Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator.
, 08:32 PM
hmmm, maybe not so big a conflict after all:
Te'o and Tuiasosopo definitely know each other. In May 2012, Te'o was retweeting Tuiasosopo, who had mentioned going to Hawaii. Wrote Te'o, "sole"—"bro," in Samoan—"u gotta come down." In June, Te'o wished Tuiasosopo a happy birthday.
, 08:36 PM
Dunno why but that transcript makes things even weirder.... why would anybody want to spend so many hours on hoaxing somebody if they weren't in it for some kind of a goal.... surley just ****ing with him wasn't the number one goal on their list...
, 08:37 PM
ESPN transcript:
JEREMY SCHAAP: So who does this Ronaiah present himself as?
MANTI TE'O: Ronaiah presents himself as Lennay's cousin, and the older brother of this little girl, Pookah.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What communication had you had with him prior to this?
MANTI TE'O: The only communication I had with Ronaiah prior to this was he, in the beginning, when -- remember I told you when Lennay and I would talk and she'd just leave, she would talk about Ronaiah. And how she and him were like Bonnie and Clyde: That was her cousin, her favorite cousin, and since I didn't know where Lennay was, the only one I knew of that probably knew where Lennay was was Ronaiah. So I was asking him, "Do you know where your cousin went?" And he said, "Yeah, she went to Europe. Or, oh, yeah, I just saw her today, I'll tell her to contact you."
JEREMY SCHAAP: So this is over the course of -- I'm losing the time line. Over a couple of years?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, this is in the beginning.
JEREMY SCHAAP: When you were a sophomore?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, when I was a sophomore.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And Ronaiah was always part of this picture?
MANTI TE'O: No, not always.
JEREMY SCHAAP: I mean, he'd come in and out of the picture?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, he'd come in and out. He was very, very, just, I didn't -- I knew Noa more than I knew Ronaiah.
JEREMY SCHAAP: But Ronaiah would get on the phone or you'd text?
MANTI TE'O: No, the only time I'd talk to Ronaiah on the phone was when he was bringing Pookah to the hotel.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What did you know about him?
MANTI TE'O: That he was the partner in crime. And that was his little sister that he was bringing.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And that he was another Tuiasosopo.
JEREMY SCHAAP: When you first met him, what?
MANTI TE'O: When he saw it, he said thank you for bringing Pookah with you. It was nothing more.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What kind of interactions did you have with Pookah?
MANTI TE'O: She ran over, gave me a big hug. She brought me a Build-a-Bear that she named Princess La La after Lennay. But she rarely spoke when I met her. While we were at the table, she rarely spoke. The one who mainly spoke was Ronaiah, so she kind of just sat there and was quiet. Sometimes she'd ask me, like, "Can I take a picture with Skylar Diggins?" So I took her up and took a picture with Skylar Diggins and brought her back. Other than that, she was fairly quiet.
JEREMY SCHAAP: I don't know if you're aware, you probably are. You know, your uncle talked about this meeting, and he said he got a weird feeling. Did you get a weird vibe, for lack of a better word, off of Ronaiah?
MANTI TE'O: I didn't because, honestly, I was so focused on the girl. He was, did the most talking, but I was more focused on how she was doing, so glad that she was there, that I wasn't really paying attention to him and what he was saying.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did he approach you at that time about some kind of fund for leukemia research?
MANTI TE'O: He told me the function that U'i had to stay at was a fundraiser for leukemia. That the proceeds were going to go to leukemia research.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did he ask you for money?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Your uncle said that he knew this guy was full of it because he said he helped run the Troy Polamalu football camp, which your uncle actually runs and he'd never heard of him. Did he ever communicate anything to you about his suspicions?
MANTI TE'O: My uncle? He communicated it to my dad, though.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And your dad didn't tell you?
MANTI TE'O: Oh, Dad did. He said, you know, son -- he didn't say that he was suspicious about the guy, he just said that he just didn't -- just like I don't like him like that. He just said your uncle just didn't get a good vibe from him.
MANTI TE'O: Ronaiah presents himself as Lennay's cousin, and the older brother of this little girl, Pookah.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What communication had you had with him prior to this?
MANTI TE'O: The only communication I had with Ronaiah prior to this was he, in the beginning, when -- remember I told you when Lennay and I would talk and she'd just leave, she would talk about Ronaiah. And how she and him were like Bonnie and Clyde: That was her cousin, her favorite cousin, and since I didn't know where Lennay was, the only one I knew of that probably knew where Lennay was was Ronaiah. So I was asking him, "Do you know where your cousin went?" And he said, "Yeah, she went to Europe. Or, oh, yeah, I just saw her today, I'll tell her to contact you."
JEREMY SCHAAP: So this is over the course of -- I'm losing the time line. Over a couple of years?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, this is in the beginning.
JEREMY SCHAAP: When you were a sophomore?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, when I was a sophomore.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And Ronaiah was always part of this picture?
MANTI TE'O: No, not always.
JEREMY SCHAAP: I mean, he'd come in and out of the picture?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, he'd come in and out. He was very, very, just, I didn't -- I knew Noa more than I knew Ronaiah.
JEREMY SCHAAP: But Ronaiah would get on the phone or you'd text?
MANTI TE'O: No, the only time I'd talk to Ronaiah on the phone was when he was bringing Pookah to the hotel.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What did you know about him?
MANTI TE'O: That he was the partner in crime. And that was his little sister that he was bringing.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And that he was another Tuiasosopo.
JEREMY SCHAAP: When you first met him, what?
MANTI TE'O: When he saw it, he said thank you for bringing Pookah with you. It was nothing more.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What kind of interactions did you have with Pookah?
MANTI TE'O: She ran over, gave me a big hug. She brought me a Build-a-Bear that she named Princess La La after Lennay. But she rarely spoke when I met her. While we were at the table, she rarely spoke. The one who mainly spoke was Ronaiah, so she kind of just sat there and was quiet. Sometimes she'd ask me, like, "Can I take a picture with Skylar Diggins?" So I took her up and took a picture with Skylar Diggins and brought her back. Other than that, she was fairly quiet.
JEREMY SCHAAP: I don't know if you're aware, you probably are. You know, your uncle talked about this meeting, and he said he got a weird feeling. Did you get a weird vibe, for lack of a better word, off of Ronaiah?
MANTI TE'O: I didn't because, honestly, I was so focused on the girl. He was, did the most talking, but I was more focused on how she was doing, so glad that she was there, that I wasn't really paying attention to him and what he was saying.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did he approach you at that time about some kind of fund for leukemia research?
