the fields and just the obvious massive variance in mtts. And when we think about the reality of the situation, each time I clicked reg on one of these H events I was probably only making $100-$200 and again, simply would not have played at all if I was not grinding the late reg hyper sats, so any profit off of them is quite literally just free money

I'm not sad about it though, I was just in a ton of makeup with b3rt and I've cleared that by a bit which is great considering my abi on stake isn't super high anymore (again, from selling pieces of the higher stake sngs; I was in about 650 sng abi's of MU on the stake br with B3rt after a really rough end of march and bad april and the rough patch during SCOOP before the upswing). My nosebleed investor, who lost a ton of money investing in me last yr due to my runbad in the 3.5k hyper sats made a load of money off of me in these mtts as he buys all the mtt action I sell. I'm really happy about that; felt ****ty that he lost like a quarter mil due to the 3.5ks last yr and he made all that back plus some more!

But yea, so I didn't really make much off of these scores, but cleared an amount of MU that would have taken at least a few months to grind out of most likely; would have been nice to bink some L or M event instead as I had 100% of most of them on the stake br and get a cut massively in my favor, but hey, will take what I can get .

Anyway, didn't wake up in time for the cubed event yday, did play the 3max and busted the 215 quickly and the 2k somewhat close to ITM with 2 bounties. Today busted 3 off the $ in the 2k mixmax which was annoying, ~30 off the money in the 2100 6m psko semi turbo 88<KQo for heaps of chips

Tomorrow will be a big day though, not planning to play the 10k but will depend on if there will be late reg sats going on and if my investor really wants me to play or not; atm I don't want to play as I'd rather just be able to play more tables of sngs, but might flick it in if he really wants me in it.

Graph of past 2 day sngs below, gla on a big big sunday!

Originally Posted by Simon2727
Ok... First post after that is rough. Just can't believe what I read... Biggest heater in a decade in your poker career and no life-changing profit comes from more than 400k in 5 days... Really sorry for you but at least you seem to be at peace with it...
Originally Posted by gangip
Don't think you understand how poker works.
Originally Posted by Tre Fiddie Bruh
After reading your most recent post i think you will play better and feel a lot less stress and at ease for sure i know i would be and for a fact all your backers will put you in whatever you want whenever now you can sell anything and im sure also with ease

Gl in the future grinds and hope you win the main event!

P.s 10% of $400k is nice still plenty of good times to be had <3
Originally Posted by Simon2727
No I do. But 90% sold and having this kind of week still has to hurt...

Yea again, to me, I realize that each time I click register on one of those 1k or 2k SCOOPs I'd only gain $100-$250 in EV total, with a ****ton of variance. And due to past bad runs at HS's, I've now become super nitty and keep a pretty low abi and sell off the rest of the action off stake.

I would not have played the events if I wasn't able to much more than freeroll (ev wise) my piece of the target MTT due to playing the late reg hyper sats, basically any money I personally profited off of the MTTs being played I looked at as quite literally free money.

Still really good on my poker resume and my HS-nosebleed investor I'm sure trusts my MTT game a lot more after those results, which is great for the future!

Originally Posted by debacle
yeah but does your investor get 90% of the glory?

didn't think so.
enjoy all of your posts too haha

Originally Posted by YugiohPro
That monthly graph has to be one of the illest things I've seen man. Making in one month probably what only 1% of elite results MTTers will make in an entire year. Here's to a 500k+ year jdawg!
Heyooo, yea was a nice getthereeee. Hope all is well in Yugi-land!

Originally Posted by Mepslol
Just the freaking endboss, show us the 7 figure year!
Amazingly motivating everytime i open your thread, thx for that too
7fig year would be amazing, would need to keep up the runhotttt. Glad I can motivate you as well

Originally Posted by ChanY
what did you think about nandez getting massively heroed down by k high?
Haha yea kind of remember the hand, hated his betsizing iirc

Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
what type of sngs is that? very nice and gs
Almost all hyper satellites, with some of the other 25bb hyper turbos mixed in as well

Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
it is really super hard to follow how much money you actually make

how much action of the hypersats do you have for starters?
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
I just wanted to know how hard that -100k day was in real terms.
Yea I went into more detail on this in the past (I think in a response to pads), but basically keep around 100 abi on stake of everything and then sell off the rest. This is only untrue for the highest stakes, of which like I said above, I kept 5% of the only 17,340 sat that went off. Kept 7.5% of the 3.4ks fwiw.

