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**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] **** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH]

03-31-2010 , 09:48 AM
Spent almost all my down time at work reading this thread today and I was really enjoying it... ALMOST at the end of the thread and I could feel my endorphins releasing into a moment of ecstasy and clousure.... and then:

Originally Posted by blackgerbil1
lol internet tough guy no.1
Why god why... now I feel like jumping off a bridge
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:49 AM
Asking for cliffs in this thread is like outting urself as a full ******....
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:49 AM
wow jalex you really dug deep for this, i applaud the effort i mean s.hit hommie
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:53 AM
great job jalex glad we have people like you around.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:57 AM
Jalexand said he doesn't want any $ fom this but I still felt that I need to thank him and Banefire for their great work here, so I made a cliffnotes pictures for this thread.

**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by SneakyFerret

Why god why... now I feel like jumping off a bridge
It ruins every thread it posts in.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:04 AM
what are the chances that this bet gets uncovered without the T7 hand?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:08 AM
congrats on the heartfelt apologies roseeker and gary. if you two werent such pathological liars i mightve felt sympathy.

everyone knows you waited until the last possible minute before giving up. if you couldve gotten away with it you would have never said anything. you are not good people, as your thinking has demonstrated from the very beginning to the very end of this whole ordeal. perhaps you can change, but that takes time, and feeling sorry after the fact isnt an indication of serious change. even the reasoning given within your "apologies" shows serious moral failings.

also, congratulations on being idiots in general. an elephant couldve fell through all the holes in your stories
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:12 AM
RoSeeker / Nostalgica - man this guy has serious issues. He seems to multi account under different names all over the place. Anyway I think what he's doing is worse than Gary / Militia Rusha. At least Militia Rusha wrote his apologies and has disappeared from this thread. RoSeeker seems to keep coming back and even continued to play on PS after his apologies. I find it very difficult to believe anything this guy says anymore. He sounds like the type of guy that would say anything to save his ass, even mentioning thoughts of suicide to gain some sympathy. And why is RoSeeker closing all his accounts at other websites (blogspot, facebook, etc..) but keeping his 2+2 open?

MODS, how is he not at least temporarily banned on 2+2?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:15 AM
lol sick thread. ship gary the $$ imo. i mean he DID run 5bi under EV iirc

gg sne/stars accts u fkn ******s
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Tazbolton
hardly a tough guy. People like that deserve to be scared, I am actually a father of 4 & the owner of an IT company. not an "Internet tough guy"
zomg jalex multiaccounts too ??
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:18 AM
Wow check out this guy's post on facebook from Jun 9, 2009:

One confession:

1. I lie. I cannot help it, I lie I cheat I steal. I am a cheapskate, I am dishonest about the smallest things. I will never hurt anyone, lie about anything important or personal, or do anything that will mess up a person's life or day, even, but I am extremely petty about the little bit of "EV" that I can get. I get annoyed whenever I see people waste things, when I would save up for the longest time... and not spend the money, and I take it out on them as revenge.

Link to full post:
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:23 AM
In light of his complete guilt, Grinderschool is amending our previous press release about letting Sol Reader go. A new version will be posted later this morning, in place of the original one.

The changes are:
Previously we stated that we were going to release the four videos in our backlog that he had previously recorded. This is no longer the case. Those videos are being discarded entirely.

We have found and vetted replacement instructors for all areas in which Sol Reader previously contributed. Videos from these new instructors will begin appearing on the site in April.

Jeffrey "JGB146" Blake
Founder & Admin of Grinderschool

P.S. Thank you to Jalex for his efforts on this matter. While our site was clearly not in your realm of consideration, you have helped us to maintain our standards.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by bleurain
Man you just outed Heis name, thats kinda Lame
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by NANONUTS
The truth comes out at last, where are all the morons now who were putting this down to coincidence when it was about as obvious as you'll ever get that cheating occurred.

I kind of thought that putting their personal info out there is a bit too much....but then I asked myself if I was one of the people that had bet on this prop and I stood to be scammed out of 2 or 3K how would I feel?? I know exactly how I would feel - I would want maximum punishement for the guys who tried to steal several K of my hard earned cash. I have zero sympathy for thieves who feel 'sorry' after they get caught. These scumbags would now be sitting with an extra 8K+ of 2+2 members' cash in their accounts if their scam had've worked out.

While I appreciate gary and roseeker coming in and giving full disclosure on how everything happened, I don't for a second believe they are remorseful that they tried to steal 7 or 8K (not sure of the exact amount) from 2+2 community members. I have to laugh at the posters who've responded after their replies and are saying stuff like 'oh he seems remorseful', 'they appear repentant'. You are just eating up more BS from scumbags who are confirmed compulsive liars. As with all thieves, the only thing they are in fact feeling bad about is getting caught. Where was their remorse during the 10 days following the bet where they lied non-stop - this was a scam in itself. They didn't give two f*cks about the people they were ripping off during this period, they were just concerned with riding it out and hoping that when stars investigation came back inconclusive they would get away with it. Now that stars has found them guilty they are in here 'apologizing' because they want to lessen their punishment. Do you honestly believe they are disclosing this info out of a sense of remorse??!? They obviously sat down and decided this was the best way to minimize the punishment. Open your eyes people. Acting as if they care about the hurt they were prepared to inflict upon the bettors. In truth they don't give two f*cks, they are faaarr more concerned with their own situation.

As someone else said, if they had've won the bet do you think they would've shipped the money back to the bettors considering they were so remorseful over stealing from them....gimme a break

This is just more RoSeeker BS. It's the exact same emotional blackmail that someone people use in a relationship when a partner is about to walk out on them - 'oh im depressed, i cant live without you, ill top myself if you leave'. It usually works too and guilts the person into staying until eventually they realise the other person is FoS and that they shouldn't allowed themselves to be blackmailed into not taking the correct course of action.

I'm sure nearly all criminals who get sentenced to jail feel suicidal before they go in, does that mean they should get let off? And the punishment at stake here is trivial compared to doing jail time - if they stole 8K IRL they would have a much bigger problem on their hands. They would be looking at getting ass-raped daily in jail and having a permanent criminal record.


jalex already gave these guys multiple opportunities to come forward. He put it bold red writing to highlight the importance of this offer. So these scumbags had multiple chances to come forward and admit the truth, how surprising they chose not to when they feel so bad about the taking the bettors hard earned cash .... But they chose to straight out lie over a period of several days and try and ride out the wave in the hope that stars wouldn't declare them guilty and they would get away with it....they chose to go down that route of their own accord and they had a window of opportunity of several days to choose the honorable course of action.

It's bad enough that the poker world is so unregulated, the rare times that cheating is actually uncovered the cheaters should face harsh punishment to discourage other people from cheating in future. I mean what kind of precedent is it setting when you start showing undeserved mercy to lying scumbag cheaters - it certainly isn't going to act as a deterrent to other scumbags.

Courts apply leniency to guys who admit guilt, not to guys who try every trick in the book to get off. Gary and roseeker can't have it both ways, if they had've come clean it would've acted as mitigation and they would now be in the position where they would lose the bet/stars accounts/2+2 accounts but their personal info would not be disclosed. Not coming clean in the hope of getting away with it serves as aggravation and they should definitely have their info posted. These pr*cks tried to scam 8K(what is the correct figure?) from the 2+2 community and lied about it afterwards for a period of 10 days in the hope they would get away with it. No mercy for scumbags.

Suggestion: The only other option I see to having personal info outed is to pay a financial penalty. For example pay the bettors double on their bets. That is as much leniency as I could stomach. I actually think they should be paying more than double in all fairness if the punishment is to fit the crime. I think this is the most reasonable alternative punishment that can be applied out and it's a 'win-win' for all concerned - scumbags avoid having personal info posted, bettors get proper compensation for gary and roseekers 'hidden EV', harsh but fair punishment meted out on lying cheats. There would need to be some discussion over the actual compensation figure to be paid tho.


How can you dumbasses believe the **** they're spewing now that they've been confirmed guilty? They had ****ing 120 hours to admit guilt, and they only do so after a smoking gun and 10 bullets have been discovered. Out their personal info and give the maximum punishment. As poker players, we're unregulated and need to police ourselves; had this happened in real life, he'd be facing jail time and ass rape, as well as getting his personal identity outed.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by JGB146
In light of his complete guilt, Grinderschool is amending our previous press release about letting Sol Reader go. A new version will be posted later this morning, in place of the original one.

The changes are:
Previously we stated that we were going to release the four videos in our backlog that he had previously recorded. This is no longer the case. Those videos are being discarded entirely.

We have found and vetted replacement instructors for all areas in which Sol Reader previously contributed. Videos from these new instructors will begin appearing on the site in April.