MANTI TE'O: He told me the function that U'i had to stay at was a fundraiser for leukemia. That the proceeds were going to go to leukemia research.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did he ask you for money?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Your uncle said that he knew this guy was full of it because he said he helped run the Troy Polamalu football camp, which your uncle actually runs and he'd never heard of him. Did he ever communicate anything to you about his suspicions?
MANTI TE'O: My uncle? He communicated it to my dad, though.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And your dad didn't tell you?
MANTI TE'O: Oh, Dad did. He said, you know, son -- he didn't say that he was suspicious about the guy, he just said that he just didn't -- just like I don't like him like that. He just said your uncle just didn't get a good vibe from him.
, 08:42 PM
JEREMY SCHAAP: Your uncle said that he knew this guy was full of it because he said he helped run the Troy Polamalu football camp, which your uncle actually runs and he'd never heard of him. Did he ever communicate anything to you about his suspicions?
MANTI TE'O: My uncle? He communicated it to my dad, though.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And your dad didn't tell you?
MANTI TE'O: Oh, Dad did. He said, you know, son -- he didn't say that he was suspicious about the guy, he just said that he just didn't -- just like I don't like him like that. He just said your uncle just didn't get a good vibe from him.
MANTI TE'O: My uncle? He communicated it to my dad, though.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And your dad didn't tell you?
MANTI TE'O: Oh, Dad did. He said, you know, son -- he didn't say that he was suspicious about the guy, he just said that he just didn't -- just like I don't like him like that. He just said your uncle just didn't get a good vibe from him.
, 08:42 PM
oh there's a TON of wats in the whole transcript.
, 08:46 PM
Him coming out now and playing his whole career out of the closet would be pretty awesome for sports and he'd have millions of fans because of it, even if nobody wanted to be naked around him in the locker room (except the closeted players who he could bang any and all of anytime he wanted).
he should just come out already. if he plays it like this he'll have no fans and no dick.
he should just come out already. if he plays it like this he'll have no fans and no dick.
, 08:54 PM
For three years! Incredible amount of energy spent for what? And why did they pick that day for her to die? I am much more interested in hearing hoaxers.
, 08:57 PM
More lulz from ESPN
Hey man is the GOAT back from the grave line.
ND Getting to the bottom of this!
JEREMY SCHAAP: So, you're in Orlando for the ESPN/Home Depot college football awards show?
MANTI TE'O: So now we go to the awards and get a call. It's after the awards show.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So what happens? What happens?
MANTI TE'O: I start seeing this girl Alex.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Alex de Pilar?
MANTI TE'O: Del Pilar. And I start to distance myself from the Kekuas. And they start to notice that. And they find, the way that they find out about Alex and I is I went over to Alex's house for Thanksgiving dinner. She and I took a picture. I was in the room with her family, and she and I took a picture, and I guess they got a hold of it. That's when it turned from them being OK with me distancing myself to, like, no. You need to talk. So they would call me and say you can't be with this girl. She's no good for you. And trying to tell me all these things about her that I knew, myself, wasn't true. When they felt that I wasn't budging, because I was telling them, I just want to get to know her, just let me get to know this girl. U'i called my mom and tried to persuade my mom to persuade me to break up with this girl. She was telling my mom about Alex and what she knew and she was a gold digger, and talked to my mom.
I guess from that conversation, she felt that she didn't get her point across. So Dec. 6 happened. I'm lying in my bed, getting ready to go to sleep, and I get a phone call from the same number that U'i always used. Lennay's phone. Answered the phone and said hello. She said, "Hey, man."
MANTI TE'O: So now we go to the awards and get a call. It's after the awards show.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So what happens? What happens?
MANTI TE'O: I start seeing this girl Alex.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Alex de Pilar?
MANTI TE'O: Del Pilar. And I start to distance myself from the Kekuas. And they start to notice that. And they find, the way that they find out about Alex and I is I went over to Alex's house for Thanksgiving dinner. She and I took a picture. I was in the room with her family, and she and I took a picture, and I guess they got a hold of it. That's when it turned from them being OK with me distancing myself to, like, no. You need to talk. So they would call me and say you can't be with this girl. She's no good for you. And trying to tell me all these things about her that I knew, myself, wasn't true. When they felt that I wasn't budging, because I was telling them, I just want to get to know her, just let me get to know this girl. U'i called my mom and tried to persuade my mom to persuade me to break up with this girl. She was telling my mom about Alex and what she knew and she was a gold digger, and talked to my mom.
I guess from that conversation, she felt that she didn't get her point across. So Dec. 6 happened. I'm lying in my bed, getting ready to go to sleep, and I get a phone call from the same number that U'i always used. Lennay's phone. Answered the phone and said hello. She said, "Hey, man."
Well, she didn't say it was U'i, but she said, "Hey, I've got to tell you something that's very important." And I said, "OK, what is it?" And she said, "Well, I want to wait until after the bowl game." And I said, "It doesn't make any sense that you tell me it's important and then you postpone it to the bowl game."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Five weeks away.
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I said, "You have to tell me now because if you don't tell me now, I'm still going to think about it." So she goes through this whole spiel how my family's involved with drugs and like bad people. And we have to hide and make sure that everybody's -- she's giving me this background about their life.
She just basically said "I think you know." And I said, "What do you mean? I don't know anything." She said, "Well, Manti, it's me." That's all she said. And I played stupid for a little bit. I was like, "Oh, I know it's you, U'i . What do you mean?" And she's like, "No, Manti, it's me." She kept going back and forth. "It's me."
I eventually just gave up and said, "Who is me?" And she said, "It's Lennay." So we carried on that conversation, and I just got mad. I just went on a rampage. How could you do this to me? I ended that conversation by saying, simply, this: "You know what, Lennay, my Lennay died on Sept. 12. I don't know who you are, but Lennay died on Sept. 12th," and that conversation ended.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So what do you think has happened at this point?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know. I'm confused. I'm scared. I'm confused. I don't know what's going on.
JEREMY SCHAAP: You think there was a Lennay who never died?
MANTI TE'O: I'm thinking a lot of things; OK. So this could be a prank. She died, and all these guys are trying to pull a prank on me, or is she still alive? What is going on? What's going on?
JEREMY SCHAAP: It was the same voice, clearly?
MANTI TE'O: Same voice.
TE'O: As Lennay.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And the U'i voice was slightly different or the same voice?
MANTI TE'O: I took it as a different voice, but when she said it was Lennay, I could relate to it, you know?
JEREMY SCHAAP: It changed?
MANTI TE'O: It didn't necessarily change. Just my outlook of it was like "you do sound like Lennay," you know?
