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My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward

06-20-2008 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
if there is anything juicy in the past 600 or so posts?
FrenchAlex's first post and avatar a really juicy.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Lavitz
OP you said earlier Alex knows about twoplustwo and has read this thread specifically. That being said, why would you say you plan on paying him back some money then seeing if he demands more or continues to threaten you to determine if he was indeed scamming you? Obviously stating this as your plan to determine if he is a scammer is flat out ******ed given your statements about his knowledge of this thread.

Also, chances of someone RANDOMLY checking OPs/Alex's apartment door to see if it was unlocked then breaking in is HIGHLY unlikely. Theives usually dont just pick random apartment complexes and go door to door checking to see which is unlocked. What is even more unlikely is that they found 30k stashed in the apartment without tearing the place apart. It almost seems like, strangely enough, they knew where to find it. Im surprised more people aren't brining this up.

Given this, it seems you or Alex is lying. Given you show all the markings of a complete degen (busting roll playing drunk, lying constantly to Alex/your friend etc...) and you were quite desperate (online account broke, no money, losing quite a bit in your staking agreement) I really think you just stumbled upon the 30k yourself and prolly couldn't resist.

You knew you were going to get kicked out at the end of the month if you hadnt shown a profit and you had been losing quite a bit so showing that profit seemed quite unlikely. You also have lied quite often to Alex and shown some ridiculously immature and douchey behavior. You seem like the perfect candidate for just stealing the money yourself and making up some BS story about how you lsot your key and left door unlocked. In retrospect you probably shouldve just kicked in the door or at least trashed the place to make it look realistic because no thief is going to find 30k hidden away quickly without tossing through everything. Also, no thief is going door to door looking for an unlocked apartment. No thief is going to leave everything else neat and orderly because theyre usually rushing like hell to get valuables and get out. Speaking of valuables, most thieves are probably carrying a duffel bag or something and making away with other valuables, not just looking for straight cash. while the thief may have just left once he found 30k the chances of him finding that first are rare so he probably would've been stuffing any valuable electronics, etc into his bag first.

However, also story seems weird from Alex's view. Why would he even bring you to France if you had been losing before? Also, who leaves 30k with some random low stakes grinder you are staking in the same apartment? Why wouldn't he want to get police involved if he had legitimately been robbed of 30k?

Cliff notes: Does not sound like work of a real burglar. Alex or OP is lying. Given OP's history and previous shady behavior, most likely OP. If story isn't a level OP prolly took 30k. If not Alex is prolly trying to con him (staking someone and bringing them to France with you seems a little questionable).
good work never reallly thought about it this way. OP took the money! or it didnt happen
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:55 PM
so, if op did take the money, would he be able to just walk into a french bank with his passport open up a bank account and deposit the 30k usd with no questions asked? then they will allow him to transfer it to a us bank account?

i suppose if he made up a story that he won it playing poker, this might work. wouldnt he have to pay taxes on it though?

JBS, did you get a hold of that barber yet?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:38 PM
I started reading this thread yesterday (the 19th) and right away I thought of a clear false statement that was made, and I have made it through post #430 and there is absolutely no mention of it, but one guy recently came close. So here was the biggest hole in his story....

After he got kicked out, he claimed he went to an internet cafe and printed out a resume and tried to give it to restaurants in France, attempting to get work. Where was this resume saved that he had access at an internet cafe. And why the hell would some French restaurant owner want some American's resume written in English, since nowhere did OP say he could speak or write French. Yes, many Europeans understand a little English, but printing out a resume and going door to door with a resume in English while in Frace seems so very off the wall...and he states he didn't get the job only because he didn't have a permit/license. I have been to France, and I can't imagine how some American who can't speak French is even getting across the point that he wants a job, but they tell him he doesn't have a permit...
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitLeagues
when con men stake you they play by different, unspoken rules. this wasnt a normal staking, he owes alex at least 5k.
Over and again you've talked authoritatively on how cons work, con etiquette, etc. Please share your credentials.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Where was this resume saved that he had access at an internet cafe.
Google Docs or similar?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:03 PM
I think he stole the 30K and made up the story.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:12 PM
This is the best thread i've read on any forum ever. please keep it up.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by MattyMoose23
Does anyone else find peculiar the repeated and strenuous assertiions by OP apologists that there are "no holes" in the story and "no contradictions" and thus, OP's story is "100% true"?