Jeffrey "JGB146" Blake
Founder & Admin of Grinderschool

P.S. Thank you to Jalex for his efforts on this matter. While our site was clearly not in your realm of consideration, you have helped us to maintain our standards.
Good luck getting your money back from Sol Reader. Damn how was RoSeeker even a coach to begin with? Is he a winning player or did he deceive you guys too?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:30 AM
One quick question. Was the Rongrongrongrongrong account then definitely not involved in the scumbaggery?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:32 AM
Anyone else feel like they just got done watching this episode?

**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by ZonaAlumn
For the love of God, cliffnotes for this thread!
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:33 AM
Also, Gary seems to just not give a **** about his scamming. The only thing he cares about is getting caught, as he never made any effort to do anything except offer a half-hearted apology. I think he seems the more apathetic of the two and is the least likely to have learned anything, especially since he's coming from the "Oh, i have plenty of money (lies) etc. etc." angle.

Out his info please.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by RunyonAve
jalex continue to ram the proverbial "internet is serious biz" dick so far up their ass they'll be blowing baby batter out through their nose.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:42 AM
This Roseeker character is very "lol".

The more I read into this I am finding myself hating the **** out of him and am so genuinely happy with the result of this thread.

Not only is he willing to scam/ do anything to try and make a little more $$, he is also apparently a ****ing terrible poker player and cannot handle variance at all.

The quick view of Man Hei Lam's facebook showed that he couldn't handle tiny swings and looked like a break-even player at absolute best.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:43 AM
nice work jalex!

Originally Posted by jalexand42
Okay here's 'short' cliffnotes (all times posted in my commentary are Eastern):

Obviously this thread involves a prop bet. The prop bettor, Gary_Neville is MilitiaRusha on PokerStars, and over the last 750,000 hands at 1/2nl he is a -0.62 bb/100 winner over those hands. He is down approximately $15-20k this year on PTR. However to be clear, he is pursuing supernova elite, so that doesnt' mean he would be a NET loser with bonuses (disclaimer: I rarely play pokerstars, so I don't undrestand SNE). The 5 days prior to theprop bet, he's down 32 buyins in ~50k hands. He has made posts on 2p2 admitting he is a losing player, but that SNE will make up for it.


Here's the terms of the prop bet. Initially Gary was NOT going to have a webcam and he had a RL friend serving as escrow. After complaining by the other side, he allowed another escrow and setup a account.


At one point during the prop Gary is up 9 buyins (9:04 PM). However, he starts to lose it back and at 11:41 PM he is down $280 with 1.8k hands to go.

At 12:18 PM, this hand happens:

Gary wins by less than $20. In all, breeezzz lost ~$242 to Gary according to HEM.


Obviously the thread goes nuts. Here's background information on breeezzz:

1. He posts on 2p2 under breezh4x and seems obviously wanting to work on his game.
2. He is a micro stakes sng grinder, plays like $3 sng's.
3. He has like 30 hands of history at $1/2NL from June of 2009.
4. He has an interesting take on chipdumping:

Another hand vs breeezzz is posted:

Gary has a 5.2% 3bet percentage over the 30k hands, so this is also supicious to the posters/bettors.

At this point, the consensus is to look for new judges, my name is suggested by terp, who is a bettor in the thread. (aside: screw you terp for
getting me involved) BlackIze PM's me asking for help, that's the first I've heard of this prop.

I offer to help, but indicate I'm unwilling to review all 30k hands, but I'll certainly look at suspicious stuff. Sunday night 3/20 we get on AIM and he provides me with cliff notes and my initial thought is that it's just random. Here's the link to that AIM conversation:

So my intent Monday morning is to just do a little googling to make sure nothing seems fishy and then post my support of awarding Gary the bet.


So, I start to google breeezzz and I find a link to a 2p2 poster named Nostalgica. Information about Nostalgica:

1. He was a coach/video producer on two web sites, and he primarily coaches microstakes SNG's.
2. Nostalgica is a good friend of Gary's in RL.
3. Nostalgica coached breeezzz and was good friends with him too.
4. Nostalgica was VERY active in this thread defending Gary and providing reasoning for breeezzz's play in the T7o hand.
5. It is revealed in the thread that Nostalgica is ALSO posting in the thread under the name RoSeeker; Roseeker is also posting in support of Gary.

A moderator got involved and demanded that he disclose that he was both posters.

