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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

07-02-2016 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by cu_<><
You know poker has gotten boring when even jdawg has stopped jdawg'ing. Can they at least bring back the 17k wcoop HR sats?

Jkjk, enjoyed your progress the last years and glad to see your hard work pay off. Gl chasing the VPP's.
Hahah, yeaaa, can't wait for dem WCOOP HS's!

Thanks much , gl out there as well!


So first day back on the grind and I did something I haven't done in a long 8+ hours! I actually had to go all the way back to June 16th to find the last time I played that long (just shy of 8 hours) and there were only 2 6+ hour grinds going back to June 7th.

So yea, quite happy with that, I'm pretty tired right now but that's fine as I just plan to study and go to bed early so I can get started much earlier tomorrow than I have been on the past many Sundays in a row (have even missed I think 2 of the past 5 Sundays too). Additionally hoping that I can get right back into this routine of starting by 8:30am my time (Bounty 44 start) on Tuesday as I plan to take Monday off as the maid is coming for a full cleaning and I'll likely have to go get my car from my mechanic etc.

Today was a good day on the tables, ran pretty hot which is always nice. Did unfortunately go from mounds of chips on the F3Ts of the Sat $320 SKO to busting it in like 13th or something, nothing went my way from about 27 on down but it's okay, saving it up for some Sunday rungoot I hope!

Graph of the day below, like I said, plan to just study and get to bed early...hope everyone has a nice sundayfunday!

07-03-2016 , 02:09 AM
2 quick freerolls as I'm still awake now and need motivation both to quit ****ing around and go to bed and also to make sure I wake up when the alarm goes off in the morning. Last Sunday I set it for 4:30am (5am is the start of the kickoff) and I didn't get up until 9am lol.

Additionally I REALLY need to study some 25bb on Monday on my off day as I'm still just derping around at a $405 abi w/out much study

Freeroll A: 2x$50
I just have to post ITT before the Kickoff starts as I want to start my day then

Freeroll B: 2x$50
After I finish playing my Sunday session, I cannot play again until I post a screenshot/s of me having run at least 250 sims in HRC. The screenshot will look like this, says 'hand 44' on the current sim so easy game to see, probably will be broken into a few separate study sessions

Just post A or B, gogogo, gn and cya in a few hours (hopefully!)
07-03-2016 , 02:24 AM
07-03-2016 , 02:24 AM
07-03-2016 , 02:54 AM
A lol
07-03-2016 , 02:57 AM
07-03-2016 , 03:24 AM
ffs I always miss the freebees (normally you do 3 each!)
I go with B in hopes you change it to 3
07-03-2016 , 03:37 AM
A, gl today sir.
07-03-2016 , 04:00 AM
A, gl

Edit: too slow, used to read an old goal thread of yours, nice work and gl

Last edited by Clubsauce; 07-03-2016 at 04:07 AM.
07-03-2016 , 07:27 AM
Im upppp

Glgl today all
07-03-2016 , 12:38 PM
07-03-2016 , 10:24 PM
07-04-2016 , 09:13 AM
07-05-2016 , 06:11 AM
Have been lazy checking up on my fav PGC threads but seems like ur still beasting it up! GL in July!
07-05-2016 , 11:24 AM

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07-05-2016 , 11:28 AM
Forgot to post but got my hands in

Sunday ran hot at SNGs again, mtts pretty much (rain) but its all good. Sunday after the grind went over to pay my mechanic and ended up going to the bday party of his neighbors son; the neighbor is a local police officer so made for the entertaining evening . Can def say I know a lot more of the local police officers after Sun night as about 8ish of his cop buddies were there and I believe I talked with all but 1 of them. We got a police escort from the location of the bday party to the after party, was pretty funny having 2 cops leading a ****ton of super drunk ppl on the road . Super fun night though w a cpl good local friends, and it's always nice to make some more friends, esp when they have some power

Anyway, bout to go run errands with the Ruseman real quick, we're almost out of food so time to go food shopping . Will be back to hopefully jump right into the 1k and start my day! Gla on the grind


07-06-2016 , 07:23 PM
Ever think about streaming poker on Twitch, you already got a lot of fan boys on there.. you would probably do very well on it
07-07-2016 , 05:30 AM
Great tread, I read it all the way...Very honest and with good info on how much work you need to put into mate
07-09-2016 , 09:20 PM
07-10-2016 , 03:46 AM
Would be cool to watch u play 5,000 sngs in one day streamed on twitch...u could cover your whole cards too
Just for 1 one ever gets to see a real grinder like that at work in real time....would be amazing to see....give it a shot...hit up tonkaaaa or jaime staples to hepp u get software started to stream.....u jcarv makes 10K+ a month streaming .... also i live in LA and hit up Hong kongs all the time bout once a month...u down??
07-14-2016 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Penguin2000
Ever think about streaming poker on Twitch, you already got a lot of fan boys on there.. you would probably do very well on it
Originally Posted by Penguin2000
Would be cool to watch u play 5,000 sngs in one day streamed on twitch...u could cover your whole cards too
Just for 1 one ever gets to see a real grinder like that at work in real time....would be amazing to see....give it a shot...hit up tonkaaaa or jaime staples to hepp u get software started to stream.....u jcarv makes 10K+ a month streaming .... also i live in LA and hit up Hong kongs all the time bout once a month...u down??
Nah, I have 0 interest in doing that at this point in time. Probably won't ever either. I'm not one to want to 'put on a show.' Think I'd rather grind live cash over streaming

