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**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] **** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH]

03-31-2010 , 11:01 AM
Cliffs on what seems a good story? 40 pages though
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:02 AM
Ok, reread roseeker's posts in the days leading up to the verdict, and you'll see he has NO remorse whatsoever. He is just spewing more and more lies with impunity. His real name has been outed, but that's not enough. Put up a ****ing website of this ****. I am legitly tilted by this outright scam and believe these people need to win a Darwin award
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Poolside
nice work jalex!
why the **** are you quoting the entire thing
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:08 AM
For your viewing pleasure now we know the truth, I present to you the Roseeker/Nostalgica wall of shame/lies - all his posts from this thread (taken out ones where he quoted another poster/doesnt say much).

Also: In before Roseeker posts saying it's all still a lie and someone hacked his and Gary_Nevilles 2p2 accounts - they are actually innocent.

Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Looks like he's only up 6BIs. Probably quite safe, but not completely over, I would say.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Sick down to 3~ BIs.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
The guy was playing 100NL HU afterewards.

btw, he's a solid beginner player, and I've talked to him some on msn since like a year ago. He played like 25NL and 180s. IDK wtf he was doing there...

I think if they were gonna chip dump they'd do it way earlier in the match and not the end, right? when everyone is watching.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
I was saying, can't the bettors argue that even if he's up 200+ he could have been chip dumped at another time? That makes is sort of impossible doesn't it?

also, idk why anyone would want to be judge for something like this with no incentive.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Seems like he's taking the folding line. Judges, time to lol.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Yeah, but 30k is a lot of hands. Why would anyone do that?
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Here's a hypothetical, let's say he's up 1k after the alleged chip dump of 1 BIs. He can still lose the entire bet if it's decided it looks too suspicious right?

Does it depend on when the dump was made, when he was up or down, or what? idk how you can even decide that stuff.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
He was playing on other tables with less than full stack. It seems that he sat out because he ran out of money... he moved to 100NL afterwards, played for a bit, then quit.

edit: PTR isn't showing it though, but I was watching him reraise/folding to another player and then call down with some weak hand with a 60bb stack and losing.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
eh, I think the entire thing would be very stupid. That's like the WORST way/time/hand with which to chip dump ever, + the guy who loses the hand is afaik a pretty nice guy and used to post more. Last time I had a starcraft prop bet with him (for like $20 or something) and he shipped it to me no problem. I just think it's sort of rude to just accuse people of chip dumping or being ******ed because they 5bet air. Someone said OP had a v. high 3bet or something right? Or maybe it was tilt?

Isn't it OBVIOUS that stacking off T7 would be horrid since people see showdown, why not wait for something like AQ vs AK or whatever? Why not 4bet/fold? And why near the end of the prop bet and not the start (he was down like 1k at the start wasn't he?) The only problem is I don't see why he would be 5bet shoving or sitting 1/2. Only explanation is like he's tilted/drunk or something.

I just think it's a bit bad you're accusing the guy of chip dumping when he's just lost his entire roll or something, and he's obv a 2+2er.

And like I said on the stream, saying that blackize has a bet behind the back or was shipped X amount to rig it, that's just a huge insult/accusation...

Anyway, back to my question imo.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Just wait for the judges, they have the database and will raise questions when neccessary. Congrats OP. Sick sweat near the end, but I wonder how many of the original bettors would lay the same odds again.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Lol 3bet 68 while 20 tabling and can barely notice who is who, and then gets folds, what a cheat.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Having one spazz light 3bet vs an unknown over 30k hands vs a btn raise after like 30 hours of no sleep and 20 tabling where he could've mistaken the tables for another one and thought it was a reg or something... that's really not very suspicious guys.

+1 to shipping manies. Where are the other judges?
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
lol guys, I was talking to a friend reg, and he mentioned the whole thing was lol, and I didn't even realize at first: Even if it looks suspicious, this is ridiculous and OP should be paid money because

a) only 1 judge was chosen before the bet, and randomly more are introduced?

b) why did the judges release private information? Judges are chosen to be IMPARTIAL, and the bettors had a choice to make sure it's a judge who will be fair and thorough. Why is information such as OP's holecards revealed?? That's highly unethical.

Anyway, 3betting 68o? lol, I know OP (that's why I was PMed by one of the judges) and seriously, I've seen OP not just 3bet trash but call 3bets with 35s and then peel a gutshot to stack a set Is it really that bad to 3bet 68o? Is it really that bad to bluff on an Ax board? lol. T7 is weird, but didn't they find a thread where breeezzz makes a drunken post about busting roll drunk in 2009, and someone said he lost 500 or so total so he's lost some big pots to others too right? Blacksize said he insta sat out because his account was bust and he didn't have money to reload, but even if he insta sat out, well leaving when you get stacked, what's so weird about that?
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Wraths, aren't you a judge, when will there be a result? This seems like a lot of money.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Hi, I've just been asked to say that I am RoSeeker by a mod. This is NOT a secret. Most regular posters I talk to know this in the HUNL forums and the Beginners Forums, and I posted a bunch at uNL too. I have not used my old account for a long time except to respond to the PM and a mention in a well/PSA thread some time ago.. This can be easily verified. I've been commenting as OP's friend, and I don't feel like there is anything wrong about this as I've been stating what is a friend-bias point-of-view all along.

edit: sorry, Nostalgica. I didn't realized I was logged on to this.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Blackize sent me a pm to ask stuff about OP so I responded here. If this is "something interesting" I don't know why. I changed my SN for my own reasons, but it is not due to bad history (I've had a reputable history of transfers or stuff like that) or anything.

I can also find exact posts where I admit that this is my other account. I only did this to stop people from PTR-ing me.

I have been staked and coached by reputable posters in the past and there has been nothing deceitful or anything like that, etc etc. Please don't drag me into this. It's natural for a friend to support OP especially when I do believe what I say. Also, our friendship is one of friendly rivalry. You will see that we've played thousands of hands HU against each other in the past not just on Stars but also on FTP (because he spazzed a lot). My comments on his history of spazzing is completely true (peeling 3bets with 35s).
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Mike Haven sent me a PM threatening to ban me if I don't say that I have 2 accounts on 2+2. Both are in perfect standing so I do not see why this is an issue. I am just responding to that.

edit: I am assuming this is the interesting info he is talking about + I said that I'd known breeezzz before that he played at micro stakes because he posted in the Beginner's Forums where I post a lot (check my posts... also I've said this in an early post WAY before I posted on this account).
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Look I'd feel super bad if I am the reason my friend loses this bet.

Look at this post:

I basically admitted from the very start I've heard of breeezzz (I've helped him with hand histories in the past in the Beginner's Forums and made a prop bet on Bisu winning the Gom League, which he did, and then Breeezzz paid me after he beat Flash).

I told all this to Blackize the MOMENT I got his pm. I am not hiding it at ALL.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Okay, well my only reason for switching to this account was receiving a PM from Blackize. Can you check with him? I did not switch back to the other account because I was logged into this one and I revealed that I was OP's friend and I didn't want to be using two identities. I've made NO attempt to lie or hide the truth from blackize in pms or ITT. I told Blackize that Breeezzz does NOT know MilitiaRusha and afaik that is the truth. MilitiaRusha didn't even use the forums much when Breeezzz, who disappeared recently. If this were not true, then, okay, I don't know.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I do not know if he is. I made the bet on an LC thread I think. I have an account, started a blog, made 2 posts, and replied to some hand histories. I have not logged in for a LONG time. I do not know anyone from LP aside from "d.Apollo" whom I staked and then quit. If Breeezzz has an LP account, I do not know of it.

Is this going to be serious and will I need to be around? It's a bit late for me. I've said everything I've had to afaik.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
lol, you're trying to infer guilt from this. This bet is a lot of money, naturally I thought maybe I would be needed to answer more questions, I mean I was just told that my account might get banned if I didn't answer one, so your logic really fails there. Why wouldn't I be possibly needed?

Well since this is the case I will be off for now. I think it's really unfair that people say I am shady when I am not and have never been, and had always been trustworthy and helpful etc. Again, I hope OP wins, and I don't see why he should not. I hope you will be fair.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
lol at this point all that matters is that Stars will do their investigation and I am sure they will find the truth.