Here's the link to my original disclosure of the link between breeezzz and Nostalgica:


So now this raises red flags, so I decide to take a look at the 86o hand. I filter down Gary's 3bet range over the 30k hands where he's in the blinds

vs cutoff/button. I see TWO hands show up (offsuit garbage) that seem unusual for a 5.2% 3bettor, the 68o vs breeezz and J8o vs a player named StoppedClock. Here's the link to the 3bet graphics:

Information about StoppedClock:

1. NO history at $1/2NL on PTR.
2. Also plays microstakes SNG's.
3. StoppedClock shows more than DOUBLE the number of hands played against gary as anyone else on PTR.
4. StoppedClock lost $367 to Gary according to HEM.
5. A microstakes SNG player instantly sits at 4 tables of $1/2NL to start his first session.

So then I find a link where StoppedClock is ALSO a friend of Nostalgica/RoSeeker! Here's the link:


So my next step was to look at everyone that lost more than a buyin to Gary. I found ANOTHER player that had no cash game history on PTR (you can

google his name and find MSNL hands from 2007) who also sat with Gary that night and lost more than $800 to Gary. I was NOT able to find a link to
Gary/RoSeeker, but it still seems suspicious. Here's the link to my discussion of this third player:


So then I review all the hands vs these two new villans (breeezzz only had the two hands, so nothing else to review really)...

vs StoppedClock: There were 17 hands where more than $5 was won/lost by our hero in a hand where StoppedClock was involved. Hero won all but two of

the hands that were heads up between them and those were very small pots:

1. Hero checks down ace high vs Stopped's 44, no post flop action.
2. Hero folds to Stopped's cbet after Stopped opens utg+1.

Here's the link to actual hand histories:


vs rongrong: There were 28 hands where more than $5 was won/lost by our hero in a hand where Rongrong was involved. Rongrong was playing 75/35. Of the 21 that were heads up, hero won 17.

Here's the link to the actual hand histories:


This was the extent of my initial posting. Other potentially questionable things:

1. The webcam was apparently setup so that you could not see Gary's laptop screen. At one point someone asked the camera to be turned, and Gary refused saying 'busy'. I personally did not SEE this, so this is from a poster in this thread.

2. Gary offered to redo the prop bet IF HE HAD TO, while maintaining complete innocence.

3. Breeezzz is reading this thread and HAS NOT posted in response to accusations he was involved in chip dumping.

He did respond to a PM from Blackize with the following explanation:

4. Nostalgica / RoSeeker did NOT disclose the extent of his relationship withbreeezzz, he downplayed it.

5. Nostalgica did not post ANYTHING about his relationship with StoppedClock prior to my posting. This in itself might be fine, since that name was not brought up. After my post, he merely wrote her off as an acquaintence from school that they occasionally talked about poker.

6. Gary makes claims of losing pots to StoppedClock, but doesn't post them when asked.

7. Many people call out RoSeeker to provide transfer histories, he does not respond. Gary did post a screen shot of 7 days of Stars history the night after the prop bet without any hesitation.

8. In general (jalexand's opinion here) the involved parties are evasive, and do not cooperate with requests, instead choosing to wait and see how

Stars reacts to this reported activity.

9. Nostalgica's statements about 'watching' breeezzz's play is very suspicious:


On 3/24, I post asking Nostalgica if he multiaccounts stars, he immediately denies it:

Shortly after that I post conclusive proof he IS multiaccounting Stars.

Obviously this doesn't have anything directly to do with the prop, but it does go to discrediting RoSeeker. RoSeeker disappears from the thread for a while.


I post a threat to disclose the personal information I gathered on the suspected parties if they are proven guilty, UNLESS they come forward.


On 3/26, I get a PM from RoSeeker asserting his innocent again and about how he's scared to reveal stuff to me, I respond to him and publicly that I am willing to post $10,000 in escrow if they allow me to review their transaction histories and other potentially personal details.

Gary, breeezzz, and StoppedClock (who I doubt reads 2p2) do not respond other than Gary does post that his Stars account is locked. But he doesn't

email them asking for it or offer to give up FTP transfer histories.

There are lots of PM's between RoSeeker and myself about this offer, againthat seem very shady to me. For example:



On 3/28, RoSeeker admits to transfers with StoppedClock

He also forwards me emails from Stars and FTP for his transaction histories on the RoSeeker and Sol Reader accounts. He does this BEFORE I post the


On 3/29, I post the escrow:

Later that day, we get on teamviewer. He doesn't have his Stars RSA key, so he can't let me view the transaction histories, which was the entire purpose of the teamviewer. Instead, he intended to let me SEE him forwarding the Stars/FTP e-mails instead. I personally do not believe they are doctored, so I tell him not to bother. He does forward me the Nostalgica transaction history while we are on teamviewer.

