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Full Tilt, UB and Pokerstars Domains SEIZED by the FBI - Principals Indicted - (Merged/updated) Full Tilt, UB and Pokerstars Domains SEIZED by the FBI - Principals Indicted - (Merged/updated)

04-19-2011 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
The below link discusses the firms/lawyers being discussed for representing the sites.

I am in no position to judge the quality of the listed people/firms but am hoping some of lurking lawyers or anyone else who is familiar with the legal 'scene' can give their two-cents about these guys.

mods can remove the typosin title...........if you want
With unlimited funds and with my ass on the line with criminal charges I am looking to two guys specifically if my case is going to trial in front of a jury:

1. Gerry Spence. The greatest living attorney in America. Destroys government attorneys every time he gets in a court room with them. I don't think he has every lost a case against the government in front of a jury.

2. Joseph Low. A protege of Mr. Spence. Defended Conrad Murray (Michael Jacksons doctor). Won a dismissal of all charges for one of the Haditha marines charged with murder. Had the Supreme Court issue an opinion written by Justice Scalia in a case where a judge refused to allow Mr. Low to practice in a criminal defense case because he was too good of a lawyer. A defendant in court one day had heard Mr. Low argue in another case and asked Mr. Low to represent him also because he was so good. When Mr. Low agreed to represent the man the judge refused to let him act as the mans counsel because Mr. Low kept getting acquittals against the prosecutors. The Supreme Court upheld the right of a criminal defendant to pick his own counsel - including Mr. Low.
04-19-2011 , 04:00 AM
I once had a talk with a highly regarded criminal defense attorney. He told me the perfect client is a man or woman charged with a serious crime, loaded to the gills with money, and scared to death. I don't know if Mr. Schienberg and Mr. Bitar are "scared to death" but they're certainly loaded to the gills with money and accused of a serious crime.

As far as "quality of the lawyers" is concerned, it is a given that the lawyers selected to represent these defendants will, to a man, have Martin-Hubbell 5-Star ratings. In the peer review system represented by the Martin-Hubbell ratings, "5-Star" is the absolute top - the cream of the crop. (In the town where I live, population of approximately 175,000, I think there are two 5-Star lawyers.)

This is the kind of case that attracts top legal talent. It's not so much the money and the fees they stand to gain - although that is not an inconsequential factor. It's the challenge of taking on (and beating) the Government. This case has the added attraction of being "high profile" - almost certain to attract intense media scrutiny. The very best lawyers live for these kind of cases. (David Boies built his career litigating cases like this.)

This is a complex case involving untested law which may establish legal precedent. (I'm referring specifically to the counts dealing with violation of the UIGEA.) Like top athletes rising to a challenge, complex cases like this tend to attract the best lawyers. These type cases tend to enhance reputations and careers - especially if counsel for the defense manages to beat the Government. There is a certain type of courtroom litigator who relishes going up against the Government. It's the reason why such lawyers went to law school - they love the fight.

What kind of legal representation will these defendants get? In two words: The best.

Former DJ

Last edited by Former DJ; 04-19-2011 at 04:03 AM. Reason: Added a sentence.
04-19-2011 , 08:39 AM

Could fellow 2p2'ers update their "cashout status" for international (non us) players about those sites? I think it's important to establish which sites are safe for euro users in the long run.

I just had a 2k € cashout from Pokerstars. Unless they lied about having sent the money (I think that's impossible, but just saying) the cash out seems to work fine.

I can't cash out from one of the other sites, but I won't name it since I still sincerely believe they are trying to find a way to do it. I will update when they let me cash out.

Please let everyone know whether or not you can cash out so international 2p2 players have an idea about making future decisions.

The reason of this thread is that most ppl I know feel they will have forfeited their money online if the sites get owned by US government. I believe this is not true. Let's see how this goes for everyone involved.
04-19-2011 , 08:51 AM

Party at the DOJ
04-19-2011 , 08:53 AM
Ordered a tiny cashout from Stars to Moneybookers on Sunday. Confirmed by Stars on Monday morning as completed. Still not credited to MB as of Tuesday afternoon. Will update as soon as I get it. (I'm within the EU).
04-19-2011 , 08:59 AM
I have read numerous reports of people receiving 3 digit cashouts from Stars. There are also a few successful 4 digit cashouts. I have yet to wait for a report of a 5 digit or more transfer.