But before then, I am going to laugh at Nano thinking that's proof that OP knows Breeezzz because firstly he has not been posting much and I have not heard from him for quite a while before the prop bet. If he does post (I have not checked), it's not at the usual places I see him at (beginner's questions). I am sure mods can check IP (or no?) that breeezzz is in like canada or america or whatever, and I'm from Hong Kong, so wut, I am not breeezzz. I already said why I made a new account, because people keep PTRing me, and that's annoying since it's inaccurate (losing player blah blah blah). OP only cares about stuff like football and his degen 20 hour sessions. He would never be interested in coaching or helping some micro players. I on the other hand, have helped, coached, and skyped with dozens and dozens of players, most of them just for fun/whatever, and I have not ever charged Breeezzz for coaching ever, so he's not my "student" in that sense, I just teach him stuff. I've posted in loads of beginners sweat threads and stuff. Easy to check.

Also about my 'duplicity" I posted as Nostalgica, because that's what I usually post with, IN SUPPORT OF MY FRIEND, OMG THAT'S SO EVIL HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT YOUR FRIEND, and once I found out I got PMed by a judge, I went in and immediately went into the open and said "hai gaiz, I got pm'd because I am OP's friend. I think he should win". What's wrong with that? Did I go back to my other account in an attempt to get an "unbiased" PoV, especially after someone said "lol you're not entitled speak, you're friends".

NO, I said, yeah, I'm a friend, and I think I'm entitled to speak, so I did. How this can be shady idk, because I have 2 accounts where I post my opinions? It's not like my other account has done shady things.

AFAIK, OP and Breeezzz and StoppedClock and RongRongRong do not know each other, have never spoken to each other. I do not know RongRongRong personally. I've commented on two hands of stoppedclock's and a lot from Breeezzz (25NL 6max mostly), but has not recently (you can check the weaktight... I have not deleted ANYTHING on it).

edit: yeah sure check. I only have these two accounts. Oh, and I'll just wait for stars, but also would like to remind you to check up on your basic arithmetic:

110.15 < 219.30.

Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Sigh I didn't want to post, are you that dumb? Just add the numbers together.

Seriously, I doubt you're LYING INTENTIONALLY, but the fact that you stated obvious UNTRUTHS seems to indicate a LOT of bias, if no deceit at all. Really did you just misread these numbers? Because you were on about how a) this player played first day ever on the 19th. Sure playing on the 18th doesn't prove anything, but it does PROVE that with regards to evidence that doesn't help your cause, you have NO intention of being accurate, and then you say loudly that this player lost most the day OP played, which is BLATANTLY UNTRUE, and yet wtf.

Seriously, you HAVE to be lying, right? Or what? What's going on here?

Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Well, all I can say is, when people resort to name-calling and personal attacks, that means I'm winning the argument by default.

NEWSFLASH, multi accounting and gimmicks are condoned as long as it's not made for deceit or there isn't history of such, hell there are mods who do it, and regs (there's this werewolf game where it's involved or something?)

Also, what I am showing you is the sessions page on PTR that shows that StoppedClock lost 110~ on the 19th and 210~ on the 18th, which means that you were a) lying b)blind/******ed/mistaken to the point where your ability to use logic must be brought to question.

edit: Oh, and OP is talking to me on IM right now, and he's harassing me about it all for whoever said it's weird. Yes, I am paying attention to it, and yes I am talking to him. I hope someone isn't going to say it's shady that we're talking over IM, because I wasn't aware that that's not allowed until the decision is made.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
nothing wrong with 2, and it's not 2 guys, they never posted one after another. I posted with the second account merely because I was pmed to respond to the issue, and never moved back to confuse/persuade people with deceit

3 false

4 false

5 false

finally, I'd just explained, I'd never put OP in contact with my students ever beacuse honestly he just doesn't care about micro players, and never has. I mean, why would he? The only people I got him "in contact" with are other micro players who sweat him and chat about poker, since I know a lot of these players.

I have not even spoken to those players much recently, barely at all, but how can I prove that? You can say we talked on IM and such, and there's nothing to prove/disprove. Look at weaktight, I barely did anything recently with them. I was very thorough before though, and suddenly stopped, because why? He stopped appearing for a while.

3betting w/ trash from blinds vs steal:

trash is not nec. unsuited
blinds is sb AND bb
co is a steal... what about BTN?
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
I am on mobild but dont worry stars has access. It does not prove anything anyway, but i can only wait, cant do anything about it now.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Oh also it was after blackize pm me so no i am not lying. I do know these players so i cant say anything without being shady
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
WAT. I was logged in by mistake i use this account mortly. I only changed after blackize pm me. I am just annoyed now dragged into this for the last time only stars can do anything now.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I have taken the position of not posting in this thread anymore if I can help it. I am not shady, and tried my hardest to respond to all accusations and questions, and somehow people insist that I am shady based on the fact that I know OP and other players. I will note that I've staked and sweated and chatted with a LOT of different players, and quite a few with whom I still talk to now and then..

Breeezzz being one of them, but whom I've spoken to about 3-4 times before this prop bet, though I have spoken to him AFTER the thread became a big "thing". I've done loads of small transfers with him, with buying pieces, selling pieces, and transfers to FTP, but nothing within 10 days of this thread's creation, and all less than $200 at most this year, if not ever (we may have done bigger transfers in the long past, but none this year afaik).

As for stoppedclock I know this person from my university's student union event, we got talking about poker, I said I played online, and helped the person, gave basic bankroll + theory advice and linked to 2+2 forums. I have not followed closely. I have the msn contact but do NOT use it often at all. We have not IM'd for the past month+ afaik, and certainly not within the last 3 weeks. Last time we talked it was about a film, not poker.

I do not know of anyone else playing at this time. I loaded up some tables, recognized some regs (chicago joey? or someone else) names on some tables/waitlists, but nobody I know personally. I tried to watch from my client but the internet was very bad and I quit. Later I joined the webcam chat and saw someone I knew mentioned and immediately followed it, out of obvious curiosity. I KNEW that OP does not know him and he was being attacked for chip dumping (I did not know if this was a joke) so I tried to defend him. Yes I downplayed our relationship, but NEVER LIED. It is, however, true, that I have not spoken him much recently AT ALL, but we used to be quite close.

btw, I spoke to 00doug very often, I consider him a good player and friend. This is why he is on my weaktight list. As mentioned I did not remove him, but he removed me. btw, I have removed my picture from my weaktight because I don't like my face being floating everywhere and related to a scandal like this, please respect this. Also, please do not call me by my first name. I think you will agree that we are not on first name basis. If you are doing this to avoid the roseeker/nostalgica thing, just use roseeker/nostalgica or roseeker please.

I sweat through pokerstars interface briefly. I played against OP at PLOHU before the propbet because he said he couldn't sleep. I said he should probably try rest but he was bored. My internet got bad and I timed out a few times so I decided to quit. He still wanted to play though. During the thing I did not use mikogo or watch behind the shoulder of any player or anything like that. I played some poker on another site in the meantime, but also quit because of bad internet. I watched a bit at the start and near the end of the prop bet through the webcam channel. I did not voice chat or use the phone during this period or use msn or anything with anyone.

I used the other account because I was on my mobile and it was logged in. I have decided to stick to this one in this thread, but has mostly used the other since I made the account. Yes occasionally I log in wrong and use the account but if you check postings, the majority of my posts are made on my other account recently.

I have put my relationship with the players here clearly, and I think I have answered your questions. I wish not to participate in the discussion any further until stars emails and forces me to. I was wasting my time following this thread, and it's pretty much a stalemate here until stars finishes the investigation and presumably emails us, so I won't bother with reading or posting until then. I tried to clear the name of my friend and then myself, and clearly it is not working even though I have tried to be direct and straightforward, so I do not want to make things worse.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Oh my GOD. I have done so, furiously, or did you miss all my posts. I said I wouldn't post again until Stars replied, but I just skimmed the last page and saw this and apparently Jalex missed the post where I replied to his set of questions (or not?). I've defended myself PLENTY, but right now it's the same arguments being thrown back and forth over and over and over again. There's no use arguing now until Stars is done with their investigation.

Also, how ridiculous this person says an innocent person would shut up, be unemotional, and distance himself from the thread only replying with facts when necessary, and then someone says I'm not innocent because I'm not trying to furiously clear my name...