Slightly annoying, because as I've said, in the past I've kept way higher %'s than this (used to play 500 25bb 100% on stake, same with 357 sats and all mtts up to 320), but due to the runbad and then not making any money in a long time, I decided to go the lower variance route once I cleared the massive amount of makeup i was in

Fwiw, after the -100k day, I was in about 600 abi's of makeup and it would have been a huge pain in the ass to grind out of if not for the big heat to end SCOOP!

__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Well, that was a lot of typing! Pretty tired after all of that heh, had a nice day of SNGs today but mtts didn't go so hot; lost a flip for a top 3 stack in the 4th hour of the 1k, had a lot of mincashes in not that many mtts played but couldn't get anything to come together late, oh well!

Tomorrow the Ruseman and I going out to stock the house up as we're pretty much out of everything, will be a nice day of (likely) no grinding, bar possibly firing a 25bb session tomorrow night.

Tomorrow definitely starting back up with my gum routine and then cold whirpool + sauna room, feel absolutely terrible after being super withered in terms of physical activity all of SCOOP (and then was mostly exhausted this week with SCOOP being over but still needing to grind a lot...basically was catching up on sleep and then anytime I was awake, I was grinding).

Going to attempt to not drink at all starting tomorrow through end of June, minus 1 or 2 evenings if I hangout with someone/go out. Def want to lose a bunch of weight between now and WCOOP and then do better during WCOOP in terms of not being such a trag/lazy, also still have this pinched never in my left leg/foot which is ****ing annoying, hoping with going to the gym every single day to at least ride the bike/treadmill workout and then doing the whirlpool + sauna, along with getting some massages, that it will be healed by the end of June.

Anyway, bunch of graphs below, lets hope the summer grind goes anywhere near as well as the first part of this year

YTD Overall


MTD Overall


Overall SNG SS LB

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 05-30-2016 at 01:29 AM.
05-30-2016 , 03:46 AM
05-30-2016 , 03:54 AM
very very nice man.

sick sun run in MTTs.

what SNG's does Jungle play, never thought Id see him in a SNG leaderboard

GL man, suscribed
05-30-2016 , 06:44 AM
sick graphs man. Was following your thread silently for years but want to tell you: you are a very high motivation to me as I used to be in deep MU aswell. How you turned things around should just show that everything is possible and one should not give up

Gl in the future!
05-30-2016 , 08:51 AM
incredible effort mate
05-30-2016 , 10:12 AM
Great job. Appreciate your responses. Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls to breaking a mil YTD soon

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
05-30-2016 , 11:11 AM
Hey man, just checking in. Anything new?



05-30-2016 , 04:47 PM
such a ****ing badass.

05-31-2016 , 01:50 AM
Interesting that you give yourself 10-15% roi in highstakes SCOOP. Refreshing to see that kind of honest modesty.
06-02-2016 , 10:46 PM
OP clearly taking a break to crush
06-03-2016 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Everest17
Originally Posted by El P
incredible effort mate
Thanks broskis

Originally Posted by Undecisive
very very nice man.

sick sun run in MTTs.

what SNG's does Jungle play, never thought Id see him in a SNG leaderboard

GL man, suscribed
husngs, think almost/almost all 5ks

Originally Posted by Looscontrol-
sick graphs man. Was following your thread silently for years but want to tell you: you are a very high motivation to me as I used to be in deep MU aswell. How you turned things around should just show that everything is possible and one should not give up

Gl in the future!
Heyo, glad you were able to get some motivation out of my writing . Definitely correct in that anything is possible when you have the right mindset and just continue to work hard; the results will come. Variance is a huge bitch, most ppl highly underestimate just how absurd it can be .

I'm sure I'll see ya out there on the mtt grind, glgl

Originally Posted by RE-DOUGH
Great job. Appreciate your responses. Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls to breaking a mil YTD soon

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lets hopeeee!

Originally Posted by Max Cut
Hey man, just checking in. Anything new?



Haha, gold as always . The (monkey) is where it's at though, that's for sure


Originally Posted by thabighurt35
such a ****ing badass.

Originally Posted by thabighurt35
OP clearly taking a break to crush
Hahah <3, yea been grinding pretty hard since SCOOP ended other than taking Wednesday off for a good friends bday!