Last I checked OP has brought forth zero evidence as to the ultimate facts in the story: (1) OP held 10k for Alex while crossing international lines; (2) Alex kicked OP out of apartment for the supposed theft of 30k; (3) OP was homeless for 5 days; and (4) OP did not bring an ATM/Debit/Credit card to France for what potentially was a multi-month trip and so essentially left the United States in sole reliance on Alex bankrolling his poker game, food and lodging.

Last I checked, proof of extraneous facts does not a truthteller make, though certainly an art of thieves. Hence the BBV mantra: Pics or GTFO.

The Magnificent Matty Moose
It's also part of the reason that OP hasn't answered about which form of currency the 30K was in pre arriving to France.

According to the French Customs MUST declare the equivalent of 7,600 Euros and file paperwork on it when entering the country. 7,600 Euros at last check was about $11,824 U.S.

Either way...if it was true...both could be busted by Customs officials for a variety of violations...equaling jail time and fines!

Soooooooooo many holes in story...but I especially love the part about coming back to apt. on day of "robbery" completely hammered while remembering every detail of their encounter and everything after the fact.

Priceless fail IMO...and a waste of 60+ pages here!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitLeagues
so, if op did take the money, would he be able to just walk into a french bank with his passport open up a bank account and deposit the 30k usd with no questions asked? then they will allow him to transfer it to a us bank account?

i suppose if he made up a story that he won it playing poker, this might work. wouldnt he have to pay taxes on it though?

JBS, did you get a hold of that barber yet?
In case you haven't figured it out by have no credibility here with your continuous whacked support of OP...your words are meaningless!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 05:42 PM
those are all questions, not support. the only support i have given him, is advice and help trying to figure out what happened. i am not a threat to you. you have the right to believe whatever you want and so do i.

i acknowledge it could be fake, my personal opinion is that it is most likely true. i just dont see how or why someone would make up details like this. also, i think we would have been able to prove this was fake by now if it was.

JBS, you are just going to have to deal with it. some of us believe him, some dont. i hope you will find a way to get over it.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
It's also part of the reason that OP hasn't answered about which form of currency the 30K was in pre arriving to France.

According to the French Customs MUST declare the equivalent of 7,600 Euros and file paperwork on it when entering the country. 7,600 Euros at last check was about $11,824 U.S.

Either way...if it was true...both could be busted by Customs officials for a variety of violations...equaling jail time and fines!

Soooooooooo many holes in story...but I especially love the part about coming back to apt. on day of "robbery" completely hammered while remembering every detail of their encounter and everything after the fact.

Priceless fail IMO...and a waste of 60+ pages here!
One thing that leads me to believe him is that you are only allowed to bring 10k worth of cash when traveling to a foreign country. Before going through customs, he gave me 10k to hold on to (so i assume that he was holding onto 10k, and his wife the other 10k).

4.8k was the amount I lost online before my trip.
how many times have you been told this JBS? he already answered this, it was USD. every time he references an amount in the above quote it is obvious he is talking about USD. he refers to it again here:

I'm pretty sure Alex would notice if 30k was missing. What I said is I have no way of knowing if the stolen amount was 30k, 20k, 10k, etc.

Whether or not it was Euros or dollars, I don't know and is not important. When passing through customs, he gave me 10k US, so I assume its US, but i don't know. But then again, thats really not the point.
did u ride the short bus to school?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 06:53 PM
Who gives a flying pig turd if the story is real or not?
It's not like OP gets a prize for being able to "pull one over" on everyone.

It's not like you're going to send him help or money if the story is real.

Who really cares?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 07:00 PM
i think we would have been able to prove this was fake by now if it was
I know that this statement is just a subjective opinion, but still...

It is always possible that there is no way to prove that a given story is false. The burden of proof for the validity of very unusual situations lies on the one who is making the claim. Given a lack of any reasonable method of proving a story invalid, all that the audience can do is analyze the details, as presented, and point out inconsistencies and unlikely details within the story.

The one who is making the claim, if he or she wishes to be believed, should provide proof of the validity of the various details of the event. Lacking any reasonable way to provide such proof, he or she should adequately explain the circumstances that led to the unlikely events and provide a very good explanation for inconsistencies in the claim. Even if the one who is making the claim does do this, there will be no way to prove that the event happened, of course. The audience must make a judgment based on whatever pertinent variables contribute to the situation.

That being said, OP has repeatedly expressed an aversion to provide adequate explanations for both the inconsistencies and unlikely details that the audience has brought up. OP has expressed frustration with the audience for bringing up these problems, and has even berated some. OP has stated that he does not care if people believe him or not, and, again, OP has claimed that he will no longer be addressing such issues.

