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***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015*** ***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015***

06-11-2015 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Exhibit A, as to why despite our many faults USA remains USA#1
06-11-2015 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Majestic as ****


Lebron is most likely destroying Jonfon. He went to Vegas talking about going all in on warriors and now no one has heard of him. RIP.
06-11-2015 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Sounds pretty badass.
It kind of is. Pretty easy to make, too, and I am terrible at that sort of thing.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Monte should host an H&F block party
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
I would definitely maybe e-attend.
All of you can sample my brother-in-law's meat.

He is actually a bit less of a deadbeat these days; he's renting a room with an actual adult in our neighborhood, and against all odds has found himself a lady that is much, much too good for him and has domesticated him rather quickly. He's also been holding a steady job and (probably?) will be done with college by the end of 2016. Good times?
06-11-2015 , 11:04 AM
The great part about my last post is that it will induce a fedora clad Yugo to make a post about seeing triggers everywhere at some point within the next few hours.

06-11-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
He is actually a bit less of a deadbeat these days; he's renting a room with an actual adult in our neighborhood, and against all odds has found himself a lady that is much, much too good for him and has domesticated him rather quickly. He's also been holding a steady job and (probably?) will be done with college by the end of 2016. Good times?
Yikes, sounds terrible. Best of luck to him.
06-11-2015 , 11:19 AM
I just got a little chewed out by a ~60 yo woman for not getting the door for her.

We are the only two people in the lobby of an auto repair place. She was pushing an expensive looking baby carrier that women use for jogging. Inside was a yappy dog that looked kind of like the gremlin with the Mohawk in that bad 80s movie. I was slightly amused but did not tip fedora, did not hold door. She scowled, said thanks, and spoke of the downfall of society.

I'm feeling pretty good about it.
06-11-2015 , 11:24 AM
Maybe you should've just held the damn door open?
06-11-2015 , 11:29 AM
Should have tried hitting her ldo.
06-11-2015 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Maybe you should've just held the damn door open?
06-11-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by crashjr
I just got a little chewed out by a ~60 yo woman for not getting the door for her.
I'm so sick of this GD old woman privilege - it's even worse when they feel entitled to it.

Originally Posted by crashjr
looked kind of like the gremlin with the Mohawk in that bad 80s movie.
How dare you.
06-11-2015 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
How dare you.
Phoebe Cates did not get naked, therefore it was bad.
06-11-2015 , 11:58 AM
Meanwhile in Indiana

06-11-2015 , 11:58 AM
Splash water on dog to see if new ones sprout, obv.
06-11-2015 , 12:02 PM
Lost it at "Johnny, punch her in her ****ing face!" Expert parenting.
06-11-2015 , 12:04 PM
After much discussion, management has come up with 2 options - 1) pull the plug on my project or 2) throw more people at it and make me work 60 hours a week.
06-11-2015 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Monte should host an H&F block party
I can host one in October if Monte declines. Hosting in Detroit so it'll have to be a BYOB (Bring Your Own Beretta).
06-11-2015 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Meanwhile in Indiana
I haven't been able to watch this, but I like the fact that the title has it as part 1 and that there will be more fighting after that video.
06-11-2015 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Lost it at "Johnny, punch her in her ****ing face!" Expert parenting.
Also at the dude saying he wasn't getting in the middle of it due to fear of a lawsuit. Wutwutinthebutt.
06-11-2015 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by skeletor121
I haven't been able to watch this, but I like the fact that the title has it as part 1 and that there will be more fighting after that video.
Part 2 is funnier than part 1 wrt the kid

Originally Posted by Soulman
Also at the dude saying he wasn't getting in the middle of it due to fear of a lawsuit. Wutwutinthebutt.
USA#1 tho. Sitting back and video recording is the much much better play and its not close.
06-11-2015 , 12:49 PM
My fav part was that the woman in the motorized scooter who got up and out of it to fight had a YOLO shirt on. That **** is ridiculous - and I own a Turn Down for What shirt.
06-11-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
USA#1 tho. Sitting back and video recording is the much much better play and its not close.
Yeah, that's the hysterical/sad part.

Originally Posted by allinontheturn
My fav part was that the woman in the motorized scooter who got up and out of it to fight had a YOLO shirt on. That **** is ridiculous - and I own a Turn Down for What shirt.
Missed that, too perfect. Probably photoshopped, I saw some pixels.
06-11-2015 , 12:57 PM
It's amazing how many "that is so wrong"s got crammed into one video.
06-11-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
I just got a little chewed out by a ~60 yo woman for not getting the door for her.

We are the only two people in the lobby of an auto repair place. She was pushing an expensive looking baby carrier that women use for jogging. Inside was a yappy dog that looked kind of like the gremlin with the Mohawk in that bad 80s movie. I was slightly amused but did not tip fedora, did not hold door. She scowled, said thanks, and spoke of the downfall of society.

I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Nice, that's nice. Dad of the year push intensifies!
06-11-2015 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
I just got a little chewed out by a ~60 yo woman for not getting the door for her.

We are the only two people in the lobby of an auto repair place. She was pushing an expensive looking baby carrier that women use for jogging. Inside was a yappy dog that looked kind of like the gremlin with the Mohawk in that bad 80s movie. I was slightly amused but did not tip fedora, did not hold door. She scowled, said thanks, and spoke of the downfall of society.

I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Should have chewed her out for subjecting your eyes to that abortion of a dog.
06-11-2015 , 02:05 PM
attractive dog privilege ITT