JEREMY SCHAAP: So you're confused, you're angry, you must be trying to figure out exactly what happened. Where does that lead you?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I start trying to do my own thing. I tried to figure out what's right, what is the truth, what's going on? And that's where it gets confusing. She then tells me that, you know, the girl that I pictured, the physical girl, the girl that I've seen in pictures, is not her. She sends me pictures of some other girl, and she says, "That's me." Like that's the Lennay, the real Lennay. "The Lennay that you knew in the pictures I sent you before, that's another girl." Then it turns to "my name's not Lennay. My name's Leah" with the same girl. So I told this girl, you know what? I don't believe you. Send me a picture of that new girl. I'm from Laie, Hawaii, and our hometown center is this. I said send me a picture of you doing this. And she sends me one of this new girl. So I'm even more confused now. I'm just like, OK.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Because it had to be done in real time because it's a date stamp?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, so I'm saying OK. So everything that I've known -- first of all, you're supposedly not dead. Second of all, the Lennay that I slept with on the phone is not the Lennay that I pictured in my head. Then she comes out later and says, well, no, no, no. That was my cousin Leah, who tried to stand up for me because she knew these drug people are still looking for me, are still on my case. So that was my cousin. So forget everything about this Leah girl. That's my cousin. I'm still the Lennay you know. So all these stories are coming at me. So I'm confused beyond anything.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So whoever sent you that picture had to be the person you were talking to?
MANTI TE'O: Correct.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Do you know now who that person was?
MANTI TE'O: No, I don't.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So when do you come to the conclusion that this was all a hoax from the beginning?
MANTI TE'O: I don't. I'm still trying to figure it out at that time. I'm trying to do my own thing. Trying to figure out my way. Trying to answer questions, and I come up to the conclusion after she tells me, no, it's the Lennay that I am, and blah, blah, blah. Because I kept telling her, like, well, the Lennay I know is not you. OK? So like I said before, the Lennay I knew is dead. She died on Sept. 12th. Then she came up with this "no, the Lennay you know is the real Lennay, and that's me." I said, "Well, prove it to me." I said, "Skype me, FaceTime me," and she did the same thing. We would FaceTime, and she'd say, "I can see you. How come you can't see me?" I said, "I can't see you. I see a black screen. I see a black screen." So I figured; OK, this FaceTime thing ain't working.
So I told her, "OK, take another picture. And this time I want you to hold a paper up with your initials, MSMK, which is her initials, the date and you throwing up the sign." And she said, "Well, I can do something -- I can maybe do something on Pookah's birthday," which is supposedly Dec. 21st. And on Dec. 21st --
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why couldn't she do something before then?
MANTI TE'O: She said that since the people are after her.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Where's this conversation taking place?
MANTI TE'O: This is like mid-December. And I'm, "OK, so you need to do this." She said, "Well, it will be better if I do it after the bowl game. But I might be able to do something."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why does she care about the bowl game?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know. She kept bringing that up. So on Dec. 21st, we haven't talked, because I told her, "Hey, she died. I'm not believing anything until I see it." On Dec. 21st, she text me. She's like, "You want proof, here's the proof." She sends me the picture.
JEREMY SCHAAP: But it doesn't prove anything?
MANTI TE'O: All it shows is that girl that I knew her to be, with a paper with her initials on it, with the date, and with her throwing it up.
JEREMY SCHAAP: People who question your story say, Jack Swarbrick said [Te'o] knew about this hoax on Dec. 6th, yet he continued to talk about his girlfriend in subsequent interviews on Dec. 8, for instance, at the Heisman Trophy ceremony. But you're saying what? It was just unclear to you what was going on?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I didn't know. I didn't know what was going on. For all I knew, she could have been really dead. I was trying to figure it out myself. I wasn't sure myself what was going on.
JEREMY SCHAAP: I went back and looked at the transcript, Jack Swarbrick never says you knew on Dec. 6 that it was a hoax. He only says that you got the phone call on Dec. 6?
MANTI TE'O: Exactly.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So people have made the leap that they shouldn't have?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah. They think that I found out it was a hoax on Dec. 6.
JEREMY SCHAAP: That's what everybody's writing?
MANTI TE'O: No, I got a call saying that she was alive on Dec. 6th.
Well, she didn't say it was U'i, but she said, "Hey, I've got to tell you something that's very important." And I said, "OK, what is it?" And she said, "Well, I want to wait until after the bowl game." And I said, "It doesn't make any sense that you tell me it's important and then you postpone it to the bowl game."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Five weeks away.
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I said, "You have to tell me now because if you don't tell me now, I'm still going to think about it." So she goes through this whole spiel how my family's involved with drugs and like bad people. And we have to hide and make sure that everybody's -- she's giving me this background about their life.
She just basically said "I think you know." And I said, "What do you mean? I don't know anything." She said, "Well, Manti, it's me." That's all she said. And I played stupid for a little bit. I was like, "Oh, I know it's you, U'i . What do you mean?" And she's like, "No, Manti, it's me." She kept going back and forth. "It's me."
I eventually just gave up and said, "Who is me?" And she said, "It's Lennay." So we carried on that conversation, and I just got mad. I just went on a rampage. How could you do this to me? I ended that conversation by saying, simply, this: "You know what, Lennay, my Lennay died on Sept. 12. I don't know who you are, but Lennay died on Sept. 12th," and that conversation ended.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So what do you think has happened at this point?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know. I'm confused. I'm scared. I'm confused. I don't know what's going on.
JEREMY SCHAAP: You think there was a Lennay who never died?
MANTI TE'O: I'm thinking a lot of things; OK. So this could be a prank. She died, and all these guys are trying to pull a prank on me, or is she still alive? What is going on? What's going on?
JEREMY SCHAAP: It was the same voice, clearly?
MANTI TE'O: Same voice.
TE'O: As Lennay.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And the U'i voice was slightly different or the same voice?
MANTI TE'O: I took it as a different voice, but when she said it was Lennay, I could relate to it, you know?
JEREMY SCHAAP: It changed?
MANTI TE'O: It didn't necessarily change. Just my outlook of it was like "you do sound like Lennay," you know?
JEREMY SCHAAP: So you're confused, you're angry, you must be trying to figure out exactly what happened. Where does that lead you?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I start trying to do my own thing. I tried to figure out what's right, what is the truth, what's going on? And that's where it gets confusing. She then tells me that, you know, the girl that I pictured, the physical girl, the girl that I've seen in pictures, is not her. She sends me pictures of some other girl, and she says, "That's me." Like that's the Lennay, the real Lennay. "The Lennay that you knew in the pictures I sent you before, that's another girl." Then it turns to "my name's not Lennay. My name's Leah" with the same girl. So I told this girl, you know what? I don't believe you. Send me a picture of that new girl. I'm from Laie, Hawaii, and our hometown center is this. I said send me a picture of you doing this. And she sends me one of this new girl. So I'm even more confused now. I'm just like, OK.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Because it had to be done in real time because it's a date stamp?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, so I'm saying OK. So everything that I've known -- first of all, you're supposedly not dead. Second of all, the Lennay that I slept with on the phone is not the Lennay that I pictured in my head. Then she comes out later and says, well, no, no, no. That was my cousin Leah, who tried to stand up for me because she knew these drug people are still looking for me, are still on my case. So that was my cousin. So forget everything about this Leah girl. That's my cousin. I'm still the Lennay you know. So all these stories are coming at me. So I'm confused beyond anything.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So whoever sent you that picture had to be the person you were talking to?
