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*** The Official We 'March' To The Beat Of A Different Drummer Chat Thread***(Use Spoilers ITT) *** The Official We 'March' To The Beat Of A Different Drummer Chat Thread***(Use Spoilers ITT)

03-11-2010 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
[x] personal goal met.

[ ] significant in any other way.

It seemed like only yesterday you were telling us your roll hit $10k.

Congratz, sir.
03-11-2010 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
[x] personal goal met.

[ ] significant in any other way.

Nice job mpethy, i remember just a few months ago you posted your 10k bankroll image and were super pumped about it...what's next!?
03-11-2010 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87
Nice job mpethy, i remember just a few months ago you posted your 10k bankroll image and were super pumped about it...what's next!?
50k or 100k obv
03-11-2010 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87
Nice job mpethy, i remember just a few months ago you posted your 10k bankroll image and were super pumped about it...what's next!?
forumula for mpethy's bankroll

03-11-2010 , 07:41 PM
the first 10k are the hardest

congrats, mpethy!
03-11-2010 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87
Nice job mpethy, i remember just a few months ago you posted your 10k bankroll image and were super pumped about it...what's next!?
03-11-2010 , 08:11 PM

Am i supposed to delete my congratulations after i see your identical comment?
03-11-2010 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87
Nice job mpethy, i remember just a few months ago you posted your 10k bankroll image and were super pumped about it...what's next!?
Thanks, everyone, I am pretty happy about this, even though it is nothing other than a personal goal.

20k was the big number for me. I'm now rolled to move up to $200 as my main game. I'm not going to until I have a big enough sample to convince myself that I can beat the game. But this is the end of the growing-my-roll stage. What that means is that I'll be able to pull out my monthly total profits from winnings, rakeback and coaching, and start moving some of it into investments, etc.

The next step is to take shots at $400 once I have proven to myself that I am beating $200 and once I have $30k. No rush on that; I'll spend at least several months, maybe even a year, playing at least some $200 before I even think about building my roll to the point that I will be taking serious shots at $400.
03-11-2010 , 09:53 PM
I expect to see season 2 of "2 months, 2 million" with an episode where Krantz is saying "damn, I keep getting pwned by the mpethybridge guy at 500/1000 NLHE, if this keeps up for much longer I'll be busto"!

So, is your personal BR requirement 100 BI? When you are in grind mode, what is your withdrawal policy? Do you only withdraw when the BR is above your limit? I.e. downswong means no withdrawal until you build up again?
03-11-2010 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by funkyj
I expect to see season 2 of "2 months, 2 million" with an episode where Krantz is saying "damn, I keep getting pwned by the mpethybridge guy at 500/1000 NLHE, if this keeps up for much longer I'll be busto"!

Congrats man, keep it up.
03-11-2010 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by funkyj
I expect to see season 2 of "2 months, 2 million" with an episode where Krantz is saying "damn, I keep getting pwned by the mpethybridge guy at 500/1000 NLHE, if this keeps up for much longer I'll be busto"!
+100 to this.

Nice achievement and something for the rest of us micro players to shoot for.
03-11-2010 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by funkyj
I expect to see season 2 of "2 months, 2 million" with an episode where Krantz is saying "damn, I keep getting pwned by the mpethybridge guy at 500/1000 NLHE, if this keeps up for much longer I'll be busto"!

So, is your personal BR requirement 100 BI? When you are in grind mode, what is your withdrawal policy? Do you only withdraw when the BR is above your limit? I.e. downswong means no withdrawal until you build up again?
2M2M got cancelled so that ain't happening...

But congrats Mpethy.
03-11-2010 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by funkyj
I expect to see season 2 of "2 months, 2 million" with an episode where Krantz is saying "damn, I keep getting pwned by the mpethybridge guy at 500/1000 NLHE, if this keeps up for much longer I'll be busto"!
yeah, I wish. don't hold your breath for this.

So, is your personal BR requirement 100 BI? When you are in grind mode, what is your withdrawal policy? Do you only withdraw when the BR is above your limit? I.e. downswong means no withdrawal until you build up again?
Yeah, I think of my BR requirement as 100. I was very comfortable playing $50 with much less--30 BI was worry-free.

As I was shot-taking at $100, I had a rough time. With something like 8k in my roll, I went on a -35 BI down swing, or something. It was pretty brutal, and it messed with my head. So I resolved to not move up full time to $100 until I had 100 BIs AND I was pretty sure that I had a significant skill edge.

