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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

09-03-2016 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
I can't wrap my head around that. Regging a 240$ and a 37k$ at the same time.
Haha well obv have a super small % of the 36k. I mean on a daily basis I'm usually regging $18 to $1k stakes (having different %'s of myself of the 200s+) so this all just feels normal to me.

Originally Posted by 7845
in, gl wcoops brah

how many tables and hours do u play to get 500games day?
Really just depends, sometimes there's a ton of sat action and I cut 25bb all the way out (or get lazy and don't load 25bb so can play more tables overall) and the 500 games doesn't take long; other days I sit there and load every $37.50+ sat, every $60+ 25bb and fill in with $15/$18 sats and can't get 500 games.

But on avg I play like 10-15ish tables, usually never more than 24 for more than like 15-25 minute bursts during the busy times

Originally Posted by AntiHer0
has a single 34k run? the degen aspect of my makeup is slightly aroused
Nobody has reg'd but me , did get some 1.7ks off already though and I even got in a 5k turbo yesterday, obv bricked the 5k

__________________________________________________ __

Hmm so haven't paid attn to my results really at all, just know I've been losing a lot at the top of my BI range. Super excited for WCOOP to start, will be putting in more hours the next 3 weeks and change than I have the past like 2 months heh

Lol actually had no clue as I was typing the above, booked my first losing month in a very long time, welp

Don't have much else to share, just been chillin a lot the past cpl weeks, hanging out with some local buddies before locking in for the COOP grind. Think Ruseman and I might move up to the north end of town after WCOOP is over, will be a lot closer to most places we go to a lot and will just overall be closer to in town and feel less isolated etc. Will be looking for a spot in the same neighborhood that Bfizz11 and Lenballs14 live in, will be fun to live up by them .

But yea, first got to get through this COOP grind, hopefully printfesttt! Gonna study some hands real quick and then get to bed, tomorrow will be a long grind as I am expecting a lot of satellite traffic and hopefully some alright HS 25bb action as well! Gl everyone
09-03-2016 , 04:36 AM
Yesterday I noticed wycio playing 1700's all the way down to $2's to the hot 5 You should probably cut the $15/18's the next weeks tho (asking for a friend ).

Gl and enjoy the upcoming weeks!
09-03-2016 , 07:58 PM
you boys need to get the **** outta mexico. mexicans are the losers of the latino league. trust me ive asked a bunch of different clubs. they all think theyre trash papi
09-03-2016 , 08:04 PM
hang with some costa rican boys. they dont have a stupid ****ing fake smile on all the time. cant wait to come back to tj and i see that stupid **** smile
09-04-2016 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by cu_<><
Yesterday I noticed wycio playing 1700's all the way down to $2's to the hot 5 You should probably cut the $15/18's the next weeks tho (asking for a friend ).

Gl and enjoy the upcoming weeks!
haha he hasnt actually played a 1700, must have only sat when there was no chance it would go off as I've not seen him in the lobby once yet


Fun first day of WCOOP, gonna wind up being a 13 hour day and got 25k VPPs and won some $. Had a real bad run in the 1.7ks for most of the day (was down like 25k at them at one point) but made a nice comeback

Just lost a really tilting hand for top 3 stack well itm of the 215 wcoop sunday mil, 77 < 97s on J86ss 5x4x, #wemad but whatever. 1k built up to ~150k at 1200bb then lose a huge pot and am currently on 30bbs with 30 mins left in day 1

And this is going to be the last time I look at my EV this month as it's the only thing that can ever stress me out; this also might be the most bi's of EV I've ever won in a day before so I'll share it


Gla tomorrow
09-05-2016 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
haha he hasnt actually played a 1700, must have only sat when there was no chance it would go off as I've not seen him in the lobby once yet
What do you think of him?
Gl at the WCOOPs
09-05-2016 , 05:17 AM
lo siento para mi comments papi. cant figure out how to delete. just rem all the ****ing those crafty mexicans did to my boys. lo seinto papi. gl on the wccop grind
09-05-2016 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Menace_2_Society
What do you think of him?
Gl at the WCOOPs
Haha no comment on anybody I play against


Well, today was a really slow day. Stars didn't put a $360 sat to the Tuesday $1k nor a new $74 to a $215 in the lobby, absolutely tilts the **** out of me with how terribly they handle the sat lobby but not much I can do about it. Emailed Pokerstars Baard but never heard back, burning so much money its unreal

Kinda sad day, I hit 9million lifetime VPPs today which was cool but also decided to quit the chase for 10million lifetime as I don't think I will be able to get there due to this ridiculous sat lobby situation.

I feel if I'm not 100% confident I can get to 10mil that it's burning EV to bother as I would have to continue to cut the lower stake hyper sats to grind a lot of HS 25bb in a format that I'm not super great at, playing in obviously really really tough lineups. I'm definitely not better than b/e pre rb in almost every 1k that goes off and with the % I have in those, it actually just makes sense to add back in lower stake hyper sats, I'll end up making the same amount of money with no stress and an easier format to multi table. I will however continue to bumhunt 25bb and will prob still play a bit of 60s-200s at start/end of my sessions when I am in the need for additional tables.

Actually on the subject of 25bb, I have 99% of my hands in the same DB for the first time since end of May, hadn't seen my overall 25bb EV in a while, and will share it. Pretty proud of the EV overall as a $370 abi is obv quite large, it's not my best format, and I've still never run a hand in PIO nor done any postflop study and probably ran <100 25bb / 65/35payout structure bubble spots this entire year. Combine that with me probably playing literally 3-5x as many tables at once as most of the other guys, and anything >b/e EV to me is a victory




Moving on, like I said, today was a pretty slow day, basically just all $109 and $240 sats and then the few $100-$1k 25bb I played and a cpl $1720 sats. Actually was happy to see I'm up this much on the month given that I bricked a 5k turbo, included the game breakdown this time as I've had a few ppl recently ask me what a game breakdown tends to look like for me. Included both MTD and then from my huge Sunday session yesterday

MTD Graph

MTD Breakdown

Sunday Breakdown

Will end the post there, have a couple topics I could ramble on about but should get to the study grind and am pretty tired, will be a long day tomorrow! Gl everyone

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 09-05-2016 at 11:36 PM.
09-06-2016 , 03:26 AM
Nice update! Btw it would even hurt me if you don't get 10M vpp and that free trip, and we'll miss out on an epic tripreport so please reconsider otoh, it's easy to tell someone to get his million VPP haha. GL boss
09-06-2016 , 03:49 PM
Any backup plans in case you lose power due to the hurricane coming your way?
09-08-2016 , 04:44 PM
Stars needs to change those 6 max hyper structure to the million back to the old school form.i want my cash machine back. now its just filled with 6 regs. no mas fun papi. give us some hk stories dog. cmn baby. i miss my latina suckdolls
09-10-2016 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
Nice update! Btw it would even hurt me if you don't get 10M vpp and that free trip, and we'll miss out on an epic tripreport so please reconsider otoh, it's easy to tell someone to get his million VPP haha. GL boss
Haha well I got an unexpected insane VPP day today, so maybe if a few more of those happen I'll still be able to get there. Sadly though, unless I get to X vpps by the end of WCOOP (X being something ~9,550,000 VPPs), 10million just really won't actually be possible with the volume we will see the rest of the year

Was fun the other day on the rail of the 1k Marathon, gl this weekend boss

Originally Posted by TheAlmighty1ne
Any backup plans in case you lose power due to the hurricane coming your way?
Storm going to Cabo area I believe, Rosarito is really really far away from there. That's southern baja, I'm north right on the US border. But yea, weather has been nothing but fine and is supposed to continue to be that way afaik


As I stated above, I expected traffic to be slow today, but there ended up randomly being a TON of nosebleed action. I ended up with 52,000 VPPs today, feels like SCOOP 2015 Was quite the wild ride, start of the day the 1.7ks (and then 3.5ks when they started running) weren't going well but I was absolutely smashing lower stakes, then had a 360 turnaround where I started running hot in the nosebleeds and giving it back at the midstakes heh

Played the 1k Stud 8 today and busted in the 7th hour, ran pretty bad in it. Made a cpl mistakes but overall pretty happy with how I played in it. Had mounds in the 320 turbo zoom psko thing and then lost a couple unfortunate all ins and was busto in ~80th place. Hopefully make some runs this weekend!

Got some graphs below, off to study a couple hands and then to bed, tomorrow will be another big grind!

Day Graph

MTD Graph

MTD Game Breakdown
09-11-2016 , 12:42 AM
Not as much nosebleed action as yesterday, but still was a fair amount of nosebleed action. Absurd day though, had a power outage early in the day and ended up sitting out of a 1720 which was super tilting. Went 20 mins north to Mossified84's house to continue the grind, and then when there was a break in the action and I heard from Ruse that the power was back, I dashed home and then played for another 3ish hours.