Except of course, I WAS, and I have said NOTHING but the truth, and I explained EVERY "shady" thing that I saw was brought up, all that can be backed up with the thousands of posts I've made on not just this forum but others, which jalex has found. The timeline of my changing to the second account was also confirmed by Blackize, that I only started using this account AFTER I received/replied to his PM, and before then had no intention of using this. After almost a hundred pages, I get sick of it + it's EASTER, okay, I have a life too, so I stopped posting for half a day and people say I disappeared?

Look, I SWEAR, no more posts on this thread until star contacts us. I am not "disappearing".

So chill the hell out. I am sure we will get our answers, but we have to wait, and I just can't be bothered right now. This thread is tilting the f- out of me.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
FFS. I have decided to post anyway. F ck me.

I've done loads for the community, I don't deserve this bs. I've nothing to gain from you guys trying to ruin my reputation. Suggesting that I multi-account on stars, suggesting that I mockup accounts of students to make up good coaching reviews, what bs?? I don't even care anymore. All that matters is I play on Stars, which won't find me guilty of anything I didn't do, and I will taek manies and stay away from all this drama.

I am honestly appalled at the conclusions and blanket statements people make about this whole deal and also things I've done, jumping to conclusions, HUGE assumptions, and when they are proven wrong, what happens? They ignore it, without the smallest apology for portraying info about me inaccurately or misleadingly.


edit: wow, just saw Jalex say that stoppedclock wasn't my student.

Thank you. I respect your work, but I am innocent, I am sorry that you have not come to this conclusion. I am not bashing you, but I am seriously tilted. glhf.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker

I would like to take this opportunity to explain why I have not been posting. I have been alerted to my trainwreck behaviour in the thread (thanks to everyone calling me a ******, basically), and wanted to avoid the heckling. For any stupidity and rudeness I may have had, I apologize.

Also Jalex's threats of possibly posting up personal information, including where I live, financial details, and how to find me scared me and made me stop posting and contact mods, I don't mean on "ratting out" on anyone, I was genuinely afraid. Personally, I find this dangerous, threatening, and, imo, over the top. It is my understanding that 2+2 does not allow this, but to show Jalex that I do not deserve this treatment, I have emailed PokerStars and FTP to send him relevant information. There is no more I can do beyond that to explain myself, afaik, whether this is a coincidence or someone else's fault.

Nostalgica on pokerstars is a high school friend's account that I "borrow" to make videos. I have emailed PokerStars to "come clean" and explain this and will now stop dubbing commentaries with it. In my mind I wasn't lying, but I apologize for trying to hide my association with it. I also believe that my use of two accounts on 2+2 is technically correct, and I did not intent to use it to deceive. After this fiasco I intend to shut down at least one of these accounts.

As for my behaviour throughout thread, let me concede that I may simply be a peculiar person. I have acted this way because I am emotional and stressed under these allegations and threats. I no longer care about the result of this bet, and as I am innocent, want nothing to do with Jalex's threats of harassment, which is much more serious than what I expected when I joined in arguing in this thread.

Thank you.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
When I realized how serious this was, I notified the admins immediately; I felt that that was a far safer way of protecting myself than insults which, you must admit, bbv would just throw back at me, laughing. I hope you are not suggesting that I beg bbv to protect me from Jalex?

Anyway, I will be waiting for stars to do their part before commenting further.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I just got on to respond.

This is the reason: so people watching my commentary videos stop PTRing me and think that I am worse than I am and not watch my videos, as I've explained. My first video I posted with my original name had someone PTRing me and say that I'm a big loser, and I didn't like that.

Okay, this is misleading, and I'll stop doing it. For what it's worth, I do not lie to those who asked about what my SN is. Yeah I suggested to my friend to choose that name for the purpose of my commentary videos.

To clarify I do not play on the accounts but instruct my friend to while I commentate. I have not used it to play personally or to gain advantage over other players (I mean, how exactly do you expect me to do that?). This is a gray area that is within rules, and I am clearly trying to use loopholes so my name doesn't show on my video, but I will not do this anymore to avoid controversy.

Look guys, the account wasn't played on or anything around the time of this prop bet afaik, or any transfers with anyone else. My friend doesn't play on it much or know many other poker players. Can you guys drop it for now?

I'm trying to get stars to send the stuff to Jalex; they wouldn't send the information to him even if I ask so I'm figuring something out (and lol FTP has not even responded yet).


NO, I do NOT have a piece of OP's action, of course not. I do not stand to make money if he wins. But oh no, how can I prove this?


Are you saying sweat sessions are not allowed? That is a video of someone sweating me, yeah. I believe this is acceptable, especially between strangers, but I believe this argument has been presented often enough in other contexts.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
The "stuff" is my money transfers for my account. It's the same thing as "relevant information" and "stuff" I used. You're just nit picking there. I am getting it to Jalex.

I missed something, so I'd like to respond.

No I came up with it in an attempt to exploit a loophole, to make people think that account is mine. No the account has NOT used its deposit bonus (as a supernova, the deposit bonus is not worth the time to clear as working towards milestones and bonuses are worth more, actually).

I made my PTR graph less accessible, and I avoid showing my .5/1 results which are terrible (running way below EV, etc), and instead show my .25/.50 and .10/.25 results which are genuinely good.

If you have something against my coaching, I will let you know that after this I intend to not coach anymore, but I still think I am a good low stakes coach.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I'm very sorry for that. If anyone feels like they've been cheated out of their coaching, they will always get refunds, but I'd never been asked, whether they are just polite or I have been helpful.

Please, I really want to leave this alone. I've been supplying pages of bashing and insults.

So far my only actual crime is knowing these people in the thread and having done transfers with the players. Only 1 $21.5 transfer between OP and I, where I bought 10% in Sunday Million. I sent money to StoppedClock, who gave me cash for stars money, presumably to gamble it up (what else would you do with poker money?). All transfers with breeezzz I have checked are $100 or below (sent money once in February, and received most back later), and are for site transfers and such. I also have a bunch of transfers with other people I know and 00doug, who is unrelated to this mess.

I know it's suspicious that I happen to know all three players, but I know and have transfers with a lot of other players too, and I have only done transfers with them, which can't be condemning can it? Besides I have legit reasons for all the transfers, and they don't even correlate correctly (I SENT OP 21.5, he never sent me anything). It can be argued that things are planned and traded on other money transfer sites, but nothing can disprove that, even though I haven't done anything of that sort.

I feel that I've responded to most of my allegations for now (transfer histories still need to be sent, waiting on sites to help), and will be going to sleep.


I've never posted fake 100NL results though...? I mean, if a HS player ran bad at nosebleeds he won't show that in the graphs to coach MS or something right?
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Okay, I see now. I didn't realize how bad this were because I didn't coach 6max much, and mostly coached microstakes, HUSnGs, and mixed games. Alot of my "coaching" isn't even paid, I just sweat people playing occasionally for free, and wanted to try doing it for money since people seem to like it.

I will not do this any more.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I have very good results at the limits I do coach, I feel confident at the levels I coach and that I give useful advice when I coach.

I agree that I have a very bad resume for coaching, even worse now with this controversy. I really wanted to coach because I enjoyed it. If you review my videos you will see that I am genuinely interested in it. Perhaps Starazz is right I like the sound of my own voice, but it is not because I make a lot of money from it or anything, or that I am cheating people of it, it's because I like it.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Firstly, the question: No. I have not told him about this bet, nor did we talk very much really. The only one I told about this bet is 00doug, which is when he posted ITT.

Could Breeezzz have known who MilitiaRusha was and decided to play against him? Possibly, but not through me. I have not introduced OP to Breeezzz, though Breeezzz would've known that I had a friend who grinded lots of tables at 100-200NL, but afaik the two do not know each other, and imo Breeezzz probably isn't the kind of person who'd go and "out play the pro", even though it's not impossible he got drunk or tilted. This is all I know about their connection.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I saw Breeezzz on one of the tables I had opened (I did not open all, but had a few up, wasn't really watching closely, I mean it's sort of boring), recognized his display picture, and immediately searched and followed him. From that point on (and the T7 hand especially), I was surprised and increasingly worried and rushed to OP's defence, as in my mind, Breeezzz does not know OP and could not have been chip dumping.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Afaik the "ton of evidence comes out that condemn" me are related to my multi accounting (correct me if I am wrong?), which I know is a losing battle because it's a gray area, and which I tried to explain in the last 2 pages.

I did not disappear exactly, but was hoping that stars would make a very quick response and say that I am not guilty, but that didn't happen. Meanwhile I was also concerned with the possibility of webpage with my personal details being put up and I tried to find out if that was legal, or if I can stop him from doing that, contacted admins, etc.

