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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

10-13-2015 , 06:42 PM
So you're still killing it Josh? =) Been awhile bud. Glad to see things are well!
10-13-2015 , 07:07 PM
Podcast would be so great, go for it plsssss
10-13-2015 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by BAEVentures
So you're still killing it Josh? =) Been awhile bud. Glad to see things are well!
Are you still on the grind? If so, what site and games are you playing now?
10-13-2015 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by LOLRussians
Are you still on the grind? If so, what site and games are you playing now?
Been out of the game for nearly 3 years. Got a "real" job that I love and treats me very well. Made a $100 depo on Bovada the other day though and it's currently sitting just under $1000 after a decent MTT finish.

Will be focusing my part time efforts into 6 max PLO cash moving forward with the occasional MTT session when I find a large block of time.
10-14-2015 , 12:00 AM
Fair enough paying girls to get in the sack....but to go to the beach with you and smoke your weed? whatever makes you happy tho dude

Good luck in the pokers
10-30-2015 , 04:52 PM
Been a while! Not really been grinding much, and am running quite badly but whatever. Might play a bit tomorrow before the Saturday $320 but for most part the month is over and it has not been a good one!

Before getting into non poker stuff, want to mention that I was the guest on the Elliot Roe "The Mindset Advantage" podcast recently and the episode just went live today. Was on <2 hours of sleep when we recorded the episode, but think it came out quite well anyhow! Here is the link, can check it out if you would like. Had a great time doing the interview and definitely helped me reflect on just how much went into that grind as in the moment I didn't really think about it and afterwards, until the time of the interview, I had been too tired to think about it!

I will be doing a podcast with ChicagoJoey at some point in the near future and that one will be much more about degen stories and less about poker/grind related topics, will obviously post when I have more info about that!

Anywayyy, am back together with Alisha, we had talked a bit here and there the rest of the WCOOP series and after it was over we actually really talked and we figured out that all of our problems stemmed back to miscommunication and things being lost in translation. I am really sarcastic and always needling etc when chatting to ppl, it's all in good fun, but she thought it was always being mean towards here when I would be like that.

Anyway, we had a nice, long chat the one day and then she asked me to go out with her one night, the Saturday after WCOOP ended. Ended up that she didn't feel all that well that night and instead just invited me over to her apartment and we spent the night watching movies and chatting, and it's been all uphill since then .

Communication has been great, a cpl times she had to be like 'so what do you really mean when you say this, because the way you said it is really offensive' or something like that, but it's great as now we just discuss whatever the issue is, resolve and move on; exactly what I wanted last time but I couldn't get her to open up!

Am quickly getting more acquainted with more of the family, basically have met and done stuff with all immediate family minus meeting her Mom and Dad face to face, which is just fine with me for the time being! Been kind of wild doing such normal activities such as going with Alisha, her older sister, her 12 yr old brother and Munchies to pick up the older sisters 8 yr old from school and then going out to eat + to mall, I haven't done anything even close to 'normal' things like this since living in Mexico. It's a nice change of pace though and I'm enjoying it quite a bit, next step will actually being allowed to go inside her parents house instead of having to wait outside haha .

We were actually supposed to go to the last Tijuana Xolos (football/soccer) home game of the season tonight; would have been myself, gf, older sister, 12 yr old brother, the 21 yr old cousin that I am around quite a lot and possibly the 8yr old niece of my gf's. Would have been a lot of fun but gf was really sick last night; it went from me needing to go pick her up from her mom and dads house and taking her home to her not even being well enough to leave their house.

Anyway, will stop rambling on about all of that, but yea, I am quite happy and she seems quite happy with me, so hopefully poker won't get showered here in Mexico as at this point I would be quite sad having to leave her.

Will post some pictures that we took the other morning by the private beach at my condo building after getting back from drinking all afternoon and night; was quite proud of myself for looking that normal at 7am after starting to drink at 11am the day before haha . Just want to say too that I am so happy she doesn't feel the need to get super dressed up every time we do something, we were making fun of all these women that were dressed like whores picking their kids up from school the other day, is funny how latin american culture is and how the women dress on average. But yea, big fan of the casual look 90% of the time, the girl not wearing makeup in a sweater + jeans is my type of girl

Hope everyone is doing well, planning to try to grind a fair bit more in November than I did during October, hopefully life will slow down a bit! Gla on the grind
10-30-2015 , 05:18 PM
Really enjoyed the podcast but those shoes are ugly

10-31-2015 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by acbarone
Really enjoyed the podcast but those shoes are ugly

the shirt is much worse considering hes from ILL, great to see youre happy josh its what counts most!
10-31-2015 , 06:18 AM
congrats on the 880 VPPs during WCOOP
10-31-2015 , 07:56 AM
Nice shoes. Wanna ****?
10-31-2015 , 08:31 AM
I am really happy for you, keep it up

I am talking about your personal life obv, i am not trolling about the results
10-31-2015 , 02:25 PM
Thanks everyone, the kind words really are appreciated . @Shoe topic, pretty funny as pretty much everyone either loves them or hates them; actually one of the girls that works at the big strip club is giving me money to bring her back a pair of shoes like those when I go back to the US in December lmao.

