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***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015*** ***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015***

06-12-2015 , 04:46 PM
sup Shaira
06-12-2015 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Pretty elite trolling right here -- I'm sure Evo will give this one an amen:

****ing cisthin high metabolism arsehole.
06-12-2015 , 05:07 PM
Jesus Christ. Disturbing video of a bus running over swimmers at the European Championships

06-12-2015 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
You know how hot dogs go great with tomato sauce and mozzarella but nobody offers it in one convenient disgusting package?

Pizza Hut finally offering it. Looks to be about 8 hot dogs worth on that pizza. Luckily they're including nacho cheese and mustard, because those were my next questions
Oh that's really being offered? Thought it was something someone was making. Was gonna point out that twisting the crust is a huge PITA (making it commercially). It was a major reason I quit working there.

Also contributing (reasons obv in no order):

- made as much $ playing poker
- worked 60+ hours (salaried for 48) and had to work 3 straight shifts 2x a week
- I helped every other store, yet nobody would help us when I came into work and immediately began puking my guts out, and it was just a delivery driver and I working.

But when the cheesey bites were coming back, I quit immediately.
06-12-2015 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
I can host one in October if Monte declines. Hosting in Detroit so it'll have to be a BYOB (Bring Your Own Beretta).
Don't have a beretta, can I bring a springfield? I assume it's like a bbq and can bring whiskey in lieu of beer?
06-12-2015 , 06:03 PM
Irrespective of content, the original Jizzabel article is just ****ing awful writing and storytelling from a mechanical point of view. ****ing impossible to follow and riddled with irrelevant and long detours I doubt even Jez readers could possibly give a **** about. Of course she starts with these detours and I have no idea where anything is going until 2/3rds in. This comes from the master of TL;DR.

But yeah this is a great example of the profound and damaging misogyny in our modern society and she is a brave and courageous individual for bringing it too our collective attentions
06-12-2015 , 06:20 PM
I don't really expect anything else from them.

Last edited by udbrky; 06-12-2015 at 06:20 PM. Reason: What if they're an offshoot of the onion and we're all being trolled?
06-12-2015 , 08:18 PM
I think I just bought a condo
06-12-2015 , 08:26 PM
Is it on the water?
06-12-2015 , 08:42 PM
06-12-2015 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Brother Syndr0m

06-12-2015 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I know this is tangential to the intent of this post, but I cdoubt obesity is correlated to decreased fecundity in present day America (and perhaps historically too) and in fact The exact opposite might be true.
Might be true lol. Go to your local Walmart/Food City. Clear correlation between BMI and number Uruk-Hai wombspawn hellions wrecking havoc literally drooling on everything and getting their sticky candy covered fingers over food products and crying and throwing produce around.

but I can see how this dynamic might not exist among middle class and over white America. But that's a dwindlingly small portion of the nation as the rest of us take over!1!11

heh.... so feminists right again! Fat IS sexy! They have more offspring!!!

Last edited by Evoken; 06-12-2015 at 10:54 PM.
06-12-2015 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket

i was able to fap to this very easily.
06-12-2015 , 11:12 PM
That Jez article is idiotic even by Jez standards.
06-13-2015 , 12:39 AM
That was a great gif to wake up to BTM

Now I'm gonna have a coffee.
06-13-2015 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Jesus Christ. Disturbing video of a bus running over swimmers at the European Championships
I had to click the spoiler tag because my first reaction was "how the f*ck did the bus get in the pool?".
06-13-2015 , 01:32 AM
Woooowowww Adam Carolla is amazingly direspectful to Dr. Bruce on the latest podcast. That was horrible, what a primadona.

I actually do think he'd be more entertaining on terrestrial radio with execs to police him as far as content goes. It sucks they'd probably censor things and enforce PC to some degree though. He pulls crap like this, indulges just a bit too far on the narcissism (rich coming from Evo lolol), and generally talks about stuff nobody finds entertaining pretty often.
06-13-2015 , 01:43 AM
I haven't heard this pod yet, but he is always pretty disrespectful to Dr. Bruce, so might just be par for the course. Also, cant blame Carola too much for sometimes being non entertaining. Counting weekend shows guy basically does monologues 20 hrs/week every week. There is gonna be some dry time, but considering his volume I think he brings the goods a remarkably high % of the time.

Also, I recently heard a pod he did with Artie Lange that was a recording of a live show. Artie was real funny. Towards the end of his time on Stern because of all the drugs he really had lost his comedic chops, but he is sober now and it really shows he is a great improv comedian when his brain is working.
06-13-2015 , 02:21 AM
Usually it's light hearted and stuff though. This time he literally kicked him off the podcast and told him to drive home because Bruce got irritated for Adam's constant interruptions.

The guest was really funny though. Some youtubes superstar. Sam Macaroni. Funnier than nearly every standup he's had on there recently and it was all cleary unscripted.

Last edited by Evoken; 06-13-2015 at 02:28 AM.
06-13-2015 , 09:06 AM
So why do you keep listening?
06-13-2015 , 09:15 AM

Gratulerer med dagen. Du ser det samme som alltid.
06-13-2015 , 09:29 AM
Soulman is now even older than ****. Fakeb still not creative enough to avoid recycling his Facebook posts. All is right with the world.
06-13-2015 , 10:39 AM

If you ever would prefer a unique post, please me know. I will post or pm one just for you. Your needs matter to me.
06-13-2015 , 12:25 PM
Don't do it for me; do it for you.
