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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

11-17-2016 , 09:09 PM
how the f do you maintain an edge with that many shorthanded tables?
11-17-2016 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
how the f do you maintain an edge with that many shorthanded tables?
ez pz, sngs are solved game
11-17-2016 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Knittle
Hey man,

Where do you recommend I go for coaching? Currently around a $15 ABI MTT grinder on USA sites. Looking to purchase a 4-5 poker session package, but don't wanna pay INSANE rates.
The MTT coaching forum?
11-18-2016 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by boliver
just catchin up with ya, mannnnn I heard about that worldwide trip from amaya - make it hap'n cap'n! sick to see ur going for it. HMU if you need any planning advice, you know I get around a decent amount... but carnavale rio de janiero 2017, I'll be here and you should too!! For sure one of those once in a lifetime things. Back to asia after that for me, so regardless of continent there's no excuses to not meet up at somepoint. hope ur good man, big congrats on that baby not being yours. dodgin bullets there
Yeaaa, the motivation is getting to take an Amaya paid vacation for sure . And haha thx broski, we'll have to catch up on skype some night after this 10mil chase is over, hope all is well in boliverland <3

Originally Posted by Knittle
Hey man,

Where do you recommend I go for coaching? Currently around a $15 ABI MTT grinder on USA sites. Looking to purchase a 4-5 poker session package, but don't wanna pay INSANE rates.
Honestly I'm prob the worst to ask this to as I don't even know who is coaching and what their rates are. Imo joining a top (in terms of their coaching) stable is prob going to be the best decision these days

Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
how the f do you maintain an edge with that many shorthanded tables?
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
ez pz, sngs are solved game
Haha what Ccuster said . Lol jk, the 25bb is far from that, actually an insane amount of postflop play in them, esp at the HS's. I'm doing a lot less battling than many are in terms of bvb battling as I am simply not good enough to be playing postflop against the majority of the lads in the 300s-1ks and therefore I try my best to avoid doing so . My EV is ~ B/E which I'm happy with, nice to be able to still make >$150/hr with just RB and being B/E on the tbls


Finally had a nice winning day (party). Sadly the EV didn't really go up at all but meh, one step at a time. Finally cashed a damn 5k, got in KJ vs Ekziter K9 on the bbl and we chopped, figured I'd surely bbl after that but luckily didn't . Picked up 9.4kish VPPs on the day and am down to needing 252k more which is great .

And the SS version

Bout to shower and then I think I'm hitting up Ollies pizza with a few of the bros, rosa poker player bball teams game got cancelled so thinking a few of the fellas are gonna be in for an early dinner. After that, back home to study and to finish marathoning off S1 of Channel Zero, new show that I heard was good and am loving it so far 2 EPs in

Gla on ze weekend grind
11-19-2016 , 01:30 PM
grat oh finally having a good day...

Looking forward to the Amaya TR
11-21-2016 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
grat oh finally having a good day...

Looking forward to the Amaya TR
Too bad I gave it right back today lol

__________________________________________________ ___________

Welp, so yea, got showered today. 25bb went realllly badly, got it in super badly a bunch of times, esp on bbls where I'm 3/3 on btn and put half my stack in and sb or bb just calls and i get it in postflop with <15% equity....that v v quickly can kill a redline heh

Made a deep run in the supersonic (28th) and the 700 psko (21st), lost a silly hand with around 28 left when I was iirc 6/28 where I had to b/f the nut flush on Kx Jh 8x Th Kh in a rly big pot and after folding for a while jammed my final 12bbs from the CO with A2o and couldnt hold vs J8o. Would have been nice to stop the bleeding with an MTT bink but apparently it wasn't meant to be

Ended up not playing on Saturday as when I went to Ollies, the owner showed me his new wine cellar and I ended up getting a decent bottle of wine and drinking the whole bottle myself + some beers while there. Anytime I get #winedrunk the wild side always comes out of me heh, so within a few mins of getting home I'm trying to round up a wingman for an HK run and do so.

Was there for quite a while, I think I got home at something like 5am and I believe I left my place at like 9pm or some ****, so was prob in the club itself for like 6 hrs lol. Was a really fun time though, I have only been to HK about 3 or 4x this entire calendar year, always nice getting to say hey and quickly chat w girls and waiters etc that I've known for a long while but that I don't hangout with outside the club.

Ended up finallyyyy getting to bang the best friend of this chick Nancy that I've known for like 3 yrs. I've run into the 2 of them a few times when out at restaurants/bars in TJ and have joined them and always had a fun time and the best friend seemed chill, but had no 1on1 experience with her before and wasn't friends w her on FB or anything like that.

Anyway, got the chance that night, as I fig'd she's great in the bedroom. Will post a few pics of her, meh face (also has a white father which is why she's so light skinned) but pretty nice, completely natural body. Works out a ton, fig'd as much since her bestie does as well and they live together. Brings her pet snake in sometimes and uses it in her performances on stage, she certainly has more balls than I in that regard . But yea, fun fun night, don't plan to do any more partying until the HK Christmas party as I already booked a cpl months ago going with a cpl friends...that will be a fun evening as always! First HK Christmas party I went to was wayy back in 2011 in the OG Rosa days haha

Lol no chance I'd be sitting nose to nose w a snake heh

And a few pics of Nancy is never a bad thing imo

Past that, will just post my ugly graph and call it an evening . Tomorrow maid is here and I've got to run to the bank and do some other ****, probably study when I get back and maybe play a short afternoon/evening session. If not, def a big grind coming on Tues! Gla out there

11-21-2016 , 09:54 AM
Haha wp on the snake girl! One day I'm gonna come chill in Mexico, seems like an awesome time

Keep up the grind man, hope you catch an upswing to end the year
11-21-2016 , 01:03 PM
Have been following this blog for sometime, first time commenting,

Wanted to ask you about a hand we played in a Sunday Million satellite yesterday,
Blinds 100/200 , button folds 600 chips behind, I jam into your bb
You folded with 190 behind after posting 200, was surprised, sure it's correct, was just surprised you don't go with any 2 there?
11-21-2016 , 02:03 PM
lame graph, looks like you got some good vpp's tho.

The body on those two don't even look real, how much is it for a nightly rental?
11-21-2016 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Haha what Ccuster said . Lol jk, the 25bb is far from that, actually an insane amount of postflop play in them, esp at the HS's. I'm doing a lot less battling than many are in terms of bvb battling as I am simply not good enough to be playing postflop against the majority of the lads in the 300s-1ks and therefore I try my best to avoid doing so . My EV is ~ B/E which I'm happy with, nice to be able to still make >$150/hr with just RB and being B/E on the tbls
It's not just about how good you are postflop, the main difference is that you grind 3-4x more tables than most highstake 25bb players and don't have the time to think through hands. It's actually super impressive that you manage to break-even despite playing 12-15+ tables, and that's with a mix of different formats!!

And yea EV downswings can be extreme in 6 max hypers, also if you keep running with 55 into 66 or people constantly wake up with monsters bvb where you have a clear SB push. I don't know how many 25bb games u've played so far, but you can easily have bad EV over few k games just because of card distribution or running bad in early game.
11-21-2016 , 06:29 PM
Wow, jdawg getting advice from the boss of hypers himself
11-23-2016 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
Haha wp on the snake girl! One day I'm gonna come chill in Mexico, seems like an awesome time

Keep up the grind man, hope you catch an upswing to end the year
Lol legit laughed at snake girl. Yea its pretty chill down here, if you are ever in the neighborhood, obv gotta hit me up . And thanks, hope you crushem up as well!

Originally Posted by thabighurt35
lame graph, looks like you got some good vpp's tho.

The body on those two don't even look real, how much is it for a nightly rental?
Yea that day was like 11k or something, yesterday I managed to get 17k though which was super sweet

Snake girl, as lolchipporn called her, is actually all natural body (real tits+ass, don't think she's had any other surgeries but don't know). Nancy on the other hand has had a slew of surgeries, including to remove 2 of her ribs I believe, to give her the super thin looking waist to go with the insane curves. Sounded completely gross, my blonde fitness model friend Rennatta, was telling me about the surgery and I was cringing hearing about the process lol

So at the club itself, usually you go up to to hotel that is attached to the club for 30 mins or 1 hr. Room costs like $14 for 30 mins and $22 for 1 hr iirc and the girl costs anywhere from $50-$100 for 30 mins depending on the day of the week, how hot the girl is, etc. I would say when I go to the hotel I on avg pay $125 for 1 hr, but I usually go to the VIP booths which is a whole different thing.

There, IDK what you're supposed to pay to use them, but my friends and I haven't had to pay to use them in like 5 yrs lol. I think it's prob like $20-$25 you're supposed to get charged for 1 hour. In there, you have to buy 10 girls drinks (like $80 USD) and I usually give the girl $75 or so on top of it and we get the booth for 1.5-2 hours.

Kind of funny though, since Trump got elected the exchange rate has gotten completely absurd, but HK is still way behind and I always get a sweet deal. So other night when I was there, I think everything combined in the VIP booth was $183 USD (her drinks + paying her + my drinks). The exchange rate was 20.60 online as I looked before going, so I should have to had to pay $183 USD or 3770 pesos, but HK still using a 16 conversion rate lolz, watch the waiter do 183X16=2928 on his phone and lol'd and pulled out 3k pesos, pretty sweet

And then yea, I've gotten to know a lot of girls over time and have them come hang out etc. Usually end up giving them like $200-$300 or so for the night, don't end up having to pay all the time either. Usually hanging out with them on their own off day, when they are wanting something to do or want to go somewhere with a nice pool+jacuzzi and beach etc, so it works out nicely in my advantage.

Sophia for example used to come out on Sundays quite a lot, after working Fri/Sat and would just smoke my bud, relax/sleep in my bed and sometimes watch **** on netflix or off my external HD or whatever if I was still playing poker. Rarely paid her as she was actually wanting to come, mostly to get some good bud but that's cool with me . I'd get done playing, ask her where she wanted to eat, and it'd usually be 'let's roll 2 blunts and go to Ollies pizza' lol, amazing girl.

Let's have Sophia be my threadsavers today, actually was running really hot when I was hanging out with her a lot, haven't seen her in a while although we still chat like once a week, maybe will need to have her come out to Rosarito and try to change my luck

Pic from when she came to Rosarito a few months back (not w me, w some friends), ran into her at Aqua Bar IIRC

From a recent photoshoot

Originally Posted by herbalerv
Have been following this blog for sometime, first time commenting,

Wanted to ask you about a hand we played in a Sunday Million satellite yesterday,
Blinds 100/200 , button folds 600 chips behind, I jam into your bb
You folded with 190 behind after posting 200, was surprised, sure it's correct, was just surprised you don't go with any 2 there?
Not sure, don't remember the hand and I easily could have misread the situation/stack sizes as I'm usually tabling quite hard on Sunday

Originally Posted by Moldran
It's not just about how good you are postflop, the main difference is that you grind 3-4x more tables than most highstake 25bb players and don't have the time to think through hands. It's actually super impressive that you manage to break-even despite playing 12-15+ tables, and that's with a mix of different formats!!

And yea EV downswings can be extreme in 6 max hypers, also if you keep running with 55 into 66 or people constantly wake up with monsters bvb where you have a clear SB push. I don't know how many 25bb games u've played so far, but you can easily have bad EV over few k games just because of card distribution or running bad in early game.
You are obviously very correct in all that you've said; that being said, I'm still nowhere near good enough as most of the HS 25bb guys in terms of postflop play as many of them have spent tons and tons of hours studying pio and I've never even run 1 hand .

I do make up some of the edge lost there though in other spots, just understanding some stuff better than most other ppl do

Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
Wow, jdawg getting advice from the boss of hypers himself

__________________________________________________ __________

So, ended up not playing today and actually not having that much productivity on the study grind either which is kind of disappointing. Played an intense session yesterday where I got like 17k VPPs and was pretty tired from it and felt I needed another day off (took Monday off too). Did a lot of sleeping and I'm sure I'll be to sleep fairly early tonight too, I'll be ready to put up a big Thursday grind though tomorrow!