Anyway, in exciting news, my gf finally found a house that will work for her. She hasn't been able to live with Munchies at her current apartment so we've been looking and looking but couldn't find anything, but we finally found a place yesterday afternoon, so going to have a busy day of moving her stuff! Yday was a great time, we went to this place called Mr Pampas which is one of those Brazilian damn good. Hadn't been there since 2012 and it was her, her sister and her cousins first time going, nice little celebration meal after finding a house

My muffler on my car broke the other night up by her parents house; literally it's the most obscene drive wayyyy up into the hills on these withered roads to get to their house and I didn't see a huge dip and boom, heard a big crack. Was fearful it was going to be a problem with the engine or that my car was going to be leaking fluids, but its been driving fine since, albeit v v loud heh.

Anyway, so figured I would borrow my mechanics truck to help with the move while the Bu was being worked on, but it is out of commission right now, so I am driving a 1984 El Camino for the next 2 days hahaha. Just about nothing works in the car, none of the gauges on the dash (speedometer, temp gauge, etc lol) , no heat/ac, no radio, no seatbelts...hahah it is just a ****show, and is in the middle of getting scraped for a new pointjob, but thing runs v v well and looks good under the hood. Pretty hilarious as it has niceish rims while the rest is a ****show; I have already gotten a ton of weird looks as I might be the first white kid to ever drive an El Camino in this shape in Mexico lolll, but been fun to drive

Anyway, about to head out for the day, gla on the grind!
10-31-2015 , 04:40 PM
What does your GF do for a living ? Strip club ?
10-31-2015 , 05:43 PM
you stay in calafia now it looks like?

i can imagine the looks you get down there rolling in that, too funny.

11-01-2015 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by ThePressure
What does your GF do for a living ? Strip club ?
Yes she works at one (she hasn't now in 2 weeks though), don't want to go into the whole topic (again) bc literally nobody understands unless they are with me here in Mexico and it's nowhereeeee near similar any situation with the girls that work in the clubs in most other places like US, Canada, etc etc etc. Again, I know/have known and have hungout outside the club with a LOT of the girls that work in these clubs dating back to the beginning of 2012, and Alisha is not like any other girl I've met from one of them...I could go on about it but don't care to do so, I don't need to defend my decisions, esp when nobody posting itt knows a thing about her (dont spite make a post when u wake up ruseman )

Basically if you want to make more than $100 USD/week if you are a young woman in Mexico you work at a strip club (if you're hot enough), that's all I'll say and will not be replying to any posts on the topic bc I'm honestly super super OI talking about it...we are super happy together, she makes money in an interesting way, although much less interesting than how I make money, cool ****ing story. End of the day all I give a **** about is 1. My happiness 2. Our happiness together

Originally Posted by shipit2kg
you stay in calafia now it looks like?

i can imagine the looks you get down there rolling in that, too funny.

Been back here for 14 months, love Calafia and kind of mad I moved out of here as I am back in the original unit I lived in when I first moved to Mexico.

GF is moved into her house, hopefully life will slow down a bit now that she is about to be settled in, or at least hopefully I will be able to get in a bit more of a grind in going forward. I think it'll get a lot easier, pretty much can just grind/do my thing up until whenever she wants to do something and then I can take off and do said things with her. Just was a ****show this month because Ruse and I were looking at houses, I was looking at houses with her, and then took a lot of time off to just relax post WCOOP grind

Gla on sundayfunday, I will be attempting to finish up all my accounting for the month (I am very far behind!) and getting stable stuff sorted as I am relinquishing many of my duties and taking more of a behind the scenes role going forward.

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 11-01-2015 at 01:20 AM.
11-01-2015 , 07:38 AM
This song came on the radio when I read a bit of the thread. Fitting. Now I will forever think of you when I hear it...

Thoughts on sats' future if Stars truly are gonna cap RB at 30%?
11-01-2015 , 02:40 PM
the only reason I ask is does it bother you that she blows/bangs dudes for money? thats what they do in the strip clubs right?
11-01-2015 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by ThePressure
the only reason I ask is does it bother you that she blows/bangs dudes for money? thats what they do in the strip clubs right?
Nah man his "gf" is different, can't you read?
11-01-2015 , 04:08 PM
She's a drink girl/dancer, nowhere near all the girls perform sex acts in the clubs. I wasn't able to **** her at the club, and given I pretty much always get what I want there, I am quite confident she is only a drink girl/dancer as she has always said and is same as I've been told by ppl I know that work there. Wouldn't bother me anyway, it's what she does for money

Again, you guys literally have 0 clue what you're talking about in terms of anything that has to do with her and I, but go ahead and think what you want

@Sauron: Not sure what I'll be doing, gotta talk it over with my backer and try to figure it out. Lol_PS though
11-01-2015 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
End of the day all I give a **** about is 1. My happiness 2. Our happiness together
11-01-2015 , 10:07 PM
Just realized I won the freeroll for 50 a couple weeks back on the no drinking or no gym. Don't have stars. Just donate to a charity of your choice.

Gl man.
11-01-2015 , 11:38 PM
I also won the B free roll but just give to charity (or buy new shoes)
11-02-2015 , 10:35 AM
That car is all kinds of epic! I can just picture you cruising around in it trying to keep a straight face.

As ever, **** all these haters.
11-02-2015 , 04:21 PM
Yep don't give it to him.
11-02-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Yep don't give it to him.
full tilt chat beggars have now moved to jdawgs thread where the real money is to be made.
