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***Happy Birfday Extravaganza fredd-bird: Septembro LC Thread (No WLs allowed. Ban BtM)*** ***Happy Birfday Extravaganza fredd-bird: Septembro LC Thread (No WLs allowed. Ban BtM)***

09-04-2014 , 04:33 PM
09-04-2014 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson

1. Contributing to a 401k has no bearing on whether you'll get the tax benefits on a traditional IRA. The only thing that matters is your income. If your income is low enough that you can get the full benefit then whether you convert to Roth or not depends on what you think your future tax situation will be (see Monte's post on this point). If your income is too high to get any benefit, then there is no point in getting a traditional IRA unless your are going to convert it to a Roth.

2. Honestly, you don't need a good accountant just for this. I do my own taxes now and everything is mindlessly entered into turbo tax except for this. It takes about 20 extra minutes, because I have to look it up every year. The hard part is just knowing that this is tricky. Once that you know that, doing it correctly won't take much effort at all.
Re #1, what I meant was my understanding is if you are covered by a retirement plan at work, there comes a point where your income is too high that you're phased out of contributing to a traditional IRA to be able to claim a deduction on any of it and rolling a traditional to a Roth is only way to go. That seems to be what you're saying too.

Re #2, not all of us are as smart as you. I'm practically brain dead when it comes to this stuff. I'd find a way to mess it up. Getting myself an accountant. Thanks again for your help.
09-04-2014 , 04:39 PM
mini golf
ballin' (IRA people not welcome)
LAN Party
09-04-2014 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Bros. Trying to expand my repertoire. What are some good date ideas? Generally all I ever do is go out and eat food and drink alcohol and then hope to bang. That's always a great time and all, but just looking to keep it fresh. Creativity is welcome.
1. KO Pies in East Boston followed up with a stroll around Piers Park at sunset. If you can't close here I don't know what to tell you. Amazing view of the city.

2. SOWA market and food trucks on Sunday for lunch. Good low pressure, first date kinda place. Easy to spend a couple hours, plus there are dogs everywhere which chicks love.

3. MFA is free on Wednesdays (suggested donation), IIRC.

4. Maybe more GF appropriate since it's not cheap.

5. It doesn't suck THAT much, I swear.

09-04-2014 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
Re #1, what I meant was my understanding is if you are covered by a retirement plan at work, there comes a point where your income is too high that you're phased out of contributing to a traditional IRA to be able to claim a deduction on any of it and rolling a traditional to a Roth is only way to go. That seems to be what you're saying too.

Re #2, not all of us are as smart as you. I'm practically brain dead when it comes to this stuff. I'd find a way to mess it up. Getting myself an accountant. Thanks again for your help.
1. Correct. But even if you are not covered by a retirement plan at work, there is still a point where your income is too high to get a deduction for your trad ira contribution.

2. Getting an accountant doesn't get you off the hook. Mine messed it up, and he was highly recommended, experienced, and expensive. They can make mistakes too. So even if you do get one, make sure you carefully review and understand your entire return. After doing this for a few years, you'll probably ditch the accountant too, as you'll see how easy it is.
09-04-2014 , 04:44 PM

one of the best dates I had was last fall at a starbucks. We met up at 11am and promptly moved outside since it was a nice morning. Shortly into our chats a small hispanic man (not loco) began having a seizure. His friends stood around and did nothing so I got up, held him down and called 911. Ambulance came shortly and took him on his way.

I got 9 dates out of that. She mentioned how awesome it was at least 5 times. You know what to do.
09-04-2014 , 04:44 PM


are pretty relevant things to read, even if you're planning on getting an accountant.
09-04-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket

one of the best dates I had was last fall at a starbucks. We met up at 11am and promptly moved outside since it was a nice morning. Shortly into our chats a small hispanic man (not loco) began having a seizure. His friends stood around and did nothing so I got up, held him down and called 911. Ambulance came shortly and took him on his way.

