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My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward

06-19-2008 , 05:12 PM
Before all this happened I was a sick sick grinder. I probably put in 40k hands p/month on average (obviously not all on UB). Ive played way more than 65k hands lifetime on UB. My guess is that its not a complete database and missing a bunch of hands
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:12 PM
you couldve shown him your bank account info.. so he saw it didnt have 30K in it...

i think you are PokerGrandMaster that dude that made all those ******ed posts before
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:12 PM
Do you honestly still believe that money was stolen? Seriously dude it's totally ****ing obvious he set it all up. Real robbers make a mess and would at least close the damn door when they left, so when people come home they wouldn't notice it right away and they had time to flee before the cops were haunting their asses.

But yea, he had to leave the door wide open for you to believe the story. Can't believe you're that simple :/.

Or the story is fake after all, still can't rule that out completely.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:13 PM
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:13 PM
And that database also said that my lifetime pt/bb was something like -.91, so basically breakeven or a 65k hand sample. On a positive note, I was rated "above average" lol
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:15 PM
just admit u are PokerGrandMaster
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:17 PM
On another positive note, I applied for a bunch of jobs today and Im going into my old job tonight, where I used to rape at telemarketing (albeit, that I quit twice lol). Hopefully, everything goes well
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:20 PM
nope but I did use to be Swishaman7 on here (same as my UB name)
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:27 PM
also curious if someone would intelipoker my stars and AP accounts- sn is Latenight239 on both sites
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:34 PM
Hope u guys like the new avatar too. The one of Nice was just freakin' me out.

For those that dont know, its Michael from The Wire.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 06:52 PM
You are either a creative story teller with continuity issues, or an idiot with promise (because you realize your decisions led you into your mess).

If you really feel like paying back the 30k (and aren't in fact using these boards to perpetuate your false claim of innocence), then kudos to your ethics.

Personally, I would not pay it. 30k just laying about? Really? His bad. If somehow I managed to feel obligated to repay this, or any portion, it would be prioritized exactly equivalent to the priority your need for shelter until you could get back to US was given.

He was not your friend, you guys were using each other to profit and you were not holding up your end of the deal. Relationship severed, immediately.
Good call on his part, and I am sure eating the 30k was factored into his decision.

My best offer ever would be to tie half the 30k to the back end of a new staking deal, and I'd pay for the safe up front just to get the wheels greased. There is no way he has zero responsibility for the safe keeping of his money, offering to repay half is generous. But I doubt you'll get that far, staking you looks to be less profitable than burning money as kindling.

Whether you should even be playing poker is VERY questionable but I have only read your OP and won't comment further on that.

Personally, I think you stole the money. If so I hope it brings you displeasure and the realization that you truly suck. You offered to pay back the full amount, seemingly without hesitation. This ethical stance of an offer doesn't fit with your prior actions or your resources, and is therefore highly suspect... imo.

Also possible, as mentioned already: this story is made up. If so, not bad. Work up the drinking side of it a little more, or switch it to something more expensive.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 06:55 PM
You want advice on how to fix you life.....

DOn't be a lying scumbag...
Don't be a drunk idiot

Save money for a rainy day

Don't get too pissed off at doubters and aholes on here....because they like to be picks. and according to YOUR story you were a lying stealing scumbag and still haven't proven you can change. So you probably deserve the abuse as I am sure you have not listed all the crap you have pulled.

.....yes, you are trying to improve. So is every smoker, dieter, drugy, drunk and degen gambler. Hopefully you can succeed. Good Luck.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 06:58 PM
so u make this thread and ask for advice. everyone that takes it seriously says there is no fckn way u should pay this clown 30k.

and u proceed to ignore everyones advice.

its pretty obv to anyone reasonable you shouldnt be on the hook for 30k. the only reason to pay him back is so he doesnt kill u, allegedly. but see, what happens if u pay him back? he can just be like "ok, gimme 10k more or ill kill you." and on and on.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:05 PM
I think you stole it and are making this post in hopes that Alex sees it and all the grief you have and forgives you. then you go ha, you suck and have your money.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:11 PM
hahaha are you the guy who messaged me on facebook?

hahaha this is pretty didn't seem like someone who would let something like this happen/ didn't seem like a dishonest person.

neway, good story. i told you the best thing about poker is the traveling it permits you to do...and had a crazy experience.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:13 PM
GrandMaster is it ok if I post our facebook correspondence in this thread? I think people might find it humorous, and it would lend a modicum of veracity to your story.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:18 PM
fwiw none of the accounts everyone is saying are all the same ("LOL nll/98mute/OP are all the SAME PERSON!!!") have matching IPs
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Superfluous Man
GrandMaster is it ok if I post our facebook correspondence in this thread? I think people might find it humorous, and it would lend a modicum of veracity to your story.
haha ya FWIW he messaged me saying he's going to Nice for a month cuz someone offered to stake him for a 5/5 game. So I believe him.

Can't believe how great of an arangement you had. That is seriously awesome. I really didn't think there was any way to F that up. Even if you lost money playing poker, you still got hooked up w/ a month in France.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:25 PM
Uber, at this point, there is NO possible way that Alex would engage in a new staking deal (even though that would be financially in his best interest to get back the 30k as quickly as possible). But thats just not going to happen, so no use discussing it. What i'm going to have to do is get a job and pay him back slowly, month by month, for a very long time.

