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My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward

06-20-2008 , 01:00 AM
oh, i thought it was a pic of the guy who created o town and is now in jail for 25years for stealing 300M from investors. i think his name is ron pearlman or something like that.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:05 AM
Lou Pearlman...and he's twice as fat!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:36 AM
I'm a UM student in Ann Arbor this summer taking classes. I also play the 2/5 game about once a week at MGM and I think I have an idea who Alex might be...does he have an eastern-EU accent like ukranian or polish? Does he wear a sports jacket all the time? Check your PMs.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:54 AM
Is there any more posters who claim to know OP or Alex? Last call...

This is getting worse than a FPP satellite! Now we're running the "I think I know Alex" angle?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:00 AM
OP I am not giving you any credit for logic cuz you have done nothing but one shady, short term gain at the expense of your own future thing after another throughout this whole story. Your recent enlightenment is more suspicious than admirable.

There are four possibilities here:

1. Story is phony.

2. A third party stole the money.

3. Alex scammed you

4. You scammed Alex

#3 Comical. There is zero chance this is a scam by Alex on you. You are broke and nobody pulls elaborate scams on people with no money, ever. Waste of time. Killing you doesn't fit with this scenario anyway so this line of thinking is a waste of time.

2/3rds of the remaining options leave you as a liar and or thief, both of which you are, by your own admission, but for arguments sake (by scenario):

1. Stop it.

2. Do not pay him. Involve police if you are scared. Period.

4. Pay him.

I think you did it, you are going to pay him, problem solved.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:28 AM
if OP did take the money, how would he hide it? and how would he get it out of the country?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by Chump Change
So do you want some hired muscle and guns or what?
This is goot line!

OP needs to wax this chump like a candle.
Light up his stage and rock the mic like a vandal!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
Is there any more posters who claim to know OP or Alex? Last call...

This is getting worse than a FPP satellite! Now we're running the "I think I know Alex" angle?
I think I know Alex. Start of this year I admitted that I was interested in moving to France on these forums.

I was contacted by a guy who called himself Alex and he said if I could prove I was a winning player then he could stake me for live and online games working from Nice. That this was standard practice for him as long as I was a young male and a winning poker player.

It seemed strange and I didn't need staking of any kind so after exchanging a number of messages I broke off contact.

P.S. Needless to say, now I'm quite happy I didn't take on his offer lol.

Last edited by shipshipship; 06-20-2008 at 03:36 AM.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by shipshipship
I think I know Alex. Start of this year I admitted that I was interested in moving to France on these forums.

I was contacted by a guy who called himself Alex and he said if I could prove I was a winning player then he could stake me for live and online games working from Nice. That this was standard practice for him as long as I was a young male and a winning poker player.

It seemed strange and I didn't need staking of any kind so after exchanging a number of messages I broke off contact.

P.S. Needless to say, now I'm quite happy I didn't take on his offer lol.
I don't mean to be harsh at's just there's all these people coming out of the dark and claiming things to "back" this story. I just don't like some of these threads here. Especially one that seems sooooooooooo outlandish and is full of holes.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by NoLimitLeagues
if OP did take the money, how would he hide it? and how would he get it out of the country?
Would you please stop trying to play Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men"?

One could read this thread and determine you're sleeping with the OP!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by NewTeaBag
This is goot line!

OP needs to wax this chump like a candle.
Light up his stage and rock the mic like a vandal!
+1 for lyrics

-1 for choice of artist
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
I don't mean to be harsh at's just there's all these people coming out of the dark and claiming things to "back" this story. I just don't like some of these threads here. Especially one that seems sooooooooooo outlandish and is full of holes.
Well I think scepticism is healthy; it's what made me not go to Nice with Alex and would have helped the OP too.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:49 AM

can you find that thread?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:50 AM
His post has nothing to do with this.....let's not sidetrack you nit!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:54 AM
shipshipship is clearly an old account of someones (probly OP, but could be one of the other "detectives")
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
+1 for lyrics

-1 for choice of artist

There's a new technoish/house mix I heard last night(morning) at the Phuket after hours Club. The new mix/version doesn't even have the original singer.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by NewTeaBag

There's a new technoish/house mix I heard last night(morning) at the Phuket after hours Club. The new mix/version doesn't even have the original singer.
+1 for using remix
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 06:37 AM
why does none of the logic in this story make sense to me. alex gets 30k euro stolen and u have to pay it back? he says he'd respect u more if u actually stole the monies instead of stealing the steaks he gave u? weird people, must be a michigan thing.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 06:38 AM
What is the latest in this thread? Anyone actual proof that it's true or false yet?

