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'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters '07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters

07-01-2020 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
I need a break and will be back later. I like Nich's analysis and would go Felix or Kruze today.
i think kruze may have more villa equity/i also kind of think felix may be harder to lynch down the line so leaning felix today.

at the risk of laying my cards out face up (i suppose its either me or ak dying tonight though so maybe its time)..
nich i wont lie its a little creepy to me that your 3 wolves match my most recent tinfoil team, but moreso i find it comforting because i do have you in my new circle of trust 2.0
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
i'm back

have read through since i was last here so a bit more than 24 hours ago, it's disappointing that we don't seem to have more confidence in picking a wolf off, there's been a few people making quite a lot of decent posts, jonny, nich and felix mostly, I've got a feeling that at this stage it'll be villagers that'll be doing that level of work, but I don't know, there's got to be some sort of misinformation being spread by wolves as well, surely got to be one in that group of three, if anything out of those I'm thinking probably Felix, nich's post seem like the sort he'd make regardless of role, jonny's seem a fair bit more natural, and that he's suspicious of me doesn't seem too bad, iirc he finds me wofly regardless of role, and I appreciate at this stage that there can only be so many out of the unknowns that are villager. I guess that leaves Felix, a lot of what he's written, both in terms of tone/content and timings just feels forced and artificially constructed

yep, it always surprised me quite how old a lot of stuff is now. great album

potential spew
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 03:27 PM
not-quite-comprehensive gusmahler reread

d1 (role color highlights mine)

Originally Posted by gusmahler
In general, I think early day 1 is useless because no one knows anything (except the wolves, of course). But now we're far enough along that we should be able to determine things from their voting and other interactions. Caveat, I've only reviewed early yesterday and most of today. I'll try to go back to D0 afternoon and evening a little later.

aao (4): hasn't posted much today, so I guess the case for him is from yesterday? I haven't finished my read of day 1, so I will have to revisit.

Jdalla (3): hasn't posted at all today, so I'll reserve judgment

luckbox (2): high volume poster. That serves two purposes. If he's a villager, it gets the wolves talking and hopefully out themselves. If he's a wolf, it provides cover for his team as everyone is focusing on Luckbox. His actions are consistent with either role. I don't have much WW experience, and Luckbox is the type of player I've always had the hardest time reading. Long-winded way of saying I have no clue.

YouknowWho (2): has literally one post. I've never thought it was possible to determine a person's role with a single post. Though it was a fluff post. Though I guess that the votes are mainly to draw YKW out to post more?

sixfour (1): neutral read so far.

Tokyo!! (1): Getting village vibes

crackedquads(1): Seems to be defending aao, perhaps a little too much. Not sure what that means. Probably not w/w, because a wolf wouldn't go out of their way to defend another wolf midway through day 1. But still have no idea which one is v (or if both are).

traz (1): Actively hunting. Village lean

Kukraprout (1): Village vibes.

Crossnerd (1): Has posted nothing of substance. Funny thing for me to say, I know, but her reputation is supposed to be better than this?

Nich (1): hasn't made a single post.

On to the people without votes, but with high post counts

Birdman: accused of trying too hard, but isn't that a villager tell? Village lean

dmk: seems to be actively wolf hunting. Village lean

Kruze: Another village lean.

biggerboat: Another village lean.

ak56: 18 posts, but little substance. Wolf lean

Will go back and re-read the rest of day 0 after my lunch meeting.
The three known wolves here have non-reads. YKW and Nich are also given non-reads. Of the villagers (+SK), 3 no read, 6 correct, zero incorrect. That's a pretty good record for early d1! Some of these were consensus villagery (Birdman, Kukraprout) but I don't think others were (biggerboat).

I think it's mildly unlikely that the first list ends with two wolves if gus is wolf, which suggests gus/nich are not w/w. But I'd rather not rely on super thin list placement stuff.

(mild lol at "Nich (1): hasn't made a single post" when he literally had made a single post)

Originally Posted by gusmahler
Aren't there a lot of vets in this game, though? To how many people does this rule apply?
re: halfway rule


Originally Posted by gusmahler
Sorry I couldn't participate yesterday. Really got swamped. Thought I'd be able to join in the last hour, but couldn't. My schedule is more clear today.

I don't think Luckbox would "focus" on aao the entire day as a wolf. OTOH, Luckbox doesn't play in a traditional style, so it would be in his wheelhouse (I think).

I will be looking at the posts of the fallen to look for clues.
another non-read on Luckbox

Originally Posted by gusmahler
BobO didn't make a lot of posts.
  • Announces he's a villager
  • Says he will be working a lot this week. But wants to discuss the SK strat as a team.
  • Tries to start a traz wagon
  • Votes aao, only reasoning that he's wolfy
  • Makes a few jokes
  • Lols at Sun Tzu's post about birdman being birdman (not sure if it was a "lol, that was funny" or "lol, what a stupid observation")
  • Says the game is AIDS
The only people he talked about are villagers who are now dead. Don't think he did enough to draw a night kill. Maybe he was the SK's target for wanting to talk SK strategy?
hold this thought.

Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Not sure if gusmahler is leveling or actually that disconnected from the game, but the bobo kill was obviously not from the wolves.
Originally Posted by gusmahler
I wasn't around yesterday and haven't completely caught up. Why do you think this?
question and answer.

If gus wasn't around the previous day and wasn't sure why Kukraprout might think that BobO was obviously not a wolf kill, calling it not a wolf kill/probably a SK kill above seems kinda TMI to me.

Originally Posted by gusmahler
Just trying to figure out why they were NKd/Vig'd/SK'd. Although, with all three factions capable of killing, this may be fruitless.
explains why he's rereading

Originally Posted by gusmahler
Traz from the last three hours:
  • Leaves jdalla wagon and votes coordi to "see what happens"
  • "Lack of villagers in this thread is saddening"
  • doesn't think YouKnowWho is a wolf
  • wonders who of dmk/luckbox/shortline is a wolf
  • questions the aao wagon
  • "Yikes" at a jonnyd post being fine with aao/atak/coordi wagons
  • Votes luckbox
  • Says coordi is no longer a good vote, but suspects atak
  • Likes the vote on jonnyd
  • Says luckbox and jonnyd are wolfy
  • Says mrsjonnyd is never a wolf
  • luckbox is within his wolf range
  • birdman accused traz of being wolfy
  • would rather vote luckbox than aao
  • would rather vote jdalla over aao
  • finally votes jdalla
Seems like his strongest wolf reads are jonnyd and luckbox (he voted jdalla, but mainly to save aao)
seems like a decent reread

Originally Posted by gusmahler
Since traz thought jonnyd was wolfy, let's examine his last hour (he made early posts, but didn't come back to the thread until 8:12 pm):
  • fine with aao/atak/coordi wagons (the post that elicited the Yikes post from traz.)
  • wife accused him of being a wolf
  • suspects aao
  • sun tzu voted jonnyd
  • marital strife
  • xnerds doesn't feel wolfy
  • atak accuses one of the jonnyds of being wolfy
  • thinks luckbox is ignoring him
  • jdalla votes jonnyd
  • wife then says she's only leaning wolf, not lock
  • says disappearing from thread is villagery because a wolf cares about in thread image more than a villager
  • agrees that wife is a villager
  • disliked the jdalla post
  • thinks jdalla is wolf out of luckbox/ykw/jdalla choices
  • doesn't want to vote luckbox (his vote is on aao at this point)
  • willing to leave aao for jdalla, but not if it results luckbox banishment
  • says aao is villagery
  • but his vote never left aao
Wolf lean for jonnyd
first detailed reread of someone who's not dead, second wolf lean of the game (after ak d1). I think reading jonnyd wolf is fine here, the last 5 bullet points are both accurate and pretty bad for jonnyd at the time. I'll toss gus a couple villa points for this for good reasoning.

Originally Posted by gusmahler
If you assume jdalla is telling the truth, 1 is unlikely. 2nd place got choice of angel or roleblock. For a villager who came in 2nd, it's safer to roleblock the likely winner than angel a random. If a wolf got 2nd, they had 2 roleblocks.

4 doesn't work because it's not an NK. 7 doesn't work because we're assuming jdalla isn't lying. That leaves:

6 is actually >10 entries. I don't think there were 15 entries. There may have been 11, but it didn't seem like it.

5 means shorty is a wolf. But 2 and 3 are neutral wrt shorty. Either a villager 2nd place or a wolf 2nd place could have guessed that jdalla was going to win and decided to roleblock him.

2 or 3 seems more likely than 5, so I don't think Shorty surviving proves that he is a wolf.
mechanics talk but IMO the better kind of mechanics talk that's a little opinionated and helping to narrow down possibilities

Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Gusmahler is still a wolf doing busywork.
at this point in the reread I'm inclined to mostly agree with Kukraprout

Originally Posted by gusmahler
I was reading your history too fast. I apologize. I saw the second sentence of this post

and didn't realize you were paraphrasing him and not actually saying that aao is villagery

replying to jonnyd, I like that gus accepts and acts on new information

Originally Posted by gusmahler
Why single me out when I have the most number of posts on this list? I was around this morning and tried to actually analyze the night actions and Jdalla's claim.

I don't understand the shortline wagon. Is it based solely on jdalla's claim? I agree with those who say jdalla's claim is independent of shortline's role.

Is it based off of his reaction? I don't have much experience against him, so I have no idea about his tone wrt his normal tone. But I think it's natural to react to an out of the blue accusation that doesn't make much sense.
ehhhh I'm not a fan of "don't look at me, I increased my vote count"

Originally Posted by gusmahler
The lead wagons seem silly:

The number in parentheses is number of posts today, I think. That means that my wagon consists of a guy I'm defending and three people with a grand total of 15 posts, none of whom have provided any reasoning.

(There are 8 people in the game who have less than 10 posts today, including a guy who hasn't posted at all and a guy who's only posting dinosaur pictures.)

The wagon on luckbox is being led by ... dustin.

The wagon on shortline was started for bad reasons and has stuck for unknown reasons.

It feels like no one is trying.
This... seems fair, actually.

Originally Posted by gusmahler
I think Traz's strongest read was jonnyd, who is probably clear. But I guess luckbox was his next strongest read. Guess I should re-read.

