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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

05-21-2016 , 05:09 AM
haha ggs man,its so good that u kept ur cool after having very brutal losing days just to run them over so hard at the mtts back to back!
05-21-2016 , 05:42 AM
they are talking about you all over twitch poker... people are linking your sharkscope such a sick graph from the last 1.5 months

freakin LEGEND

20K games

-150K downswing to +>450K


jesus christ bro
05-21-2016 , 11:55 PM
Haha, big post will eventually be coming, but thanks again all <3. Got some sad news for you all though, I had a ridic small % of these High events. Hindsight is obviously always 20/20, in the past, part of how I got so buried in makeup was by bricking SCOOP and not selling a ton of the 1k and 2k events, and after clearing the ridic amount of MU I said I'd never allow myself to get super stuck in a ****ty situation like that again and have held true to my word on that.

So yea,I was only even playing the High events to begin with because I wanted to play the late reg hyper sats, so I sold massive %'s of the events (massive like 90%). Basically, the way I approached this, was that I wanted to be freerolling the events by a lot after the late reg sats to the event so that the results in the actual events didn't even matter (as in, the amount of money I'd/stake BR would personally lose in MTTs wouldn't really affect my personal sng profit) given the toughness of the fields and just the obvious massive variance in mtts. And when we think about the reality of the situation, each time I clicked reg on one of these H events I was probably only making $100-$200 and again, simply would not have played at all if I was not grinding the late reg hyper sats, so any profit off of them is quite literally just free money

I'm not sad about it though, I was just in a ton of makeup with b3rt and I've cleared that by a bit which is great considering my abi on stake isn't super high anymore (again, from selling pieces of the higher stake sngs; I was in about 650 sng abi's of MU on the stake br with B3rt after a really rough end of march and bad april and the rough patch during SCOOP before the upswing). My nosebleed investor, who lost a ton of money investing in me last yr due to my runbad in the 3.5k hyper sats made a load of money off of me in these mtts as he buys all the mtt action I sell. I'm really happy about that; felt ****ty that he lost like a quarter mil due to the 3.5ks last yr and he made all that back plus some more!

But yea, so I didn't really make much off of these scores, but cleared an amount of MU that would have taken at least a few months to grind out of most likely; would have been nice to bink some L or M event instead as I had 100% of most of them on the stake br and get a cut massively in my favor, but hey, will take what I can get .

Anyway, didn't wake up in time for the cubed event yday, did play the 3max and busted the 215 quickly and the 2k somewhat close to ITM with 2 bounties. Today busted 3 off the $ in the 2k mixmax which was annoying, ~30 off the money in the 2100 6m psko semi turbo 88<KQo for heaps of chips

Tomorrow will be a big day though, not planning to play the 10k but will depend on if there will be late reg sats going on and if my investor really wants me to play or not; atm I don't want to play as I'd rather just be able to play more tables of sngs, but might flick it in if he really wants me in it.

Graph of past 2 day sngs below, gla on a big big sunday!

05-22-2016 , 12:19 AM
Ok... First post after that is rough. Just can't believe what I read... Biggest heater in a decade in your poker career and no life-changing profit comes from more than 400k in 5 days... Really sorry for you but at least you seem to be at peace with it...
05-22-2016 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Simon2727
Ok... First post after that is rough. Just can't believe what I read... Biggest heater in a decade in your poker career and no life-changing profit comes from more than 400k in 5 days... Really sorry for you but at least you seem to be at peace with it...
Don't think you understand how poker works.
05-22-2016 , 01:08 AM
After reading your most recent post i think you will play better and feel a lot less stress and at ease for sure i know i would be and for a fact all your backers will put you in whatever you want whenever now you can sell anything and im sure also with ease

Gl in the future grinds and hope you win the main event!

P.s 10% of $400k is nice still plenty of good times to be had <3
05-22-2016 , 02:21 AM
yeah but does your investor get 90% of the glory?

didn't think so.
05-22-2016 , 04:28 AM
Now it's time to show your cashier image

Congrats dawg, you well deserve it!
05-22-2016 , 06:15 AM
Hey Josh, this is your investor. Just lending this awesome man's account to post that you really should flick in the 10k.

Much love,


Originally Posted by debacle
yeah but does your investor get 90% of the glory?

didn't think so.
and this obvvvvv
05-22-2016 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by gangip
Don't think you understand how poker works.
No I do. But 90% sold and having this kind of week still has to hurt...
05-22-2016 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
Hey Josh, this is your investor. Just lending this awesome man's account to post that you really should flick in the 10k.

Much love,



Just can't not play.
05-22-2016 , 02:24 PM
Haha, playing the 10k, but mainly bc stars rly ****ed w the sat lobby and there's like nothing to play lol. Also B3rt isn't cool enough to be my nosebleed investor ( when you read this B3rt)

Oh also have heaps in the 2k 8max right now, so maybe we'll have a sweat there later

Gla in the main!
05-22-2016 , 02:59 PM
05-22-2016 , 05:49 PM
Gratz on the scores,

do you have a big % of the SNG's you play?
05-23-2016 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by George Lind III
Pretty exhausted, replies to everyone that asked questions going back to last Saturday (the -100k day) will def come some day soon, just too tired to do so right now and want to wake up to grind sats tomorrow morning; plan to play through busting the 11/109/1k SCOOP psko thingey and then will be done for the day.

Just quick shoutout to ole jorj95 here as he had a great last day of SCOOP winning 6 figs, congrats jorjey . Feel v special that your first post this yr on 2p2 in my pg&c (inlove)

__________________________________________________ ______

Anyway, busted 2 bullets in the 1k ME and the 10k ME, couldn't get much going in either, lost a flip w AKs for like 200k chips at 1750/3500 in the 1k ME and got up to 85kish chips on my 2nd bullet in the 10k but doubled up a few shorties and then AQ<JJ of Olivier Busquet. Was top 25 stack in the 2k 8max for a long while but then that went wrong as well; oh well, definitely can't complain hahah

Gonna let graphs do the rest of my talking, plan to be off to bed sometime soon and then up hopefully about 8:30am my time to hit the grind. Won about 25k at sngs, almost all from the nosebleeds though so nosebleed investor was ~b/e on the day with mtt losses

MTD Overall




Dem SS LBs
05-23-2016 , 04:26 PM
That monthly graph has to be one of the illest things I've seen man. Making in one month probably what only 1% of elite results MTTers will make in an entire year. Here's to a 500k+ year jdawg!
05-24-2016 , 06:50 PM
Just the freaking endboss, show us the 7 figure year!
Amazingly motivating everytime i open your thread, thx for that too
05-26-2016 , 11:07 PM
7/9 in the 1k thrill atm, have collected 2nd most in bounties coming into the ft. got 35th in the 1k on tues too, more runsss
05-26-2016 , 11:09 PM
Good luck I'm railing!!
05-27-2016 , 12:39 AM
4th for 27k, also had a nice day at sngs

05-27-2016 , 01:04 AM
what did you think about nandez getting massively heroed down by k high?
05-27-2016 , 03:25 AM
what type of sngs is that? very nice and gs
05-27-2016 , 09:41 AM
just a casual 27k score.....
05-27-2016 , 08:45 PM
OP 1/9 Big$215 $11k for 1st
05-27-2016 , 08:45 PM
1/9 big 215, 11k up top

edit: too late , tyty!
