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03-17-2010 , 09:45 PM
i'm sure this has been covered, BUT aside from making my own, is there anywhere to obtain affordable beef jerkey? two reasonable options seem to be bulk buying at costco or maybe amazon, but inform me!
03-17-2010 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by SmileyEH
i guess i dont get it.
03-17-2010 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by derosnec
pretty cool cover imo. catchy.
I wondered if it was Pomplamoose before I clicked the link. They're really good, KyleB was plugging them a while back.

I think they're from San Fran so I should def make it a priority to get down and see em when they play. Even though a lot of what they do is post production they're both talented enough (love her voice) that I imagine they would do a good live show as well.
03-18-2010 , 06:09 AM
credit to AZK for reminding me to check out psixcr's log on the mean forum

nearly 3xBW for 5, 528@182
03-18-2010 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by Spenda
credit to AZK for reminding me to check out psixcr's log on the mean forum

nearly 3xBW for 5, 528@182
Jesus Christ, that's one sick wing span. Not to say that he isn't very strong, but damn.
03-18-2010 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
You're making a common logical error here. Just because someone ELSE who sprints can lift more than one guy does not mean he will be faster, no one is arguing that point, well maybe he is but that's not what I got out of it. The point is that making YOURSELF stronger will make you perform better. There's no point in comparing how much two different people lift, because as you said there are a million other factors.
He probably wouldn't argue that in a discussion, but I actually think that he comes off like that in the article. Reason being he never even mentions all the other factors at play, and also fails to explain the gap between the very elite runner and the more "pedestrian" but stronger 11.0sec. runner. What are the differences, if strength can't explain it, what happens when the slower guy reaches his limits of strength/mass ratio (or when this approach shows diminishing returns for that matter) - how does he improve his times. These things apparently do not happen in Ross' overly simplistic world, because then he should have mentioned that there are other factors in play and that it isn't that easy in the end. To the uneducated reader (99% of the people looking for an easy way out wrt. programming) it will seem like that you can become a world class sprinter primarily through weight room work, this is the holy grail after all, and there seemingly aren't any other factors at play in running fast.

Nevertheless, of course you are also right. Making yourself stronger will most of the time result in improved performance (although I don't think max. strength is the most important factor). My main complaint against Ross' philosophy is that it apparently is an either-or approach. As an example, to him technical work is a waste of time, ignoring a lot of biomechanical research about speed mechanics. A good training program should attempt to make the athlete better at both.

So are you saying if you're strong enough to have an above average start (in comparison to elite sprinters, heh), that you will end up in a worse position later in the race? Or are strong starters just people who focus too much on one part of the race and that's the reason you're seeing ****ty performances from them later in the race?
I made a mess of that paragraph, because the first thing doesn't have anything to do with the other. Both things you say could absolutely be the case for different athletes.
My point about the technical efficiency of the first 10 meters was anecdotal, but basically it seems like there are ways to improve 10m times through a different mechanical approach (body positioning, stride rate) but this will probably hurt times as soon as you hit the 20m mark, not to mention the 100m mark. It is a bit off topic to the discussion at hand though.

The only argument I'd make for it in choosing it over the squat is that is a lot simpler to learn, but if you're going to be spending a significant amount of time in the weight room you need to be putting forth the effort to learn the more complicated movement anyways.

What do you think about his comments about not resorting to gimmicky stuff?
There are plenty of "gimmicky" ideas that can provide a very good stimulus at certain points in a training year. The trick is to not just do them for the sake of doing them, but instead to always have a plan for them. Of course one shouldn't overdo them, because as he says, some have proven worthless and others even dangerous (it's sometimes basically like when a weight room guru comes up with a new bosu-ball exercise), but things like sled pulls and hill sprints can be extremely good when put in the right context.
03-18-2010 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Thremp
One day some hottie will make some comment about your physical appearance in a self-evident way and it'll all be worth it. Soon after egomania will consume you.
03-18-2010 , 08:41 AM

(6 kg)

03-18-2010 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
Dude! They must be doing like 250 reps per minute!

That lady gaga song suck. tbh I'm disapointed with Beyonce.

