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***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015*** ***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015***

06-06-2015 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Brahs, I must have missed it if somebody poasted about it in the LC thread and I haven't seen it in the news yet, but John Nash died last month on the 23rd. It was a taxi crash and it claimed his wife as well. FFFAAACCKKK!!!! if anyone deserved to live on to very old age and pass of painless natural causes it was him.

R.I.P, one of the greatest minds in human history and a personal inspiration.

But back to Caitlin Jenner duhrrh durr!111
His death was essentially front page news for a day or two. It was fairly well covered. Definitely unfortunate.
06-06-2015 , 11:04 PM
For 5 minutes I thought you were talking about Jon North
06-06-2015 , 11:16 PM
God if it had only been Jno instead of JNash....
06-06-2015 , 11:29 PM
Time to rewatch A Beautiful Mind

Great movie
06-06-2015 , 11:43 PM
Speaking of car crashes...

One of East Australia's favourites (and his wife) died in a car crash in France this week.

06-07-2015 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Time to rewatch A Beautiful Mind

Great movie
06-07-2015 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Brahs, I must have missed it if somebody poasted about it in the LC thread and I haven't seen it in the news yet, but John Nash died last month on the 23rd. It was a taxi crash and it claimed his wife as well. FFFAAACCKKK!!!! if anyone deserved to live on to very old age and pass of painless natural causes it was him.

R.I.P, one of the greatest minds in human history and a personal inspiration.

But back to Caitlin Jenner duhrrh durr!111
06-07-2015 , 07:20 AM
So is dying at 86 considered young?
06-07-2015 , 08:02 AM
Man imagine if John Nash played poker. He would have been way beyond any sicko. Even getting recruited by Stars to find out if there is any bots being used or threats against its servers. A few years down the line though he'd probably make up an imaginary Tournament Director or Floor person who made him fold the nuts every time. Spiraling his poker and life down the drain.

We'd also have a thread in NVG OP'd by Nash:
Stars is rigged; what's with the extra player on every table?

which would be full of ramblings and indiscernible diagrams by Nash as to why stars does not anymore respond to his monthly reports that the RNG is rigged and how he can fix it. A lot of posters would try to help him realize he is probably schizophrenic and ask him to self-exclude himself from stars for lifetime.

He'd finally learn to accept his condition and make make millions of dollars through his website

Finally, he'd get recognized by the WSOP for his work in poker and receive a bracelet.

Last edited by SenseiSingh; 06-07-2015 at 08:13 AM.
06-07-2015 , 02:27 PM
Now that is what the next poker movie should be about. Would watch/would try to watch unless it got terrible advance reviews.
06-07-2015 , 03:04 PM
Does anyone here know what this stuff in my gym is for? How much extra would you consider paying for the stuff in the first picture?

06-07-2015 , 03:12 PM
TRX suspension

06-07-2015 , 03:35 PM
TRX and in general bodyweight training is great....

Great if you got sent to solitary confinement at a max pen and you were on suicude watch so couldn't get access to weights.

Nevermind, pretty sure you can hang yourself on the TRX. So good for that and some shoulder warmups.
06-07-2015 , 03:58 PM
That's it?? I'm so disappointed. I don't know what I expected, but not that.

They have these things called Power Bags, too. I actually googled that. Turns out they aren't called "blast bags" and I'm pretty sure I'm now on the NSA watch list

After looking up the right term I found this video

what a letdown
06-07-2015 , 04:07 PM
That's a sandbag ffs.

They just gave it a stupid name so they could trademark it.
06-07-2015 , 06:53 PM
Thought this video was pretty interesting. Less than I would have thought tho I guess 6IU of growth makes a lot of difference, also no idea what 1test cypionate is.

