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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

05-04-2016 , 08:11 AM
Sick update, solid girls and solid subtle brags
05-04-2016 , 08:55 AM
05-04-2016 , 01:20 PM
jdawg looks like u lost some weight bro! keep grinding. dont be satisfieeeeeed.
05-05-2016 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
That girl is solid

Hoping to read that forbidden story soon Best of luck for the huge scoop grind!

What are the specifics of that VPP trip?
Haha I forgot to ask but will try to remember tomorrow. Thanks much for the gl, same to you!

There's no real specifics, AFAIK, other than that it has to be a trip/'experience' of some sort; can't just take cash, buy a car, or anything of that nature. It's up to a $25,000 spending limit, I believe you just have to agree to what you are going to do in advance and then get receipts and whatnot for everything and they give you a credit for it.

I think only 7 or so players have ever gotten it, so not like it has happened a lot of times. Jorj95/Scossett/Nananoko/River Prayer/Poker_in_Pb have all gotten it, I would assume I've potentially missed a couple of players that got there, although I doubt it's more than a couple at most.

Originally Posted by card core
<3 that Bayern jersey.

Always been a huge fan of yours, best of luck during SCOOP.

Thanks much my friend, hope you have a good SCOOP as well! You just chopped the mil recently correct? If so, super late congrats, I feel it was you but sorry if not

Originally Posted by Flopping bad
Sick update, solid girls and solid subtle brags

Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
Martyyy, glgl in May broski

Originally Posted by Clayton
jdawg looks like u lost some weight bro! keep grinding. dont be satisfieeeeeed.
Heyo, yea indeed I have, although I've regained some back recently which is why I was hoping the jersey would still fit . Def gonna be hitting the gym grind hard again starting hopefully tomorrow night, kind of got out of the routine due to trying to have some enjoyment before gg life w SCOOP.

Hope all is well with you


Heyo, quick update before I get to some study. Didn't go to bed til ridic late last night and therefore didn't wake up until about 1pm today, which is really absurd and first time I've slept past 11am (11am my time being when the 1k Super Tues/Thurs Thrill starts FYI) in a really really long time....hope I didn't **** myself as I've been trying now for about 4 days to start waking up earlier so I would be ready for SCOOP lol. Am trying to fix it though tonight with this bottle of wine + 1/4th of a bar of xanax, I would like to hit the 1k sat grindslot tomorrow morning.

Anyway, so obviously didn't play a lot today, but got in a nice little session this afternoon, about 7k VPPs which is nice for an 'off day' haha.

Day graph

Like I said, tomorrow I want to wake up early so I can grind sats before the 1k, and will play MTTs for the first time since Sunday too. Def been my longest break, 3 straight days of no mtts, in all of 2016. Won't be loading MTTs too late as the girl that works at one of the local strip clubs is coming tomorrow at 8pm with food for the weekend for me + to chill for a bit before going to work

All I have for today, off to (finally) hit the study grind for a while before bed! Gla and much
05-05-2016 , 01:43 AM
Lol, completely forgot about this. Ruse went to run on the beach and messaged me to say there was a sea lion on our beach here at Calafia so obv had to go check it out. We're not not sure if it was injured/something wrong with it, but been a ton of orca activity in our area recently so could have just been sunning itself and avoiding the water for a bit, who really knows.

Pretty cool nonetheless, if it didn't have those ridic sharp teeth I would have tried to get closer to try to take a selfie with it next to/right behind me, but **** letting that thing potentially bite me....the 15 feet away we were was close enough
05-05-2016 , 03:50 AM
this only reminds me of SWC poker.

I need to get out more. a zoo trip might be giving back some real life instead of all poker terms.
05-05-2016 , 06:45 AM

cool lion very cool
05-05-2016 , 07:55 AM
Wtf man, dont mix xanax and alcohol that **** is incredibly dangerous. Even in small doses(also you should prob just quit xanax).
05-05-2016 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Wtf man, dont mix xanax and alcohol that **** is incredibly dangerous. Even in small doses(also you should prob just quit xanax).
05-05-2016 , 10:45 AM
Except nah. Those are probably the two worst 'common' drugs you can mix. Like people die everyday mixing those even with doses they have done many times before.

Not to mention xanax dependence is ****ing brutal and the withdrawal once addicted can literally kill you.

Dont know if this chart qill have decent quality uploaded from phone but simply search 'mixing drugs chart'

Last edited by CCuster_911; 05-05-2016 at 10:51 AM.
05-05-2016 , 12:01 PM
jdawg you seem to be in a much better place than a little over a year ago, it is truly nice to see man. Keep grinding!
05-05-2016 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
this only reminds me of SWC poker.