Interestingly, after OP made these statements (multiple times), OP continued to provide explanations for some of the unlikely and incomplete details of his story. OP has undeniably left some potent questions and comments unanswered and unexplained. OP has not explained his inconsistency on this matter, either.

Moreover, those who have repeatedly supported OP have been espousing analyses of the situation that appeal to emotion and contain obvious logical fallacies. An example of such an analysis: "OP has addressed every hole and inconsistency that you have brought up. What more do you want!?"

Also, the nature of OP's claim suggests that proof could be reasonably provided for many details of the claim (e.g. flight ticket, photos). Even proving a small number of important details would greatly enhance OP's credibility.

At this point, whether the story is true or not, OP has proven that he has terrible attention to details; throughout this, he has often adopted an arrogant, defensive tone towards many who have noticed this.

I hope that OP will, at least, gain some humility from this experience.

As for those who have strongly supported OP, I suggest either a quality course in logic or a serious reduction in the confidence of your assertions.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 07:18 PM
Guys I have a couple things I would like to say.

I am a student at the University of Michigan and have played in various home games with Kyle.

Some of kyle's points in his story check out. He Imed me the night after he met the guy at the MGM in Detroit. He was very excited to have met him and asked if I would be interested in getting staked as well.

Like Verry13 said, we're all Facebook friends and Kyle's status did say things like he was leaving for France. I also personally know Verry13 and that was not a fake account, nor is this one.

I do think Kyle got scammed because in for the short amount I have played with him, I think he is a bad player. I've played 1/2 NL FR with him and $100 freezeouts without an escalating blind structure. To say the least, I thought his play was horrible.

Some of this story may very well be sensationalized but I am very confident there was a backer named Alex he met at the MGM in Detroit and that he went to France with him to grind NL cash games. As previously mentioned, I think Kyle probably did get scammed.

btw Kyle, this is the kid who helps run MPL and always wears a backwards Michigan cap.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by theding87
Guys I have a couple things I would like to say.

I am a student at the University of Michigan and have played in various home games with Kyle.

Some of kyle's points in his story check out. He Imed me the night after he met the guy at the MGM in Detroit. He was very excited to have met him and asked if I would be interested in getting staked as well.

Like Verry13 said, we're all Facebook friends and Kyle's status did say things like he was leaving for France. I also personally know Verry13 and that was not a fake account, nor is this one.

I do think Kyle got scammed because in for the short amount I have played with him, I think he is a bad player. I've played 1/2 NL FR with him and $100 freezeouts without an escalating blind structure. To say the least, I thought his play was horrible.

Some of this story may very well be sensationalized but I am very confident there was a backer named Alex he met at the MGM in Detroit and that he went to France with him to grind NL cash games. As previously mentioned, I think Kyle probably did get scammed.

btw Kyle, this is the kid who helps run MPL and always wears a backwards Michigan cap.
This is the stupid **** right here that makes it look ******ed.

You think a new account, started today has any weight?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:01 PM
Hi, i have 17 post and my account was started June 2008.

The OP is so serious because he called me and told me, This Alex dude is "steaking" me...."steaking" me right in my butthole.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Snozynoze
Who gives a flying pig turd if the story is real or not?
It's not like OP gets a prize for being able to "pull one over" on everyone.

It's not like you're going to send him help or money if the story is real.

Who really cares?

Originally Posted by Snozynoze
This is the stupid **** right here that makes it look ******ed.

You think a new account, started today has any weight?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitLeagues

Don't forget to rate this one

My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:32 PM
OP - 30k is alot to pay back especially if you didnt even steal it. i would just not talk to that guy again. in your situation its best to just work a full time job and not play poker for a while. i wouldnt say quitting for good is mandatory, but def take a larg amnt of time off.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 09:56 PM
hoooly moly
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by QuentinCompson
I know that this statement is just a subjective opinion, but still...

It is always possible that there is no way to prove that a given story is false. The burden of proof for the validity of very unusual situations lies on the one who is making the claim. Given a lack of any reasonable method of proving a story invalid, all that the audience can do is analyze the details, as presented, and point out inconsistencies and unlikely details within the story.

The one who is making the claim, if he or she wishes to be believed, should provide proof of the validity of the various details of the event. Lacking any reasonable way to provide such proof, he or she should adequately explain the circumstances that led to the unlikely events and provide a very good explanation for inconsistencies in the claim. Even if the one who is making the claim does do this, there will be no way to prove that the event happened, of course. The audience must make a judgment based on whatever pertinent variables contribute to the situation.

That being said, OP has repeatedly expressed an aversion to provide adequate explanations for both the inconsistencies and unlikely details that the audience has brought up. OP has expressed frustration with the audience for bringing up these problems, and has even berated some. OP has stated that he does not care if people believe him or not, and, again, OP has claimed that he will no longer be addressing such issues.