I don't like the fact that luckbox is basically giving up.
Originally Posted by gusmahler
I don't like the shorty wagon, and traz didn't like luckbox, so I guess I vote

blaming traz for the luckbox vote is mildly icky, but I know I encouraged it earlier in the day when he had read traz to learn his reads and then not done anything with that information. Blaming traz immediately after justifying it independently of traz seems like a strange progression, I'd expect the other way around? "traz says this guy's a wolf, let me look more closely -> I have looked more closely and this guy seems wolf to me too, so he's ok to vote", that would make sense. But "this guy seems wolf to me -> hey this guy seems wolf to traz too, so he's ok to vote" is much less natural to me.

Originally Posted by gusmahler
Re-reading Sun Tzu.

Sun wasn't around at EOD and spent most of the afternoon talking about Luckbox (which is obviously why he vig'd Luckbox).

Post 1719, he says, "I think [aaronk56 is] a villager and [youknowwho] is a wolf". The wolves could have seen this post and been seer hunting.

Post 1731, he says, "am i supposed to say 'if I'm wrong vig should shoot me?'" This could have drawn the attention of the wolf vig.

Going back to previous pages, but these stick out.
The 1731 reaction doesn't make much sense but whatever.


Originally Posted by gusmahler
Looking at bigger starting day 2 (because he had no n1 peeks).

No posts until page 20, but no content on those posts.

Page 21:
  • 2001: Votes me with no explanation. Clearly not a peek. Not only because I know my role, but he never pushed it.
  • 2003: Coordi seems fine. Waffley. Likely not a peek.
  • 2010: votes coordi
  • 2026: "jdalla is probably a villlager". Probably indicates that it's not a peek
  • Rest of his posts D2 are fluff.

On to day 3:

This one is worthy of a quote.

No waffling. This is his likely peek.

And the next post:

Again, no waffling. Another likely peek.

Page 22:

He had a fluff post in between. So in the span of 4 posts, he left 3 peeks, even though he only had two.
  • 2109: nich "feels" like a villager. likely not a peek
  • 2112: 64 is wolfy, but from post analysis. This is clearly a read.
  • 2115: felix is wolfy. But again, this is clearly a read.
  • 2116: One of crossnerd and kruze is a wolf. Again, clearly a read.
  • 2117: Votes coordi
  • 2119: ykw is "most likely" a villager. Again, a read.
  • 2126: coordi analysis
  • 2128: read that jonnyd is villager
  • 2129: musing about mrs. jonnyd kill
  • 2130: tokyo is probably village
  • 2132: he "thinks" atak is a villager.
  • 2134: "don't silence me". Message to the village RB?
  • A few more posts of analysis.

Then his big read list. Worth a quote.

The first three on the list are himself and the two people he peeked on page 21. But he also lists coordi (his page 22 peek) as a certain wolf.

Also see post 2163. Quotes a short list of wolves that includes dmk and bigger says, "scratch dmk off and I'm with him on the first four". The first four are dmk, coordi, 64, and crackedquads

Page 23:

After some fluff:
  • 2223: Kukra says he was peeked village in a spreadsheet. bigger says "that's actually the most convincing thing I've seen." Another seer hint?
  • 2229: agrees that gus gets village points.
  • 2243: coordi should be the lynch
  • More random analysis with no peeks.
  • 2300 lists coordi first in a list of wolves.

Page 24: No real analysis at first. More pushing of the coordi wagon. Then coordi claimed seer.
  • 2362: Says that coordi is trying to out the seer. Another hint? Probably too convoluted.
  • 2391: staying on coordi

Page 25:
  • 2406: Kruze has to be resolved
  • 2422: asks for sk to kill kruze
  • 2444: "never lynch" dmk.
  • 2469: completely disagrees with jonnyd wanting to not lynch coordi.

No more posts.

So he left 3 seer peeks even though he only had two.


The wording "most certainly" is the same for dmk and coordi. So it's possible those are his peeks. And he never left coordi and didn't even want to think about not majority voting coordi. But never leaving coordi may have been because coordi claimed seer while bigger knew that was impossible.
This had already all been done in thread, but is credibly a cross-post.

Interestingly sixfour immediately reacts by accusing gus of just copying his post. Slight villa lean for that, I think sixfour-wolfbuddy can just ignore it or comment that they have the same conclusions.

Originally Posted by gusmahler
In a vacuum, your switch on d2 isn't necessarily bad. But look at it in conjunction with coordi's actions. Tokyo summed it up in post 2395. I'm not going to quote it here because the multi quotes will get messed up. But here's the link.

Tokyo's accusation is that coordi was ignoring the votes against himself even though it was 7 to 7. That an innocent (not just a villager, but a seer) would have changed votes to save himself. (Coordi's vote was on luckbox at the time). But coordi knew that one of his wolfbros would change vote to avoid rand. That's why he didn't bother changing his vote. And who changed vote right then? Coincidence, of course it could have been. But wolfbros with 24 hr wolfchat is another possibility.

Then what happened on D3. You come in, say you're preparing something, and night conveniently falls so you don't have to prepare something. Coincidence? Of course that's possible. But wolfbros with 24 hr wolf chat is another possibility. Coordi returning the favor by voting to save you from having to prepare something?