MANTI TE'O: Correct.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Do you know now who that person was?
MANTI TE'O: No, I don't.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So when do you come to the conclusion that this was all a hoax from the beginning?
MANTI TE'O: I don't. I'm still trying to figure it out at that time. I'm trying to do my own thing. Trying to figure out my way. Trying to answer questions, and I come up to the conclusion after she tells me, no, it's the Lennay that I am, and blah, blah, blah. Because I kept telling her, like, well, the Lennay I know is not you. OK? So like I said before, the Lennay I knew is dead. She died on Sept. 12th. Then she came up with this "no, the Lennay you know is the real Lennay, and that's me." I said, "Well, prove it to me." I said, "Skype me, FaceTime me," and she did the same thing. We would FaceTime, and she'd say, "I can see you. How come you can't see me?" I said, "I can't see you. I see a black screen. I see a black screen." So I figured; OK, this FaceTime thing ain't working.
So I told her, "OK, take another picture. And this time I want you to hold a paper up with your initials, MSMK, which is her initials, the date and you throwing up the sign." And she said, "Well, I can do something -- I can maybe do something on Pookah's birthday," which is supposedly Dec. 21st. And on Dec. 21st --
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why couldn't she do something before then?
MANTI TE'O: She said that since the people are after her.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Where's this conversation taking place?
MANTI TE'O: This is like mid-December. And I'm, "OK, so you need to do this." She said, "Well, it will be better if I do it after the bowl game. But I might be able to do something."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why does she care about the bowl game?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know. She kept bringing that up. So on Dec. 21st, we haven't talked, because I told her, "Hey, she died. I'm not believing anything until I see it." On Dec. 21st, she text me. She's like, "You want proof, here's the proof." She sends me the picture.
JEREMY SCHAAP: But it doesn't prove anything?
MANTI TE'O: All it shows is that girl that I knew her to be, with a paper with her initials on it, with the date, and with her throwing it up.
JEREMY SCHAAP: People who question your story say, Jack Swarbrick said [Te'o] knew about this hoax on Dec. 6th, yet he continued to talk about his girlfriend in subsequent interviews on Dec. 8, for instance, at the Heisman Trophy ceremony. But you're saying what? It was just unclear to you what was going on?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I didn't know. I didn't know what was going on. For all I knew, she could have been really dead. I was trying to figure it out myself. I wasn't sure myself what was going on.
JEREMY SCHAAP: I went back and looked at the transcript, Jack Swarbrick never says you knew on Dec. 6 that it was a hoax. He only says that you got the phone call on Dec. 6?
MANTI TE'O: Exactly.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So people have made the leap that they shouldn't have?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah. They think that I found out it was a hoax on Dec. 6.
JEREMY SCHAAP: That's what everybody's writing?
MANTI TE'O: No, I got a call saying that she was alive on Dec. 6th.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Which explains why you continued to talk about her?
MANTI TE'O: Correct.
JEREMY SCHAAP: But certainly your feelings must have been confused?
MANTI TE'O: Yes, very confused.
JEREMY SCHAAP: The fact that you continue to talk about her, why?
MANTI TE'O: Because I didn't know myself. I didn't know what to believe. All I knew for sure in my head was that she died on Sept. 12th.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Were you concerned that if you started changing your story in interviews then this would all come out?
MANTI TE'O: No, because I wasn't -- I wasn't really sure. I was confused. I didn't know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: You thought there might have been a Lennay Kekua that really did die on Dec. 12?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, there were a whole bunch of possibilities going through my head. She could have died. This could be U'i trying to pull a stunt on me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: You thought you might be betraying Lennay by suggesting -- by not talking about her?
MANTI TE'O: Oh, no, not really.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Or by saying no, she didn't really die, because you didn't know that she had really died?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I didn't know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What was it that led you to go to Brian Kelly on Dec. 26?
MANTI TE'O: When I told my parents.
JEREMY SCHAAP: First you tell your parents.
MANTI TE'O: So when I got back from the awards tour, right when I got back, I told Alex what happened.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Your girlfriend?
MANTI TE'O: Then I told Robby, my best friend, what happened. … The night of Dec. 10th, I told Alex and Robby, and they both told me you should tell your parents. So I said, well, I'm going to try to figure this out, what the heck is going on. I said I'm going to try to figure it out myself. So eventually when she sent me that picture Dec. 21st, that confused the heck out of me. That's when I kind of felt for the first time that this girl might be alive. That's when I was like; OK, I've got to take this. I told my mom Dec. 24th, on Christmas Eve, and I told my dad on Christmas Day. He called my two uncles, close family friends, uncle Keith … they drove an hour to my house on Christmas night. That's when they told us, the first thing you should do is notify Coach. That night, I called Coach Diaco first, early in the morning, it was like 5 in the morning South Bend time. And let him know about it. Then I called Coach Kelly. And before I talk to Coach Kelly, and Coach D already relayed the message to Coach Kelly …
JEREMY SCHAAP: So the light goes off Dec. 23rd, but you don't tell your mom [until] Dec. 24th, why?
MANTI TE'O: Because I wanted to make sure that, when I told them, I told them face to face. I didn't tell them over the phone.
JEREMY SCHAAP: When did you go home?
MANTI TE'O: I got home the 23rd, I think.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why didn't you want to tell her on the phone?
MANTI TE'O: Because that's some big news to tell somebody over the phone.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Let me go back for just one second, because I think it's a remarkable scene: Here you are at the Heisman Trophy ceremony in New York. There is a possibility, pretty good one, that you're going to become the first purely defensive player ever to win the Heisman Trophy, the first Notre Dame player to win it since Tim Brown more than a quarter of a century ago. Two days after getting that phone call, where's your head at this point?
MANTI TE'O: To be honest with you, it was on the Heisman ceremony. I was enjoying it with my family.
JEREMY SCHAAP: This wasn't weighing on you like a ton of bricks?
MANTI TE'O: Not really.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Which explains why you continued to talk about her?
MANTI TE'O: Correct.
JEREMY SCHAAP: But certainly your feelings must have been confused?
