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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-30-2017 , 11:28 AM
They've been transparently Russian propaganda for a while now.
07-30-2017 , 11:31 AM
It means Russia is concerned with what Muller is digging around in, so they are trying to discredit him or create enough uncertainty around his credibility so that whatever information he does release from his investigation will have minimal impact.
07-30-2017 , 11:36 AM
With respect to the HEU delivery to Russia, do we have any info on the context of that event?
07-30-2017 , 11:56 AM
Wiki released that on May 18 it looks like.
07-30-2017 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
With respect to the HEU delivery to Russia, do we have any info on the context of that event?
It was literally just evidence being transferred, and because it was evidence of like, uranium theft, they had Mueller do it.
Background: Over two years ago Russia requested a
ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in
early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting
operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian
accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody
and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to
the Russian request, the Georgian Government authorized the
United States to share a sample of the material with the
Russians for forensic analysis. Director Mueller previously
planned to deliver the sample in April (Ref A), but due to a
scheduling conflict the trip was canceled. Embassy Moscow
LegAtt informed the FSB prior to Mueller's intended April
delivery and received confirmation that the FSB would take
custody of the sample after the Director's plane landed. EST
Moscow also informed Rosatom of the planned transfer and that
the U.S. placed a high priority on completing this transfer
(Ref B). Once the LegAtt told FSB counterparts the April
trip had
been canceled, Ambassador Beyrle informed Igor Neverov (Ref
C), who said that he understood but was disappointed the trip
was postponed. The September 21 visit provides again an
opportunity to deliver the requested ten-gram sample from the
seized HEU in order to obtain cooperation from the GOR on
this nuclear smuggling case and to eventually establish a
more productive mechanism of U.S.-Russian cooperation on
nuclear forensics.
It(and the unrelated Hillary uranium selling thing) are just ****ing nonsense, by the way.

Oh no, guys, I'm worried that with that access to fissile material Russia may be able to develop the bomb as soon as 70 years ago.
07-30-2017 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by prana
Wiki released that on May 18 it looks like.
07-30-2017 , 12:14 PM
The other thing that is incredibly troubling is the right wing fixation on there being Democrats on Mueller's team. The end result of that line of thought is going to be "the only people that can fairly investigate Trump are Trump loyalists", it's another serious attack on the concept of objective reality.
07-30-2017 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
It was literally just evidence being transferred, and because it was evidence of like, uranium theft, they had Mueller do it.

It(and the unrelated Hillary uranium selling thing) are just ****ing nonsense, by the way.

Oh no, guys, I'm worried that with that access to fissile material Russia may be able to develop the bomb as soon as 70 years ago.
Thanks, I figured it was something incredibly stupid like this.
07-30-2017 , 12:21 PM
Little Boy contained 64 kg of enriched uranium. Some brief research says the minimum to make a bomb would be 50 kg, but this research is really cursory. Regardless it seems that 10 grams is a trivially small amount, and that making a big deal out of the US sharing it with the Russians in the context of a criminal investigation is just absolutely absurd. Of course they know that, but their all their minions really need or want to know is MUELLER URANIUM RUSSIA.
07-30-2017 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
The other thing that is incredibly troubling is the right wing fixation on there being Democrats on Mueller's team. The end result of that line of thought is going to be "the only people that can fairly investigate Trump are Trump loyalists", it's another serious attack on the concept of objective reality.
I mean, aren't we already at that end result? It's the same thing the right wing has been working toward for decades in their attempts to discredit any non-right wing propaganda outlet as lying and untrustworthy (I just saw a bumper sticker that simply said "I don't believe the liberal media."). It's no surprise that they apply the same thinking to political ties generally.
07-30-2017 , 12:33 PM
This morning 2 must read scathing rebukes of the administration. Dowd ny times op ed and goodwin ny post op ed just burying trump. Nice to read from a right wing rag.
07-30-2017 , 12:45 PM
Those conversations bookend the worst week of the "Trump presidency, which ended with another shake-up. By removing Reince Priebus as chief of staff and replacing him with Gen. John Kelly from Homeland Security, Trump aims to bring a semblance of military order and discipline to the White House."