I got 9 dates out of that. She mentioned how awesome it was at least 5 times. You know what to do.
Get bixby to fake a seizure?
09-04-2014 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket

one of the best dates I had was last fall at a starbucks. We met up at 11am and promptly moved outside since it was a nice morning. Shortly into our chats a small hispanic man (not loco) began having a seizure. His friends stood around and did nothing so I got up, held him down and called 911. Ambulance came shortly and took him on his way.

I got 9 dates out of that. She mentioned how awesome it was at least 5 times. You know what to do.
dont hold him down, just make sure he doesnt thrash about into tables and such

source - im a murse.
09-04-2014 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket

one of the best dates I had was last fall at a starbucks. We met up at 11am and promptly moved outside since it was a nice morning. Shortly into our chats a small hispanic man (not loco) began having a seizure. His friends stood around and did nothing so I got up, held him down and called 911. Ambulance came shortly and took him on his way.

I got 9 dates out of that. She mentioned how awesome it was at least 5 times. You know what to do.
So you committed a hate crime against someone having a "seizure" and got lucky you were dating a white supremacist? I guess since saw's in Boston, there's a 90% chance whoever he dates will be super provincial and racist, so I guess this could work.
09-04-2014 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by elrey
dont hold him down, just make sure he doesnt thrash about into tables and such

source - im a murse.
He said he wasn't white though.

ETA: half slow ponied by Monte
09-04-2014 , 04:49 PM
Bixby you around next week?
09-04-2014 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Bixby you around next week?
His plans are shaky.
09-04-2014 , 04:52 PM
Holy ****! still exists? BRB, looking for geocities.
09-04-2014 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
His plans are shaky.

Picturing DT sitting back triumphantly at his desk and adjusting his fedora to sit even more rakishly on his scalp makes this even funnier.
09-04-2014 , 04:55 PM
Haven't been active lately but I posted dead lift video in my log.

2nd time I've real dead lifted (not trap bar) and I have no idea how my form or anything was. Any advice would be appreciated
09-04-2014 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Picturing DT sitting back triumphantly at his desk and adjusting his fedora to sit even more rakishly on his scalp makes this even funnier.
THIS is definitely happening. Lel.
09-04-2014 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
1. KO Pies in East Boston followed up with a stroll around Piers Park at sunset. If you can't close here I don't know what to tell you. Amazing view of the city.

2. SOWA market and food trucks on Sunday for lunch. Good low pressure, first date kinda place. Easy to spend a couple hours, plus there are dogs everywhere which chicks love.

3. MFA is free on Wednesdays (suggested donation), IIRC.

4. Maybe more GF appropriate since it's not cheap.

5. It doesn't suck THAT much, I swear.

This was a great post btw. Acknowledged H.Q.
09-04-2014 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Acknowledged H.Q.
Lol wp. New Tinder pickup line - "I'm just curious, why am I so good?"
09-04-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
His plans are shaky.

according to stu from "life and times of tim" you're supposed to put a wallet in their mouth to keep them from biting on their tongue. true or false?
09-04-2014 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore


are pretty relevant things to read, even if you're planning on getting an accountant.
Thanks, Monte.
09-04-2014 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by elrey
dont hold him down, just make sure he doesnt thrash about into tables and such

source - im a murse.
Yeah I didn't hold him down, just stabilized and made sure he wasn't gonna bite his tongue.

Originally Posted by Montecore

Picturing DT sitting back triumphantly at his desk and adjusting his fedora to sit even more rakishly on his scalp makes this even funnier.
09-04-2014 , 06:54 PM
Ugh, so many posts. No Yugo, the house was bank owned. I'm hoping it will be livable by the end of next month. Its going to take some time.

Great layout
super boss fireplace
Mother in law apt
On a stream, can hear it from all bedrooms at night
neighbors have a pond
comes with a beaver and 2 dams
real private
views, wildlife

needs all appliances,
new carpet,
subflooring to be odor sealed,
well to be shocked,
electrical and plumbing upgrades.

So basically Its gonna be a year until its done.

In Colorado...
09-04-2014 , 06:59 PM
