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View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.74%
0 0%
6 6.74%
8 8.99%
15 16.85%
32 35.96%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
22 24.72%

02-10-2013 , 04:04 AM
Honestly bring your stop loss amount if you have one and IMO play down till you have 50bb left (including the money in your pocket) then call it a day. I personally don't have a stop loss
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02-10-2013 , 04:07 AM
I am like Adam Sandler in "The Water Boy"....

After my 2nd felting I get so sick in the mind every player's head at the poker table transforms into a fish, a donkey, or a drooling baby laughing at me that they have my cash....

I have to just run away or monkey tilt will ensue...
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02-10-2013 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder
I am like Adam Sandler in "The Water Boy"....

After my 2nd felting I get so sick in the mind every player's head at the poker table transforms into a fish, a donkey, or a drooling baby laughing at me that they have my cash....

I have to just run away or monkey tilt will ensue...
lol great comparison
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02-10-2013 , 11:52 PM
I have kept rebuying after being stuck 3k in 3/5 NL, stuck 5k in 5/5 NL, and stuck 10k in 5/10 NL.

Basically, I recommend rebuying unlimited amounts when Hero is not tilting and when Hero is still in a good game.

While I do believe that a winning image is usually better than a losing image, sometimes the game is too good to get up.
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02-11-2013 , 12:27 AM
I like a losing image, people will be more willing to play massive pots with me.
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02-11-2013 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by ATsai
I have kept rebuying after being stuck 3k in 3/5 NL, stuck 5k in 5/5 NL, and stuck 10k in 5/10 NL.

Basically, I recommend rebuying unlimited amounts when Hero is not tilting and when Hero is still in a good game.

While I do believe that a winning image is usually better than a losing image, sometimes the game is too good to get up.
That sucks to hear you got stuck that much, were able to battle back that same night?
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02-11-2013 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by ATsai
I have kept rebuying after being stuck 3k in 3/5 NL, stuck 5k in 5/5 NL, and stuck 10k in 5/10 NL.

Basically, I recommend rebuying unlimited amounts when Hero is not tilting and when Hero is still in a good game.

While I do believe that a winning image is usually better than a losing image, sometimes the game is too good to get up.
I dont agree with this at all. You must have a stop loss because even if your still +ev you are still influenced by way to many previous decisions/outcomes that may inhibit your future play. I cant fathom losing 10bi and just shake it off... And I cant see how any "pro" could be ok with this. Im speaking NLH ofc.

my stop loss is 3 buyins
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02-11-2013 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by schlik20
I dont agree with this at all. You must have a stop loss because even if your still +ev you are still influenced by way to many previous decisions/outcomes that may inhibit your future play. I cant fathom losing 10bi and just shake it off... And I cant see how any "pro" could be ok with this. Im speaking NLH ofc.

my stop loss is 3 buyins
some people really never tilt
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02-11-2013 , 03:20 AM
Considering that I am extremely over-rolled for games up to 5/10 NL, I don't tilt from being stuck 750bb+.

Obviously, 99% of other regs aren't over-rolled like that, so they do go on tilt ehen they are stuck 750bb+. They should probably quit before they tilt off the rrst of their money.

In any case, it just depends on your honesty with yourself.

FWIW, I have also won 8k+ in one 5/5 NL session and 20k+ in one 5/10 NL session. In the 5/5 NL session where I won 8k+, I was initially stuck 4k and refused to leave because the whale had 4k in front of him. He ended up gifting me 4k drawing dead all-in on the flop. So, yeah, I am extremely glad that I didn't quit stuck 4k because I ended up going on a 12k+ upswing later that session.

I have also left good games when I know I am tilting. On occasion, I have even left a good game even when I was winning because I knew I was tilting winning.

It all comes down to each individual situation.
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02-11-2013 , 03:24 AM
So you're offering your advice for that 1%er?
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02-11-2013 , 03:30 AM
I feel that a stop-loss is good for people who are bad at being honest with themselves.

If you are good at being honest with yourself, you don't need a stop-loss.

FWIW, most of the live poker crushers with the highest hourlies don't use a stop-loss.
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02-11-2013 , 03:33 AM
Not to be results-oriented, most of my big wins have come from sessions where I started off stuck like a pig.

