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***Happy Birfday Extravaganza fredd-bird: Septembro LC Thread (No WLs allowed. Ban BtM)*** ***Happy Birfday Extravaganza fredd-bird: Septembro LC Thread (No WLs allowed. Ban BtM)***

09-10-2014 , 05:52 PM
09-10-2014 , 05:53 PM
I got a jury summons for last month. 3 month murder trial. Actually would not have minded since our trial courts are only half days. Defense attorney let something as petty as my friendship with the DA get in the way tho and he removed me for cause.

So fakeB, the answer is obviously to make friends with the DA.
09-10-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Just got the summons for jury duty. ****. If this ****s with my lifting schedule, someone might be going to prison.
I've been summoned twice in the last 2 years (just bad luck), but I've made the cutoff both times and didn't have to show
09-10-2014 , 06:43 PM
BtM maybe you can get a job @ the Harvard Endowment

Cliffs: Harvard Management Co. paid $132.8 million in salaries, bonuses and benefits... employed 324 people
09-10-2014 , 07:31 PM
Actually know a handful of HMC employees....IMO they're underpaid for the industry.

I have heard that their bonus structure for traders and portfolio managers is based on an average of their last three years' performance, which does cause some people to have a big year and then coast for another two. Heard a story about a trader that got fired recently for doing just that.
09-10-2014 , 09:58 PM
Wait you're supposed to show up for jury summons?
09-10-2014 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
Actually know a handful of HMC employees....IMO they're underpaid for the industry.
That increases the lel factor.
09-10-2014 , 11:31 PM
What are some causes of pain near the buttock/lower back?

Some background. I got a bulging disc in my lower back over 2 years ago. It's annoying but for the most part is kept in check.

Now I haven't lifted in like 6 weeks. And like a week ago I notice a pain in my upper right buttock. It hurts if I bend my back backwards or if I swing my right leg forward. A sharp type pain.

I have no idea what caused this. I'm kind of nervous.

Any ideas? Thanks
09-10-2014 , 11:47 PM
Sharp pain = get it checked imo. Could be an SI joint issue, could be some other stuff. But given a bulged disk in your past, I'd get it checked.

oooh kill 'em.
09-11-2014 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
What are some causes of pain near the buttock/lower back?

Some background. I got a bulging disc in my lower back over 2 years ago. It's annoying but for the most part is kept in check.

Any ideas? Thanks
I a pretty sure pain in this area is a typical symptom of a bulging dixk, often due to pressure put on nerves.
09-11-2014 , 09:25 AM
Dr QuickBan, could be a lot of things.

But yeah, go to a doctor not poker forum experts.
09-11-2014 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
What are some causes of pain near the buttock/lower back?

Some background. I got a bulging disc in my lower back over 2 years ago. It's annoying but for the most part is kept in check.

Now I haven't lifted in like 6 weeks. And like a week ago I notice a pain in my upper right buttock. It hurts if I bend my back backwards or if I swing my right leg forward. A sharp type pain.

I have no idea what caused this. I'm kind of nervous.

Any ideas? Thanks
You have been stabbed and are going to die. GG.
09-11-2014 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
That increases the lel factor.
It's a hedge fund. If you want to be competitive in that sort of investment environment you need to be able to pay market rate to attract talent. Their traders are fairly compensated though their incentive program doesn't build the sort of cut-throat environment where high trading returns are generated. But their upper management is under compensated.

Also HMC's investment objective isn't to outperform the S&P or other hedge funds. It isn't even to outperform other endowments during a bull market. It is to generate returns in excess of what others could generate at a specified very low level of risk. As long as Harvard is protected from previously unheard of downside fat tail outcomes they aren't concerned with short term under performance. What would be really telling would be for Harvard to under perform other similarly sized endowments during the next market correction, because that would be indicative that their endowment management structure is seriously flawed.
09-11-2014 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by skeletor121
You have been stabbed and are going to die. GG.
It could be intentional poisoning. He might also have been shot. Not sure why you jump straight to stabbing as the reason he is going to die.
09-11-2014 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
It's a hedge fund. If you want to be competitive in that sort of investment environment you need to be able to pay market rate to attract talent. Their traders are fairly compensated though their incentive program doesn't build the sort of cut-throat environment where high trading returns are generated. But their upper management is under compensated.
Ya, afaik the accountants and ops and reporting teams aren't pulling in $700k bonuses...
09-11-2014 , 10:55 AM
Bixby, DFII, other fancies who may happen upon tt,

I'm going to an outdoor wedding this weekend, and it's going to be downright chilly. Is a sweater under a suit jacket dumb? I wouldn't worry about a sweater under a sportcoat, but I don't want to seem out of place at a formal event and it won't be cold enough for a topcoat, I guess, so I don't want to buy one just for this event.