Maybe that opinion will change over time, but at this point have 0 interest

Can def PM me if you are hitting up HK, I have super rarely gone the past 10ish months but could be down, dropping a line can never hurt

Originally Posted by pavlelelep
Great tread, I read it all the way...Very honest and with good info on how much work you need to put into mate
Heyo thanks for the words, always puts a smile on my face when someone posts something like this

Originally Posted by blakkman08


Slow start to the month in terms of volume, very slow indeed. Have missed 5 days already this month I think including this past Sunday which was kind of a trag, but w/e I suppose. Had a fun night sat night watching UFC at this new bar in town with some of the poker bros and then we hit up 3 or 4 more bars afterwards as well which was good fun

I always forget to take pics, but this one the bartender snapped and put on their fb page, ruseman and i getting our pre fight drink on; we actually avoided taking shots until the ME, was pretty proud of us both for that

Other than the slow start to the month in terms of volume played, it's not been so bad. Up a decent chunk, got 11th in the 1k Super Tues which was annoying but can't win em all amirite. Studying tonight and then hoping to put in a big weekend grind Fri-Sun. Was superrrr sick last night with the flu bug, hopefully that will be the last illness I have for a while as I am starting to get really behind my planned 10mil pace, need to step it up

Gla on the tables

MTD graph
07-18-2016 , 12:11 AM
Decent Sat/Sun grind after not bothering to grind on Friday outside of 1 hour when the 200+ 25bb was actually running. Action has been terrible, def can't wait for WCOOP so I can get my gamb000000l on

Don't have much to update with, just been grinding a bit, studying a bit, drinking/relaxing a bit, just enjoying my life down here in Mexico as always.

Just gonna post an updated MTD graph, hopefully there will be more action next week . Planning to take tomorrow off to study, relax and run errands with Ruse, Tues-Sun should all be grind days, prob take either Wed or Thurs night off to relax, potentially go make a TJ run, only been to TJ 1x since before SCOOP started which is pretty absurd :O

07-18-2016 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Decent Sat/Sun grind after not bothering to grind on Friday outside of 1 hour when the 200+ 25bb was actually running. Action has been terrible, def can't wait for WCOOP so I can get my gamb000000l on

Don't have much to update with, just been grinding a bit, studying a bit, drinking/relaxing a bit, just enjoying my life down here in Mexico as always.

Just gonna post an updated MTD graph, hopefully there will be more action next week . Planning to take tomorrow off to study, relax and run errands with Ruse, Tues-Sun should all be grind days, prob take either Wed or Thurs night off to relax, potentially go make a TJ run, only been to TJ 1x since before SCOOP started which is pretty absurd :O

Got to admit these month results are insane for a low stakes/micro stakes guy like me! Even in Europe this amount is easily a years worth of hard work in a job! And that's gross earnings then when you take of taxes in a Western country you get left with maybe 25k.
A couple of years like that and you be retiring sipping pina coladas on a beach side
07-18-2016 , 07:10 AM
wow ur a boss
07-20-2016 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by FiveTenss
Got to admit these month results are insane for a low stakes/micro stakes guy like me! Even in Europe this amount is easily a years worth of hard work in a job! And that's gross earnings then when you take of taxes in a Western country you get left with maybe 25k.
A couple of years like that and you be retiring sipping pina coladas on a beach side
Well, I sell a ton of action so not like I'm seeing anywhere near it all anyway . But is also nice when days like today happen and I'm hardly taking any of the loss

But yea, def right, I'm pretty lucky to be able to do what I do; most of the kids I graduated high school with are stuck in tons of student debt, many times don't even have a job with a bright future, and will be stuck like that for the rest of their lives; very glad I chose the path I took, although there have been many regrets along the way (mostly WRT money management/game selection/etc, but at least I learned I suppose )

Originally Posted by Smitte
wow ur a boss


Well today was pretty brutal, couldn't win a damn hand in the 25bbaments. Thought it was all going to be okay in the end as I made another run in the 1k, but AK<99 for overall CL with 19 left put me like 13/18 on the F2Ts and I never fully recovered, got up to 9/13 but then ran TT into QQ for what would have been 2nd place stack. Was really hoping to improve on my 11th place in the Super Tues last week, but couldn't get the job done!

Anywayyy, gonna study a bit and then pass out, unless a buddy ends up coming down to Tijuana from San Diego, in which case, I will be degening it up tonight

Updated MTD graph, l8errrr moneyz after today

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 07-20-2016 at 12:11 AM.
