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***Happy Birfday Extravaganza fredd-bird: Septembro LC Thread (No WLs allowed. Ban BtM)*** ***Happy Birfday Extravaganza fredd-bird: Septembro LC Thread (No WLs allowed. Ban BtM)***

09-09-2014 , 09:24 AM
I sort of thought iPad minis were dumb when they came out.

Nope, I like it a lot more than my iPad
09-09-2014 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by n4rf
I sort of thought iPad minis were dumb when they came out.

Nope, I like it a lot more than my iPad
Haha, yeah I get the feeling that I'd love it. Only $400 so that's like yearly fees on a $61,500 portfolio.
09-09-2014 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Haha, yeah I get the feeling that I'd love it. Only $400 so that's like yearly fees on a $61,500 portfolio.
That you likely think of purchases in terms of how rich of an old person you'd have to fleece is making me simultaneously a bit giggly and a lot sad. Our financial services industry really is the worst
09-09-2014 , 09:48 AM
Lighten up Montecore - an old with only a $61,500 portfolio is going to be living on cat food & beans anyway so taking away $400 won't really change their lifestyle.
09-09-2014 , 09:50 AM
I guess when you consider that capitalism is mostly just smart people figuring out a way to get money from dumb people, it's not that big of a deal. Just kind of depressing, especially when you consider that, as you say, the impact of what BTM does is one millionth of a percent as significant as what Wall Street as a whole is doing. Meh.
09-09-2014 , 09:51 AM
What is the prevailing wisdom on Quest bars right now? Fake fiber?

Saw they're down to $20/dozen now and definitely tempted to stock up for work.
09-09-2014 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
That you likely think of purchases in terms of how rich of an old person you'd have to fleece is making me simultaneously a bit giggly and a lot sad. Our financial services industry really is the worst
Eh. Most of our competitors charge a lot more than we do. We aren't the cheapest but for the services we provide we are in the running.

What exactly should we charge? We do portfolio management, taxes, entity structuring, estate planning, etc. Old rich people have a lot of complex scenarios and they have zero clue who to go to about it. I know you're rustling, and it's working, but really, most of what we do is pretty awesome for our clients.
09-09-2014 , 10:28 AM
Buncha communists ITT.
09-09-2014 , 10:41 AM

Speaking as someone who has zero interest in financial matters, it is my dream to pay someone else to take care of these things for me.

As it is, I barely have any assets and I still pay someone else to do my taxes for me mainly because it is just a huge aggravation I don't want or need.
09-09-2014 , 10:55 AM
I'm the kind of ******* who'll do his own home maintenance like some kind of plebe

Last edited by allinontheturn; 09-09-2014 at 10:55 AM. Reason: b/c I am a plebe
09-09-2014 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I guess when you consider that capitalism is mostly just smart people figuring out a way to get money from dumb people, it's not that big of a deal. Just kind of depressing, especially when you consider that, as you say, the impact of what BTM does is one millionth of a percent as significant as what Wall Street as a whole is doing. Meh.
Go back to France.
09-09-2014 , 11:07 AM
I don't have enough to worry about investing in any mainstream financial markets. As soon as I have enough land, ammo, and secure bunker space I'll call BTM.
09-09-2014 , 11:12 AM
On another note, I woke up with a touch of Ebola this morning. Prolly gonna die.
09-09-2014 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Eh. Most of our competitors charge a lot more than we do. We aren't the cheapest but for the services we provide we are in the running.

What exactly should we charge? We do portfolio management, taxes, entity structuring, estate planning, etc. Old rich people have a lot of complex scenarios and they have zero clue who to go to about it. I know you're rustling, and it's working, but really, most of what we do is pretty awesome for our clients.

I can see your value BTM. I think you're important and special. If I get more than 10 millions of dollars I will shoot you a PM about what I should really do.
09-09-2014 , 11:20 AM
Besides two chicks at the same time?

Move to France, ldo.
09-09-2014 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by downtown

I can see your value BTM. I think you're important and special. If I get more than 10 millions of dollars I will shoot you a PM about what I should really do.
09-09-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
Who else is calling out of work tomorrow to see the new iPhone 6 reveal?
How about that new watch!

But srs I think I'm about to jump back onto the iPhone ship. I like the Note 2 but Android hardware doesn't keep up with the OS after 2 years, and it's a drag using this thing.

So how do I do this? I pay cash for a new one, then when my contract is up (January iirc), I get another one through verizon with the discount, don't open it, and sell it... where? eBay? Or do people sell the one they've been using and keep the new one?
09-09-2014 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
But srs I think I'm about to jump back onto the iPhone ship. I like the Note 2 but Android hardware doesn't keep up with the OS after 2 years, and it's a drag using this thing.
iPhones have the same problem and you can always just root your Android and put on a more optimal ROM but K.

Bros, does anyone use any type of air purifier / scent / ionizer / HEPA (???) for their bedrooms? Pros cons? Necessary / not? Seems like it could be a hugely positive investment for pretty cheap especially since I'm sometimes a while between laundry... or for whatever the hell else they do.
09-09-2014 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
iPhones have the same problem and you can always just root your Android and put on a more optimal ROM but K.
****ing lies. I have probably spent two hours trying to do this **** three separate times and it's never worked. Or I read **** like "wi-fi not great in this build and if stock radio no longer works just reinput API info and if that doesn't work try this alternate API, but backup because it may brick here".... gtfo.

I am rather tech saavy and none of the automated rooting mechanisms ever worked on my phone. And ****ing hours later reading **** like this over and over I am like why am I even bothering with this **** it's a ****ing waste of my time I hope all nerds die in a fire.
09-09-2014 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
Bros, does anyone use any type of air purifier / scent / ionizer / HEPA (???) for their bedrooms? Pros cons? Necessary / not? Seems like it could be a hugely positive investment for pretty cheap especially since I'm sometimes a while between laundry... or for whatever the hell else they do.
Don't buy one, it's easy you just build one yourself!
09-09-2014 , 03:10 PM

Trusted sources confirm that if you can convince a girl to follow you into your bedroom, if she sees a humidifier, she is 100% more likely to stay the night.
09-09-2014 , 03:13 PM
Airplanes basically never fly east-west at high altitude over redding. All traffic is north-south since west is basically nothing but ocean for six thoisand miles. A large commercial airliner is flying overhead at high altitude, basically wtf.

Anyway, I figured out that you can ask Siri and she will tell you exactly what airplane it is. This one is united 2 from Tokyo to Houston and is several hundred miles off the planned route - prolly avoiding thunderstorms or some ish.

So get an iphone.
09-09-2014 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

Trusted sources confirm that if you can convince a girl to follow you into your bedroom, if she sees a humidifier, she is 100% more likely to stay the night.
If she's into betas, then maybe
09-09-2014 , 03:21 PM
lol at buying an iphone. might as well buy 600$ unsanforized jeans
09-09-2014 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
****ing lies. I have probably spent two hours trying to do this **** three separate times and it's never worked. Or I read **** like "wi-fi not great in this build and if stock radio no longer works just reinput API info and if that doesn't work try this alternate API, but backup because it may brick here".... gtfo.

I am rather tech saavy and none of the automated rooting mechanisms ever worked on my phone. And ****ing hours later reading **** like this over and over I am like why am I even bothering with this **** it's a ****ing waste of my time I hope all nerds die in a fire.
Jameses rustled, lel.

Actually I tried doing this once and almost bricked my phone. Then I realized it's because Verizon hates freedom and the most recent updates locked me down from all but like one pretty useless ROM. But I'm 99% confident I could do it very easily now.
