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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

05-19-2016 , 01:59 AM
"How did this Slayer guy get top 5?!!" - Nanonoko lol
05-19-2016 , 02:02 AM
05-19-2016 , 03:36 AM
Thanks for the rail guys! Ran quite good to ladder that much obviously, felt nice to run hot in a lot of regards!

I'm currently sitting here eating street tacos with a 40 of coors light in the lobby/bar area of the building next to mine in the dark; quite funny . Charging up my laptop and phone and doing a few things before walking over to my tower and calling it a night.

Crazy day, gonna have to wake up early to see if the power is back or not; if not, gonna have to figure out my grind plan as I've got day 2 of the 2k starting at 10am my time (currently 12:30am)....shall be interesting!

Anyway thx for the rail all, much <3, and here's the lobby for those who didn't get to see who FTd and whatnot

05-19-2016 , 07:37 AM
Glad to see your doing well, glgl
05-19-2016 , 08:23 AM
booooom sick run again sir

gl in the 2k, edit: niiice stack

Last edited by LOLCh1pPorn; 05-19-2016 at 08:30 AM.
05-19-2016 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by LoctoBong
"How did this Slayer guy get top 5?!!" - Nanonoko lol

gg Slayer, excellent results!
05-19-2016 , 08:54 AM

I only watched like 30 minutes with like 13 left but i did see nanonoko raise AKhh bvb then check fold the T83r flop.

Glass houses
05-19-2016 , 03:56 PM
hell ya!
05-19-2016 , 03:58 PM
such a sicko.

heres to godmode in the 2k today
05-19-2016 , 04:01 PM
[ ] human
[ ] not human
[ ] beast
05-19-2016 , 06:51 PM
F2Ts of the 2k, 295.5k up top
05-19-2016 , 07:06 PM
smok still in too, finished 3rd in the 1k yesterday w/ jdawg. Sick

05-19-2016 , 08:06 PM
Wooo AK>AT double, up to 6/15
05-19-2016 , 08:29 PM
Big hero call with Kjcs on Kt865ddd in 3rd now
05-19-2016 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Big hero call with Kjcs on Kt865ddd in 3rd now
Stopped breathing for a second here...
05-19-2016 , 08:31 PM
get em
05-19-2016 , 08:36 PM
44>84 on Qt84x

05-19-2016 , 08:37 PM
OP 1/13 what a week!!! GOgogo!!!
05-19-2016 , 08:44 PM
Un. Goddam. Real. Go get em killer!
05-19-2016 , 08:51 PM
gl slayerboss!
05-19-2016 , 08:54 PM

he really does play seat belt poker.....buckle up the swings are real
05-19-2016 , 08:55 PM

he really does play seat belt poker.....buckle up the swings are real
05-19-2016 , 08:57 PM
05-19-2016 , 08:59 PM
Sick run! Time to close this time. GLGL.
05-19-2016 , 09:11 PM
Keep it up OP... I feel the -100k day will be the best thing that ever happened to you...