So I am pretty biased about this subject.
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02-11-2013 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by ATsai
I feel that a stop-loss is good for people who are bad at being honest with themselves.

If you are good at being honest with yourself, you don't need a stop-loss.

FWIW, most of the live poker crushers with the highest hourlies don't use a stop-loss.

If your playing your A game there should be no reason to leave the table if your stuck a few buyins. Poker is one long session, so leaving when your already there is just delaying the inevitable.
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02-11-2013 , 03:42 AM
I am also the guy who will quit a poker session after playing only one hour because some idiot started an argument with me and put me on tilt. I would cash out my chips and then drive home cursing that guy all the way. Seems ******ed to drive to the casino and only play one hour before driving all the way back home again, but I knew I was tilting from the argument with the idiot, so I said "F*&k this, casinos are open 24/7 anyway!"

Then I would come back to the same casino the next day and then put in a 14 hour session because the game was THAT good.
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02-11-2013 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
some people really never tilt
everyone tilts.
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02-11-2013 , 03:50 AM
no everyone poops
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02-11-2013 , 03:54 AM
Tilt is an emotional response, so if you have emotion, you will tilt.
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02-11-2013 , 04:05 AM
When can you take out some profit from bankroll to pay expenses, etc.?
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02-11-2013 , 04:23 AM
Puke all over my win rate this weekend.
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02-11-2013 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by Loto_Negro_gv4l
When can you take out some profit from bankroll to pay expenses, etc.?
this is way too dependent on your personal situation to have universal advice. if you want some help determining that, tell us your situation like if you have a job, how seriously you play, your goals, etc etc

i guess if youre asking the question in the first place, my answer would be any time you feel like it.
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02-11-2013 , 09:41 AM
How to get rid of tilt(and boost your winrate)

Dont be results oriented
Play rolled
Put in tons of volume so that you lose pots more often and therefore become more accustomed to it
When all in simply put your chips in the middle, flip your cards and turn around (assuming all in before river). This way you have released yourself from the chips, you don't have to ride the emotional all in roller coaster, and since our hand is face up you don't have to worry about mucking the winner. (Vs regs I don't like to flip unless I have to show first, I wanna see their hand"
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02-11-2013 , 11:03 AM
I don't have anything close to 4k to play with. So I'm going to get my practice in online and only play the absolute fishiest live games I know of until I can build a roll (if I'm even good enough).

I just read that 10NL online plays like 1/2 live, but I have to disagree with this. It may be that decent players for both games are about the same skill level, but there is one big difference: bad players at 10NL are much more willing and likely to shove their stacks in. Because for fish, the absolute value of the money DOES affect their strategy. At live 1/2, I would say that most of the fish make smaller mistakes, but perhaps more often.

Or maybe the same mistakes are made everywhere, and I just don't see it the same way because --I-- let the absolute value affect me live. I want to play with a roll sometime so that I can view things objectively, because I think being scared money is the number one thing keeping me from thinking straight and winning.

[edit] Another huge difference between online and live, regardless of the online stakes, is that nowhere online do I see raises of 5x-8x the BB being standard. it's 3x everywhere, even at 5NL

Last edited by corlath; 02-11-2013 at 11:11 AM.
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02-11-2013 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Jibber
everyone tilts.
Eh, everyone tilts in different ways though.
For example; the last time I lost like 800 in a night, it wasn't because I was "tilting" I just ran like trash. I did tilt after the session though and went and bought a $700 tv
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02-11-2013 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by schlik20
I dont agree with this at all. You must have a stop loss because even if your still +ev you are still influenced by way to many previous decisions/outcomes that may inhibit your future play. I cant fathom losing 10bi and just shake it off... And I cant see how any "pro" could be ok with this. Im speaking NLH ofc.

my stop loss is 3 buyins
I don't think having a "losing image" makes it -EV just maybe less +EV but if you are in a great game and it is showdown poker you aren't bluffing too much anyway so it is pointless imo
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02-11-2013 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by LolPony
Eh, everyone tilts in different ways though.
For example; the last time I lost like 800 in a night, it wasn't because I was "tilting" I just ran like trash. I did tilt after the session though and went and bought a $700 tv
Ha, I love this. "**** it, if I'm going to lose that much I might as well GET something for it."
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