MANTI TE'O: Yes, very confused.
JEREMY SCHAAP: The fact that you continue to talk about her, why?
MANTI TE'O: Because I didn't know myself. I didn't know what to believe. All I knew for sure in my head was that she died on Sept. 12th.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Were you concerned that if you started changing your story in interviews then this would all come out?
MANTI TE'O: No, because I wasn't -- I wasn't really sure. I was confused. I didn't know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: You thought there might have been a Lennay Kekua that really did die on Dec. 12?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, there were a whole bunch of possibilities going through my head. She could have died. This could be U'i trying to pull a stunt on me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: You thought you might be betraying Lennay by suggesting -- by not talking about her?
MANTI TE'O: Oh, no, not really.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Or by saying no, she didn't really die, because you didn't know that she had really died?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I didn't know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What was it that led you to go to Brian Kelly on Dec. 26?
MANTI TE'O: When I told my parents.
JEREMY SCHAAP: First you tell your parents.
MANTI TE'O: So when I got back from the awards tour, right when I got back, I told Alex what happened.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Your girlfriend?
MANTI TE'O: Then I told Robby, my best friend, what happened. … The night of Dec. 10th, I told Alex and Robby, and they both told me you should tell your parents. So I said, well, I'm going to try to figure this out, what the heck is going on. I said I'm going to try to figure it out myself. So eventually when she sent me that picture Dec. 21st, that confused the heck out of me. That's when I kind of felt for the first time that this girl might be alive. That's when I was like; OK, I've got to take this. I told my mom Dec. 24th, on Christmas Eve, and I told my dad on Christmas Day. He called my two uncles, close family friends, uncle Keith … they drove an hour to my house on Christmas night. That's when they told us, the first thing you should do is notify Coach. That night, I called Coach Diaco first, early in the morning, it was like 5 in the morning South Bend time. And let him know about it. Then I called Coach Kelly. And before I talk to Coach Kelly, and Coach D already relayed the message to Coach Kelly …
JEREMY SCHAAP: So the light goes off Dec. 23rd, but you don't tell your mom [until] Dec. 24th, why?
MANTI TE'O: Because I wanted to make sure that, when I told them, I told them face to face. I didn't tell them over the phone.
JEREMY SCHAAP: When did you go home?
MANTI TE'O: I got home the 23rd, I think.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why didn't you want to tell her on the phone?
MANTI TE'O: Because that's some big news to tell somebody over the phone.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Let me go back for just one second, because I think it's a remarkable scene: Here you are at the Heisman Trophy ceremony in New York. There is a possibility, pretty good one, that you're going to become the first purely defensive player ever to win the Heisman Trophy, the first Notre Dame player to win it since Tim Brown more than a quarter of a century ago. Two days after getting that phone call, where's your head at this point?
MANTI TE'O: To be honest with you, it was on the Heisman ceremony. I was enjoying it with my family.
JEREMY SCHAAP: This wasn't weighing on you like a ton of bricks?
MANTI TE'O: Not really.
JEREMY SCHAAP: It never occurred to you that it could explode into something like this?
MANTI TE'O: Not really. For me, I would think about it, but I was so engaged in what was happening at the time that I didn't, it didn't really -- it wasn't on the top of my mind. It wasn't something that distracted me from all that was going on.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So you go home, and how do you break the news to your parents?
MANTI TE'O: I was so scared to tell my parents, I asked my best friend to come over and be there.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Which best friend is this?
MANTI TE'O: Robby.
MANTI TE'O: So he comes over, and my mom comes in, and my mom's furious.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why did you tell [your] mom first?
MANTI TE'O: … It's just, Mom's easier to talk to than Dad. So, Mom said, "You need to tell Dad." So I gathered up the courage, and I said I had to tell Dad on Christmas Day. And I said, "I've got news to tell you. Lennay might be alive." And that's where we started making moves.
JEREMY SCHAAP: At this point, it's Dec. 24th. You still think Lennay is alive but she's been dishonest with you?
MANTI TE'O: Lennay?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Yes. You don't think Lennay doesn't exist. You think that she's some crazy, manipulative wacko?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I'm thinking she's been hiding this whole time and has been watching me, watching every game and has watched me kind of bear this whole thing. And was pretending to be somebody else.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And it makes the jealousy thing kind of make sense?
MANTI TE'O: Yes. And the whole full-court press.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So you tell Kelly. First you tell your D-coordinator, then you tell Kelly. What was the conversation like [with] Brian Kelly?
MANTI TE'O: Coach Kelly just said she's dead. That's how we're going to go about it. She's dead. When you come in, we'll talk about it. That's all he said.
JEREMY SCHAAP: When do you meet the team?
MANTI TE'O: I meet Coach Kelly, Mr. Swarbrick and Coach Diaco right when I get into South Bend, which was the 27th or 28th.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What do they say?
MANTI TE'O: They're confused, too. But they said if we're going to launch an investigation, we're going to try to find answers to all of our questions. So that's what they did.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And they questioned you?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, they questioned me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who questioned you?
MANTI TE'O: They all did. They just asked simple questions. What did she say? What did she tell you? When did you find out?
JEREMY SCHAAP: When you say "all of them," you mean Swarbrick?
MANTI TE'O: Swarbrick, Kelly and Coach Diaco. The investigator, all she asked was just for a picture and any evidence that I had.
JEREMY SCHAAP: She never interviewed you?
MANTI TE'O: No, she never interviewed me again.
JEREMY SCHAAP: It never occurred to you that it could explode into something like this?
MANTI TE'O: Not really. For me, I would think about it, but I was so engaged in what was happening at the time that I didn't, it didn't really -- it wasn't on the top of my mind. It wasn't something that distracted me from all that was going on.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So you go home, and how do you break the news to your parents?
MANTI TE'O: I was so scared to tell my parents, I asked my best friend to come over and be there.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Which best friend is this?
MANTI TE'O: Robby.
MANTI TE'O: So he comes over, and my mom comes in, and my mom's furious.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why did you tell [your] mom first?
MANTI TE'O: … It's just, Mom's easier to talk to than Dad. So, Mom said, "You need to tell Dad." So I gathered up the courage, and I said I had to tell Dad on Christmas Day. And I said, "I've got news to tell you. Lennay might be alive." And that's where we started making moves.
JEREMY SCHAAP: At this point, it's Dec. 24th. You still think Lennay is alive but she's been dishonest with you?
MANTI TE'O: Lennay?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Yes. You don't think Lennay doesn't exist. You think that she's some crazy, manipulative wacko?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, I'm thinking she's been hiding this whole time and has been watching me, watching every game and has watched me kind of bear this whole thing. And was pretending to be somebody else.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And it makes the jealousy thing kind of make sense?