After that part of the teamviewer, I ask him w/o any warning to show me his instant messenger log with Gary. He tanks forever and refuses. I posted
the chat of the teamviewer session here:

After the session, he PM'ed me saying he found is RSA key, and we agreed to setup another session on 3/30.


RoSeeker is also removed as a coach on one of his coaching sites for lying to the admins:


While I'm asleep I get a PM from RoSeeker refusing to do the second teamviewer session. I posted it here:

Okay that should provide cliffnotes to everything that's been disclosed so far, new information coming now. Please let me know if you see any errors.
Originally Posted by jalexand42
Okay, Little Boy time:

So, I reviewed RoSeeker's transaction history, here's why I don't think they are doctored, lol.

They show the following transfers to StoppedClock:

On 3/19 at 12:35 AM, RoSeeker sent $800 to StoppedClock.
On 3/19 at 3:50 AM, RoSeeker sent $350 to StoppedClock.
On 3/19 at 9:06 PM, StoppedClock sent $200 to RoSeeker.
On 3/23 at 8:08 AM, StoppedClock sent $99.98 to RoSeeker.

So, let's examine this in detail:


First, here's RoSeeker's explanation in PM to me:So...he refers to her transaction history with him:

  1. He sent her $33 on 1/21 at 6:01 PM.
  2. He RECEIVED $13.76 from her on 3/12 at 8:09 AM.
  3. He sent her $20 on 3/17 at 10:56 PM.
So, as I stated before, she's a loser at SNG's maybe she cashed out the rest of her money on 3/12? Pretty weird cash out for any other purpose. My PERSONAL suspicion is that she might have given this account to RoSeeker to use, but who knows.

So, now let's get to the interesting stuff:

He claims that he did a online cash for RL cash transaction right AT A CAFE, right?

  1. They go to school in England. They really met at 5:35 am at a cafe to swap money on a saturday?
  2. Why did he transfer MORE to her a few hours later when she still had plenty of money in her account?
  3. Why did she send money back DAYS after depositing?
  4. Does someone who starts off deposting $20 and not trusting the site suddenly deposit $800?

More interesting stuff:

  1. The transfer happens at 12:35 am right?
  2. StoppedClock sits down at 4 $200nl tables at 12:40 am. Seems like the first thing I'd do after making a big deposit is put 100% of my money in play.
  3. Why the next transfer? Well, StoppedClock lost some money in that first session, and without it, 'whoever' was playing that account couldn't buy in full at 4+ tables.
Originally Posted by jalexand42
Okay, fatman time:

You guys remember that Gary is RL friends with Barewire, the original suggested escrow right?

Well, this afternoon he PM'ed me that he needed to talk to me.

Here's what happened today:

Barewire was in a class at their university.

Gary is apparently in the same class, and looked for Barewire and came to sit down next to him.

Gary then proceeded to admit that he was guilty. At that point, I had him tell Gary that he had an opportunity to come clean as I stated before and I wouldn't do anything else against him. Gary had until 9 PM EST tonight to come forward. He has not contacted me so far.

GG, cheaters confirmed.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:49 AM
Gary, next time don't run below EV.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by bleurain
Good luck getting your money back from Sol Reader. Damn how was RoSeeker even a coach to begin with? Is he a winning player or did he deceive you guys too?
We initially hired him to cover mixed games. From everything that we saw, he was a winning player at the games he was instructing. I don't know if, or to what extent, the information we reviewed when hiring him was doctored. We definitely didn't know that he owned multiple accounts, so we couldn't check the related stats. His sample videos were well done. After joining our team for mixed games, he expressed an interest in also covering HU SNGs. Same story, so that was added to the list of things he would cover.

As hard as it is to believe in light of everything in this thread, the videos he did for us were actually done well, and universally well-received by our members. Also, his posts in our forums were always much more like the well-thought-out, well-written post seen in his apology post (as opposed to the frantic, scattered posts that make up the rest of what is in this thread). Our admins review everything that gets posted to our forums, but nothing made us suspicious prior to the first inconsistencies we saw during this investigation. To me, bringing this to light for us should be another small feather in Jalex's hat.

Jeffrey "JGB146" Blake
Founder & Admin of Grinderschool
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
