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***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015*** ***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015***

06-17-2015 , 10:04 AM
"Won his heat convincingly"

06-17-2015 , 10:07 AM
Sup DT. You didn't miss much.
06-17-2015 , 10:21 AM
You didn't miss nothing
06-17-2015 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Hello from Spain!
I was just in Spain! I should have called you via a convenient 19-digit telephone number. Merde!

Best part of Spain was hot womens. Even better part was when I went to the beach, and all the hot womens just take off their clothes (!) even when I advised them not to via yelling "M'LADY!" and wildly tipping my fedora! Imagine my shock, and with no fainting couch in sight.
06-17-2015 , 11:53 AM
Does anyone know any tall (6ft3+) oly lifter instagram channels I can masturbate to?
06-17-2015 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
You didn't miss nothing
One post of note:

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Latest LastWeekTonight is absolutely hilarious!

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Does anyone know any tall (6ft3+) oly lifter instagram channels I can masturbate to?
Ok, two:

Originally Posted by allinontheturn
06-17-2015 , 11:56 AM
let's recap who we got for WW so far

Crash (next week)
06-17-2015 , 12:13 PM
Most definitely no on WW.
06-17-2015 , 12:14 PM
Christ, that is one absurdly good-looking dude.

So has any of Oliver's episodes ever lead to anything, or is everyone so desensitized to crazy **** going on that's supported (at least implicitly) by the politicians that it just gets drowned out? Torture episode, matriarchal leave, BIG POULTRY etc.

SS is obv trolling. I only participated once, found it meh and the time difference makes it much more meh.
06-17-2015 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
So has any of Oliver's episodes ever lead to anything, or is everyone so desensitized to crazy **** going on that's supported (at least implicitly) by the politicians that it just gets drowned out? Torture episode, matriarchal leave, BIG POULTRY etc.
I know you're French so I'll let it slide, but the American way is to laugh at people pointing out serious issues in funny accents and then carry on your life as if nothing happened with your fingers in your ears going lalalalalala.
06-17-2015 , 12:28 PM
What is WW and how do I play it? I raise $6
06-17-2015 , 12:33 PM
I'm not sure why I'm on the WW list but please keep me there so your game can be ever so slightly worse than it should be.
06-17-2015 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
let's recap who we got for WW so far

Crash (next week)
06-17-2015 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
SS is obv trolling. I only participated once, found it meh and my skill level makes it much more meh.
Obv English is not your first language. I assume this is what you meant?
06-17-2015 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
I know you're French so I'll let it slide, but the American way is to laugh at people pointing out serious issues in funny accents and then carry on your life as if nothing happened with your fingers in your ears going lalalalalala.
****, if Oliver was American everything would be hugs and puppies over there now? Bummer.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Obv English is not your first language. I assume this is what you meant?
Obviously, but no need to be rude about it
06-17-2015 , 02:15 PM
I'm also out for any WW for the next month or so
06-17-2015 , 02:25 PM
Oliver has actually had a real impact. He crashed the FCC's website over Net Neutrality, pretty much forcing Obama into supporting it. Then his highlighting of the absurdity of civil forfeiture led to the Attorney General putting limits on it (and New Mexico just banned it altogether). Would not be surprised if his show on the interpreters literally dying to get into the US led to some visas getting expedited.

For someone who's had a pay cable show for less than a year, he has a lot of influence.
06-17-2015 , 03:53 PM
MICHIGAN#43 is also very likely to amend their civil forfeiture laws despite (or partly thanks to) a very conservative legislature & Republican governor.
06-17-2015 , 04:45 PM
paging KPOWZ (RAWR) or other nerd:

Currently maxed out my puny 2TB NAS, looking at 10TB via:

QNAP TS-451 ($420)
3x WD Red 5GB ($200ea) + a SSD for caching that I already have ($0) in raid 5.
+16GB Ram ($100 or whatever idk) to allow for virtual machines and larger SSD caching (I think I'm interpreting this correctly).

Purpose is to stream movies/TV/music I already have, and store a ****load of photos that I take, and backup pictures of your mom (which are obv huge). Sound good? K.
06-17-2015 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Oliver has actually had a real impact. He crashed the FCC's website over Net Neutrality, pretty much forcing Obama into supporting it. Then his highlighting of the absurdity of civil forfeiture led to the Attorney General putting limits on it (and New Mexico just banned it altogether). Would not be surprised if his show on the interpreters literally dying to get into the US led to some visas getting expedited.