Victor, I understand that many people have said that I should not pay him back his 30k. That being said, I do feel responsible for leaving his front door open, as well as stealing from him, so I definitely feel like I owe him something. Whether or not that amount should be 30k is certainly debatable. However, like I said in my previous posts, all Alex wants to see is that im making a reasonable effort to pay him back (or so he says at this point in time). When I spoke with him on the phone a few days ago, he said that he would become more reasonable and would be willing to negotiate a settlement once I start paying him back. If by chance, I pay him back and he asks for another 10k or he'll threaten to kill me, it will be obvious that hes been trying to scam me all along. At that point, I would DEFINITELY not pay him and would get the police involved. With all that said, how much do u think I should pay him? Do you agree that I still am responsible for the initial amount lost (in the 1st month of the staking deal) as well as the money I lost in France?

Merek, your advice is sound. I agree with your thoughts and am trying to make positive steps forward

Rolon, if anything this thread has done nothing but piss Alex off even more (he saw the thread obv). Theres 0% chance that he'll just "forgive me" and let me off the hook. In his mind, regardless of what happened, I am still responsible for the 30k.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:28 PM
Superfluousman and Goblue88, Im glad u finally made your way into the thread.

I didnt think there would be any way that I could possibly **** it up either. What a difference a week makes. I went from chillin on the beach in paradise drinking wine at the best restaurants in the city, getting staked in the softest live game in the world (my expectation in that game is still through the roof, regardless of what happened the 1st week, hence why it was sooooo fkn stupid of me to steal the 50 euros) living the high life, to homeless, starving, desperate, and suicidal all in the span of a week. Crazy **** thats for sure

Superfluous, youre welcome to post my facebook message if u want

Also, what advice would u guys have for me?

Last edited by ImThaGrandMaster; 06-19-2008 at 07:36 PM.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:35 PM
His message to me:

Hi Mike,

I just thought I'd introduce myself as I have read many of your posts on the forums.

I currently play 1/2 NL (full ring) on Stars, usually 6-8 tabling.
This summer, Im going take a shot at playing full time, hence why I am moving to France in like 5 days.

In France, Ill be getting staked for the 5-5nl live game at the local casno.
However, my staking situation kinda sucks in that I have to have a positive figure by the end of the month (Ill be playing live every day) or else Ill no longer be staked and will be forced into returning to this ****hole of a ****ing country.

Anyways, I see that you work a day job now and Im kind of on the fence about really pursuing poker as a profession or continuing with my degree and doing something else and I wanted to know your insights about all that.

Talk to you soon,

So he seems like a good guy who did something stupid b/c he was losing money.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:37 PM
you guys are forgetting that OP owes alex at least 5 grand, no way to argue this point. might as well start paying that back, b4 addressing the 30k issue and why OP isnt responsible for it.

Im not sure if you understand that yet OP, you are not responsible for the 30k no matter what really happened. it was either a scam or an inside job. if it was an inside job, then alex would know this and knows you didnt do it and the unlocked door had nothing to do with it. there is no other explanation.

p.s. did you ever ask alex why he didnt use a safe? (I'm 99.99999% sure the 30k was never stolen, just a scam to get you to pay him back for all his losses and a way for him to get out of his promise to give you 30 days to become a winner.) i cant beleive you cant see this OP.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:43 PM

Describe the first day you and Alex met.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 07:58 PM
zOMG it's a tarp!!!!11!!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 08:06 PM
No problem Chump.

Like I said before, Alex and I met playing 2/5 NL at the MGM Grand Casino in Detroit.
When I first got to the casino, there was no open spots at the 2/5 game so instead, I sat down to play some 1/2.

At the 1/2 game, everything was going fine and I was crushing donks left and right and had built up a decent sized stack. Its important to note that a friend of Alex's was sitting at my table. So that would be my guess how Alex noticed me in the first place. His friend probably told him that there was a young guy at his table who played well (which is pretty rare at a 1/2 live game, as most of u know), so that would be my guess why Alex took interest and even noticed me in the first place.

Once I got into the 2/5 game, an interesting hand came up, where Alex and I got into a debate about how the hand was played. The hand was as follows: I have Ah9h in the big blind with roughly $250 in front of me (I was buying in short). Alex was on the button (he had 1k plus in his stack) and raised to $20. I called (which in retrospect was a mistake, given that I was shortstacked) and the flop came down 3h5h7d. I checked, Alex bet 40, and I raised to 120. Alex went all in and I called. He flipped his hand and showed 54, one pair, with an inside draw. My argument was that given how tight I had been playing (I had been folding nonstop for about an hour), how in the world, can Alex not fold in that spot, especially considering that he has basically no fold equity if he goes all in? He argued that my raise was basically a min raise and he knew that I had a flush draw. He then told me, his play was fine, and that even though I hit (I ended up winning the hand), he was counting his sklansky bucks to his stack. At that point, he said, it was pointless arguing with me, since I had probably zero clue what skalnsky bucks even were. At that point, I explained that I obviously knew what sklansky bucks were and that I understood the concept and why he made his play.

After like 3 more rotations, I quit the game but before I left Alex said that we should exchange numbers and email adresses. He then told me that he was a professional poker player and that he had various computer superpowers and that he could help me out. I then told him that id give him a call.

After that I cashed out and left the casino and took a cab back to Ann Arbor (thats a whole nother story about how Ive blown probably 5k+ on cabs commuting back and forth from Detroit to Ann Arbor, fwiw its 80 bucks one way but that is neither here nor there)
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