I really, at this point, couldn't care less about who loses the money, I really don't. The thing is, if OP loses the bet now, it's not the bet he loses, his account gets frozen, and his personal information will be released too, and because I tried to defend him and my friend (note again, I have only sent him $21.5 this entire year, and received nothing, and have NOT bought his action). If that happens, I may be implicated too, and some of the information Jalex has about me is possibly quite personal. I imagine he knows my facebook friends and possibly my family, that's what I am fighting for. I don't care about the bet.

In fact, it's because I don't actually care about the bet that I didn't feel I needed to post (I thought any post I made would make things worse). I was moved to post again because Jalex says if I don't explain myself I may be incriminated and my personal information revealed to the public.

I mean, you'd think if we were formulating a plan we'd stop sleeping and just work on that plan, not wait several days, right? I haven't even heard from Breeezzz lately (I'd talked to him after this prop bet for obvious reasons). I will have you know that everything I'd said in the past few posts, little or none of it is something new I'd added, just stuff I'd mentioned already but got covered over or ignored over all the "REPUTATION RUINED, YOU ARE AN MA-ER" things which are irrelevant to the bet.

I am not sure what sort of evidence you want me to deal with. I mean, how do I know why OP 3bets this or that, or played this hand this or that. All I can say now is that I know these people, I don't believe ANY of them knew each other. If they do, it's not that I know of.

About stuff like me using 2 accounts, the Nostalgica account on pokerstars, and me acting like a fool... well those are easy to explain, and I hope I have in the past few pages, and shown that it's irrelevant. I mean someone's even pointed out my friend 00doug and said that he happened to know OP too, but he's got nothing to do with this. I feel like I really made myself look suspicious because of all this coaching stuff, but none of it is actually related. Again I have said I will stop.

AFAIK, once I have given all the information I have with my transfer history, there's nothing more I can really do. I want to just plead innocence, ignorance, of everything of this matter and stay away from possible defamation. Shame me for being a terrible poster or someone with narcissistic disorder if you like, but I am not trying to cheat people's money, I have nothing to gain here, I just wanted to help and now I don't want to have anything to do with it.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Really now, I'd meant this all along, jeez. It doesn't take that long to compile everything I'd said and known already and make that post (I mean, most of it is dealing with the Nostalgica issue, which is unrelated to the bet.) I'm not discussing this with them, but how can I prove this? I mean OP doesn't know anything about my coaching to begin with, and again it's irrelevant. This stuff I'd said has been around since before. Like I said I don't care what happens to the bet now.

I am sorry for multi accounting facebook and 2+2 causing all this grief (I also multi account on starcraft), but I do not cheat prop bets; I lost the only challenge propbet I did for like $20.

It's been like an hour now, and it's quite late. As a result I may not be able to respond too soon.

Thank you for listening.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Okay, I will tell you why I multi accounted on facebook. My family has my contacts on one facebook. They are really really traditional and religious and stuff, and I don't want them to see that I play poker, swear, get drunk, and, well most of my friend are like atheist. If I get incriminated, those things will be the least of their worries, so I am keen on not letting it go. AFAIK only Jalex knows I have two facebooks and what they are, and I hope he will not start messaging my family. I would think that that'd be harassment, and I'm worried about that.

Is this shady too? Hiding from parents? Maybe, but this is a personal thing.

Good night, sirs.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Well I wanted to help him, but I must admit that when it comes down to it, 12.5k of his money is less important than my own well being,

Okay, I'm guilty of trying to make things sound better, but I never genuinely thought I was lying or cheating anyone. I realize it's hard to believe me now, but I am innocent and haven't actually done anything wrong aside from trying to hide a few facts from the public, which is wrong, but not the same as lynch-deserving. Well that didn't work out, and I am embarrassed and yeah it's wrong, I'm sorry, but I've been abused over it already.

Being related to suspicious people and acting suspiciously is worth investigating but is not in itself criminal. Well you're right, don't believe what I say, use evidence, but please give me a benefit of doubt and don't assume I am guilty.

I never made more money from coaching than playing (I am a massive winner at micros and mixed games), it wasn't "fast money" that I did it for, but because I enjoyed doing this.

Look, any lies I made was minor stuff like "hi I just checked this out, lol OP's innocent!" stuff, and chiming in with factoids that I thought would help OP's case, things that I used to try help my friend and make the situation look better.

All I knew was that things look really bad for my friend and he is getting accused of chip dumping and he stands to not win a lot of money he would otherwise, so I wanted the public to help him. Well lol, I suck at that, apparently, and it failed hardcore. As people have noted I must be a terrible friend, but whatever, I was trying to help. I wasn't trying to obstruct justice or anything.

I mean none of those things I said destroyed evidence. I just tried to persuade people to sympathize with OP and sucked at it.

Anyway, I'm in the middle of a huge controversy now without actually having anything to do with it, I just happen to know the people involved, and got stuck in it because I say stupid things. Now I just want out.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I've already admitted transfer history, way before the recent posts, and yeah, I realize it's suspicious. I've been asked to do transfers for legit seeming reasons, so I did them. That's the extent of my involvement with the money. My transfer with Breeezzz were a decent while ago and quite small) he actually sent money back, so he couldn't have chip dumped with the money I transferred for him, unless I sent him more money elsewhere, which I have not, but cannot prove (aside from $40~ on FTP which I have shown to Jalex).

I helped StoppedClock send money because I was given a rounded-up edge in exchange rates (given cash in pounds). It's fishy, yeah, that StoppedClock ended up playing 200NL with the money, but 1/2 is like the smallest limit in a lot of live casinos, right? So it sort of makes sense that one would want to play there. I mean, I'm not going to turn down an opportunity to cash out while getting a tiny vig.

The money I sent OP was for Sunday Million during the F40s, and that's clearly profitable for any half-decent player for just $21.5, that's very different from a huge bet where you play 30k hands a day. I have not been given or promised money or anything like that, and have not bought action.

In the end, money exchanges can be made outside of pokersites, through promises, etc, which I can't disprove, but I will maintain that I personally have not discussed any of that. I did not even discuss the bet much at all until after the thread got heated. Suspicion over such a coincidence will always remain, but I have not tried to cheat in this bet, have nothing to gain, and really don't care if he loses the money at this point.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I just got off teamviewer with Jalex. He asked me to post my chat logs and after thinking for a long time, I decided not to because it doesn't prove anything to my favour, they are very personal, and it involves my friend's stuff too. I also think I will be innocent regardless.

Jalex tells me I will regret it very much, and no doubt he will say that there's no reason not to reveal it and that I am definitely guilty, but I honestly don't think I can reveal my friend's chatlogs.

7.5k seems like something very important to me. Surely you realize when I say I lie I cheat I steal it's not a literal stealing of money or goods? It was one of my more angsty periods, can something like this really be relevant? If anything this makes sense with my using of multiple identities.

I did specifically say "IM'd", right, so that's not a lie. I explained my relationship with StoppedClock with Jalex, but I have a sinking feeling he will not believe it. I will post what I sent him:

I have sent the money to stoppedclock that she lost at 1/2, but that's because she deposits through me.

Neither I or accounts I have correlation with have sent breeezzz the money he lost near the time he played (he has his own money I assume, my transfers were smaller, +100, -70, and +150 from the Nostalgica account, 8-9 days before the propbet when I haven't heard of it), and I have not received a single transfer from OP. I'm instrumental in funding one live player's plunge into cash games, suspicious? Yeah, but all I did was do a transfer.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
What makes you think we talk much about poker at all? Or that if we did we'd talk about this prop bet. This prop bet is from someone I used to know in highschool and occasionally talk to on msn, I don't even play 200NL or 6max, why would I care? *until it became a huge problem and controversy. I cared enough to watch, but I had no investment in it and it wasn't a ridiculous task or HU challenge or anything.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I'm pretty sure I will be burnt at the stake now because I have connections with these players, but all I have done is do transfers for these players (and only one large one), players who I thought did not know each other, and to my knowledge, don't.

I also chimed in trying to persuade people to believe in my friend.

That is the extent of my involvement. There's no more I can provide. This cannot be considered "concrete/absolute proof" that I had any involvement with cheating, because a person (me) who doesn't know anything could easily end up making transfers with people. What they do with it is beyond my control.