Interestingly, after OP made these statements (multiple times), OP continued to provide explanations for some of the unlikely and incomplete details of his story. OP has undeniably left some potent questions and comments unanswered and unexplained. OP has not explained his inconsistency on this matter, either.

Moreover, those who have repeatedly supported OP have been espousing analyses of the situation that appeal to emotion and contain obvious logical fallacies. An example of such an analysis: "OP has addressed every hole and inconsistency that you have brought up. What more do you want!?"

Also, the nature of OP's claim suggests that proof could be reasonably provided for many details of the claim (e.g. flight ticket, photos). Even proving a small number of important details would greatly enhance OP's credibility.

At this point, whether the story is true or not, OP has proven that he has terrible attention to details; throughout this, he has often adopted an arrogant, defensive tone towards many who have noticed this.

I hope that OP will, at least, gain some humility from this experience.

As for those who have strongly supported OP, I suggest either a quality course in logic or a serious reduction in the confidence of your assertions. this again!

I'll take 200 (in support of fake) vs. your 10 (believe it) anyday!

If this was sooooooooooooooooooo true and OP felt he was completely wronged, misunderstood, wrongfully accused, in fear of his life, etc. he'd be screaming at the top of his lungs "I am innocent..I'm getting scammed"!

And...he'd also be doing everything possible to use the authorities to protect himself in every way shape or form while also protecting himself from being pursued by "Alex's" lawyer.

A logical, innocent man with a 30K "debt" plus another 5-8K in expenses doesn't come here to seek advice!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
It's also part of the reason that OP hasn't answered about which form of currency the 30K was in pre arriving to France.

According to the French Customs MUST declare the equivalent of 7,600 Euros and file paperwork on it when entering the country. 7,600 Euros at last check was about $11,824 U.S.

Either way...if it was true...both could be busted by Customs officials for a variety of violations...equaling jail time and fines!

Soooooooooo many holes in story...but I especially love the part about coming back to apt. on day of "robbery" completely hammered while remembering every detail of their encounter and everything after the fact.

Priceless fail IMO...and a waste of 60+ pages here!
soooooo stupid lol, come on, just cause you MUST legally declare it doesnt mean people do, or they would get caught, they dont check how much $$$ you have on you...get out of the country and learn something, and also, he said they all had $10,000 USD... which is A - OK
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Snozynoze
Don't forget to rate this one


And for the record...NLL has a LONG history of trying to play detective, know it all, etc. in a long list of threads. So I'm not entirely surprised by his weak efforts here.

I still haven't quite figured out the reason why except it's obv. he's trying to feed his 2p2 ego so he can sleep tonight thinking he's been "the man" in a long, whacked thread!

On the other hand, I'm here since I tire easily of this nonsense and would rather be having fun in BBV, not dealing with these ego-driven useless threads that are totally untrue instead of someone practicing their community college level creative writing course on 2p2.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
soooooo stupid lol, come on, just cause you MUST legally declare it doesnt mean people do, or they would get caught, they dont check how much $$$ you have on you...get out of the country and learn something, and also, he said they all had $10,000 USD... which is A - OK
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wrong!


Currency Controls In/Out:

Travellers entering or leaving the Community and carrying any sum EQUAL to or exceeding �10,000 (or its EQUIVALENT in other currencies or easily convertible assets such as cheques drawn on a third party) to make a declaration to the customs authorities.

Current exchange for 10K U.S. into Euros:

$6,396.70 in Euros!

Hmmmmmmmmmm "genius", let's presume that "Alex" changed in the 30K U.S. to wouldn't account for 30 K being "stolen".

Let's presume he didn't exchange the money, still doesn't change the fact that it's not 30 K's barely 19K!

Yet, OP is saying he has no idea IF it's true that 30K was stolen, yet "Alex" was giving him 300 euros to play with everyday. You wanna tell me that the buy-in $$$ to play each day wasn't coming from the "30K" he brought over from the U.S.?

I know you don't HAVE to declare anything when you leave, but given current govt. circumsatances, new airport security & customs measures, etc. it's not a good idea to NOT play by the point from beginning about the money!

Why do you think the OP hasn't "gone" to the authorities if this was somehow true in any extent or aspect? Because then he'd face more $$$$ issues and legal problems in any case...whether "Alex" is BS and he went to France on his own and degen'ed the money or if there was an "Alex" and he stole the money and got homeless.

I just love how some people just don't think before they post here!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