No reason to change from that moving from $100 to $200. I started my shot when I hit 20k online (stars + FT).

As for withdrawing, my "growing-my-roll plan" was to withdraw my winnings every month and use rakeback to grow my account. Recently, I have been withdrawing my coaching fees, and letting my winnings and rakeback ride; that is how I went from 10k to 20k in what felt like a pretty short period of time.

My rule was that if I lost money in a month, I wouldn't withdraw, or I would only withdraw the exact amount I needed to pay my bills for the month. So my BR never took a serious hit, as even in a losing month, 9 times out of 10 I would finish up on the month counting rakeback. Using this system, my account grew pretty quickly. In November 2008, the end of my last horrible d'swing, I had somewhere between $3500 and $4000 online. So I have paid all of my bills and grown my accounts to a total of $23,000 in the last 16 months. Pretty sick, actually.


TR on the shot:

Obviously I am running like God himself at $100. Not EV-wise, but just in that very little bad has happened.

Like tonight, a 23/17 who folds to 30% of 3 bets raised in EP and I had KK OTB. I 3 bet, he called and the flop came KQx. We got it in by the river, and he showed up with AA. That sort of thing. I woulda stacked it off pre as a huge dog, but he slowplayed and it burned him.

A lot of stuff like that. Another example: I have 66 UTG, I raise, get called, flop comes AQx. I bet and get called. Turn 6, and I go on to win a nice pot against Ax. So lots of luck other than all in stuff.

$200 has been the complete opposite. Lots of boards running off horribly. I have yet to hold with AA seeing the flop. I'm still down about $150 with flopped sets. Pretty brutal. It has calmed down recently, but 3 of my 6 sessions have been significantly below EV.
03-12-2010 , 12:01 AM
^^ something for all of us to shoot for ITT.

Nice work Mpethy!
03-12-2010 , 01:27 AM
Very solid mpethy - reading your last few posts in this thread has served as an additional motivation to really start putting in massive volume and working to improve my game daily.

When I return from my spring break trip, I'm going to start shooting for 100k+ hand previous personal record for a month is just short of 50k...
03-12-2010 , 03:58 AM
Nice job, mpethy.
03-12-2010 , 05:57 AM
awesome to see mpethy is doing well, I remember a time when he was a tilt monster and he had to run every time he had a bad beat. i hope it worked lol
03-12-2010 , 08:00 AM
Congrats on the awesome job mpethy
03-12-2010 , 08:03 AM
congrats mpethy
03-12-2010 , 11:41 AM
Oh, my flight was at 730, not 905? Interesting, it appears i missed that email...

subconscious passive aggressive behavior about the delta job? Back to the grind!

I have 0 interest in the delta job, but keep telling myself to go anyways as a sort of backup plan in case i'm a truly awful card player that has been running hot for a half mil hands...thoughts?
03-12-2010 , 02:17 PM
Dropping by just to say hi and practice some English. And I am going to post another military themed picture of myself, lol. Sorry for that, you must be sick of them by now.

And... My service in the Navy ends exactly in 76 days. (75 nights)

I simply cannot wait to feel free again. My body is sharp, but my mind is completely numb. Best workout my brain gets is solving crosswords. I don't even have the time to read a freaking book.
Tomorrow, I will get to go home for a few days Probably playing a bit poker, playing hell of a lot pool and drinking even more beer.

mpethybridge, well done with the 20k bankroll mark! And best of luck at nl200, although I am confident you will do just fine without my blessings.

And now... The picture


Cheers everyone!
03-12-2010 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Nice achievement and something for the rest of us micro players to shoot for.
Congrats, sir!
03-12-2010 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87
I have 0 interest in the delta job, but keep telling myself to go anyways as a sort of backup plan in case i'm a truly awful card player that has been running hot for a half mil hands...thoughts?
Then don't go on the interview. Tell them you have had a part time business on the side, it has grown to the point that you think you can make a living at it and you don't want to waste their time at this point any further. Thank them for the opportunity and let them know that if it doesn't work out, you'd love to work for Delta.

Autist, it won't be too much longer now. Good to hear from you.
03-12-2010 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87

Am i supposed to delete my congratulations after i see your identical comment?
Maybe next time you can consider posting something original?

03-12-2010 , 02:56 PM
Autist -- why are your cloths dark green? Shouldn't they be white to blend in with the snow?
