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*** The Official We 'March' To The Beat Of A Different Drummer Chat Thread***(Use Spoilers ITT) *** The Official We 'March' To The Beat Of A Different Drummer Chat Thread***(Use Spoilers ITT)

03-15-2010 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by DDAWD
Maybe we can swap 10%. I'll write one page of your paper and you write twelve pages of my dissertation.
Wow, this made me laugh.
03-15-2010 , 09:13 AM
03-15-2010 , 09:13 AM
Yeah, I'm trying to finish my PhD. Unfortunately, this means I've played about 500 hands this month. It sucks. I'm getting my fix on 2+2.
03-15-2010 , 09:16 AM
Well GL Dr. DDAWD!
03-15-2010 , 09:17 AM

Also, Donatello is the best turtle. He has a long range weapon AND double damage!
03-15-2010 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
Damn.. Are you doing a doctoral degree or something, DDAWD?

I don't have the time to help my man out, so if anyone else is interested please contact him. Unfortunately i'm out for most of today and don't want to leave it to the last minute for the poor fellow.

He needs 10-12 pages, Marx/Rousseau on alienation comparison. I think it's pretty straightforward if you know the subject and have the time.

There are a couple of other options but I think this one is the best.
Simple answer is they are both with varying degrees wrong.
And should be ignored.
03-15-2010 , 09:18 AM
will do it for 1k usd, Im a beast at political theory and I happen to be reading a book on alienation theories.
i wrote my bachelor thesis about Rousseau too.

Last edited by JLBorloo; 03-15-2010 at 09:24 AM.
03-15-2010 , 09:18 AM
What is your thesis subject?
03-15-2010 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
Sure, but you will fail...

Edit: Well, that actually depends on how much you are willing to pay. If i write you a fantastic paper, how much are you going to pay? I'm actually a political nut! I hope to run for Member of Parliament for my local constituency one day.

It'll have to be worth my while to spend a day or so writing it. It needs to be +EV!
I sincerely hope you are going to run for the Tories. The world does not need another social democrat.
03-15-2010 , 09:24 AM
It's on T-cell signaling and how blocking the action of an enzyme can be used to interrupt this signaling. Which would make such a drug effective in controlling inflammatory diseases like asthma.
03-15-2010 , 09:26 AM
Oh damn I thought you were a pol. major.
03-15-2010 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
Sure, but you will fail...

Edit: Well, that actually depends on how much you are willing to pay. If i write you a fantastic paper, how much are you going to pay? I'm actually a political nut! I hope to run for Member of Parliament for my local constituency one day.

It'll have to be worth my while to spend a day or so writing it. It needs to be +EV!
If you do, can you please make sure UK leaves the EU so we dont have to stand Nagel and his friends in the Parliamant anymore ?
Cheers, your French federalist friend.
03-15-2010 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
will do it for 1k usd, Im a beast at political theory and I happen to be reading a book on alienation theories.
i wrote my bachelor thesis about Rousseau too.
Theres a suprise - Western Euro reading/writing about alienaton theory.
03-15-2010 , 09:29 AM
One thing i am not, that's a Tory. Thatcher scarred me from a young age, she took away our school milk!!l lol

Not to mention the bloody poll tax! Arrggghh....

No, if i run as an MP, it will almost certainly be independent. If i were to choose a party, i might lean toward liberal democrats/labour with a view to influence and reform the party, but it's not likely.

Tories are just out for themselves, rich boy club and screw the poor over.
03-15-2010 , 09:30 AM
Yeah - look where Labour has got you.

Do you guys actually have any money left?
03-15-2010 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
If you do, can you please make sure UK leaves the EU so we dont have to stand Nagel and his friends in the Parliamant anymore ?
Cheers, your French federalist friend.
Farage was rude to Rumpy Pumpy, but a lot of his points have foundation. I mean, Mr Rumpy Pumpy is non-elected but higher paid than Obama. Baroness Ashton has never ever been elected in her life!

I think being part of the EU is a good thing, but it needs to be democratic and less centralised than what they're trying to make it.
03-15-2010 , 09:38 AM
The EU is a house of cards.

An intellectual construction by political elites.

It alongside the Euro and monetary union have been a monumental failure for most of the participants.
03-15-2010 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Yeah - look where Labour has got you.

Do you guys actually have any money left?
Look, i'm not going to defend Labour, i'm not voting for them. But i'd still rather them than the Tories. Yes, we got loads of the stuff, don't believe the hype. Have you seen inside the Bank of England's vault? We have never defaulted on any of our debts, nor are we likely too. The US also has a mountain debt. But the good thing about having control of your own currency, it's controllable.
03-15-2010 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by DDAWD
It's on T-cell signaling and how blocking the action of an enzyme can be used to interrupt this signaling. Which would make such a drug effective in controlling inflammatory diseases like asthma.
What type of specificity is there? Which enzyme? Aldose reductase?
03-15-2010 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
The EU is a house of cards.

An intellectual construction by political elites.

It alongside the Euro and monetary union have been a monumental failure for most of the participants.
Agree as the EU stands today and the direction it's going in. It should be a trading union as it was meant to be. Of course there can also be other unified political arrangements, but ones that work that share a common interest. Not central power and law making on every little thing.
03-15-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Yeah - look where Labour has got you.

Do you guys actually have any money left?
You shouldn't degrade our country so quickly. There's still a lot of Great in Britain. I'm proud of these islands and what it's achieved, and there's still much more it can achieve.

Throughout history, we've risen above hardship and adversity. The real Britons are a strong, proud and capable of great things.
03-15-2010 , 09:49 AM
The enzyme is called PARP. It's classically known as a DNA repair enzyme, but has been implicated in many inflammatory conditions. By specificity, I'm assuming you mean in terms of drugs blocking the activity? Yes, the drugs are specific, but all drugs are thought to be specific until it's shown that they aren't.
03-15-2010 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
Look, i'm not going to defend Labour, i'm not voting for them. But i'd still rather them than the Tories. Yes, we got loads of the stuff, don't believe the hype. Have you seen inside the Bank of England's vault? We have never defaulted on any of our debts, nor are we likely too. The US also has a mountain debt. But the good thing about having control of your own currency, it's controllable.
You also have a mountain of debt my friend.
Comparing yourself with the Americans is choosing one of the few favourable candidates. Not something to be proud of methinks.

$ of debt required to produce $ of GDP in the U.K and U.S. is @ historical highs.

Although I doubt Cameron has the poltical or character fortitude of Thatcher - he is your best hope of restoring your public finances.
03-15-2010 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by DDAWD
The enzyme is called PARP. It's classically known as a DNA repair enzyme, but has been implicated in many inflammatory conditions. By specificity, I'm assuming you mean in terms of drugs blocking the activity? Yes, the drugs are specific, but all drugs are thought to be specific until it's shown that they aren't.
Just seems that when you start targeting enzymes that are involved in inflammatory response you're broad enough that you're going to lose any shot at drug specificity, at least to start. Cox-1 / aspirin comes to mind.

Then, later, you have the selective cox-2 inhibitors which are great except they get linked to heart attack. The human body is a bitch.

This thread should be merged into the march chat thread lol
03-15-2010 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
You shouldn't degrade our country so quickly. There's still a lot of Great in Britain. I'm proud of these islands and what it's achieved, and there's still much more it can achieve.

Throughout history, we've risen above hardship and adversity. The real Britons are a strong, proud and capable of great things.
You should be justly proud of your country's history and with the same magnitude you should lament its current deplorable state.

The Tories should be equally condemned for buying into quasi- 20th century liberalism - just as Labour and its Social democratic disasters have brought your country to its nadir.