Then you prepare a long post overnight and post it here. Why make an overnight post instead of waiting to see the night actions resolve? Why make it hard to read when all you needed to do was push the preview post button? Didn't see the preview post button? Of course that's a possibility. Wolf trying to make sure people don't read the post? That's another possibility.
mostly quoting these for completeness

(aside: I explained clearly why I posted what I posted)

Originally Posted by gusmahler
My list. Within each tier, the order is just alphabetical.



There's a slight chance that the peek was dmk = vill /coordi = wolf (he used the same language for both), but seems more likely that it was dmk/kukra both vill (he listed them first).


I could go either way with all in this group, but lean village. Each seem to be genuinely trying to help the village.


Worth a re-read for me that I will do later.

felix the cat

This is a separate tier. Not necessarily more wolfy than the previous tier, even though it is listed below. Just different. But the defense of "their play is so blatantly anti-village that a wolf would never do it" might actually have some merit. But someone said that kruze is pro-village today. Did he really do anything, except be there as a sounding board for jonnyd?
it is now day 4 and gusmahler has zero wolves

Originally Posted by gusmahler
3 super clear villas (me, books, kukra); 2 lean villas (nich and aaron). Aaron started off strange, but I gather that he was just roleplaying as a bad guy. He's been fine since. Nich is nich. Doesn't do much reading, but his strategy helpfulness seems to be pro-village.

So the 5 wolves are from the 7 remaining players.

Still have to do a re-read (I had a busy weekend). So my initial thoughts:
  • Jonnyd has seemed villagery for the last few days, so am not considering him for now.
  • Suspicious that 64 stays on my case without actually setting forth a case.
  • Need to re-read ykw. UTR. Not a wolf-tell because we're all 10 years older and have real lives now. But super convenient.
  • Atak keeps promising to do work, but has yet to come through. Same UTR comments as YKW, but even moreso.
  • Since the cleareds are on crossnerd, I will start my re-reads with her.
  • Felix has had a terrible village game. Of course, that's if he's on the side of the village.
  • I really want to see Kruze's late game skills. He said he purposely played badly because he wanted to stay in the game to show off those late game skills. I'd say must shun is pretty late game, so let's see them.
The wolves have a non-read and "suspicious". YKW and atakdog get similar treatment.

Originally Posted by gusmahler
I said:

And he proves his vaunted late game skills by posting:
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be soft-pushing or what? By this point gus had voted Kruze on a prior day but never really calls him a wolf, just implies that his play is low-quality.

Originally Posted by sixfour
What villager does this
sixfour calls out gusmahler again

Originally Posted by gusmahler
There was literally nothing going on yesterday. It had already been decided that crossnerd was the death. Crossnerd and the rest of the wolves went into anti-spew mode. Plus, it was 15 minutes.

It's not like I hammered on a busy day with 3 hours to do.
Originally Posted by gusmahler
It's super standard to list yourself in a list of villagers. I think everyone has done it. It's neither a wolf or village tell.

One things wolves have to be careful of is switching votes for no reason. If you use one post to say, "yeah, yyy is likely a villager", then when you're under pressure, you say "yyy is a wolf" and people ask why, you can't respond without being inconsistent (because wolves don't have actual reasons for their votes, only made up reasons). That's what got crossnerd and coordi.

So it looks like what 64 has done is just randomized the list of villagers and always called me a wolf. That way, when he's under pressure, he can say, "look, I've been on gus's case the whole game." He hopes it gives him points for consistency. But if you look closely, he's never actually set forth a case other than "I think he's a wolf."
responding to sixfour
this is like gusmahler's longest post in the thread that's not just reciting facts
In a vacuum I think that makes them less likely to be w/w, with the caveat that sixfour is nearly outed and may be leveling here.

Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Yes I saw it but I'm not sure wolves would have caught it, I still want to reread for more obvious hints.

Starting to get confident that gus is a wolf too. His "carefully constructed post" vs "natural reaction to whatever is going on in the thread" ratio is off the charts.
Kukra thinks gus is a wolf, worth noting.

Originally Posted by gusmahler
Lol at "carefully constructed" posts. I woke up, made two posts, walked the dog, then quickly wrote a tier list before I have to go to work.
Originally Posted by gusmahler
As I said, none of his posts stuck out one way or the other, which is why he's in the neutral category. That said, I haven't carefully re-read him. Those are just impressions I have.
Firm neutral read on YKW at this point in the game.

I find it strange that gus can afford the time to do long posts rereading dead people, but hasn't gotten around to rereading YKW despite having a neutral/"need more information" lean on him since... d1?

Originally Posted by gusmahler
I've done that each of the last 3 days. 3353, 3106, and 2877. Day before, I posted a big analysis of bigger's peeks (2657). So I haven't just been coasting.