The sense that Trump is being curbed and isolated was bolstered when bipartisan, veto-proof majorities in both houses agreed on legislation that requires congressional approval to lift the latest round of sanctions imposed on Russia. Until now, the president could unilaterally remove them.

Trump’s predicament recalls a scene in Ernest Hemingway’s novel, “The Sun Also Rises.”

“How did you go bankrupt,” one character asks another, who responds: “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
07-30-2017 , 01:11 PM
GOP gets away with everything because at the end of the day their base is a frothy mass of rage and stupidity. Contrast the bitching about Mueller (Republican, great reputation) with the complete D acceptance of the legitimacy of the Ken Starr (Partisan hack, *******) investigation.
07-30-2017 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Admittedly, it does sound sort of like Comet Pizza conspiritarding, but there's credible evidence from several outlets that the Russian gov't really does pay people to troll online forums. 2p2 is one of the larger forums, so it's not too crazy to think that some of them make their way here.

idk if you were here during the Ukraine crisis, but there were a few posters who were just super sketchy. Brand new posters make a beeline to politics to post in broken English about how Russian was defending itself against Ukrainian terrorists.

On one hand it does seem like a waste of money, on the other hand, it's chump change for the FSB and somehow Donald Trump is president so I guess they know what they're doing.
It's definitely not conspiritarding. About a month or two ago, somebody came in with zero posts and very convincing bad English and immediately started a thread getting into minute detail complaining about US / Russia relations. This person was banned and his posts deleted within minutes. I recall similar instances in the past as well.

I guess it could be a US troll joking about the Russia stuff, but it didn't seem funny, and again the grammatical errors and awkward syntax were very convincing, not forced-looking at all.
07-30-2017 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
The other thing that is incredibly troubling is the right wing fixation on there being Democrats on Mueller's team. The end result of that line of thought is going to be "the only people that can fairly investigate Trump are Trump loyalists", it's another serious attack on the concept of objective reality.
I'm trying to imagine an accused crack dealer trying to disqualify the prosecutor based on him having voted for Reagan. I wonder how well it would go over.

That in essence is the Trumpist theory of criminal justice, at least as applied to Trump. The prosecutors must be on the side of the accused. In their hearts, they must be hoping for an exoneration.

Sean Hannity said something like "Mueller's got conflicts left and right. Before he had his current job, he interviewed to be the FBI Director. That's right. He probably knew he was being considered for the Special Prosecutor, and he still agreed to interview for the FBI job. It's beyond ridiculous." Beyond ridiculous.

It's too hard for me to do on mobile, but just imagine that I posted the rainbow for "beyond ridiculous."
07-30-2017 , 01:45 PM
Somebody please run a background check on Misti Stevenson. Is she okay? We need to get to the bottom of this.


MODS: If you don't want me to post here, PM me and I'll never post in Politics again. You won't have to ask me twice! I understand if my political views re: my Obamacare (lol) consumer experience aren't right and, therefore, immensely triggering to those who aren't forced to use the disaster that is Obamacare.


# Part Deux: The Unraveling of the DNC #

Folks, what did I say yesterday? The jig is up.

According to the utterly NeverTrump National Review (BOO!), this goes a whole lot deeper than our beloved Debbie Wasserman. I hope she makes it out okay. I present to you this piece of news:

Trump is holding a royal flush, folks. Today is 2017-07-30. Please make fun of me. Please. This story is about to explode (like Obamacare).

My prediction: the Russia ruse will disappear over the coming weeks. If it makes a reappearance, Trump will show his hand and win the pot!

07-30-2017 , 01:50 PM
I'll save you innovative conversationalists the trouble:

Кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, запустите фоновый чек на Мисти Стивенсон. Она в порядке? Нам нужно разобраться в этом.


MODS: Если вы не хотите, чтобы я публиковал здесь, PM, и я больше никогда не буду публиковать в политике. Вам не придется спрашивать меня дважды! Я понимаю, что если мои политические взгляды повторяются: мой потребительский опыт Obamacare (lol) не прав и, следовательно, очень запущен для тех, кто не вынужден использовать бедствие Obamacare.


# Part Deux: Разрушение DNC #

Люди, что я сказал вчера? Подставка поднята.