For someone who's had a pay cable show for less than a year, he has a lot of influence.
Great to hear! Imo most of his stuff should be politically neutral (forfeiture, big chicken, torture etc), but I guess isn't necessarily so.
06-17-2015 , 07:09 PM
News flash!

Not only do I not have to work 12 hour days (which I wasn't going to do anyway), I don't even have an assignment anymore.

The long version is in the spoiler if anyone cares.

As I remember, we left off where I was told that I would be working 12 hour days plus weekends in order to make an unmakeable deadline on the project from hell.

Just a bit of background. We have an obligation to provide some files to a vendor on a daily basis. This is EXTREMELY important. It has federal fine implications. The system that does this now is horrible. I can't think of enough adjectives to describe how poorly designed and written it is. It literally breaks every single day.

In January, we will be changing vendors and therefore the files we send will change signficantly. So, it was decided that the system from hell was not worth salvaging and I was brought in to rewrite it. However, it was budgeted for 6 months but management diddled around for 4 so I had 2 months to get it done. There are a lot more variables that set this up for failure but I won't go in to everything.

So, January 1 is the real life deadline. Something I could do. However, managment insists that we have this in production September 1 so we can send a test file. Even that might be achievable. However, since this place is so screwed up, we have to hand it over to QA, well, tomorrow, in order for it to have a chance to make it into production by September 1. Yep, it takes that long.

So, back to the matter at hand. My boss finally came to the realization that there was no chance we would make the deadline. So, she had me sit down with her and do a project plan and task list and a bunch of other things that don't help us get anything done. After she put it all in the scheduling software, out popped October 17. An aggressive but doable date.

She took this to her boss who thought the project plan was fantastic. Except for that October 17 date. So he told her to go back and make the end date come out properly. So she added a bunch of programmers we don't have, set them all to working 70 hour weeks, and removed all depedencies in the schedule. VOILA! We can now finish on time.

So after spending an entire day on this she asked "so we are good with this, right". To which I replied "we have no chance of making that deadline". To which she said "but you are fine with this, right?" This went on for several iterations before she declared everyone is onboard.

So she went back to her boss with the schedule. So he took it to his boss who instructed them to have a bunch of other middle manager bosses to have a meeting (with me and Kumar) to figure out how to make it happen. So we all talked through it and unanimously realized we weren't going to make the deadline.

So, being the smart people they are, the middle manager bosses began brainstorming.

Interestingly enough, one of the people in the room (we'll call him Fred) is the guy who originally designed and wrote this crappy system. Apparently, this did not go unnoticed because they promoted him to lead architect in charge of overseeing the design of all system development. Seriously, I can't make this up.

Anyways, Fred says "well we can just make modifications to the current system in order to fulfill our contractual obligations. It should only take 2 weeks". The room was filled with excitement. But since these are managers, they couldn't just go tell the boss this idea. We had to spend several hours on pros and cons and matrices and all sorts of other nonsense.

So, the next day the managers have another powow. But instead of just going in to the bosses office to talk to him, they spent an entire day creating a power point to send to him via email.

Apparently, the boss embraced the solution. And in a wonderful twist of what goes around, he assigned Fred to do the work. So the email was sent outlining a general timeline, including informing Fred of his new assignment. Almost immediately Fred replied to everyone with a lengthy email which basically said "FU, I'm not doing ****'. So my boss found another person, Madu, who had worked on the system many years ago and dumped it on him. Kumar will be helping.

In the meantime, I'm off the hook for everything.
06-17-2015 , 07:27 PM
A+ story biggerboat. Crappy situation though. Happy you have a jerb though. Basically all kinds of mixed feels at your situation. I recommend you win the lottery.
06-17-2015 , 07:52 PM
I got next to nothing done at work today but I still feel like it was more productive than any day anyone at bb's company has ever had.
06-17-2015 , 08:27 PM
Good TR. how is the strip club scene in Tampa that Loco is so high on? Any TR's?
06-17-2015 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
I got next to nothing done at work today but I still feel like it was more productive than any day anyone at bb's company has ever had.
I've been the highest performer at most places I've worked, except maybe my last job which was stocked full of super genius go-getters, and I probably spent half my day jacking around on the internet. My theory is, most people spend 3/4 of the day doing that.

I am working on a little project that I estimate will take 2-3 weeks. Someone expressed incredulity that such a thing would be possible. I got a basic proof of concept going this afternoon in about 2 hours.