Some people are more on the game state analysis side of the game. It appears that Nich and I lean that direction (Nich more than me). Other people (e.g., Luckbox) spam the thread and try to force people into interactions. Since I am closer to Nich than Luckbox on the interaction spectrum, you shouldn't read too much in my lack of interaction. Especially since IRL, I'm fairly busy.
Originally Posted by gusmahler
We had three clear villagers and have been treating three others (aaron, jonny, and nich) as almost clear, letting the 6 of them control the last 3 days. Wolves barely even tried the last three days. With no power roles (everyone ran out of shots), they seemed to care more about getting rid of the actually cleared villagers then having two of their brethren surviving. If that meant accepting that aaron, jonny, and nich are cleared, then so be it.

It's now 5 v 3. From a pure logic perspective, is it possible that all 3 are villagers? Is it one or two of them that are wolves? If it's three, can we even win?

Crap, I think everyone has a good shot at being a wolf (except me, of course).
I don't think unclearing people makes sense at this stage.
I don't think this is wolfy though.

Originally Posted by gusmahler
That's basically what I meant. The wolves didn't care about the last three days, so didn't try. Why? I don't know. And that's worrisome.
Wait a sec, if we're unclearing everyone, how can you say that the wolves didn't care about and didn't try the last three days? A bit TMI, or at least inconsistent with unclearing (since if you re-clear jonnyd/nich/aaron I think this is an accurate statement from gus-villa's point of view).


verdict: mixed, lean wolf, not my top wolf

I find his logic more wolfy than villagery at points. There are a few points where he's villagery that I point out though.

His d1 reads post of low-volume people is a bit too accurate.

The luckbox voting thing where his progression is backwards from what I'd expect is not great.

The sixfour/gus interactions look not w/w, but might be close enough to sixfour's elimination that they're deliberate spew. Given how both have played I don't know if I can credit them with pulling that off without it being obvious though. This is the most villagery thing to me.

So I'm not inclined to go gus today but he goes above atak on my new wolf list.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 03:30 PM
I have to go now, sorry. I'll try to be back later. I am at KruZe > gus == ykw > atak now. Everyone else is in the "clearly villa, so if they're wolfing they earned the win" category.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by YouKnowWho
My take on buckets:

People that I trust pretty much completely at this point:

aaronk56 - I am not ever voting him this game for the last second vote switch on d1. If he is a wolf and that was a bamboozle, well so be it, I'll bow my hat.

Kukraprout - I don't have a specific reason to lock-clear him, but he has been giving villagery vibe for the entire game and provided solid logic. Maybe not a lock, but in this situation where we have to find a wolf it feels close to a lock.

Tokyo - very similar reasons to Kukra.

People that I lean villager:

riverfish1 - for reasons explained in my last post, I personally don't see him being a wolf, but it is just a very subjective read based on my own experience as a wolf and thus I cannot put him in the category above.

Wdcbooks - solid logic and effort for most of the game, nothing that stood out as wolfy. I have no history with him that I can remember so not sure how good of a wolf he is, but it is certainly in a realm of possibility for a good wolfer to have a game like this, hence not putting him in the lock category.

johnnyd - similar reasons to books above.

biggerboat - I do not have a good read on bigger, I admit. Early in the game I had very small wolf lean on him for what I thought was going for an easy target in me, but afterwards I had seen nothing that would support this feel. It feels like he has increased his effort the longer the game goes, which in a game like this where we are just demolishing ourselves and wolves don't have to do anything feels very villagery.

Biggest enigmas:

atakdog - with each moment of his absence I want to call him wolf more and more, but when he posted, I thought he was villagery. PLEASE POST MORE.

crackedquads - probably have to re-read more closely but I cannot get any sort of read on him. Guidance on this one appreciated.

Felix the Cat - again, when he posted, in seemed quite villagery, but he has posted very little. If I am remembering correctly, Felix is more than capable of making good, logical posts as wolf, so coupled with low posting it makes me a bit uncomfortable. PLEASE POST MORE.

Gusmahler - I know that he has posted, but for the live of me I cannot remember any of it. Will re-read, but in general theory this is not a good sign.

Nicholas - come to think of it, Nich might be my biggest disappointment in this game, as I remember him as a guy who solved some games almost singlehandedly and he is almost a non-factor this game. I haven't seen him wolf I don't think, so not sure if such low-impact is more indicative of his wolf game. When he posted, I liked his reasoning, that's why he is in the enigma and not lean-wolf group.

Dmk - I have been flipping on him in my head the entire game, but based just on feel. I just don't know. Again, guidance appreciated.

People that I lean wolf based on todays re-read:


Based on general tone and inconsistency. Will try to go back and provide examples.

People that are for sure wolves:


For reasons I've already stated like 15 times.
dmk quoted this on his last day.
this just screams TMI to me for early D3 reads list(like 2 hours into the day)

now the question is, is he tunneling kruze as a mislynch or is he just hard bussing
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 03:44 PM
Day 7: Automated Votals from #3589 to #3605

Not voting (9): aaronk56 (19), atakdog (11), Felix the Cat (6), gusmahler (4), jonnyd (23), KruZe (3), Nicholasp27 (3), YouKnowWho (1), UNVOTE (0)

Phase ends in 5h15m. Hammer at 5.

