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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

06-12-2016 , 11:30 AM
in for freeroll!
06-12-2016 , 01:08 PM
B. 4+ gym trips
06-12-2016 , 01:10 PM
My read is B
06-12-2016 , 05:02 PM
06-12-2016 , 10:59 PM
06-13-2016 , 09:48 AM
06-13-2016 , 10:50 AM
Definitely D

Last edited by zilblitz; 06-13-2016 at 10:51 AM. Reason: This is what the monkey said to pick, so it must be correct
06-13-2016 , 10:52 AM
06-13-2016 , 01:22 PM
In a world filled with so much senseless hate and tragedy, you can always count on a string of comments from beautiful like-minded poker goofballs to restore your faith in humanity and remind you that life is worth living.

Also A please, hope I got in there in time.
06-13-2016 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
In a world filled with so much senseless hate and tragedy, you can always count on a string of comments from beautiful like-minded poker goofballs to restore your faith in humanity and remind you that life is worth living.

Also A please, hope I got in there in time.
I think you're the 4th one. You're lucky!
06-13-2016 , 03:20 PM
06-13-2016 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
It need to be B for long run profit
06-13-2016 , 06:36 PM
I`ll just take both cause at this point, why not?

Last edited by TheJag; 06-13-2016 at 06:57 PM.
06-13-2016 , 07:11 PM
lol jesus

A: pokeris, jesuseats, hoodboy, shipitbuddy
B: dnassume, jakeeck, nefirm, b1o
Should be right, hopefully but pretty hungover after a ridic night out last night lulz

Def good start for you guys lol, 0 grinding and no gym

Somehow missed this entire weekend grind on PS lol, need to do less drinking! I type this as I'm just getting up and about to go out and drink for the NBA and Mexico game lulz, gl me!

Hopefully better update tomorrow, something like 'grinded 10 hours and just got back from the gym,' and a sexy graph to go along with it

Glgl all!
06-14-2016 , 07:36 PM
Op has scammed me for at least 10k in freerolls lifetime ffs tilt
06-15-2016 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Op has scammed me for at least 10k in freerolls lifetime ffs tilt

Well, not as many hours as I wanted to get in and not enough studying after grinding either lol, nice fail. 6 hours though which is a start, and do plan to play a really long session tomorrow, both starting earlier than I did today and grinding much later into the day. 1/4 on the ole gym as well, def will make it over there either before or after I play tomorrow

Shoutout to my buddy Jason Dewitt on shipping the milly maker today, quite sick! And a late gg for Protential on his bracelet W as well!

Anywho, graph of the day below along with the session time, figure I'll just post a screen shot each day as that seems easiest way to track. Gla tomorrow!

06-16-2016 , 02:49 AM
Well, somehow ****ed up my sleep sched even more lol. Didn't wake up today until past 3pm, Hot $215 start time on the PS sched. Played a few hsmtts across a few sites while studying, not counting those hours though. Planning to just start my grind with the early Thurs Thrill in 2 hrs and playing through peak, we'll see if I make it .

Hours: 6/40 (wp boss)
Gym: Gonna be 3/4, going at the top of the hr
06-19-2016 , 04:13 PM
Lol didn't even come close on the hours, only played about 16 hours this week. Did get the gym one done though, but yea, for you 4 that shipped the hours bet, PM me your sn and ill ship one of the next few days

Not grinding today and instead going out for NBA Finals Game 7. Hoping to lock back into grind mode starting Tuesday (got a ****ton of errands to do tomorrow plus maid is doing a full cleaning), cant afford to have another week like this if I want to get to 10mil VPPs

Gla on dat sundayfunday grind!
06-19-2016 , 09:29 PM
Any idea on how much you need to play to reach 10mil Vpps? in terms of hours/volume of games in the next 6 months? Or will it all depend on the month of WCOOP?
06-20-2016 , 01:10 AM
It depends on how many regs are still willing to put in big volume during WCOOP (while not going broke or getting kicked off the site).
07-01-2016 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by shipitbuddy
Any idea on how much you need to play to reach 10mil Vpps? in terms of hours/volume of games in the next 6 months? Or will it all depend on the month of WCOOP?
Nah no idea really, obviously how much the nosebleeds run during WCOOP will matter quite a lot, although it is still doable even without great volume at nosebleeds as long as I work hard. I will go into more detail below

Originally Posted by Gramps
It depends on how many regs are still willing to put in big volume during WCOOP (while not going broke or getting kicked off the site).

__________________________________________________ _

So, we're at the halfway point of the year, been a while since I've updated although it's mostly just a function of me not grinding much this month and spending the rest of the time hanging out w friends watching NBA playoffs or just chillin and having drinks while relaxing or shooting pool etc...don't really have much to say and I always feel like just posting daily graphs are pretty boring updates overall.

Let's first get into the 10mil chase as it is the most important thing (also Sharkscope is down as I'm typing so making the decision easier )

-~1,350,000 VPPs for the year and 8,775,000 VPPs lifetime.

So I am ahead of the 10mil pace I came into on the year, with about 50% of COOP time left (since TCOOP is only 10 days/small series in terms of BI's and SCOOP is only 15 days, whereas WCOOP is 22 days), but behind the personal pace I wanted to be on which was to be on 8.9million at the midway point of the year.

That being said though, it's not like I'm in a bad spot at all, especially given I had to give up a lot of grind time during TCOOP due to Alisha being really sick and her having those 2 surgeries between end of Jan and Mar.

But, I do want to REALLY leave it all out there in July, playing very long days any day where I choose to play. I've had 2 main problems, one being not getting on the grind early enough, usually not starting until the 'blue' major event each day (Super Tues/Thurs Thrill timeslot) which is 11am my time, and then not loading reg speeds past the Big 55 (12pm) or Big 215 (1pm) and turbos past the hot 109 (12:15), rarely end up playing the Hot 215 (3:15pm). So I've been super consistent about playing every day for most of the year, but I tend to only play 4 hours a day lulz, which definitely won't get it done!

I actually had been thinking that, and was curious how many grind hours I had put in this year and lol'd when I looked and saw I had only 'grinded' 807 hours (in terms of sng hours, I've prob spent a bit of time just playing 1-3 mtts at a time but only do that when I'm deep/ft of something big).

That being said, I'm really happy with my results. On the year I'm still EVing ~$200 an hour at sngs which is really nice, just sucks that I'm selling so much of the higher stake action ($200+) due to RB cuts and wanting to curb the variance I can see.

Anyway, my main goal for July is to play 200 hours as I am always a firm believer that if I put in the hours, the VPPs/moneyz will come, so that needs to be my focus!

Moving on, SS is still down, so I can't post a slew of graphs, but will post MTD SNG and then YTD SNG real quick. I actually have no clue how I did results wise in June other than they were really bad . Ran quite bad all around, tis okay though!



Hope everyone had a great month, gl out there!
07-01-2016 , 01:38 AM
Nice short update!
Put my name down for the hours freeroll!
Oooww yeah there is none..........
07-01-2016 , 03:15 AM
Congrats on the scoop score! Been a long time lurker and nice to see all the hard work paid off!
07-01-2016 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by FiveTenss
Nice short update!
Put my name down for the hours freeroll!
Oooww yeah there is none..........
Hahah good thing too, would have lost again surely

Originally Posted by rodgethat
Congrats on the scoop score! Been a long time lurker and nice to see all the hard work paid off!
Thanks broski , gl this summer if you're playing any WSOP


Well, not the best of starts to the month considering I'm not grinding today, but was only thinking I'd end up playing today like 50% of the time so not that bad.

Woke up at 7 not feeling super great, delayed hangover from not getting home until 7:30 am the night before (and didn't sleep well either that night/morning nor last night) and then just had a 4+ hour fb convo starting at 8:30 to start my day. Tis okay though, I wasn't going to be getting out of bed anytime soon when I woke up at 7, so was kind of perfectly timed as now I feel decent and plan to hit the study grind and might load a cpl quick 25bb + sat sessions tonight if I get through enough hands/feeling good about the ole 25bb game.

Anyway, have a couple more graphs to post now that SS is working again.

Full YTD graph

And the SS LBs

And leaving with this; I don't listen to a lot of hip hop or rap, but randomly will like different songs or beats for different reasons. And def not usually someone listening to a lot of **** that is playing on the radio etc. This song has a few random good lines including the first 3 of the first verse, and the random white kid in the vid is pretty golden too lulz. Young Dolph not that great overall, but yea, lets all get paiddd this weekend!

Gla out there <3
07-01-2016 , 09:57 PM
You know poker has gotten boring when even jdawg has stopped jdawg'ing. Can they at least bring back the 17k wcoop HR sats?

Jkjk, enjoyed your progress the last years and glad to see your hard work pay off. Gl chasing the VPP's.