I expect people to jump to conclusions or figure that this is too big of a coincidence, but by now I have given up all the information I can (I chose not to give up chat logs, and by now it's no longer "pure"), and I do not think this can possibly be enough to condemn someone. Just because you send money to someone who lost money and have also sent money to the person who won the money cannot possibly mean I am guilty.

I apologize for the bad press you have received due to me.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Thank you for your vote of confidence. I've realized that I've completely destroyed my believability, and I am suffering for it.

I don't think there is anything left I can do but to say: "I may be dodgy, but I am innocent."

Oh, and I am sorry about that video and linking you with it somehow..

I have learnt that I should stay away from saying things. I will stay away from the Nostalgica account and multi-accounting or posting at all on 2+2, as I had said before.

All I can say now is that I am innocent and do NOT deserve to have my personal information published.
(Not Roseeker but plenty of Roseeker lies):

Originally Posted by jalexand42
To clarify really quick before I post more thoroughly later (I actually have to get some work done), here's what he is referring to:

After discussion about transfer histories, I asked him to show me his IM log with Gary. I re-iterated that Gary's SN and unrelated information in chat would be completely covered under the $10k I escrowed (which is why I made sure that got done today).

He thought for a long time, and ultimately refused. Since he referred to me saying 'he'll regret it', and I risk coming off as a 'omg scumbag you asked for his IM history!''s the relevant chat from teamviewer, completely unedited other than removing sections about transfer histories/his moneybookers account and our respective teamviewer ID's.

[snip discussion about transfer histories]

jalexand42: i'd like to know if you store instant messenger history and if you will show me your history with gary

roseeker: I do sometimes

jalexand42: it doesn't log everything?

roseeker: I use my mobile phone, I go on messengerfx
roseeker: and I go on intenret cafes a lot
roseeker: I've been on the move so I don't usually have it

jalexand42: also, his messenger SN
jalexand42: certainly falls under information not disclosable

roseeker: uhm I'm not sure I can give
roseeker: yeah

jalexand42: or i forfei the 10k
jalexand42: to be clear.
jalexand42: because i don't ahve that information

roseeker: I am not sure if chat transcript is the best idea...
roseeker: it can't prove anyhting and to be fair we said things in rather private manner
roseeker: I mean I'm trying my best not to be "shady"
roseeker: but there was the swearing and stuff like what to do, we were panicking etc

jalexand42: i don't care if you called me a ***** idiot

roseeker: I don't think it's fair for you to ask for info like that
roseeker: especially when I don't have it
roseeker: all of it
roseeker: most of it, in fact

jalexand42: well
jalexand42: if you're innocent, showing me a chat log helps with motive that you are innocent
jalexand42: because if you are innocent there's nothing implicating in it
jalexand42: other than maybe hating me
jalexand42: and that's not guilt

roseeker: well he said things like forfeiting the bet
roseeker: or redoing it
roseeker: which he said in the thread too...

jalexand42: right

roseeker: + I don't have his permission
roseeker: I mean
roseeker: "permission" is strange but like...

jalexand42: well this is your only opportunity to show that

roseeker: okay let me think about it

jalexand42: after this conversation, it's potentially damanged
jalexand42: damaged

roseeker: yeah I know

jalexand42: which is why i did it this way :P

roseeker: guh

jalexand42: as i stated, i can't use screen shots

roseeker: akaskngas
roseeker: the thing is I haven't said anything but it doesn't mean anything
roseeker: I don't think I'd even used this laptop the past
roseeker: oh right
roseeker: we talked on skype over voice chat
roseeker: and none of this recorded

jalexand42: yeah it obviously doesn't prove anything
jalexand42: but it does show willingness

roseeker: I'm sorry I'd rather not show
roseeker: I haven't spoken to him about it
roseeker: wait

jalexand42: i mean if you're innocent, you have something to gain here

roseeker: yeah I'm sorry, you must think I'm 100% guilty now or something
roseeker: yeah I do

jalexand42: and if you're guilty, you guys might as well come clean lol
jalexand42: right now, independent people would judge you guilty, so it's time to take some risks if you are innocent

roseeker: Well idk if he is innocent

jalexand42: i personally don't really care either way, but i want to see the truth out

roseeker: I really can't I mean
roseeker: I don't think this will help me at ALL
roseeker: aside from me showing you everything you ask
roseeker: I think chat logs are too much
roseeker: well

jalexand42: that's up to you, i'm telling you it would make a big difference

roseeker: yeah I see

jalexand42: but this is the ONLY chance

roseeker: jesus

jalexand42: because as soon as we d/c, you can delete anything
jalexand42: right now, i'm pretty confident if you show me IM/skype/whatever logs
jalexand42: they haven't been doctored

roseeker: Yeah
roseeker: Can I think about it a bit more?

jalexand42: if you are innocent why are you thinking about it?
jalexand42: i put up 10k i won't **** with you

roseeker: ffs
roseeker: I really want to but I can't
roseeker: it's my friend's convos too
roseeker: you're going to say I have no reason not to but I do recall he says lots of random stuff in it and I haven't spoken to him recently
roseeker: but he's still a friend, idk if he is innocent or not, but showing chat logs
roseeker: You say I'm guilty if I don't do this, but I am not sure about that since I am not.
roseeker: Sorry I won't do it

jalexand42: I setup a structure where i can't disclose unrelated information
jalexand42: So therefore, this should be a safe environment to show me priviledged stuff
jalexand42: I'm telling you if +I+ was innocent

roseeker: It's not the disclosure of information, it's that it's not just my decision, it's also my friend's
roseeker: + if he's incriminated I am guessing it's on me.
roseeker: You keep saying why I don't come and talk, why I "stonewalled" myself
roseeker: the thing is I haven't done anything wrong so I don't think I need to give something like chatlogs up
roseeker: the transfers don't prove anything either

jalexand42: nothing individually proves anything
jalexand42: but what do you think is going to happen when i explain there are transfers to StoppedClock?

roseeker: well I can't show you my IP history, and stars has that
roseeker: Well everyone will jump on it and say something about it
roseeker: idk

jalexand42: I'm just telling you, if you ARE innocent

roseeker: Thing is I haven't lied about that

jalexand42: you're missing a huge opportunity
jalexand42: yeah but you didn't disclose it

roseeker: Well I'm innocent, I can take that risk, I really don't think what I did here.
roseeker: Let's stop talking about that
roseeker: I know you think I am guilty
you are just trying to sound like you might think I am innocent so I say something stupid probably

jalexand42: lol you're giving me too much credit

roseeker: Well I am, and I'll show you what I promised.
roseeker: well it's the same argument
roseeker: I don't want much to do with finding out if stoppedclock militiarusha or breeezzz are innocent
roseeker: I just wnat to prove that I have nothing to do with it

[snip discussion about moneybookers account]

jalexand42: not really sure what else there is to ask
jalexand42: kind of sad you didn't want to take up the IM offer

roseeker: Look, idk what you think about me right now, but I am very certain stars will declare me clean, and it's entirely possible that some of

the other people aren't

jalexand42: well here's the deal, right now the EVIDENCE points to something going on
jalexand42: and if you are protecting them you are 100% guilty too

roseeker: I don't know of anything

jalexand42: fair enough

roseeker: I'm going to disconnect before I change my mind

jalexand42: lol

roseeker: ****, I am going to
roseeker: I will regret it won't I?
roseeker: asnasbga

jalexand42: not if you are innocent
jalexand42: i'm 100% not trying to **** you

roseeker: I mean I will regret not showing you

jalexand42: yes you will

roseeker: uh huh
roseeker: Good day, sir.

This is what I don't get dude, you 'think' you will be innocent? wtf.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
This is a huge nitpick, obviously I meant declared innocent. I am/was stressed. I was looking for a word, acquitted, maybe?

We played HU against each other. We had a 4 tabling HU match with each other, I THINK last year. You can see it on PTR. We also playing PLO before the prop bet.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
No, I told him Nostalgica was my real account at first, because I used it to make videos. I was hoping I could still coach at that point. Not anymore.

in b4 LIARRRrrr


I can't use chatlogs anymore, they wouldn't mean anything, and I went back and checked and it turns out I've only got one part where he said something about multi-accounting FB and I was spazzing out because Jalex found it. Whatever, they shouldn't mean anything in the first place.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
So are you going to make a website telling everyone where I live and how they can lynch me or not?

har har I still have a sense of humour...?
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I THINK he is merely unavailable.

Since I decided I will not show them because I didn't have OP's permission (he was not online, and I don't have his phone number), I might as well wait for him to decide whether to post it. I also don't actually have anything at all aside from ONE incident, and lots of convo before. I have been travelling since the 19th, due to term break.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I was more swearing in general, not at you. I think I called you f ing ridiculous or something like that, and for what it's worth, I was the one who called it "internet terrorism". George Bush would have loved it, as would Fox News.

Believe it or not, I feel a lot better now that I've shown you the transactions, even though people are jumping on it as I was afraid. My part is more or less over in this. Decision is in your hands.

semi relevant to bet: I found my RSA key. I can show you the transactions again if you want. It was NOT altered in any way, etc etc etc.

This is picking on details, but I think it's a timezone stamp thing but I definitely sent the money the day before the propbet. I also sent a lot more than the amount she lost, but what does that mean?

Oh, and I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE BET. I don't see how the bet can be won by OP now, without causing a lot of anger. That's not what I am fighting for.

I most certainly have, I am really just worried that I'll get harassed over this controversy for the rest of my life because of some website with my name on it, okay?
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
This isn't exactly correct. If someone who lost money to OP was sent money, then that person was sent money to chip dump? The only link is that I knew OP, right? But I had one transfer on stars and none on FTP (AFAIK) this year or in the past half year+, and that transfer was me to him for 21.5. You just can't draw a link to say he paid me to pay someone to chip dump like that, since that has not happened, and you can't say I bought action from him because I haven't, I haven't sent him money for it or anything. You're just saying that I MAY have done it, but you can speculate a very wide possibility of things.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Okay. I'd like to see your summary soon...

I haven't seen him around. I assume he'd give his details to Jalex.

My Fox reference was more about 4chan/Anonymous who are "hackers on steroids" and a "internet hate machine" that apparently can make your computer explode or something.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Well I already explained that she said she played live before. She lived in more expensive accommodation than I did in an expensive university, so I assume she's not poor, even if she's not a poker reg.

It's clear the chance of her ending up playing OP is unlikely, but it certainly does make sense.

It's not "another amazing coincidence" it's the same coincidence except not as amazing because it's 1 day off, but still a big coincidence. I mean she got money to play, obviously she's going to play immediately, she's not going to wait a couple of days to play.


Chip dumping is definitely against stars rules...
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Did you read my post?

She's just some person who plays poker in home games, I don't think she's understands poker strategy very much. People who aren't poker regs or make money from poker play all the time. She's just a live player, this happens all the time. I've met tonnes of live players who don't know anything about br management.

She played some micros because she wanted to try it a little, I imagine she was busy or didn't try very much, or played in home games when she did, she told me about playing so I know she played some. Maybe because it's end of term she wanted to splash around? How would I know?

Why would I be sending this player money? She gave me cash on the spot, so I did. How hard is that to explain? This isn't nonsense at all. Wow, random tourists randomly sit down and lose hundreds of dollars all the time, much less a rich student, not to mention she's probably played a lot in home games with donks, so she's probably not terrible or anything.


my blog's just me blogging, why on earth are you bringing it in all the time. I rant and say random stuff, I'm bound to occasionally be drunk or something or mispell something or just seem like an idiot, what's your point? What's with your hate for me?
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
She is not my student.

Wow, you seriously? Okay, I'll post an extract from my PM to Jalex.

I don't even care anymore about responding to people like you. My chat history is my own property, I've transferred money for people, but I haven't done anything wrong. I've emailed people to send their stuff in, but they either haven't got it, is ignoring me, or hasn't replied yet. That's not my business anymore.

I'm going to show Jalex my transfers and that's it.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Hey, Chinz, are you the same poster on PokerTrikz? If you are you might have noticed a coaching thread I made (now locked and deleted) where a poster asked me to coach 50-100NL, and I said that I would be happy to coach HU and do a short session/gameplay review for 6max, but also suggested him to find another coach more experienced in 6max, and was ready to recommend some coaches I know who I know are good players and who come highly recommended by other players/posters. I think that at least indicates that I am not just out to grab every student I can regardless of how confident I feel about coaching.

I feel that while I have definitely been wrongfully deceptive (and as such have promised to never do so again, and always gave the option of refund before, though nobody requested one, and also allowed them to pay after lesson not before), I have never employed it to teach people things I am not competent to teach. I've also never shown fake 100NL 6max graphs, merely chose to not bring it up. This is just basic advertisement 101 isn't it? I do not show fake ones when asked.

If you watch my videos I am sure more experienced players will find flaws in my analysis and that I am not the best player/coach ever, but I think it'd be a stretch to say that I'm a bad or even mediocre coach considering stakes/price, and I always try my best to be helpful. Maybe it is selfish of me and I simply like feeling important, as Starazz most likely will comment, but I did so by being helpful.

As for my results and hand histories I'd like to discuss it after this prop bet, but I'd like to say that I did run bad, I also played bad as a result, PTR does portray my results at 100NL inaccurately (I am not actually down that much), I was definitely not a brilliant player but most of the results were a long time ago and I have improved a lot since then. Also, PTR did not track my 25 and 50NL results until recently when I stopped playing, and they are definitely super solid. I will be willing to discuss and prove this in the future, but I'd like to hold it off.

Scamming money is a much bigger deal, and I want to be cleared of that first. If I am a scammer, then all this coaching thing doesn't even really matter.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Ads are deceptive all the time, and it's arguable whether it's right or wrong. Legally it's right, morally they make some people think certain food products are healthy when they are not and some people think that's wrong, while other think it's people's fault for being stupid.

It's okay to be deceptive in a game, in a sport tactics wise, and in poker.

So yeah. I am just admitting that what I have been doing is wrong and I am not saying it isn't, but also please recognize there are different levels and kinds of fault, and certainly cheating students teaching people things I know I can't teach is not one of them.

Yes, I do think some lies are minor. The world is not black and white. Some of you think that small lies means no trustworthiness at all, but I think everyone lies or hides the truth, or does not say what they think all the time. Clearly my credibility should be brought under question, but people are putting it out of context and making it worse than it is and also blaming me for things where I haven't actually done wrong at times in this chaos.

I have emailed stars again and I would like to stay away from the drama for now. I feel that I have exposed myself adequately, and everyone has raised their questions and I have defended myself. Whether you accept my defence is out of my hands.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker

I have just logged in. I woke up a short while earlier. It is almost 6AM and was just notified. I am now speaking to OP over msn. We will be writing a long reply on this shortly. Please give us some time.

Thank you.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker

We are guilty. Will I disappear from the poker world? Yes, of course, but I think it is the least I can do to bring some more closure and clarity by explaining what happened in my point of view before I go and hide under a rock where hopefully Starazz will not come and haunt me.

I would like to first begin by apologizing to all my friends/associates who tried to support me. It was stupid of me to have gotten into this mess, and while they are just people I met on the internet, I feel very bad for misusing them this way. I will obviously not list names as those people will now want nothing to do with me, but I want to let them understand that I’ve appreciated their concern for me, and remind you that even scum are people. I hope they don’t regret trying to be there for me. Despite being in the wrong, I too have been hurt and stressed over this scandal which spun from a tiny bit of greed that got out of control.

People have been saying that I am a compulsive liar and cheater. It is true. I have very ambiguous morality. That said I do have feelings of guilt and depression, and a sense of right and wrong. I never thought about the hurt I may bring others when I got into this, which was a very irresponsible line of thought, as certainly if I were to gain, somebody had to lose.

On some level, I thought the money was worth more in my hands than those people. I care more about myself than others.

While clearly something those thoughts cannot be condoned in our society, I hope that readers will at least acknowledge that this greed and selfishness is found not only in us two, but in all of us, and as such, give us some mercy. BBV does not allow the begging of mercy, the internet does not forget, blah blah blah, but maybe some of you would. While punishment is due for us, I would ask everyone to step back and judge fairly our crimes and deserving punishment.

A good percentage of things I said in this thread are actually not lies, but are laid out in a manner to support those that are. I originally was going to take a $300+ chunk action on MilitiaRusha’s bet, thinking that he had a huge edge. We had no plans to cheat at that point. I later decided to only take a $100 bet on him for the sweat, thinking it was an amount I can afford to lose, and it was +EV anyway. That was when the line was at 2.5-1, I think, which is slightly above EV by my estimation. When the line was moved to 3-1, my friend got very excited, and I was as well. It is my opinion that without any trickery, this was still a highly profitable bet for my friend. But at this point, from somewhere in our conversation, the idea of chip dumping came up.