<Beta v0.1.8>
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 03:47 PM
day 1 from aaron's post with 1:14 left in the day:

aao!V! (5): Luckbox Inc!V! (137), jonnyd (19), riverfish1!V! (17), BobOjedaFan!V! (13), sixfour!W! (19)
atakdog (4): Kukraprout!V! (63), dmk!V! (68), aao!V! (66), coordi!W! (4)
coordi!W! (3): traz!V! (49), Nicholasp27!V! (5), biggerboat!V! (35)
Crossnerd!W! (2): atakdog (7), Birdman10687!V! (143)
KruZe (2): YouKnowWho (26), wdcbooks!V! (25)
Luckbox Inc!V! (1): Crossnerd!W! (33)
crackedquads!W! (1): shortline99!V! (25)
traz!V! (1): KruZe (28)
JDalla!V! (1): mrs. jonnyd!V! (13)
dmk!V! (1): Tokyo!!!SK! (17)
shortline99!V! (1): JDalla!V! (45)
BobOjedaFan!V! (1): Sun Tzu!V! (41)
Not voting (5): aaronk56 (44), crackedquads!W! (33), Felix The Cat (0), gusmahler (3)

so 5/4/3/2 with villa in front and only 1 wolf on him and then 2-3 wolves next. 1 wolf on atak, all villas on the 2 confirmed wolves

crossnerd!W! - from luckbox!V! to aao!V! <- makes sense to push aao up away from her/coordi and potentially atak; coulda gone atak also to solidify tied top wagons, so slight w points for him based on Monty Hall

sun!V! - from bobo!V! to aao!V!
aaron - youknowwho
aaron - aao!V!
birdman!V! - coordi!W!
traz!V! - from coordi!W! to luckbox!V!
mrsjonnyd!V! - from jdalla!V! to jonnyd <- spicy!
sun!V! - from bobo!V! to jonnyd
aaron - from aao!V! to tokyo!SK!
jdalla!V! - from shorty!V! to jonnyd

29 mins until night:

aao!V! (6): Luckbox Inc!V! (19), jonnyd (8), riverfish1!V! (2), BobOjedaFan!V! (0), sixfour!W! (0), Crossnerd!W! (1)
atakdog (4): Kukraprout!V! (0), dmk!V! (8), aao!V! (8), coordi!W! (3)
coordi!W! (3): Nicholasp27!V! (0), biggerboat!V! (0), Birdman10687!V! (9)
jonnyd (3): mrs. jonnyd!V! (1), Sun Tzu!V! (6), JDalla!V! (3)
KruZe (2): YouKnowWho (1), wdcbooks!V! (2)
Luckbox Inc!V! (1): traz!V! (13)
Tokyo!!!SK! (1): aaronk56 (9)
crackedquads!W! (1): shortline99!V! (0)
traz!V! (1): KruZe (0)
Crossnerd!W! (1): atakdog (5)
dmk!V! (1): Tokyo!!!SK! (0)
Not voting (4): crackedquads!W! (0), Felix The Cat (0), gusmahler (0)

so we have a bunch of villas and 2 wolves on aao
3 villas and 1 wolf on atak
3 villas on coordiwolf
3 villas on jonnyd
1 villa 1 unknown on kruze

crackedquadswolf isn't voting
felix and gus aren't voting
kruze is on traz by himself
atak is on crossnerdwolf by himself
youknowwho is on on kruze with books

also of note is by this point aao had strongly hinted he was going to claim, so if atak is wolf, he's very exposed here

books!V! - from kruze to luckbox!V!
sun!V! - from jonny to luckbox!V!
cqwolf says he's fine with atak wagon and not with aao wagon <- villa points for atak
birdman!V! - from coordi!W! to luckbox!V! <- villagers leading the luckbox wagon back up to save coordiwolf
aaron - from tokyo!SK! to aao!V!
aao!V! - from atak to luckbox!V!
nich!V! - from coordi!W! to luckbox!V!
mrsjonnyd!V! - from jonnyd to luckbox!V!

Luckbox Inc (7): traz (4), wdcbooks (1), Sun Tzu (4), Birdman10687 (7), aao (5), Nicholasp27 (1), mrs. jonnyd (4)
aao (7): Luckbox Inc (8), jonnyd (7), riverfish1 (0), BobOjedaFan (0), sixfour (0), Crossnerd (0), aaronk56 (2)
atakdog (3): Kukraprout (0), dmk (1), coordi (3)
coordi (1): biggerboat (0)
crackedquads (1): shortline99 (0)
traz (1): KruZe (0)
Crossnerd (1): atakdog (5)
jonnyd (1): JDalla (1)
dmk (1): Tokyo!! (0)
KruZe (1): YouKnowWho (0)
Not voting (4): crackedquads (3), Felix The Cat (0), gusmahler (0)

now luckbox/aao are the wagons and atak is a bit safer (tho a likely vig/roleblock target so not great for him if he's a wolf, but joat can hold off a night anyway)

luckbox has 7 vilagers on him
aao has 3 villagers, 2 wolves, 2 unknown (but basically cleared villas)
atakdog has 2 villas and 1 wolf
everyone else has one vote

atak - from crossnerd!W! to jdalla!V! <- went to a 0 vote person, not a 1-vote to try to get new wagon
coordi!W! - from atak to jdalla!V!
jdalla!V! - from jonnyd!V! to atak
aaron - from aao!V! to jdalla!V!