MANTI TE'O: Yes. And the whole full-court press.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So you tell Kelly. First you tell your D-coordinator, then you tell Kelly. What was the conversation like [with] Brian Kelly?
MANTI TE'O: Coach Kelly just said she's dead. That's how we're going to go about it. She's dead. When you come in, we'll talk about it. That's all he said.
JEREMY SCHAAP: When do you meet the team?
MANTI TE'O: I meet Coach Kelly, Mr. Swarbrick and Coach Diaco right when I get into South Bend, which was the 27th or 28th.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What do they say?
MANTI TE'O: They're confused, too. But they said if we're going to launch an investigation, we're going to try to find answers to all of our questions. So that's what they did.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And they questioned you?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, they questioned me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who questioned you?
MANTI TE'O: They all did. They just asked simple questions. What did she say? What did she tell you? When did you find out?
JEREMY SCHAAP: When you say "all of them," you mean Swarbrick?
MANTI TE'O: Swarbrick, Kelly and Coach Diaco. The investigator, all she asked was just for a picture and any evidence that I had.
JEREMY SCHAAP: She never interviewed you?
MANTI TE'O: No, she never interviewed me again.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Now, when does it hit you that this is like -- that this is something that could hurt you?
MANTI TE'O: It doesn't. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. In a way I think "OK, if this gets out, it's going to be big. It's going to be big." But in my head, I was like, "What do they have against me? They don't have anything against me. Why would they come out? They don't have anything on me."
JEREMY SCHAAP: You mean the perpetrators?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, they don't have anything to use against me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: You haven't done anything?
MANTI TE'O: I haven't done anything, you know. Like what?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did it ever occur to you that somebody else would bring the story out?
MANTI TE'O: No. Because from my point of view what they told me they were trying to hide and be incognito because these guys were looking for them. She always told me after, like, she would say, "I've got a job to do. I have to do a job, a drug job." She would always say, "I'll tell you the truth on 16th. I'll tell you the truth on the 16th. You'll know everything on the 16th."
JEREMY SCHAAP: When is the last time you spoke to any of these people?
MANTI TE'O: On 16th.
MANTI TE'O: January.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Two days ago? After the story came out or before?
MANTI TE'O: Before the story came out.
MANTI TE'O: Uh-huh.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What kind of conversations were you having with these people over the course of the last month?
MANTI TE'O: I was trying to figure out what's going on. They actually went to Miami and were in Miami during the national championship. They went to Miami.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who is "they"?
MANTI TE'O: This group. Lennay, her sister Jean supposedly, this boy named Mateo. And her friend named Kat. They said they stayed at the Hilton Beverly and they were down there for the game. Well, they got in on Saturday. Saturday, they got in on Saturday. And I told her: "OK. If you're in, come see me at the hotel, come to the hotel." I told them, "You need to be here before 11 because the curfew at that time was 11." Well, obviously, they purposely showed up after 11, when I was at curfew. And the reason I know they showed up is because they took pictures of our hotel – the front door, the lobby. I know that whoever -- I would say, "Go up. I just want to see you. Look at you square in the face and just be done with this thing. Just erase everything so I know the truth." They said, "Well, they asked me for ID cards down here, and we can't get up." Her sister texts me and says, "You know what, Manti, we're waiting for Lennay over here. Can you please tell her, I don't know if you're with her, but can you please tell her to hurry up, please. We're waiting, and Mateo is in here and he's drunk, and he said he's going to go look for her." At that point, I was like, "You know, whatever." I hung up the phone.
JEREMY SCHAAP: I don't mean to make light of this in any way, Manti. But you've demonstrated a remarkable degree of patience with these people. Why?
MANTI TE'O: It was all to find out the answer. What the answer was. Because I needed to know. No matter how much patience, I needed to clear my head of what was going on. The only way to clear my head is if I knew what the truth was. Whether she was real, whether she wasn't real. I needed to know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why would they go to Miami?
MANTI TE'O: She said that she wanted to be there. She said, "I was there from the beginning, and I wanted to see you until the very end."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Knowing it was a hoax now, and knowing they never went to see you, why would they go to Miami?
MANTI TE'O: They went to the game.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did you get them tickets?
MANTI TE'O: No. They said that Mateo's family got the tickets.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And there is still no play for money?
MANTI TE'O: Nope. Nope.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And you spoke to them less than 72 hours ago?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who was it that you spoke to Wednesday?
MANTI TE'O: Ronaiah.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Ronaiah. And what did he have to say?
MANTI TE'O: Before that, they sent me a message on Twitter because I cut connections with them.
JEREMY SCHAAP: A direct message?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, a direct message on Twitter: Hey, it's the 16th. You wanted to know the truth. And I've found peace with you knowing the truth. I have two people that I want to come clean with and that's you and your family. I'm not going to say anything to the press. I just want you to know the truth. And God bless, and blah, blah, blah.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who was that person you talked to all those nights on the phone?
MANTI TE'O: Two guys and a girl are responsible for the whole thing.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who are they?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know. I don't know. According to Ronaiah, Ronaiah's one.
JEREMY SCHAAP: One of the two?
MANTI TE'O: One of two guys and a girl.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So it wasn't the same person playing the role of Lennay every night?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What did you say to Ronaiah?
MANTI TE'O: Nothing.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What do you now know about Ronaiah Tuiasosopo that you didn't know two days ago?
MANTI TE'O: After the story hit, multiple people [saying] that he's done it to me contacted me. And said hey, he's done the same thing to me with the same girl, with the same story. And if you need any help, I'm here.
JEREMY SCHAAP: How did they contact you?
MANTI TE'O: One of the guys I know, that I know of. One of the other girls contacted my cousin Shiloah and said I heard about your cousin, and my boyfriend had an experience with Ronaiah, and her boyfriend is Ronaiah's second cousin.
JEREMY SCHAAP: In, in fact, there are all these people that have been similarly due processed, and you use the same identity, why didn't any of them contact you with all of the media about Lennay Kekua that was out there? Her name was in Sports Illustrated, it was in ESPN, it was on CBS news?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Is it possible they never saw it? Or did they just feel like I'm not getting into this?
MANTI TE'O: I have no idea. Some of them said that they didn't hear the story. And when they did hear the story, it was like, oh, my gosh. That's exactly what happened to me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Seriously? I mean, you'd think that somebody would want to reach out if they saw that.
MANTI TE'O: You know, fortunately they're reaching out now.
MANTI TE'O: It doesn't. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. In a way I think "OK, if this gets out, it's going to be big. It's going to be big." But in my head, I was like, "What do they have against me? They don't have anything against me. Why would they come out? They don't have anything on me."