I need to get out more. a zoo trip might be giving back some real life instead of all poker terms.
Originally Posted by Like_a_Fox

cool lion very cool
Hahah thats great @uhren, lion was indeed pretty cool

Def would recommend getting out more though, lot of guys in Rosa that just really don't leave the house and it's kind of sad. Have had ppl be like 'there's nothing to do here' and it's just really not true at all, I could be out with ppl at different places every single night of the week, actually is why I end up having weeks like last week and this week where I barely grind

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Wtf man, dont mix xanax and alcohol that **** is incredibly dangerous. Even in small doses(also you should prob just quit xanax).
Originally Posted by coinflipper
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Except nah. Those are probably the two worst 'common' drugs you can mix. Like people die everyday mixing those even with doses they have done many times before.

Not to mention xanax dependence is ****ing brutal and the withdrawal once addicted can literally kill you.

Dont know if this chart qill have decent quality uploaded from phone but simply search 'mixing drugs chart'
@xanax, a lot of you will remember, but I was highly addicted to adderall + xanax in 2014 and when I tapered off (very slowly) I ended up being really really sick for about 2 months, and actually had to move my trip back home to the US to visit family for the holidays back some weeks because I was too sick to travel (having panic attacks etc)

This is the first xanax I've taken since I finished my taper off, and tonight will be the last night I take it, I just ended up with a bar the other night from a friend; had previously turned down offers of xanax numerous times, but with me needing to change my sleep schedule for SCOOP I accepted in this situation.

So yea, don't need to warn me about xanax heh, I am quite aware . Also fwiw used to drink heavily on 2 full bars every single day and never had any problems until after my super slow taper off; xanax is a terrible terrible drug, I am in full agreeance.

Originally Posted by Everest17
jdawg you seem to be in a much better place than a little over a year ago, it is truly nice to see man. Keep grinding!
Thanks much for the kind words, posts like this and Claytons yesterday always make me smile as I read them and it makes me want to work even harder and harder

You're completely right on the timeline too, basically after I got over the withdrawal symptoms from the xanax I've mostly been on the upswing


Don't really have any content to post, just wanted to reply @ the whole xanax situation as I have a ton of experience with that substance.

Today basically getting everything ready to go for the SCOOP grind, which will commence tomorrow as I'll be putting in a full friday + saturday mtt session, and ofc SCOOP starts Sunday. Washed every bit of dirty laundry I have so that I essentially won't have to worry about that during the entirety of SCOOP minus potentially having the local stripper do a load of laundry while she's here next Thursday or Friday if I think I'll run out of anything.

The Ruseman and I about to head to town to run all of our errands, pay the internet bill, the water bill, get cleaning supplies for the maid, go to the bank, pick up coffee etc...literally just getting everything done with so we'll be good to go.

Will get back and study until the chick gets here, hangout with her for a bit and then probably off to bed soon after she leaves.

Gla, next update probably tomorrow night with a graph, although I don't think any 3.4ks will run...maybe I will be pleasantly surprised
05-05-2016 , 08:17 PM
Go get em dude. Always cheering for you!
05-05-2016 , 10:55 PM
Net worth over/under 100k?
05-05-2016 , 11:30 PM
gl with scoop, hope big upswing is imminent! And hope the xanax doesn't cause any issues. I don't really know much about it but I remember you getting off of it. Sounds like a scary drug and a bitch to quit.
05-06-2016 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by IllSkill
Net worth over/under 100k?
extremely personal questions ftw
05-06-2016 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by IllSkill
Net worth over/under 100k?
Lol what do you think....
05-07-2016 , 03:00 AM
under 100 obv. everything above 100 will be spent on entertainment for sure.
05-08-2016 , 05:42 AM
Today is the day

Hope you crush this series, glgl
05-08-2016 , 05:55 AM
Heyo, thx for the <3, will respond to stuff later

Bout to go to sleep, prob a bad night to go get kinda drunk but will be good to go with some hours of sleep!

Really just wanna bounce to sleep, played a quick 500 25bb and some 240-360 sats, as I did much earlier today, while wrapping stuff up online, gonna snap zzzz and wake up in about 4 hours or so



Glgl to everyone out there
05-08-2016 , 01:17 PM
18k in one day? I made prolly 18.
05-08-2016 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
18k in one day? I made prolly 18.
hahah , hope you did better today!


Insanelyyyyy tired, have only gotten prob 8 hours of sleep since I woke up on Friday morning so gonna go for a nice sleep session here soon lulz

Busted something like 50-75 off the money in the early 2k, raise + caller and i jammed about 25bb w JJ and ran into AA , later 2k I busted maybe a few hundred off the $. Did get to 60k+ chips in both 2ks by T600 though, felt I played really well today, looking fwd to some more SCOOPage

Anyway, I'm absolutely dying over here, so graphs and donezoooo


05-09-2016 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
hahah , hope you did better today!
-60$, so no

keep crushin, monster
05-09-2016 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
-60$, so no
if i could go back to yesterday, and lose $60, i would be so happy
05-09-2016 , 07:03 PM
boss. keep working on the fitness my man you are young with a multi million dollar skillset so you gotta stay livin!