10 mins to night and it's 7/6/3/3 wagons luckbox/aao/jdalla/atak <- 3 villager wagons, 1 unknown
wolves are 2 on aao, 1 on jdalla, 1 not voting
unknowns are atak on jdalla, kruze on traz, youknowwho on kruze, felix and gus not voting

so most of the wolves aren't trying to save atak

sun!V! - from luckbox!V! to jdalla!V!
nich!V! - from luckbox!V! to jdalla!V!
cq!W! - atak <- more villa points for atak; his wagon is now 2 wolves and 2 villagers
cq!W! - from atak to aao!V!
mrsjonnyd!V! - from luckbox!V! to atak
jdalla!V! - from atak to aao!V!
traz!V! - from luckbox!V! to jdalla!V!
aaron - from jdalla!V! to aao!V!

aao hard claims angel at :00

books!V! - from luckbox!V! to jdalla!V!
aao!V! - from luckbox!V! to jdalla!V!
atak - from jdalla!V! to luckbox!V!
aaron - from aao!V! to jdalla!V! (at :01 so doesn't count)


aao!V! (9): Luckbox Inc!V! (20), jonnyd!V! (13), riverfish1!V! (0), BobOjedaFan!V! (0), sixfour!W! (0), Crossnerd!W! (0), crackedquads!W! (11), JDalla!V! (6), aaronk56 (7)
JDalla!V! (6): coordi!W! (6), Sun Tzu!V! (11), Nicholasp27!V! (3), traz!V! (15), wdcbooks!V! (5), aao!V! (10)
atakdog (3): Kukraprout!V! (0), dmk!V! (2), mrs. jonnyd!V! (7)
Luckbox Inc!V! (2): Birdman10687!V! (14), atakdog (15)
coordi!W! (1): biggerboat!V! (0)
crackedquads!W! (1): shortline99!V! (0)
traz!V! (1): KruZe (0)
dmk!V! (1): Tokyo!!!SK! (0)
KruZe (1): YouKnowWho (1)
Not voting (2): Felix The Cat (0), gusmahler (0)

aao has 9 votes with 5 villas, 3 wolves, 1 cleared villa
jdalla has 6 votes with 5 villas, 1 wolf
atak has 3 votes with 3 villas
luckbox has 2 votes with 1 villa, 1 uknown

atak: voting luckbox
felix: not voting
gus: not voting
kruze: voting traz by himself
youknowwho: voting kruze by himself

so the wolves we know were voting aao and jdalla
and then the unknown candidates were all voting random people or not voting

d1 and d2 both look good for atak
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:00 PM

im just gonna let this marinate a bit but feel strongly enough to get things started
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:10 PM
Catching up; i see nich's stuff but haven't read it yet.

Couple things:

Originally Posted by KruZe
why didn't you vote crossnerd the day she was voted out? but did on day 2?
The day she was voted out it there were clear villagers whom I said I would follow, so I did, waiting until necessary to vote. The necessity never arrived. On previous days she hadn't been the clear lynch target (and had not been lynched, of course), though I certainly had favored it from the beginning.

Originally Posted by aaronk56
I may be over-reading but johhnyd says Tokyo is a top villager after Felix announces a changed read on Tokyo and Felix then makes a post about Tokyo's activity being role-neutral. Tokyo was the SK a neutral. Could the wolves have figured this out at this point?
I didn't check but when was this? If it's before n3, they couldn't have known because we now know they targeted him n3. If it's after, then they would at least have suspected it because they knew it was on possible reason the kill failed.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Catching up; i see nich's stuff but haven't read it yet.

Couple things:

The day she was voted out it there were clear villagers whom I said I would follow, so I did, waiting until necessary to vote. The necessity never arrived. On previous days she hadn't been the clear lynch target (and had not been lynched, of course), though I certainly had favored it from the beginning.

I didn't check but when was this? If it's before n3, they couldn't have known because we now know they targeted him n3. If it's after, then they would at least have suspected it because they knew it was on possible reason the kill failed.
that felix/tokyo post is from d2
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
that felix/tokyo post is from d2
K. Then no, wolves could not have known he was SK. It's not really important but just saying it's not an issue.

Felix bugs me lots but he's trying, something no known wolf has done.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
K. Then no, wolves could not have known he was SK. It's not really important but just saying it's not an issue.

Felix bugs me lots but he's trying, something no known wolf has done.
yea i think its partly the reason why xnerd and sixfour just rolled over
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
dmk quoted this on his last day.
this just screams TMI to me for early D3 reads list(like 2 hours into the day)

now the question is, is he tunneling kruze as a mislynch or is he just hard bussing
Thank you for qouting what I think is my best read list ever, I am really quite proud of it!

If you are calling it TMI just because it turned out to be mostly correct so far its not very fair, as it was all based on specific reasoning at the time.. I have been calling KruZe and CN wolfs since literaly d1, when no one else did yet, as well as one of the firsts to call coordi and 64 wolves - you would have to think I am some sort of busser-extrraoordinaire to pull **** like that. Admittedly, I used to like to bus when I was a wolf, but this would be some next level stuff, which I’m afraid I’m not capable of.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by YouKnowWho
Thank you for qouting what I think is my best read list ever, I am really quite proud of it!