I am waiting since early Saturday morning for cashouts from Stars (Neteller+Moneybookers) and FTP (Neteller+bank transfer)
04-19-2011 , 09:07 AM
There's a big thread in NVG for non-us cashouts that you might want to check out, It might give you some idea of how things are going
04-19-2011 , 09:08 AM

Last edited by ShovingStation; 04-19-2011 at 09:08 AM. Reason: gg
04-19-2011 , 11:11 AM
anyone try withdraw from pokerstars?im still waitting for the payout over 72 hours ,normal they pay very fast,about 3-5 hours .im use moneybookers
04-19-2011 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by headupvn
anyone try withdraw from pokerstars?im still waitting for the payout over 72 hours ,normal they pay very fast,about 3-5 hours .im use moneybookers
This is SHOCKING news. Please keep us posted!
04-19-2011 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by __hope__
the same Catherine Hanaway who prosecuted BetOnSports ... surreal
She also testified at on of Frank’s hearings it was not against the law for an American Citizen to gamble online.

04-19-2011 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Former DJ
I once had a talk with a highly regarded criminal defense attorney. He told me the perfect client is a man or woman charged with a serious crime, loaded to the gills with money, and scared to death. I don't know if Mr. Schienberg and Mr. Bitar are "scared to death" but they're certainly loaded to the gills with money and accused of a serious crime.

As far as "quality of the lawyers" is concerned, it is a given that the lawyers selected to represent these defendants will, to a man, have Martin-Hubbell 5-Star ratings. In the peer review system represented by the Martin-Hubbell ratings, "5-Star" is the absolute top - the cream of the crop. (In the town where I live, population of approximately 175,000, I think there are two 5-Star lawyers.)

This is the kind of case that attracts top legal talent. It's not so much the money and the fees they stand to gain - although that is not an inconsequential factor. It's the challenge of taking on (and beating) the Government. This case has the added attraction of being "high profile" - almost certain to attract intense media scrutiny. The very best lawyers live for these kind of cases. (David Boies built his career litigating cases like this.)

This is a complex case involving untested law which may establish legal precedent. (I'm referring specifically to the counts dealing with violation of the UIGEA.) Like top athletes rising to a challenge, complex cases like this tend to attract the best lawyers. These type cases tend to enhance reputations and careers - especially if counsel for the defense manages to beat the Government. There is a certain type of courtroom litigator who relishes going up against the Government. It's the reason why such lawyers went to law school - they love the fight.

What kind of legal representation will these defendants get? In two words: The best.

Former DJ
I would love to see David Boies involved.
04-19-2011 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Shoulder
Awesome. Too bad it's such a sad state of poker we are in.

P.S Just had a check from Bodog bounce.
04-19-2011 , 11:45 AM
I remember reading that somewhere there was a ruling that the UIGEA doesn't pertain to Players cashing out. Does any one know what/where this ruling is.

I want to use this next time I call: Southern District of New York, US Attorney General Preet Bharara (212) 637-2600
04-19-2011 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Free Phil Ivey
With unlimited funds and with my ass on the line with criminal charges I am looking to two guys specifically if my case is going to trial in front of a jury:

1. Gerry Spence. The greatest living attorney in America. Destroys government attorneys every time he gets in a court room with them. I don't think he has every lost a case against the government in front of a jury.