Согласно абсолютно NeverTrump National Review (BOO!), Это идет намного глубже, чем наша любимая Дебби Вассерман. Надеюсь, она все исправит. Представляю вам эту новость:

Трамп держит королевский флеш, ребята. Сегодня 2017-07-30. Пожалуйста, высмеивай меня. Пожалуйста. Эта история вот-вот взорвется (например, Obamacare).

Мое предсказание: рушина России исчезнет в ближайшие недели. Если он снова появится, Трамп покажет ему руку и выиграет банк!

07-30-2017 , 01:53 PM
Perhaps the reason your healthcare insurance experience was so bad was because you don't understand it?
07-30-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by PuppyFridayYall2
Я избавлю вас от новаторских собеседников:

Кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, запустите фоновый чек на Мисти Стивенсон. Она в порядке? Нам нужно разобраться в этом.


MODS: Если вы не хотите, чтобы я публиковал здесь, PM, и я больше никогда не буду публиковать в политике. Вам не придется спрашивать меня дважды! Я понимаю, что если мои политические взгляды повторяются: мой потребительский опыт Obamacare (lol) не прав и, следовательно, очень запущен для тех, кто не вынужден использовать бедствие Obamacare.


# Part Deux: Разрушение DNC #

Люди, что я сказал вчера? Подставка поднята.

Согласно абсолютно NeverTrump National Review (BOO!), Это идет намного глубже, чем наша любимая Дебби Вассерман. Надеюсь, она все исправит. Представляю вам эту новость:

Трамп держит королевский флеш, ребята. Сегодня 2017-07-30. Пожалуйста, высмеивай меня. Пожалуйста. Эта история вот-вот взорвется (например, Obamacare).

Мое предсказание: рушина России исчезнет в ближайшие недели. Если он снова появится, Трамп покажет ему руку и выиграет банк!

Лол Тов.
07-30-2017 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Perhaps the reason your healthcare insurance experience was so bad was because you don't understand it?
Bingo! The ACA is "great" if you "understand" it.

07-30-2017 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by PuppyFridayYall2
Somebody please run a background check on Misti Stevenson. Is she okay? We need to get to the bottom of this.


MODS: If you don't want me to post here, PM me and I'll never post in Politics again. You won't have to ask me twice! I understand if my political views re: my Obamacare (lol) consumer experience aren't right and, therefore, immensely triggering to those who aren't forced to use the disaster that is Obamacare.


# Part Deux: The Unraveling of the DNC #

Folks, what did I say yesterday? The jig is up.

According to the utterly NeverTrump National Review (BOO!), this goes a whole lot deeper than our beloved Debbie Wasserman. I hope she makes it out okay. I present to you this piece of news:

Trump is holding a royal flush, folks. Today is 2017-07-30. Please make fun of me. Please. This story is about to explode (like Obamacare).

My prediction: the Russia ruse will disappear over the coming weeks. If it makes a reappearance, Trump will show his hand and win the pot!

WTF does DWS have to do with The Presidency of Donald J. Trump?
07-30-2017 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
WTF does DWS have to do with The Presidency of Donald J. Trump?
trolling liberals
07-30-2017 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
WTF does DWS have to do with The Presidency of Donald J. Trump?
Mark my words. The date is 2017-07-30. This "DWS" story will bring the Trump Russia ruse to a screeching halt. MUH KREMLIN. The Dem/GOP snakes and shills in DC are on high-alert.

It's Trump offense time, gents. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Trump doesn't need Congress RINOs to get to the bottom of this. He has his "17" intelligence orgs.

07-30-2017 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by PuppyFridayYall2
the Russia ruse
Should've left these words in English. With all the effort the Trump team is putting into making Russia look real, they could've had a much smaller ACTUAL conspiracy a long time ago.

Nono folks, make no mistake. This ruse is HUGE.

Last edited by Our House; 07-30-2017 at 02:18 PM.
07-30-2017 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by PuppyFridayYall2
Bingo! The ACA is "great" if you "understand" it.

I don't know about that, but based on your posting you literally don't understand insurance. You don't know the difference between deductibles and premiums, for instance. Given that, and your expressed dissatisfaction with the ACA, it's almost certain, assuming for a second that you aren't a troll, that your unhappiness with the ACA relative to the previous system is because you don't know what the hell youre talking about.