[x] French Alex needs to post moar
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 07:41 AM
OP you said earlier Alex knows about twoplustwo and has read this thread specifically. That being said, why would you say you plan on paying him back some money then seeing if he demands more or continues to threaten you to determine if he was indeed scamming you? Obviously stating this as your plan to determine if he is a scammer is flat out ******ed given your statements about his knowledge of this thread.

Also, chances of someone RANDOMLY checking OPs/Alex's apartment door to see if it was unlocked then breaking in is HIGHLY unlikely. Theives usually dont just pick random apartment complexes and go door to door checking to see which is unlocked. What is even more unlikely is that they found 30k stashed in the apartment without tearing the place apart. It almost seems like, strangely enough, they knew where to find it. Im surprised more people aren't brining this up.

Given this, it seems you or Alex is lying. Given you show all the markings of a complete degen (busting roll playing drunk, lying constantly to Alex/your friend etc...) and you were quite desperate (online account broke, no money, losing quite a bit in your staking agreement) I really think you just stumbled upon the 30k yourself and prolly couldn't resist.

You knew you were going to get kicked out at the end of the month if you hadnt shown a profit and you had been losing quite a bit so showing that profit seemed quite unlikely. You also have lied quite often to Alex and shown some ridiculously immature and douchey behavior. You seem like the perfect candidate for just stealing the money yourself and making up some BS story about how you lsot your key and left door unlocked. In retrospect you probably shouldve just kicked in the door or at least trashed the place to make it look realistic because no thief is going to find 30k hidden away quickly without tossing through everything. Also, no thief is going door to door looking for an unlocked apartment. No thief is going to leave everything else neat and orderly because theyre usually rushing like hell to get valuables and get out. Speaking of valuables, most thieves are probably carrying a duffel bag or something and making away with other valuables, not just looking for straight cash. while the thief may have just left once he found 30k the chances of him finding that first are rare so he probably would've been stuffing any valuable electronics, etc into his bag first.

However, also story seems weird from Alex's view. Why would he even bring you to France if you had been losing before? Also, who leaves 30k with some random low stakes grinder you are staking in the same apartment? Why wouldn't he want to get police involved if he had legitimately been robbed of 30k?

Cliff notes: Does not sound like work of a real burglar. Alex or OP is lying. Given OP's history and previous shady behavior, most likely OP. If story isn't a level OP prolly took 30k. If not Alex is prolly trying to con him (staking someone and bringing them to France with you seems a little questionable).
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
Would you please stop trying to play Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men"?

One could read this thread and determine you're sleeping with the OP!

My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by NoLimitLeagues
if OP did take the money, how would he hide it? and how would he get it out of the country?
Maybe its just me, but i hear you can hide money and move it across borders using some new fangled invention called a bank.

Anyway, i only read OP and skimmed the first couple of replies and this last page, why is this thread so long when its clearly a made up story?

Cliffnotes if there is anything juicy in the past 600 or so posts?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
Hi guys,

Sorry I havent responded to any questions. My flight got in last night at 730 pm and I immediately passed out when I got back to my house.

FWIW, the third guy was with Alex in Italy the day the robbery occurrred. Thats why Alex thinks that theres still a chance that I actually did take the money (since I was the only one home and the only one he knew of with a house key). Thus, he cant rule me out that I actually did take the money (which seems reasonable).

As for the 100 euros that I stole, I blew it all buying hasish at the beach and on shots/beers at bars the day the robbery occurred. Once again, I definitely didnt consider that "emergency money" since I obviously had no clue that the 30k had been taken. I mean comon guys if I knew that 30k had been taken and Id be living on the street the next night, I would have left the house immediately (probably after searching it for cash and getting a hold of as much money as I could get my hands on)

Ive spoken with Alex and to be honest, Im not really willing to take a chance to "call his bluff". Alex also said that he would start being more reasonable and even negotiate on a settlement once I started to show a willingness to pay him back his money.

That being said, I really dont want to answer any more questions and would appreciate it the issue was dropped completely
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 11:05 AM
Does anyone else find peculiar the repeated and strenuous assertiions by OP apologists that there are "no holes" in the story and "no contradictions" and thus, OP's story is "100% true"?

Last I checked OP has brought forth zero evidence as to the ultimate facts in the story: (1) OP held 10k for Alex while crossing international lines; (2) Alex kicked OP out of apartment for the supposed theft of 30k; (3) OP was homeless for 5 days; and (4) OP did not bring an ATM/Debit/Credit card to France for what potentially was a multi-month trip and so essentially left the United States in sole reliance on Alex bankrolling his poker game, food and lodging.

Last I checked, proof of extraneous facts does not a truthteller make, though certainly an art of thieves. Hence the BBV mantra: Pics or GTFO.

The Magnificent Matty Moose
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
Would you please stop trying to play Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men"?

One could read this thread and determine you're sleeping with the OP!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