Recall I've lost a bit of weight, so my jacket should still fit ok with a sweater underneath even though I am awesomely jacked as **** with arms the size of Monte's legs.


ETA: would post this in EDF, but I don't think Allen Edmonds will solve my issue.
09-11-2014 , 11:31 AM
I dunno, don't schedule an outdoor wedding when it's gonna be cold out? I'd probably just wear my heaviest appropriate suit/shirt/undershirt combo and sack up until I find the whiskey... but I am probably not as fancy as you are giving me credit for.

NH wrt AEs though.
09-11-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by crashjr
It could be intentional poisoning. He might also have been shot. Not sure why you jump straight to stabbing as the reason he is going to die.
Because I find it funny to think of him being stabbed in the butt.

Originally Posted by downtown
Bixby, DFII, other fancies who may happen upon tt,

I'm going to an outdoor wedding this weekend, and it's going to be downright chilly. Is a sweater under a suit jacket dumb? I wouldn't worry about a sweater under a sportcoat, but I don't want to seem out of place at a formal event and it won't be cold enough for a topcoat, I guess, so I don't want to buy one just for this event.

Recall I've lost a bit of weight, so my jacket should still fit ok with a sweater underneath even though I am awesomely jacked as **** with arms the size of Monte's legs.


ETA: would post this in EDF, but I don't think Allen Edmonds will solve my issue.
Just wear a base layer/long john shirt underneath your dress shirt. They are tight fitting and won't take up much room. Don't forget to wear your scarf too.
09-11-2014 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Bixby, DFII, other fancies who may happen upon tt,

I'm going to an outdoor wedding this weekend, and it's going to be downright chilly. Is a sweater under a suit jacket dumb? I wouldn't worry about a sweater under a sportcoat, but I don't want to seem out of place at a formal event and it won't be cold enough for a topcoat, I guess, so I don't want to buy one just for this event.

Recall I've lost a bit of weight, so my jacket should still fit ok with a sweater underneath even though I am awesomely jacked as **** with arms the size of Monte's legs.


ETA: would post this in EDF, but I don't think Allen Edmonds will solve my issue.
90% of heat loss occurs thru the head. Place a cat under your heaviest fedora & you'll be fine.
09-11-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
Ya, afaik the accountants and ops and reporting teams aren't pulling in $700k bonuses...
Support staff does pretty well in that whole industry. Easiest place to find boring, repetitive work and still make $150k before turning 30.

Originally Posted by downtown
Bixby, DFII, other fancies who may happen upon tt,

I'm going to an outdoor wedding this weekend, and it's going to be downright chilly. Is a sweater under a suit jacket dumb? I wouldn't worry about a sweater under a sportcoat, but I don't want to seem out of place at a formal event and it won't be cold enough for a topcoat, I guess, so I don't want to buy one just for this event.

Recall I've lost a bit of weight, so my jacket should still fit ok with a sweater underneath even though I am awesomely jacked as **** with arms the size of Monte's legs.


ETA: would post this in EDF, but I don't think Allen Edmonds will solve my issue.
Depends on the suit, imo. Heavy navy/grey flannel or a tweed suit should look fine with a dark merino or cashmere sweater (v neck obv) under the jacket. A super 140s boardroom suit with pinstripes will not.

Otherwise I'd just go with some sort of cold weather base layer.
09-11-2014 , 12:02 PM
bixby, just be chilly? Fancy card revoked. I am going to this wedding sans DT fam, so I don't think you have to worry about my bourbon consumption, it will be healthy.

Aiott, this new cat is getting friendlier. I like her, but I might like being left alone even more.

DF Dos, Yeah, probably a heavy dark navy suit. A tip of my fedora to this entire forum of fancy ****s.
09-11-2014 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
Support staff does pretty well in that whole industry. Easiest place to find boring, repetitive work and still make $150k before turning 30.
Sadly (?) this is a very serious career option for me atm. So far I'm taking the high road and being paid less to do the same stuff with the hopes it will evolve into something better or I'll figure out what I want to be when I grow up
09-11-2014 , 03:45 PM
You're a CPA, no?

Based on the number of jobs that I'm apparently unqualified for because I'm not one, I assume it is a pretty valuable certification.
09-11-2014 , 03:53 PM
Nah, never bothered because I never liked accounting. Which is why I'm reluctant to work at a fund, because all I'd be doing is accounting and I'd have to go grab a CPA and ultimately try to become a controller or something yadda yadda. Plus you gotta audit, f that. Definitely opens a lot of doors though.

In general though you don't NEED a CPA for most accounting roles related to hedge funds afaik because lol regulation.
09-11-2014 , 06:25 PM
The Sequel to "YOLO" (and the original if you haven't seen it). NSFW:

