Originally Posted by Clovis8
This debate is so incredibly self-defeating and a good example of why dems lose so much.
Is there 100% rock solid irrefutable proof of Russia's role in the election. Of course not, there hasn't even been a damn investigation yet! There is however mountains of circumstantial evidence and other smoke including every single intelligence agency saying it it so.
Yet here we are debating whether dems should push this or back off for lack of solid evidence.
The right pushes every single consipiracy as far as possible even when there is not one shred of evidence.
While the right wholly ignores their own principals, the left is so obsessed with maintaining theirs that they would rather lose than play the game.
The issue here, and what DVaut pointed out was fair, is that Dems are basically kicking and fussing about a lot of smoke, but they can't find the gun in the middle of it to tie it all together - and they aren't making leaps in conjecture to do so. The problem is, until there's a Select committee or we get more public info from the Intel Committees, we're not going to get that. The Republicans blocking this from being better-investigated is a travesty, and that's what the kicking and fussing should be about. Simply put: There's a ton of smoke here, the Russian ties if true would be unacceptable, and our friends across the aisle had ~36 Benghazi hearings, but they can't have two or three on this? UNACCEPTABLE!
But, they should tie more in... All of the airtime they're getting on this should start and end with, "Look, [anchor name], I want to be clear here. The most important thing is making sure there's a level playing field in America for the average folks - the hard workers out there who are struggling to get by. President Trump ran a campaign that claimed he'd help them, but he's just another rich, connected guy who's looking out for his own. Whether he and the Republicans are in bed with the healthcare industry, cutting taxes for the super-rich, or possibly in cahoots with Russians who are plundering the working people of their own country, we need to get to the bottom of it before that happens here. That's why finding the truth is so important."
Tie it all into a story even if you don't have the full Russian scandal tied up with a bow. The story is: Hey poor/working class, Trump is not your friend. He's trying to cut taxes for his super rich buddies who fly around on private jets to places like Mar-a-Lago, but he's not cutting your taxes. He's trying to jack up the cost of healthcare for the poor to give it cheaper to the rich, while millions of poor Americans will lose health insurance. Plus, it sure looks like he's in tight with all of Putin's cronies who are stealing money from their people...
Originally Posted by DVaut1
And the left who stayed home probably aren't going to be moved by this either. America First and patriotism has never been animating for the left. Our bread and butter voters are the downtrodden and workers and racial minorities and women, people historically left victimized by the America First attitude, people often left at the back of the line to share in America's vast wealth and political and civil liberties. The left always stood for something different and alternative to that attitude, largely because it was correctly seen as just a way to reflexively plead with leaving the status quo in place.
I disagree with the patriotism part a little bit. I think it's fair to consider the message Obama orated so well a patriotic one. A love of a country and
its ideals, which is where it becomes a message that moves the left. Think about his red state/blue state lines in the 2004 keynote, but shift it more toward today... Something like:
Our opponents tell us that we've got to put America first; they tell us that means shutting out the Muslims and throwing out the Mexicans. They tell us that means building a wall, jacking up tariffs, and doling out tax breaks and deregulation for huge corporations. They tell us that everything will be great when we take healthcare away from millions of Americans, because people need choices and the rich need tax breaks. Let me tell you what we believe in. It may surprise you to hear that Republican President Ronald Reagan's Shining City on a Hill is one of the best examples of what we believe. President Reagan said,
"I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city, built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds, living in harmony and peace. A city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity, and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here."
We believe in strengthening that shining city and ALL it's ideals, but our opponents want to tear some of them down. They're fired up about that wall, but they're not so excited about the doors.
We believe this great country is at its best when everyone has a fair shot to move up the ladder. We believe America is a beautiful place with wonderful people from all over the world. We believe it IS that shining city upon a hill, where those who love freedom dream of living. So we believe in welcoming our Muslim friends into our schools and businesses, because hard-working people of ALL walks of life, religions, and skin colors can be part of our economic growth. We believe in tearing down walls in society, and speeding up the immigration process so that all of the good, hard-working people who want to come here can do so. We believe in a path to citizenship for those who came here simply looking for a better life. We believe everyone deserves to have healthcare, because being taken care of when you're sick should be a human right, not a privilege. That's what America is all about
: people who came here looking for the freedom to work hard for a better life, to pursue happiness without persecution... To keep on pushing for a better life, and to do so on a level playing field. That's the country we love so much! America is more than its land or its resources. America is an idea that we've been pushing toward as a people for nearly 250 years, and we're closer than ever before... But we must keep moving forward!