Originally Posted by 0desmu1
Interesting that you give yourself 10-15% roi in highstakes SCOOP. Refreshing to see that kind of honest modesty.
Yea, I mean, maybe I'm winning at a bigger clip, but I think most ppl are overestimating the edge they actually have in these mtts, who knows though, lol mtts

__________________________________________________ __

Been grinding em up quite a lot, although I hope to ramp it up even more next week in terms of coming back for a 25bb sesh at night or just grinding straight through all day; really only been playing like 11am-5pm my time most days since SCOOP ended.

Had a great time on Wed for oct_c's bday, great time with some friends and some lady friends; also had the local girl meet up with me that same evening with food for me and had some fun w her as well ofc

Studying tonight while rewatching Mr Robot (cant wait for S2 in July!) after an awesome Ollies pizza dinner w oct_c, will hopefully get to bed earlier than I have been so I get to the grind by the Bounty 215 tomorrow if possible; if not, def with the Bounty 44/Big 109

Gla this weekend, will probably start doing ~weekly updates since the summer tends to be pretty slow in terms of action; just trying to keep a good grind routine and get back into the workout/health grind

MTD thus far, as I said I took Mon off so pretty happy with the volume and ofc pleased w the results

06-04-2016 , 01:36 PM
mr robot so f good, zzzz @ month so far
06-06-2016 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
mr robot so f good, zzzz @ month so far
Yea that show is amazing, I usually have a lot of trouble watching more than a couple of tv show episodes per day, but I got through the entire season in 1 day heh. Believe S2 is starting up in July, stokeddd.

You need to update your pg&c more broski


Well, the month has started off quite nicely, hoping to start churning out some sick volume in a few more days after I'm able to study another few hundred 25bb hyper spots. I'm getting somewhat behind on 10mil lifetime pace, although at the end of the day if the nosebleeds dont run during WCOOP I'm ****ed anyway, but no reason to not be grinding my ass off this entire summer anyway.

Had a few mtt runs that didn't pan out so far this month, but I havent been that pleased with how I've played in mtts since SCOOP ended and will focus on playing better/thinking more in spots, made a cpl ridiculously bad spews just due to not taking a couple of extra seconds to think about the spot which is very annoying.

Anyway, slew of graphs and pretty pictures coming again, momentarily hit ~exactly +650k for the year at one point today but lost a bit to end the day, hopefully get back there again tomorrow .

Gla on the tables, might post a cpl freerolls next week for # of times to the gym and grind hours, we'll see how I do this week and I'll eval after Sunday!




Dem SS LBs

Overall SNG LB
06-07-2016 , 02:05 AM
so sick grafz.
Gratz 4 the year bro
06-10-2016 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Grammen1985
so sick grafz.
Gratz 4 the year bro
Thanks boss!


Sitting here bored off my ass 1 tabling the $55 6max event on WPN, sitting 2/20 so at least I have a sweat! But anyway, figd I'd write something real quick and put up a freeroll for next week, starting on Monday, will get to that below in a min.

Interesting week, I felt I played pretty well overall in mtts but am still not feeling like I'm in the zone and going to continue to strive to take the extra second to think about spots etc instead of making too quick of decisions.

Not super happy with a massive pot I played in the 1k Super Tues either, was for >1mil chips at 2500/5000 with 40 left and 2nd place having 600kish at the time so was for a ****ton of equity, I am quite happy that the benefactor of that very hand vs me and my good pal Bparis ended up chopping it HU though, moertelmu has a lot of grinding heart which I can always appreciate and just lots of love for ole bhawg

SNGs been going pretty well though, still have a ton of work to do on my 25bb game and actually need to get around to doing it lulz, hard as I've been hanging out with Oct_c while he's down here and we've been watching NBA etc, hoping after the series is over that I can really buckle down and be all about poker until WCOOP is over!

10mil chase is also going okay, just crossed 8.7million lifetime VPPs either yesterday or today, hoping to just be able to keep a strong pace of about 45k vpps per week until WCOOP starts and then go balls to the wall during all of WCOOP and hopefully be on the home stretch afterwards!

And on to ze freerolls. Going to give 4 $50 freerolls out for each, just post A or B. Will have to think of something creative in the future, just OI right now . And again, this freeroll runs from Monday at 00:01am until Sunday night at 23:59pm my time (PST)

A. 40+ grind hours
B. 4+ gym trips

And finally the graphs, MTD SNGs and then YTD graph below