JEREMY SCHAAP: You mean the perpetrators?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, they don't have anything to use against me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: You haven't done anything?
MANTI TE'O: I haven't done anything, you know. Like what?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did it ever occur to you that somebody else would bring the story out?
MANTI TE'O: No. Because from my point of view what they told me they were trying to hide and be incognito because these guys were looking for them. She always told me after, like, she would say, "I've got a job to do. I have to do a job, a drug job." She would always say, "I'll tell you the truth on 16th. I'll tell you the truth on the 16th. You'll know everything on the 16th."
JEREMY SCHAAP: When is the last time you spoke to any of these people?
MANTI TE'O: On 16th.
MANTI TE'O: January.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Two days ago? After the story came out or before?
MANTI TE'O: Before the story came out.
MANTI TE'O: Uh-huh.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What kind of conversations were you having with these people over the course of the last month?
MANTI TE'O: I was trying to figure out what's going on. They actually went to Miami and were in Miami during the national championship. They went to Miami.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who is "they"?
MANTI TE'O: This group. Lennay, her sister Jean supposedly, this boy named Mateo. And her friend named Kat. They said they stayed at the Hilton Beverly and they were down there for the game. Well, they got in on Saturday. Saturday, they got in on Saturday. And I told her: "OK. If you're in, come see me at the hotel, come to the hotel." I told them, "You need to be here before 11 because the curfew at that time was 11." Well, obviously, they purposely showed up after 11, when I was at curfew. And the reason I know they showed up is because they took pictures of our hotel – the front door, the lobby. I know that whoever -- I would say, "Go up. I just want to see you. Look at you square in the face and just be done with this thing. Just erase everything so I know the truth." They said, "Well, they asked me for ID cards down here, and we can't get up." Her sister texts me and says, "You know what, Manti, we're waiting for Lennay over here. Can you please tell her, I don't know if you're with her, but can you please tell her to hurry up, please. We're waiting, and Mateo is in here and he's drunk, and he said he's going to go look for her." At that point, I was like, "You know, whatever." I hung up the phone.
JEREMY SCHAAP: I don't mean to make light of this in any way, Manti. But you've demonstrated a remarkable degree of patience with these people. Why?
MANTI TE'O: It was all to find out the answer. What the answer was. Because I needed to know. No matter how much patience, I needed to clear my head of what was going on. The only way to clear my head is if I knew what the truth was. Whether she was real, whether she wasn't real. I needed to know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Why would they go to Miami?
MANTI TE'O: She said that she wanted to be there. She said, "I was there from the beginning, and I wanted to see you until the very end."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Knowing it was a hoax now, and knowing they never went to see you, why would they go to Miami?
MANTI TE'O: They went to the game.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did you get them tickets?
MANTI TE'O: No. They said that Mateo's family got the tickets.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And there is still no play for money?
MANTI TE'O: Nope. Nope.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And you spoke to them less than 72 hours ago?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who was it that you spoke to Wednesday?
MANTI TE'O: Ronaiah.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Ronaiah. And what did he have to say?
MANTI TE'O: Before that, they sent me a message on Twitter because I cut connections with them.
JEREMY SCHAAP: A direct message?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, a direct message on Twitter: Hey, it's the 16th. You wanted to know the truth. And I've found peace with you knowing the truth. I have two people that I want to come clean with and that's you and your family. I'm not going to say anything to the press. I just want you to know the truth. And God bless, and blah, blah, blah.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who was that person you talked to all those nights on the phone?
MANTI TE'O: Two guys and a girl are responsible for the whole thing.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who are they?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know. I don't know. According to Ronaiah, Ronaiah's one.
JEREMY SCHAAP: One of the two?
MANTI TE'O: One of two guys and a girl.
JEREMY SCHAAP: So it wasn't the same person playing the role of Lennay every night?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What did you say to Ronaiah?
MANTI TE'O: Nothing.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What do you now know about Ronaiah Tuiasosopo that you didn't know two days ago?
MANTI TE'O: After the story hit, multiple people [saying] that he's done it to me contacted me. And said hey, he's done the same thing to me with the same girl, with the same story. And if you need any help, I'm here.
JEREMY SCHAAP: How did they contact you?
MANTI TE'O: One of the guys I know, that I know of. One of the other girls contacted my cousin Shiloah and said I heard about your cousin, and my boyfriend had an experience with Ronaiah, and her boyfriend is Ronaiah's second cousin.
JEREMY SCHAAP: In, in fact, there are all these people that have been similarly due processed, and you use the same identity, why didn't any of them contact you with all of the media about Lennay Kekua that was out there? Her name was in Sports Illustrated, it was in ESPN, it was on CBS news?
MANTI TE'O: I don't know.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Is it possible they never saw it? Or did they just feel like I'm not getting into this?
MANTI TE'O: I have no idea. Some of them said that they didn't hear the story. And when they did hear the story, it was like, oh, my gosh. That's exactly what happened to me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Seriously? I mean, you'd think that somebody would want to reach out if they saw that.
MANTI TE'O: You know, fortunately they're reaching out now.
, 08:57 PM
then why invent this sister to continue the scam after they killed off Lennay?
and why kill off Lennay at all?
that whole part of this thing makes like less than zero sense, the motive on Ronaiah's end
, 08:58 PM
Manti's story would have us believe they were jealous of Manti's new gf and tried to win him back from the grave.
, 08:59 PM
Wow, Troy Polamalu really does go deep
, 09:03 PM
Last edited by GusJohnsonGOAT; 01-19-2013 at 09:04 PM.
Reason: WTF, how is this first time of hearing about Manti's new gf?
, 09:05 PM
Because he couldn't be bothered to mention her in his stories of mourning.
My favorite line is like all "nah, didn't worry about call from the grave, was partying it up in NYC baby! Heisman pose!"
My favorite line is like all "nah, didn't worry about call from the grave, was partying it up in NYC baby! Heisman pose!"
, 09:06 PM
MANTI TE'O: To be honest -- to be honest with you, I thought it was natural. It seemed natural. It seemed like, even though I just met her, she knew a lot about me already. No red flags popped up. Initially when I started to talk to her, obviously, I didn't see her yet, so I asked other people who knew of her and who had history with her, "Is this girl real?" And all of them said, "Yeah, she's real." So that kind of gave me confidence, that, yeah, I'm fine.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who are these people that you reached out to?
MANTI TE'O: I reached out to my cousin and asked him.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Your cousin who?
MANTI TE'O: Shiloah, my first cousin. I asked him do you know this girl Lennay? And he said, "Yeah, I know this girl Lennay." And I said, "Is she real?" And he said, "Oh, yeah, she's real, bro, she's real."
JEREMY SCHAAP: He knew her?