Ridic amount of action on Tuesday, at one point there was 3 5ks running and I think about 8 went off in total. I only got 1 in, don't really bother to try to battle for a seat in the 5k or 2k lobby, just kind of take what I can get and a lot of the time don't open sit as I'd rather the rec play a hyper over a turbo

I didn't cash the 5k, but did get 2nd and 2nd in the only other 2 turbos I played yesterday, a 2k and 1k. Always nice to b/e on the day when bricking the only 5k you play too

Here was the action at one point yesterday

Updated graphs below, gonna study some more and then relax and head to bed, gla on the grind!

Tues Graph

MTD Graph
11-24-2016 , 09:36 PM
Well, the day started off well....

Picked up like 17.5k VPPs though, down to just needing 205k which is excellent. MU # bigger than it's been since before the SCOOP heatttt which is annoying, but meh, what can ya do

On the study and relax grind tonight, just started rewatching Dexter today, should keep me occupied while finishing up this grind. Gla out there
11-28-2016 , 06:15 PM
finally a winning day


Snap unregged and closed out PS lol, can't remember the last time I had a winning day
11-28-2016 , 06:57 PM
I'd recommend a $2079 SNG
11-28-2016 , 07:38 PM
Hey, my name is Adam. I'm planning on coming down to Rosarito either tomorrow or the next day. I want to meet some other players down there and ask some questions about getting set up to play and live there. Would you be available that I could meet you?

Let me know please!

11-29-2016 , 05:08 AM
Thread is amazing! 5 stars! I wish I could play poker as good as you.
11-30-2016 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by acbarone
I'd recommend a $2079 SNG
Haha, I was too smart to play any more that day

Originally Posted by Ca_bigdeal
Hey, my name is Adam. I'm planning on coming down to Rosarito either tomorrow or the next day. I want to meet some other players down there and ask some questions about getting set up to play and live there. Would you be available that I could meet you?

Let me know please!

Sorry very busy these days

Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
Thread is amazing! 5 stars! I wish I could play poker as good as you.
Haha, I'm only good at pushing, calling and folding

__________________________________________________ ____

Well, 2 more big losing days to end the month, getting to be quite miserable heh . Luckily, only 170k VPPs to go and then the torture will be over for the time being!

Pretty OI and have some studying to do before Ruse and I head out to watch the 2nd half of the UNC game, so will just get right into pictures

The ole midstake DS now (graph from Sept 1 and on)

MTD $ Ev


SS Version


Let's hope December is better!
12-01-2016 , 11:29 AM
brutal November man.

Sending all the run good I have your way.
12-01-2016 , 12:45 PM

Plans for 2017? Solo sat? No mas 25bb ht?
12-02-2016 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Sauron92

Plans for 2017? Solo sat? No mas 25bb ht?
12-03-2016 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
brutal November man.

Sending all the run good I have your way.
Thanks much, I could definitely use it

Originally Posted by Sauron92

Plans for 2017? Solo sat? No mas 25bb ht?
Not sure what all I will be playing yet, sats+the mtts with some 25bb and maybe other sngs mixed in, we'll see. Will be playing a ton more low stakes next year, will be withered

Originally Posted by acbarone
jaja , gl in dec boss


Finally had a good dayyyy! Felt good to finally have ~everything go my way for an entire grind, let's hope it continues tomorrow! Planning to play a really large Sunday session, starting with the Sunday kickoff and loading a tad later than I usually do on Sunday. Will be the first time I've started before 7am my time (kickoff starts 5am) since WCOOP. Obv inb4 I fail to wake up at that time, we can hope tho

Gonna get to the study grind as I've got a bunch of hands to look over. Had some bad news a few nights ago as my mechanic got in a wreck in my vehicle. Luckily almost all the damage was on the other vehicle, his car was kind of ****ed up . Insurance came and it cost 25,000 pesos ($1300 USD) to the driver of the other vehicle, so was a pretty withered night. Mechanic won't be making any money off me in a while heh, owes me for that and whatever the body work costs on my vehicle

Day graph

MTD graph


Gla tomorrow
12-04-2016 , 09:23 PM
12-04-2016 , 10:36 PM
gg mate
12-05-2016 , 01:35 AM
Fakin bzzzzzzzt m7