If you are calling it TMI just because it turned out to be mostly correct so far its not very fair, as it was all based on specific reasoning at the time.. I have been calling KruZe and CN wolfs since literaly d1, when no one else did yet, as well as one of the firsts to call coordi and 64 wolves - you would have to think I am some sort of busser-extrraoordinaire to pull **** like that. Admittedly, I used to like to bus when I was a wolf, but this would be some next level stuff, which I’m afraid I’m not capable of.
i think youve been bussing wolves and have had apprehension every time a villager has been pushed
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:28 PM
I know lynch by postcount is crappy, but with 24 hour wolfchat, maybe it's just so much effort for a reunion game that most (all?) wolves just decided screw it, I'm not bothering.

There does need to be at least one who's more active than he cross/64 paradigm, at least to the level of gus or so. But maybe only one.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:28 PM
Gotta scoot again. Will be back for eod.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
i think youve been bussing wolves and have had apprehension every time a villager has been pushed
I did indeed - because I trusted my read on CN and KruZe and they were just never gaining traction, which was driving me nuts. Its not that i particularly disliked our wagons in a vacuum, I showed apprehension to them because I thought (and think) that I had nailed two wolves.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by YouKnowWho
I did indeed - because I trusted my read on CN and KruZe and they were just never gaining traction, which was driving me nuts. Its not that i particularly disliked our wagons in a vacuum, I showed apprehension to them because I thought (and think) that I had nailed two wolves.
who are kruze's wolf teammates
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:40 PM
atak when you get a moment go back and reread around kukra's claim from about post 3143 until about 3300 and let me know who you think are the wolfiest people posting around that time. i feel like you should have good perspective on this

aaronk/nich/anyone else who wants to if you could do the same

Originally Posted by Kukraprout

I am the village roleblocker. It sucks that it’s me because I was already triple lock clear.

Sorry to keep everyone waiting. If wolves were considering claiming I did not want to stop them. Almost everyone has already posted today so it does not look like it’s happening.

I blocked:
Bobo n1
Coordi n2
Atakdog n3
Atakdog n4

Not really a game changer.

I left some hints and a code. They’re probably not needed.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
who are kruze's wolf teammates
I was thinking it was Felix and atak a couple days ago. However, I am not comfortable with atak anymore and I am starting to think it might be Gus instead. As I mentioned, I also dont feel comfortable with Nich, but mainly because I dont understand most of his posts. From what i do understand they seem pro-village, but the fact that I dont fully follow what he is saying is not a good and warm feeling.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
We had three clear villagers and have been treating three others (aaron, jonny, and nich) as almost clear, letting the 6 of them control the last 3 days. Wolves barely even tried the last three days. With no power roles (everyone ran out of shots), they seemed to care more about getting rid of the actually cleared villagers then having two of their brethren surviving. If that meant accepting that aaron, jonny, and nich are cleared, then so be it.

It's now 5 v 3. From a pure logic perspective, is it possible that all 3 are villagers? Is it one or two of them that are wolves? If it's three, can we even win?

Crap, I think everyone has a good shot at being a wolf (except me, of course).
Originally Posted by gusmahler
It was 7 to 5. The two cleareds basically teamed with you and aaron and nich and agreed to get cross and 64. As atak said, the wolves think they have a path to victory and were perfectly fine to allow that to happen.

Does that happen if all of aaron, jonny, nich are villagers? I don't know, and have to think it through. It's possible that they all are. But is it likely?

The 2nd statement was from a logic, game state analysis perspective, not a read perspective. I have to do a re-read.
Originally Posted by gusmahler
That's basically what I meant. The wolves didn't care about the last three days, so didn't try. Why? I don't know. And that's worrisome.
gus where'd you go and who do you want to lynch today

matter of fact how about everyone come in and give me 2 people you want to lynch today
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:44 PM
Day 7: Automated Votals from #3606 to #3621

Felix the Cat (1): jonnyd (30)
Not voting (8): aaronk56 (19), atakdog (15), Felix the Cat (6), gusmahler (4), KruZe (3), Nicholasp27 (4), YouKnowWho (4), UNVOTE (0)

Phase ends in 4h15m. Hammer at 5.

Vote history:
jonnyd (1): Felix the Cat

<Beta v0.1.8>
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
gus where'd you go and who do you want to lynch today

matter of fact how about everyone come in and give me 2 people you want to lynch today
I did give you 2 and then some just now. Who are the 2 you wanna clap today?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
The day she was voted out it there were clear villagers whom I said I would follow, so I did, waiting until necessary to vote. The necessity never arrived. On previous days she hadn't been the clear lynch target (and had not been lynched, of course), though I certainly had favored it from the beginning.
I just read your ISO, and yeah you did go at Cross a lot (and ended up not voting her out smh for someone that pushed her as much as you did, would think you would have been easily voting her without the excuse of "waiting until necessary, wth does that even mean), you also had a lot of villagers as villager, almost like you know everyones role. You didn't seem undecided on much that you were pushing... leads me to believe you just don't/didn't have any solving to do cause you woofin/know everyones role.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
07-01-2020 , 04:52 PM
Going to check out Felix now.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