Also, now someone else has called out my mate on his facebook comment of squatting 350. lulz. /popcorn
03-18-2010 , 10:38 AM
You should require him to post vids imo, then lol mercilessly at his 1/4 squats
03-18-2010 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
You should require him to post vids imo, then lol mercilessly at his 1/4 squats
I dunno, I have this strange feeling that last time someone requested squat video for proof, it didn't turn out so well...
03-18-2010 , 12:57 PM

lots of squats to laugh at/blast me for.
03-18-2010 , 01:26 PM
Ex-olympic swimmer making comback.

Pic sequence is ~2004, ~2007 and today. F*ck genetics/muscle memory.

Report says that at his heaviest he was 138kg/305lbs and that he is now down to around 93kg/204lbs.
03-18-2010 , 01:50 PM
looks better in the middle pic.
03-18-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
credit to AZK for reminding me to check out psixcr's log on the mean forum

nearly 3xBW for 5, 528@182
How tall is that guy to only be 182? I am 5'11," slightly less weight, and I am noticeably smaller muscularly in the upper body (and I have very thin legs too so that isnt the answer).
03-18-2010 , 02:09 PM
yesterday's workout started out as ****. couldn't foam roll for as long as i needed, then the cage was busy by two bros doing the ugliest deadlifts i've ever seen at a ridiculously low weight. so i did presses first, failed in my second set of 95, which would have been a personal best. after that shoulder didn't feel right for squats, so did some experimenting with box squats.

the cage was finally free, and i actually felt fresh enough to work on power cleans. form check plz. the bar is finally flying up, although be elbow pain still indicates a little bit of a reverse curl going on. will try +10 next time.
03-18-2010 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
yesterday's workout started out as ****. couldn't foam roll for as long as i needed, then the cage was busy by two bros doing the ugliest deadlifts i've ever seen at a ridiculously low weight. so i did presses first, failed in my second set of 95, which would have been a personal best. after that shoulder didn't feel right for squats, so did some experimenting with box squats.

the cage was finally free, and i actually felt fresh enough to work on power cleans. form check plz. the bar is finally flying up, although be elbow pain still indicates a little bit of a reverse curl going on. will try +10 next time.
#1. Your catch position sucks wang. Try the drill from SS where you try and uppercut someone with your elbows.

#2 First pull is really slow... Like, it doesn't need to be that slow.

#3 Looks like o the second one you catch it a bit far out in front, but this is probably related to #1.

#4 Love the music.
03-18-2010 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
looks better in the middle pic.
Go eat some waxy maize fatty.
03-18-2010 , 02:25 PM
You're pulling it with your arms.
03-18-2010 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
#1. Your catch position sucks wang. Try the drill from SS where you try and uppercut someone with your elbows.

#2 First pull is really slow... Like, it doesn't need to be that slow.

#3 Looks like o the second one you catch it a bit far out in front, but this is probably related to #1.

#4 Love the music.
just to address this. my forearms are freakishly long. i am working on it, but if i fired my elbows hard, i'd put the bar in my throat. i'll try to make better video next time and demonstrate this.

yeah, the first pull is that slow to get the timing of the jump right. i'll speed it up next time.
03-18-2010 , 02:29 PM
JDOCKKKK, he's 5'9".

sylar, weight's not heavy enough for you to really show the flaws. first pull needs to come out of slow motion, and it does look like your arms are bending early. also, and this will be much more visible with heavier weight, but it seems like you use mostly knee extension for the second pull.
03-18-2010 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by jdock99
How tall is that guy to only be 182? I am 5'11," slightly less weight, and I am noticeably smaller muscularly in the upper body (and I have very thin legs too so that isnt the answer).
here's his log, he posts pics somewhere in there
03-18-2010 , 03:51 PM
I wish I had a sugar weakness. If I had a sugar weakness it would be really easy to just stop eating sugar while dieting and save a lot of calories. I have the eat lots of good food weakness. Much harder to break than a sweet tooth imo. But then again if I had a sweet tooth I would probably say it would be way easier to diet without a sweet tooth.

/inane chatter
03-18-2010 , 04:48 PM
insane start to march madness, a buzzer beater, a missed buzzer beater, a single and double OT game all in the first 4 hours. best sporting event imo.
03-18-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
insane start to march madness, a buzzer beater, a missed buzzer beater, a single and double OT game all in the first 4 hours. best sporting event imo.
yup, i can't watch reg season college bball, and i can't turn off the tournament.
