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My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward

06-19-2008 , 09:53 PM
its really the other way around. u paying him back implies u feel u did something wrong.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 09:56 PM
I did do something wrong though, I stole from him (not much but still), lied about my bankroll, and left the front door to his apartment unlocked which then led to a substantial sum of cash being stolen.

I dont get it man, like I know its a tough spot and I could easily tell him to GFO, but its not worth it
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06-19-2008 , 09:56 PM
oh for gods sake, is it just me or since when do apparmtment doors not snap shut when you close them, christ.
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06-19-2008 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
Thats how he sees it though. Theres nothing I can do about it, unless I buy a gun and stay on constant alert 24/7, but tbh man thats not the way I want to live
How far is Ann Arbor from Benton Harbor? I know some thugs you can recruit for a price.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
Thats how he sees it though. Theres nothing I can do about it, unless I buy a gun and stay on constant alert 24/7, but tbh man thats not the way I want to live

so u just do whatever he tells u? bc he says hes gonna kill u? well, he can ask u to do anything then.

*** being on constant alert. u have agreed to be this dudes indentured servant. do u realize how hard and long it takes to go from 0 to 30k? even for a decent poker player or creative and talented person this aint easy. i dont think u fit either category.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
I did do something wrong though, I stole from him (not much but still), lied about my bankroll, and left the front door to his apartment unlocked which then led to a substantial sum of cash being stolen.

I dont get it man, like I know its a tough spot and I could easily tell him to GFO, but its not worth it

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06-19-2008 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
because alex hinted he would kill him if he doesnt, why dont you get this part?

victor, how much of this thread have you read?

alex already hinted that he will lower the debt after OP shows hes serious about paying back some of it.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:03 PM
I agree 100% Fetzi. Thats why I thought it would be no big deal if I left the appartment unlocked, especially considering that I was planning on only being gone for a short period of time. With all that said, the chance that this was a "random" robbery is reallllly unlikely
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:06 PM
And victor i may have ****ed this situation up pretty badly, but saying that Im not creative or talented (compared to MOST people, sure im probably a downie compared to the upper echelon of twoplustwo) is untrue.

Im also not that bad at poker. I have been supporting myself for 3 years now with poker as my sole source of income. And plus intelpoker rated me as an above average player lol
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitLeagues
because alex hinted he would kill him if he doesnt, why dont you get this part? i dont get it bc its bs. what if alex hints hes gonna kill him if he doesnt pay interest on the 30k. or asks for 30k more. or says he wants to asssrape his sister next.

victor, how much of this thread have you read? the whole thing

alex already hinted that he will lower the debt after OP shows hes serious about paying back some of it. and why are we supposed to believe him?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:11 PM
So do you want some hired muscle and guns or what?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:12 PM
With all that said, I agree going from 0 to 30k is going to be extremely tough. It would be even more difficult if Alex said I had to pay X amount each month. But thats not the case. He just wants to see that Im making an effort to pay him back.
Now if he retracts his statement and tells me I have to pay X amount each month and X amount isnt good enough, then I will tell him to GFO
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:13 PM
is it possible that alex never went to italy? what was your exact conversation regarding this trip? when did he tell you he was going on this trip? was his initial plan just to be gone for about 12 hours? did he have shopping bags full? was his wife there when you came back?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
And victor i may have ****ed this situation up pretty badly, but saying that Im not creative or talented (compared to MOST people, sure im probably a downie compared to the upper echelon of twoplustwo) is untrue. im just saying youre proly not talented enough to make 30k appear from nothing in a small amount of time. you dont have a bankroll. a job. a reputation. a degree. a family. how the *** u gonna gety 30k? and when u do get some money, how the *** u gonna eat if u give it all to alex?

Im also not that bad at poker. I have been supporting myself for 3 years now with poker as my sole source of income. And plus intelpoker rated me as an above average player lol dude, a week ago, you were eating out of dumpsters. after 3 yrs of poker u still required a stake to play 1/2nl online. gimme a fckn break.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
With all that said, I agree going from 0 to 30k is going to be extremely tough. It would be even more difficult if Alex said I had to pay X amount each month. But thats not the case. He just wants to see that Im making an effort to pay him back.
Now if he retracts his statement and tells me I have to pay X amount each month and X amount isnt good enough, then I will tell him to GFO
BUT OP U WILL DIE???!!!!!!!!!??????????

My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
and why are we supposed to believe him (alex)?
because OP has no other good options right now.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:22 PM
If op was indeed lying and trying to scam money then this would be uber complex scam with very low possible profit. No intelligent scammer would spend so much time towards something that isnt probably gonna show any great profits, thus I believe OP. In the same time he could have done alot of better scams or anything for that matter.

-His "true" story was posted on 6/17 at 6:48am. If left France on 6/17, there's no logical way he'd have posted here when he did!
This is ******ed "hole", firstly NLL had a good answer for this and secondly when you fly from europe to US you go "back in time" because you will be jumping time zones, did you even think about this JSB, I guess not?

Also this is very sick because theres no way Alex guy will admit to scamming OP even if he did, and theres no way someone could prove this. Its like uber professional, no way to get around it, but prolly theres a chance that he isnt required to pay the whole 30k.. but its tough spot if he really got threatened.

Read the whole thread, very interesting imo
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitLeagues
because OP has no other good options right now.
or he can tell alex to *** off.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Shiki
If op was indeed lying and trying to scam money then this would be uber complex scam with very low possible profit. No intelligent scammer would spend so much time towards something that isnt probably gonna show any great profits, thus I believe OP. In the same time he could have done alot of better scams or anything for that matter.

This is ******ed "hole", firstly NLL had a good answer for this and secondly when you fly from europe to US you go "back in time" because you will be jumping time zones, did you even think about this JSB, I guess not?

Also this is very sick because theres no way Alex guy will admit to scamming OP even if he did, and theres no way someone could prove this. Its like uber professional, no way to get around it, but prolly theres a chance that he isnt required to pay the whole 30k.. but its tough spot if he really got threatened.

Read the whole thread, very interesting imo
Yes...I did consider time zones...very unlikely though! I've already proved my holes. And considering OP still won't answer the question about 30K in Euros or US dollars before they left...there's more I have left to say.

Like I said...the majority has already's a fake story totally or most of the key parts are.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 11:29 PM
This may have been answered before in this thread but where were you playing in Nice?

Their casino didn't have hold'em as of last year.....
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-19-2008 , 11:44 PM
ok guys, I did a little research and found a pic of Alex.

My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:33 AM
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:43 AM
1 more page until OP asks for hand outs to "repay" "Alex".

Yea, pretty sure Alex is a figment of your imagination, but nice try.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
go watch "The Big Lebowski" immediately, and that will explain the pic, I would explain it but i dont wanna ruin the movie for you.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by swd805
go watch "The Big Lebowski" immediately, and that will explain the pic, I would explain it but i dont wanna ruin the movie for you.
Seen it a long time ago...will have to re-watch
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