But yea, like 30k and change VPPs today, will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings! The ABI I have played the last 2 days is pretty obnoxious heh, kind of fun swings though, gets the blood going a tiny bit

Day Graph

MTD Graph

Will be putting in a big grind tomorrow, gl to everyone out there
09-11-2016 , 03:57 PM
dude, 100k running w 1m overlay right now. y u no play?
09-11-2016 , 04:56 PM
11k VPPs!
09-12-2016 , 01:25 AM
Lol insane session, just played for 16 hours and only took 1 sync break the entire day lol, endless actoin other than that. About 50k VPPs on the day, not even tired somehow, I'm sure it will hit me when Ruse and I go get food. Speaking of that, gotta run right away as already pretty f late and only a cpl food options left, gla on teh grind!

09-12-2016 , 02:20 AM
Pee bottle?
09-12-2016 , 05:39 AM
confirmed pee bottle!
09-12-2016 , 10:02 AM
oh my lanta, a poo bottle too probably ffs!!!!
09-12-2016 , 01:49 PM
Every time I check up on this thread I am never ceased to be amazed by your graphs and results. Very well played mate!
09-12-2016 , 04:34 PM
I see you are currently on JCarver's stream.

Also, pack win! Was a close one with the Jags, but a a win is a win! Let's go!

Last edited by tswpoker1; 09-12-2016 at 04:35 PM. Reason: Nice elimination - dead on the turn
09-12-2016 , 07:57 PM
if any of you have missed the updates here are cliffs:

jdawg wins 2+2 pgc
jdawg crushes hot mexican ass
09-12-2016 , 08:14 PM
can somebody explain why chipEV matters in SNGs? if opponents on average call shoves too lightly ICM wise, but with pos chipEV, and you play gto ICM wise, then your chipEV will be below average while you are making $$$ i.e. the graphs will diverge, no? maybe i'm not understanding the graphs correctly
09-13-2016 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
dude, 100k running w 1m overlay right now. y u no play?
Was 0% chance it was ever gonna overlay

Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
11k VPPs!
This would have been nice tho

Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Pee bottle?
Will c/p what I said to pads on skype

'not just a pee bottle, a 5gallon piss jug, I am not joking '

Originally Posted by RunninMan5K
oh my lanta, a poo bottle too probably ffs!!!!
Haha I lold

Originally Posted by hurtNCYDE
Every time I check up on this thread I am never ceased to be amazed by your graphs and results. Very well played mate!
(hifive) thanks boss, just trying my best

Originally Posted by tswpoker1
I see you are currently on JCarver's stream.

Also, pack win! Was a close one with the Jags, but a a win is a win! Let's go!
Haha been on there a lot recently as hes been playing some more sngs. And yea, I ended up betting moneyline with a friend for $500 and not the spread, roommate took the spread so he chopped and I shipped, quite happy on that . Let's hope the D looks better next week tho

Originally Posted by thabighurt35
if any of you have missed the updates here are cliffs:

jdawg wins 2+2 pgc
jdawg crushes hot mexican ass

Originally Posted by Ispitan
can somebody explain why chipEV matters in SNGs? if opponents on average call shoves too lightly ICM wise, but with pos chipEV, and you play gto ICM wise, then your chipEV will be below average while you are making $$$ i.e. the graphs will diverge, no? maybe i'm not understanding the graphs correctly
no strat in this pg&c


Reallllly slow day today after tons of action this weekend, and it's again 100% of because how stars is presenting the hyper sat lobby. Really ****ing tilting that they don't see how profitable the format is for the company while at the same time pissing off the player pool. Whatever, can't do anything about it

Tomorrow hoping for a ton of volume though since it's the Super Tues. Lets hope we get off a bunch of $720s to the $2100 Sunday Mil too as that offering is actually in the lobby heh.

Studying some now and then off to bed, gotta be up in about 8.5 hours, less if nosebleeds run as I'll be getting skype calls til I wake up . Gla on the grind

edit: also 10k HRer action at 0 markup if anyone is interested in a sweat:

Day Graph

MTD Graph

Updated SS LB, first to 200k pre rb
09-13-2016 , 12:20 PM
Watch out boyssss, getting the fedor heattt going