We discarded it at first, saying that it’d be stupid, why cheat when you can win straight up? Then we realized how much money was on the line. We are not rich poker players. My friend has run very badly; that’s why he decided to do this prop bet. He wanted to use his recent run bad to his advantage, and we thought we need to use the most out of this opportunity, and the rareness of this opportunity and the significance blinded us.

Being excitable, a compulsive liar, and having a strange set of morals (or perhaps being simply immoral), I offered to help without trying to persuade MilitiaRusha to do otherwise, assuming he pays back the buyins. Perhaps because of my attitude, he began to seriously contemplate the offer. I was not doing it for the $100 action. I merely thought it was a safety net for my friend on what was a very profitable bet, and that a buyin or two would not be noticed.

As Jalex extrapolated and has made clear now, I took over the StoppedClock’s account; she is innocent, and merely allowed me to use her account as she was not using it. We played a little bit at 200NL together for fun while discussing if we were seriously going to do it. We had a chance to come to our senses. At one point, he said “no, I’m going to do this straight, it’s not like I am gambling with money I can’t lose”. I said, okay, cool. Good luck, and ended my session. I feel a bit better not having to cheat.

The next day I woke up to find him grinding. It was not doing well. We went for it.

I played 4 tables, joining a few of his and a few random tables just playing myself. He was playing a lot of tables and we didn’t do much in the way of actual chip dumping except for one hand where he had trips and I had two pair and I paid him off, and occasions where we just agreed to have him constantly reraise me and make me fold. I did not lose that much to him, but he was even. Eventually I flatted jacks pre and stacked with top set in a three way pot. Fun times. He was doing better also, so I left.

Next time I checked back on him, it was about half way through. He was up a good amount; It was a lock. Why did we even bother? Nice.

A few hours later things began to fall apart. He managed to throw away something like a 10BI profit, running 5BI below EV. It was 2AM or thereabouts and I really didn’t want to, since everyone was watching, but he was stressed and was panicking. I ended up going to the café in the cold and watched him play. He was shouting at me, get the f on right now, quick, it’s going to be over soon. So I logged on to Breeezzz’s account, and was going to lose him a few 3bets at most just to keep him happy. I reckon it wasn’t even needed; he could’ve easily won without it (he blinded down with a bunch of hands to go. At one point I 3bet T7, and he shouted to me “ALL IN ALL IN I HAVE QUEENS”. I swore at him, what the f ck was he thinking? He swore back at me, I’m gave in. It’s your funeral, whatever.


The chat on the live stream ignited. We’re f cked. I hate you, you’re a f ing ******, but obviously I was the one who went in with A TEN AND A SEVEN, HONEY, but for the next few days I would swear at him constantly for it regardless. He ended up with a profit, and the discussion of cheating began.

Backtracking a little, yet another person I f ed over: Breeezzz. I staked him last year, but he got a job and mostly stopped playing and we stopped the stake. Recently he came to me and asked for a stake again, so I sent him 150 or so to play 2 180s which he did very well at. He is a good guy, unlike me. He did not know that I took his account. I had his password to check progress and do transfers, and I used that to my advantage and shoved T7o into pocket queens.

After the prop bet, I told him (part) of what happened, and he was very annoyed at first, but I’d taught and coached him and we were good friends. Believe it or not, I am good to my friends. He said he’ll just say nothing and let it blow over, and later I told him to make that pm, which he listened. I lied to him too, I said: MilitiaRusha made me do it, and that I didn’t want anything to do with it. No he didn’t, I offered to help.

While Breeezzz has kept quiet for me as I asked him, and even made a lie, I’d like to say that he was deceived/persuaded by me to do so. I’ve already made a complete mockery of myself, and would not like to do the same for a friend. Stars will be able to confirm through IP that it was logged in from a different country, and that it was not he who chip dumped.

The rest was a trainwreck in the thread. There isn’t too much to say, but we firmly believed shortly after the connection with StoppedClock is drawn that there was no way we’d win the money. We didn’t even care at that point, this is all true. MilitiaRusha, however, is going for SNE, and we argued and I was very angry at him, but we finally agreed that what was on the line was his account, SNE, and all the money in his account. I got very annoyed when he decided to offer a redo of the bet, which is an obvious indication of guilt, but you all know that I’ve said way more stupid things. We thought what would end is that stars will declare it inconclusive, and that the judges will probably void the bet or give the money to the bettors, but at least he can always make it all back, no big deal. Thus began our web of lies.

When our personal information was brought up, we became even more concerned. Very early on, we’d stopped caring about winning, but this concerned us a lot. Part of me thought it was just a tactic to scare us into giving something up, or maybe Jalex had meant it all along; perhaps he still means to do it, as we had not confessed before he announced this, I don’t know, but regardless, it worked, because I made a big mistake in the timing of the transfers, not to mention the thousand of things we said that was clearly shady.

For what it’s worth, none of what I said about coaching were lies, but obviously I will not coach anymore, and perhaps I might just quit poker as no doubt my pokerstars account will be closed, which is a very big deal to me. From the start, I never thought of the process as hurting people, just about getting that little edge.

I am sure you have all watched Rounders. What did you feel when Worm decided to cheat when the hero had everything locked, when it was going to be all fine? You wanted to slap him didn’t you? You thought he was an absolute ******. Well, I am slapping myself, and I am an absolute ******.

Our trains of thought were irresponsibly simple. Hey, here’s a good bet, let’s do it. Oh, there’s a chance we might lose though, let’s just give it a little nudge, lower variance, nobody will notice. Oh ffs, it’s going bad, we might as well go with it. But please realize that greedy and selfish as we were, it was not some devious design from the start to cheat everyone, we are not born conmen. We made bad and wrong decisions, and we deserve to be punished, like all people who make bad decisions, but we are not “evil”. We are misguided, irresponsible, young.

We have and will learn from this experience regardless of what is done to us, but please have some pity. Over the past few days I have suffered a massive amount of stress and depression. I will most likely get my funds seized, I will not longer be able to play poker at the one poker site I’ve come to love, where I can play the game I’ve spent a lot of time studying and learning. I’ve lost the trust of people I care about. I’ve hardly slept the past few days, I’ve wanted to kill myself at times. I have been deeply affected by this.

I deserve this.

Yes, I realize. It was my fault, and so I should suffer for it, but please don’t think of us as cold hearted cheats who got caught and want an easy way out. I am not a psychopath—we got caught up in this, we made one stupid decision to cover another. While inevitably we would have hurt people if we succeeded, we never thought of it like this. It was just short-sighted vision of small edges, those angles we see, and we decided to reach out without thinking, and then we just wanted to minimize our losses, get away with some semblance of ambiguity. It is not easy admitting wrong.

Have I thought about coming clean before? Certainly, but I felt like I had a commitment, first to my friend, who has much more at stake than I do, second to the chance that it will just all blow over, the bettors get their money, people forget, and thirdly, perhaps I just like lying and I feel lie-committed. It’s a scary thing, admitting wrong when so many people seem to want us hung, or take a “bullet” in the face for this. We were scared. I didn’t sleep all of this night (it is 7:25 now as I write this), and woke up to see it all already revealed.

Is it too late, Jalex? Will you let us go with our punishment, or will you decide that we deserve more? I don’t know, I hope that you will see the regret in us and give us a chance to learn, let us fade away and live quietly.

Regardless, everyone, please accept our apology.

PS. Barewire did the right thing. Those who chimed in for impartiality when the “mob” tried to lynch us also did the right thing, considering that they did not know the whole truth. Those who felt we were guilty did the right thing. Starazz is still an annoying ******, but that’s rather unrelated. Jalex has been very excellent and thorough.

Railbirds, you’re welcome for all the entertainment we produced.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Don't level us, we're about to lose our minds.

To commemorate my experience of playing on PokerStars, I am going to join a $1.10 45 man turbo right now.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
We do not deserve any less of a punishment, and I do not mean to suggest otherwise.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Thanks for the support. I truly am sorry.

Before you continue I'd like to say that I am not in danger of killing myself, and I am not going to use that as some sort of conscience blackmailing.

