Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
No, just many things they have done did damage the USA, which automatically serves Russia. But lets not shoot the messenger here. America being a scumbag towards the rest of the world while hypocritically upholding values they themselves don't give a **** about is on themselves.
I was never a fan of Wikileaks or Assange but giving him the title of messenger in 2017 is wholly off base. He has been completely biased and agenda driven for a while and any good will he might have accrued initially has long gone away. He became an undisciplined partisan hack devoid of due diligence.
Put me in the group who has never been shocked spy agencies spy. This includes the original NSA stuff (which uncovered real issues of overstepping that were big but also got people up in arms about things that are a part of their legal charter). With the CIA stuff we don't even have that. All we learned Id the CIA is supposedly really really good at spying and hacking. Which is a good thing. The question is what did they do that was wrong. Being able to crack encryptions and hack computer devices and tvs to spy on people are not wrongdoing in and of themselves. The CIA is supposed to be an agency that is charged with protecting us from and keeping an eye on foreign countries and actors. I hope every single device the Russians in government use in the Kremlin have been hacked. Same goes for Iran and others.