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Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle

04-18-2010 , 09:00 PM
Went out last night for some drinks, stayed at friends......... Come back home to find my room cleaned and 2/3 bottles of piss gone. Awkward dinner table you could say!
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 12:05 AM
Tell her ur working a deal with R-Kelly on the side...
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 12:34 AM
tell her to gtfo
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 01:02 AM
lol who multi-tables cashgames and DOESN'T pee in a bottle?
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 01:08 AM
mountain dew bottle ftw
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 01:42 AM
as a girlfriend of a poker player, i've never seen this before. you really can't just go to the bathroom? lol not talking ****..just can't believe you actually pee in bottles.
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 02:15 AM
My bathroom is literally 2 steps away from my door, but if I don't sitout I usually timebank sitout of 7/10 games.
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 03:40 PM
i keep a pot nearby so i will always have a pot to piss in. tk
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by MeowZorz
as a girlfriend of a poker player, i've never seen this before. you really can't just go to the bathroom? lol not talking ****..just can't believe you actually pee in bottles.
peeing in bottles is necessary when you're 6+tabling. you lose too many hands clicking sitout 6x, waiting for blinds to come around etc.

each hand is worth $X so you can count the estimated cost of not playing those hands (i.e. stopping/going to br) pretty easily. given the 0 cost of peeing in bottles (unless you have a psycho gf or roomate etc. that can blow up in your face), the choice is clear.

i explained this to my gf at the time a few years ago and while she was of course a bit grossed out, she completely understood.

other bodily functions, however, are not covered by this philosophy (i.e. cost gets skewed).


PS - also PA does it [/thread].
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 05:47 PM
A friend of mine who was grinding SNG's like 16-24 tabling had a tube attached to his table and that went down to his balcony window so he just pissed in it and it would go out of the window. Pretty disgusting but I couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw it.
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 06:15 PM
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by DcifrThs
PA does it [/thread].
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 06:19 PM
I don't know why so many people think it is a lie, I think its so standard if bathroom is away... I have chosen a watering can for this ritual, this way I must empty it every time I sprinkle the plants 8)
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by johnson51639
that sucks bro
Expert bump imo.

2 month layoff was entirely too long.
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by High Chancellor
lol golden shower FTW

best post in 2p2 ever
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by DcifrThs
peeing in bottles is necessary when you're 6+tabling. you lose too many hands clicking sitout 6x, waiting for blinds to come around etc.

each hand is worth $X so you can count the estimated cost of not playing those hands (i.e. stopping/going to br) pretty easily. given the 0 cost of peeing in bottles (unless you have a psycho gf or roomate etc. that can blow up in your face), the choice is clear.

i explained this to my gf at the time a few years ago and while she was of course a bit grossed out, she completely understood.

other bodily functions, however, are not covered by this philosophy (i.e. cost gets skewed).


PS - also PA does it [/thread].

point taken. i totally understand you are losing money and is easier. and if gf is cool with it, why not?

my bf doesn't multi-table that many so he can walk to the bathroom.. however, i've had friends back in high school that played WOW hours on end and would pee in bottles and leave them all over the room. it was ****ing sick.
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by MeowZorz
as a girlfriend of a poker player, i've never seen this before. you really can't just go to the bathroom? lol not talking ****..just can't believe you actually pee in bottles.
don't be jealous, you would if you could
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by KlaSuu
A friend of mine who was grinding SNG's like 16-24 tabling had a tube attached to his table and that went down to his balcony window so he just pissed in it and it would go out of the window. Pretty disgusting but I couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw it.
awsome I need to work on something similar
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 08:55 PM
Tell the bitch to neck it imo
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-19-2010 , 10:33 PM
get rid of the girl imo
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
04-20-2010 , 12:05 AM
your a chump for sleeping on the couch imo
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
02-13-2011 , 08:39 AM
best thread ever, srly
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
02-13-2011 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Brick&MortarKing
"bottled at the source" indeed.
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
02-13-2011 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Le Gonso
You say this as if (a) it's somehow normal to piss in an arrowhead jug, and (b) the solution is anything other than to STOP PISSING IN A ****ING JUG

Originally Posted by Brick&MortarKing
How the hell are you a moderator? Do you even play poker?


Originally Posted by joethepro
in my videos, you will see that i pee in a dog's bowl. if any one ever sees it, i blame it on the dog.

Originally Posted by Vantek
I once saw a documentary about people who had an irresistible urge to collect everything. Old newspapers, total garbage, everything. One of them collected his own piss and ****. Then sometimes he would have a moment of clarity and go "WTF am I doing?" and get rid of all the piss and ****, but then after a while he would start collecting it again. He would go out at night and search trash cans for things to collect. "I'm selective" he said, while picking up a newspaper from a trash can, "I don't collect everything, I only collect things that I like. I don't want this," he showed the newspaper, it was about horse racing,"because I don't like horse racing."

Originally Posted by not a model
i remember i was in the shower with my long-time-ago girlfriend and i offered to pee on her and she was like, "no, thats gross." what a dumb bitch i hope shes dead now.

Thanks to whoever bumped this.
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
02-13-2011 , 10:52 AM
Epic, truly a 5 star thread
Beat: Girlfriend found my pee bottle Quote