I have indeed felt very depressed and at times felt like life is not worth living, but I am not going to kill myself. I've felt better already letting all this out.

In the end, I really genuinely hope that you will give me a chance to learn and become a better person. Thank you for your consideration.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
No, definitely not.

I will admit that I am very worried now because we didn't come clean before it was all revealed. All I can say is that part of me foolishly hoped that people will just get their money back and forget about us, and it all came out too soon we didn't have a chance to really decide to come clean (EVEN THOUGH JALEX GAVE US LOTS OF OPPORTUNITIES... don't take it the wrong way, I meant that we were too stressed out and stuff that we weren't thinking it through, I not saying that we weren't given chances). We've made LOTS of bad decisions, and it makes sense when we should have made the one good one, to come clean by our own volition when we still had the choice, we weren't even thinking about it, until it was too late.

All I can say is please give us a chance, don't harass our friends, family, or our persons. What I said about my family and facebook was true, and I really don't want to hurt them this way.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Only I knew OP. We were speaking over Skype.

StoppedClock was really just a random micro player from Uni who's not part of the 2+2 community or anything. Stars will probably not reveal the IP info, but Breeezzz lives in Canada/States, and I am in the UK and that session was clearly logged in the UK. He gave me access to his account because I staked him and he trusted me.

The money in their accounts, which are all frozen, are mine from the stake and from my transfer, and will probably be confiscated.

They might be punished for letting me use it regardless, but for what it's worth they weren't the ones who did the dumping because only I knew OP and can communicate dumping. They didn't know I logged on their account, and probably weren't even awake when it happened.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
There has been a threat of this made before, and an undisclosed amount of personal information about us is being kept, potentially to be revealed and used to punish us. That is what I am referring to.
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by xXDeuce7Xx
One quick question. Was the Rongrongrongrongrong account then definitely not involved in the scumbaggery?
definitely seems that way, he seems like a fish that was just taking a shot and happened to be in the rong place at the rong time. but seriously his name should be removed from the accusatory posts earlier on. 00doug too, just in case his innocence was at all in question ever.


JGB146 - imo this is actually great publicity for your site. you handled this perfectly and a bunch of people who would never even have heard of "grinderschool" (i know i hadnt), will probably now have a pretty damn positive impression of it and how it conducts its business.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Bulletproof Monk

JGB146 - imo this is actually great publicity for your site. you handled this perfectly and a bunch of people who would never even have heard of "grinderschool" (i know i hadnt), will probably now have a pretty damn positive impression of it and how it conducts its business.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by JGB146
We initially hired him to cover mixed games. From everything that we saw, he was a winning player at the games he was instructing. I don't know if, or to what extent, the information we reviewed when hiring him was doctored. We definitely didn't know that he owned multiple accounts, so we couldn't check the related stats. His sample videos were well done. After joining our team for mixed games, he expressed an interest in also covering HU SNGs. Same story, so that was added to the list of things he would cover.

As hard as it is to believe in light of everything in this thread, the videos he did for us were actually done well, and universally well-received by our members. Also, his posts in our forums were always much more like the well-thought-out, well-written post seen in his apology post (as opposed to the frantic, scattered posts that make up the rest of what is in this thread). Our admins review everything that gets posted to our forums, but nothing made us suspicious prior to the first inconsistencies we saw during this investigation. To me, bringing this to light for us should be another small feather in Jalex's hat.

Jeffrey "JGB146" Blake
Founder & Admin of Grinderschool
Sounds like a minime of Jason Ho lol
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:24 AM
I've been reading and loving this thread for the last two weeks. OP and Ro has had plenty of chances within the past week to come clean, but yet decided to let this drag out to the last possible moment. IP bans for all, there is no logical reason to keep these two around.

**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by bleurain
Wow check out this guy's post on facebook from Jun 9, 2009:

One confession:

1. I lie. I cannot help it, I lie I cheat I steal. I am a cheapskate, I am dishonest about the smallest things. I will never hurt anyone, lie about anything important or personal, or do anything that will mess up a person's life or day, even, but I am extremely petty about the little bit of "EV" that I can get. I get annoyed whenever I see people waste things, when I would save up for the longest time... and not spend the money, and I take it out on them as revenge.

Link to full post:
that link shows someone who is really f'd up. does anyone know if roseeker ended up making coaching vidoes for pokertrickz? i know he mentioned it in one of his other blogs.

Last edited by truejeff; 03-31-2010 at 11:33 AM.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:27 AM
Two things still elude me:

1) Live webcam feed - nobody noticed the OP was cheating on skype (I did not watch the live feed). Would be sick if someone had a recording of the feed and could youtube it.

2) RoSeeker sent a gmail showing his PS transfers but it didn't show anything suspicious. Later when we saw the transfers directly from his account, it clearly showed him sending the money to other accounts in order to chip dump. How did he fake the gmail?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:27 AM
Please tell his family he lies and cheats and gambles and drinks. He deserves it. If he had not been caught they'd be cheering and using bettors' hard earned money to celebrate no doubt without a single drop of remorse and likely repeating the scam in the future. Definitely deserves it after he put the forums through this much and thinks a bunch of phony posts will get his ass out of this one.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:29 AM

is a chinese name (google it). OP is chinese, Roseeker/Nostalgica is chinese - both from Hong Kong (again, google is your friend).

You guys give chinese ppl a bad name. Also, I'm in favour of outing names as NANONUTS put it, just because its an internet crime does it mean that we can let them off easily by letting them be referred to forever as Gary_Neville and Roseeker?

Co'mon guys, whether on the internet or not, they cheated and scammed. If you don't out their names, that would open the door for further scams where ppl will just create aliases knowing that if they're caught, they won't be outed IRL.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:32 AM
If OP and Roseeker are truely sorry, then perhaps they should out themselves in this thread to prove it. Otherwise their words mean nothing (i.e. coming from within their 2p2 usernames). Also, part of truely feeling apologetic, would be to confess their wrongdoings to all their friends and family.

Otherwise this will just be buried and forgotten.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:33 AM
big high five to jalex for being awesome and figuring it all out. The only person I feel bad for is Breeezz (sp?) if he really had nothing at all to do with it.

I definitely don't mind seeing all the money confiscated and you guys deserve every terrible thing that happens to you.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:34 AM
I think their names should be outted -- this was a crime, not some game. They are lucky they are not facing a felony charge.

And as someone who has been wrongfully accused of a serious crime, I am beyond annoyed that these scumbags repeatedly lied to make people think they were innocent victims of circumstance.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:36 AM
I think outing them is the right thing to do for the safety of the community
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by michty6
For your viewing pleasure [...]
Thanks, sir.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:40 AM
Scamming people out of about 10k...and they don't deserve to be outed ? Much more has been done to people for much less.

Pretty much if you don't want your family to know, don't do ******ed crap like this. Playing poker secretly I think is standard enough, especially online poker, and it doesn't deserved to be outed if that's all you're doing. But when you get to 5 digit scams, that's when there's no mercy and you deserve everything the community and your family gives you.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:42 AM
Roseeker has already been outed, by full name, several times in this thread.

Gary is somehow evading this, but with some detective work, im sure he can be next.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by bleurain
Two things still elude me:

1) Live webcam feed - nobody noticed the OP was cheating on skype (I did not watch the live feed). Would be sick if someone had a recording of the feed and could youtube it.

2) RoSeeker sent a gmail showing his PS transfers but it didn't show anything suspicious. Later when we saw the transfers directly from his account, it clearly showed him sending the money to other accounts in order to chip dump. How did he fake the gmail?
I saw his feed. After that QQ vs 10 7 hand, about 1-2 minutes after or before, Gary was on the phone for a brief moment. The feed has NO SOUND so we cannot hear what he says, but I recall he was on phone more than 2 times in the prop bet.I guess this confirms RO's explanation of gary saying "GO ALL IN, I GOT QQ"
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:47 AM
I still don't get how roseeker is taking MORE heat than Gary. Gary is the one who would have made off with all the money. Basically, punish roseeker as much as you want, and then punish gary more.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Laughing Gor

is a chinese name (google it). OP is chinese, Roseeker/Nostalgica is chinese - both from Hong Kong (again, google is your friend).
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:51 AM
How much $ did OP escrow?

Has the money all been returned to the original bettors?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Bulletproof Monk
I can confirm that too
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:52 AM
Sick sick sick! Too bad T7o didnt suck out and so we coulda seen some more sick lines
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