Pretty huge difference between this dude and lolBostin Loyd
06-07-2015 , 07:02 PM
Uploader 2 days ago
Man I forgot a bunch of stuff!!! Should I do another vid?

insane serratus though holy ****

Last edited by KPowers; 06-07-2015 at 07:20 PM.
06-07-2015 , 07:37 PM
Put in an offer for a townhome. Not the one I posted about earlier. About 5 doors down but in perfect condition. 2 story. Here is the left, center, and right views from the back porch.

06-07-2015 , 09:31 PM
Odd timing given the stuff going on with the jerb. Hope everything works out one way or another.
06-07-2015 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
Thought this video was pretty interesting. Less than I would have thought tho I guess 6IU of growth makes a lot of difference, also no idea what 1test cypionate is.

Pretty huge difference between this dude and lolBostin Loyd
Thanks for posting, will collect my thoughts and have a tldr soon. 1test cyp is basically like EQ/mast/primo. Dry, no/low aromatizing, vascularity, not a lot of strength gainz.
06-07-2015 , 10:23 PM
God that was ****ing disappointing. He's even more poorly spoken than Mr. Loyd. That was nearly impossible to follow. My speculations about the intelligence of people drawn to bodybuilding are correct again in this case. PLers and olybrahs other than Jno and Kco sound like ****ing geniuses compared to these morans. Language barrier and all that but he's also really distracted.

Week 15-8
500mg/wk test cyp
600mg/wk npp
???mg/wk 1-test cyp (he never says dosage so who knows, but let's assume 500-600)
70mg var/day
.5mg adex/?? day?
10mg nolva/?? day?

Week 8
250mg test cyp/wk
300mg npp/wk
300mg 1-test cyp/wk
proviron 50mg/day
anavar 40mg/day
adex .5mg
nolva 10mg

Week 5 to show day
injectables same
40mcg clen
25mcg t3
50mg primo acetate oral
100mg winny/day

6iu gh until like 7 days out I think he said?

Pretty interesting and I hope this kind of sharing becomes a trend. I mean the NPC doesn't test so why the hell not? Yeah I guess PEDs are "illegal" but so far nobody is going to jail for admitting to using them. It's still really effortless to buy very powerful orals that are legal in the U.K. from U.K. online stores. Even if you import big quantities of raw powders and they get seized you don't get fined or jailed (I don't know from personal experience, just from others). Seems like the only way to get in trouble is selling so it's de-facto like the U.K. where possession/use is "legal" but distribution is not.

He doesn't look nearly as good as Bostin did on his Contra Costa winning day and gear has diminishing returns. I don't think he's lying or understating. He's also probably been training and using a lot longer than Mr. Loyd and that's going to make a huge difference quite obviously. You can't use 5g for a year and be on the same level as somebody who's used 1g for 5 years training the same way, ldo.

I really hope he's being truthful about clen+t3 usage and it's possible to get that shredded on so little. I guess from Bdiddy's log he might be right. Stimulants scare the **** out of me personally. I'd way rather inject 5g of hormonas a week than be on clen over 100mcg or DNP at any dosage.

Also no snythol and arms/delts still looking gr8. That's good. Good video but I'd rather he just wrote all that out but dumb people are usually worse at writing than speaking.

Last edited by Evoken; 06-07-2015 at 10:30 PM.
06-08-2015 , 12:20 AM
I watched the pilot of Mr. Robot this weekend and it was GOAT. Just found the 2nd episode won't come out until like somewhere in July. FFS

Pretty sure everyone in here would like it but having a little background in geeky computer stuff like networks and IRC and linux and all that kinda related slang in general makes it even better.

I wish I was a hacker.
06-08-2015 , 12:54 AM
GOT No spoilers version

Jon with the classic Jon!
Arya being elite overall.
Dany with the classic Dany!
Jamie with the classic Jamie!
Stannis with the....wait WHAT?

also Dario actually has something funny to say!!!
06-08-2015 , 01:04 AM
Guys, no spoilers. A lot of badass stuff happens. Show>books for 4-5.
06-08-2015 , 03:15 AM
most John Oliver topics I've at least heard of before, but this was totally new to me

and Debraaaaaaaaaa