MANTI TE'O: I guess he was in the same situation that I was in. He just didn't talk to her.
JEREMY SCHAAP: He was duped, as well?
MANTI TE'O: I talked to a former Oregon State quarterback who used to talk to her, as well. Who used to talk to her, as well.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who was that.?
MANTI TE'O: Lyle Moevao. I asked him, and I still have the messages from him. "Hey, do you know who this Lennay girl is." He said "Yeah. I know her." He was like: "What's up?" I said, "We're just talking." He said, "I know her. She's real, bro. She's kind of weird. But she's real."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did they indicate they'd ever met her?
MANTI TE'O: I didn't ask that.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Yeah, why would you?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who are these people that you reached out to?
MANTI TE'O: I reached out to my cousin and asked him.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Your cousin who?
MANTI TE'O: Shiloah, my first cousin. I asked him do you know this girl Lennay? And he said, "Yeah, I know this girl Lennay." And I said, "Is she real?" And he said, "Oh, yeah, she's real, bro, she's real."
JEREMY SCHAAP: He knew her?
MANTI TE'O: I guess he was in the same situation that I was in. He just didn't talk to her.
JEREMY SCHAAP: He was duped, as well?
MANTI TE'O: I talked to a former Oregon State quarterback who used to talk to her, as well. Who used to talk to her, as well.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who was that.?
MANTI TE'O: Lyle Moevao. I asked him, and I still have the messages from him. "Hey, do you know who this Lennay girl is." He said "Yeah. I know her." He was like: "What's up?" I said, "We're just talking." He said, "I know her. She's real, bro. She's kind of weird. But she's real."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Did they indicate they'd ever met her?
MANTI TE'O: I didn't ask that.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Yeah, why would you?
, 09:08 PM
Another thing that needs to be cleared up is if there was actually ever a girl that Manti talked to on the phone. There is no evidence of this other than Manti saying it was so, right?
, 09:09 PM
Unsolicited "she's real bro"
, 09:14 PM
"Hey do you know Mary?"
"yeah, I know her, and she's real"
Standard response.
"yeah, I know her, and she's real"
Standard response.
, 09:16 PM
Manti initially suspicious of existence, drops guard after never meeting her
, 09:16 PM
, 09:17 PM
, 09:18 PM
only thing that makes sense is that they scammed him out of money that he "didn't" receive from ND or boosters.
, 09:19 PM
MANTI TE'O: Shiloah, my first cousin. I asked him do you know this girl Lennay? And he said, "Yeah, I know this girl Lennay." And I said, "Is she real?" And he said, "Oh, yeah, she's real, bro, she's real."
JEREMY SCHAAP: He knew her?
MANTI TE'O: I guess he was in the same situation that I was in. He just didn't talk to her.
JEREMY SCHAAP: He was duped, as well?
MANTI TE'O: I talked to a former Oregon State quarterback who used to talk to her, as well. Who used to talk to her, as well.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who was that.?
MANTI TE'O: Lyle Moevao. I asked him, and I still have the messages from him. "Hey, do you know who this Lennay girl is." He said "Yeah. I know her." He was like: "What's up?" I said, "We're just talking." He said, "I know her. She's real, bro. She's kind of weird. But she's real."
JEREMY SCHAAP: He knew her?
MANTI TE'O: I guess he was in the same situation that I was in. He just didn't talk to her.
JEREMY SCHAAP: He was duped, as well?
MANTI TE'O: I talked to a former Oregon State quarterback who used to talk to her, as well. Who used to talk to her, as well.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Who was that.?
MANTI TE'O: Lyle Moevao. I asked him, and I still have the messages from him. "Hey, do you know who this Lennay girl is." He said "Yeah. I know her." He was like: "What's up?" I said, "We're just talking." He said, "I know her. She's real, bro. She's kind of weird. But she's real."
Lennay gets around.
Add in the Arizona fullback meeting her in person.
, 09:21 PM
MANTI TE'O: I didn't ask that.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Yeah, why would you?
JEREMY SCHAAP: Yeah, why would you?
, 09:22 PM
Manti and his team need to pick either ******ed or completely full of **** and run with one. LOL at "hey man" LOLOL
, 09:22 PM
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, a few days later, I asked my dad if I could go sleep over at one of my friend's houses and that while I'm sleeping over, I'm going to go try and meet up with Lennay. I go to my friend's house, which was about 15, 20 minutes from where she was at. It was close, but I didn't have a car, and she did. But she said that her brothers were using it and she couldn't get there. So we ended up not meeting. So when I got home, Dad asked, "Hey, did you get to see her?" And, to avoid all the questions, I just said "Yeah, Dad, I saw her."
JEREMY SCHAAP: Do you think he would have been suspicious?
MANTI TE'O: I wasn't thinking as far as suspicion, I was thinking my dad would say, oh, operation shutdown.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What do you mean?
MANTI TE'O: He would just probably have said … I don't support this relationship, and that's a risk that I wasn't willing to take at that time.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Because you sought his approval?
MANTI TE'O: Uh-huh.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And you wouldn't have continued the relationship if he had said that he didn't like the way she was treating you?
MANTI TE'O: No, I just knew that Dad would say -- probably, yeah. I knew that Dad would probably be suspicious of it. And by him being suspicious of it, I didn't want to risk the chance of me telling Dad that I didn't meet her. His suspicion turned into him saying; OK, I would recommend you, you know, back away.
JEREMY SCHAAP: How often did your parents think that you guys had met?
MANTI TE'O: I think just that once.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Just that once?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, that's the only time they asked me.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Do you think he would have been suspicious?
MANTI TE'O: I wasn't thinking as far as suspicion, I was thinking my dad would say, oh, operation shutdown.
JEREMY SCHAAP: What do you mean?
MANTI TE'O: He would just probably have said … I don't support this relationship, and that's a risk that I wasn't willing to take at that time.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Because you sought his approval?
MANTI TE'O: Uh-huh.
JEREMY SCHAAP: And you wouldn't have continued the relationship if he had said that he didn't like the way she was treating you?
MANTI TE'O: No, I just knew that Dad would say -- probably, yeah. I knew that Dad would probably be suspicious of it. And by him being suspicious of it, I didn't want to risk the chance of me telling Dad that I didn't meet her. His suspicion turned into him saying; OK, I would recommend you, you know, back away.
JEREMY SCHAAP: How often did your parents think that you guys had met?
MANTI TE'O: I think just that once.
JEREMY SCHAAP: Just that once?
MANTI TE'O: Yeah, that's the only time they asked me.
seems legit
also like how he starts the answer with "no, blah blah" then "wait, yes blah blah". a good example of why this had to be off camera, stuff like that probably would have looked awful.
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