2. Joseph Low. A protege of Mr. Spence. Defended Conrad Murray (Michael Jacksons doctor). Won a dismissal of all charges for one of the Haditha marines charged with murder. Had the Supreme Court issue an opinion written by Justice Scalia in a case where a judge refused to allow Mr. Low to practice in a criminal defense case because he was too good of a lawyer. A defendant in court one day had heard Mr. Low argue in another case and asked Mr. Low to represent him also because he was so good. When Mr. Low agreed to represent the man the judge refused to let him act as the mans counsel because Mr. Low kept getting acquittals against the prosecutors. The Supreme Court upheld the right of a criminal defendant to pick his own counsel - including Mr. Low.

thanks for the reply. what do you mean with YOUR ass on the line with criminal charges. are you considering you, as a player, as being charged with anything? obviously the wording has me concerned that you think individuals could be charged but maybe i am just misinterpreting. glad to hear they will get such good defense teams.
04-19-2011 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
This is SHOCKING news. Please keep us posted!
In several other threads, posters have shown email replies starting to come from "" that openly state that all withdrawals are on temporary hold until they can resolve some of the legal aspects of the current situation. I know that eChecks is done for good AFAIK. And have been holding off till Stars issues a statement telling us which way they will process cash outs.

04-19-2011 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
thanks for the reply. what do you mean with YOUR ass on the line with criminal charges. are you considering you, as a player, as being charged with anything? obviously the wording has me concerned that you think individuals could be charged but maybe i am just misinterpreting. glad to hear they will get such good defense teams.
I'm pretty sure Free Phil is just putting himself in their shoes, and saying, well if it was my ass on the line, here's what I would do...
04-19-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by blink20
I'm pretty sure Free Phil is just putting himself in their shoes, and saying, well if it was my ass on the line, here's what I would do...
04-19-2011 , 02:10 PM
Here's a facebook profile pic I through together real quick. Feel free to use it. I log onto facebook about once a year to delete request. I can't believe this upset me enough to get me to log into facebook and post on the DOJ's facebook page ..... *facepalm*

Here's the Photoshop file if anyone wants to improve it:

(I only spent about 2 minutes on it at lunch, so feel free to improve it)
04-19-2011 , 02:24 PM
i love the "bring it on" mentality of the poker community and the people involved in this case. popcorn.gif

"At one point during Elie's 10-minute court appearance, Cowden handed a prosecutor a small box containing what he said was a 500 gigabyte hard drive.

Magistrate Judge Frank Maas said he'd never before seen a defense lawyer hand over a piece of evidence at such an early stage of court proceedings.

Outside court, Cowden said he didn't want to waste any time getting the case to trial."
04-19-2011 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Free Phil Ivey
I would love to see David Boies involved.
I hate him soooo much from the SCO / Unix IP trial. Boies is the definition of gun for hire. He would defend the guy who raped, tortured and murdered his family if the defendant had the money and he would do the best ****ing job you have ever seen.

Unfortunately he is probably busy helping the NFL owners squeeze more money out of the NFL players.

David Boies is one hell of a lawyer.

EDIT: Boies represented SCO and SCO lost in court but I suspect they won their objective: delay delay delay (the case is still going on) and bankrupt SCO so that the meritorius counter claims get nothing. I don't think SCO ever really believed they would win their claims ...
04-19-2011 , 02:37 PM
I know that this question can probably not be answered by anybody here, however what is the concensus on how long we will be without online poker? Couple months? Years? Days?

Thoughts, comments..
04-19-2011 , 02:43 PM
Definitely not days.
04-19-2011 , 02:44 PM
TANGENT: at this point, what is stopping FTP and PS from sending checks to US players and then bringing suit against banks who reject them?

UIGEA is clear that transfers from gambling businesses to customers (cashouts) are not prohibited by UIGEA.

I would think that this would be a (relatively) inexpensive suit to litigate. Getting cashouts working in the open would be great PR for the sites and generate goodwill among players in all jurisdictions.
04-19-2011 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by funkyj
TANGENT: at this point, what is stopping FTP and PS from sending checks to US players and then bringing suit against banks who reject them?
Younger v. Harris?

They can bring suit, but I imagine that it would get stayed or dismissed pending the resolution of the criminal matter.

Further, actually prosecuting that suit would potentially require Stars and Tilt executives to show up in the United States for deposition or trial. Think they want to do that?
