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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

04-04-2017 , 09:22 PM
Are you serious? I bolded the part that I changed, it's not supposed to be subtle, clearly you haven't spent a lot of time on 2+2 before.
04-04-2017 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wait, people actually think BS has integrity? He would bomb those Syrian children himself if he could.
Citation or ban.
04-04-2017 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
It is truley dumbfounding how awful every single one of this administration can be. They are, to a person, the worst of all time at whatever position they hold. There is honestly not a single one, not one, competent person.

It's actually kind of impressive they could staff with only incompetent people. You would think by chance one non-moron would have slipped through the cracks. But nope. Not one.
Mattis? McMaster? Haley? McMahon? Zinke? Chao? Ross? Shulkin? Kelly?
04-04-2017 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
When asked why strong criticisms of Trump from liberals was "intellectually bankrupt", this is the response I got from a principled, passionate ACist I know IRL.

FWIW, I don't think it's unfair.

"The dishonesty is in the selective hysteria. How many of the people who went out into the streets to protest Trumps temporary Muslim ban had been silent for 8 years while Obama bombed those very same people who were jammed up at the airport? Why did they all of a sudden start giving a **** about them once it was the dude they hate giving them greif rather than the really cool guy who says all the nice things?

I have seen well educated highly intelligent people declare that Trump is the end of the Constitutional Republic, but they were all silent when Obama assumed the power to assassinate American citizens without any due process.

People are wringing their hands over Trumps reckless escalations in the middle east, but none of them seemed to care when Obama was helping the Saudis starve and bomb Yemen into submission.

People are afraid (laughably) that Trump is in cahoots with the Russians( who are not our enemies anyway), meanwhile no one seems to care that Obama, and Bush before him, had been supplying weapons to Syrian rebels allied with al Qaeda and ISIS, who really are our enemies.

The outrage is so selective it just comes off as infantile tantrums from sore losers, which is tragic because there is so much room for real effective criticism of this cheeseypoof."
1. People did care. Obama's approval rating was at 40 for long stretches of his presidency.

2. It's a matter of massive degree and nuance. On the one hand it may be hard for your friend to understand that since he's an ACist, but on the other hand if he actually values "freedom" it should be easy.
04-04-2017 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I actually think he's a principled ACist and not some purely racist tag along.
That's entirely possible but the tell is focusing on Obama in regards to Middle East adventurism and interventionism. Every president is saddled with baggage but Obama had an unprecedented level.
04-04-2017 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
I'm a giant troll and especially like to come out at times when people are being oppressed, suffering, or killed.
04-04-2017 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Are you serious? I bolded the part that I changed, it's not supposed to be subtle, clearly you haven't spent a lot of time on 2+2 before.
Just bolding it doesn't mean diddly squat. Most people say FYP when they alter a quote.
04-04-2017 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
And Trump is still not doing anything as we speak. And he's not going to do anything. Because he isn't capable of doing anything. About anything. Ever.

In other news, it was funny about Page getting accidentally recruited by Russian intelligence and Kushner holding that meeting with the ex-FSB Putin-appointed chairman of that dodgy Russian government-front bank and not telling anyone, wasn't it? Oh, and the Seychelles thing, obviously.
Stick with me for a sec cuz I'm gonna put my tin foil hat on. Lets see if we can connnect the dots.


Originally Posted by jmakin
Doesn't matter. He's getting the Limbaugh treatment - and he disappeared pretty damn quickly after his sponsors bailed.

Originally Posted by Max Cut
I saw this mentioned earlier, so sorry if this is a re-post. (In the age of computer it's impossible to tell.)
The moment he said jail Wolf got a Castro induced boner.
04-04-2017 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Just bolding it doesn't mean diddly squat. Most people say FYP when they alter a quote.
You see pictures of gassed children, and your response is to spend your evening being a pathetic troll on the topic. Shameless and disgusting. The truly ****ed up part is that you are just following the R party line.
04-04-2017 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Just bolding it doesn't mean diddly squat. Most people say FYP when they alter a quote.
Okay, I'll consider in the future that you have special needs when it comes to remembering the content of your original post and that bolding something I changed might not be clear to you.

Back to the matter at hand, at what point does Trump bear any responsibility iyo for responding to this attack in a way that discourages Assad from doing it again? How do you feel about Spicer's quote today and the Trump admin's public response to this basically being like "well we can't really do anything"?
04-04-2017 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by 425kid
Not sure if that's a declaration of war or Tillerson just really hates this job.
he says his wife is psyched about it tho
04-04-2017 , 09:40 PM
04-04-2017 , 09:41 PM
04-04-2017 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
Mattis? McMaster? Haley? McMahon? Zinke? Chao? Ross? Shulkin? Kelly?
Haley sucks and repeats Trump lies on the international stage. Elaine Chao married a turtle, so I question her judgment in all matters. Mattis, McMaster, and Kelly seem fine. The others I know nothing about.
04-04-2017 , 09:45 PM
Dude your on 10. Take the twitter posts down to 6.

Thank you,

-Everyone on the forum.
04-04-2017 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Citation or ban.
ok that's hilarious
04-04-2017 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
You see pictures of gassed children, and your response is to spend your evening being a pathetic troll on the topic. Shameless and disgusting. The truly ****ed up part is that you are just following the R party line.
Why? Because I said Obama should have done something about Assad, when he crossed the red-line, and thus prevented more children getting gassed.

Quite amusing how you guys always resort to the troll label when you are losing an argument.
04-04-2017 , 09:49 PM
LOL no consistency whatsoever.

Your position was that Obama should have done something because that's what he said he would do. We specifically talked about this. You said you wouldn't criticize Trump for doing nothing because he didn't say he would do something.

But now your issue with Obama doing nothing is that he's allowing children to be gassed. So I guess you're pretty mad at Trump too? Because his inaction is allowing children to be gassed?

Like you have no position at all. It's just slightly dressed up caveman grunting. Obama BAD! Trump GOOD! Reasons can come later.
04-04-2017 , 09:49 PM
Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

Who is the guy that Trump agrees with a lot?

He launched the coup in Egypt in 2013.

He carried out the Rabaa Massacre where he killed 817 Egyptian protestors.

Originally Posted by Trump
It's great to be with the President of Egypt. And I will tell you, President al-Sisi has been somebody that's been very close to me from the first time I met him. I met during the campaign, and at that point there were two of us, and we both met. And hopefully you like me a lot more. But it was very long. It was supposed to be just a quick brief meeting, and we were with each other for a long period of time. We agreed on so many things.
04-04-2017 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Citation or ban.
lol dude read every post you've made on this forum. You get boners dreaming about goose stepping.

Your posts on Syria are laughable. Your posts on every topic are disgusting and you either root for or condone people getting actively hurt. Illegals, Syrians, other refugees. You're on the record on wishing bad things on basically every minority. You aren't a troll, you're just a truly vile person.
04-04-2017 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
WSJ reporting that they're thinking about extreme vetting everybody from every country coming here--ie search through phones, get passwords to fb/twitter and the like to search through your posts and ask their views on trump from every country upon entry. If you say no, you don't go.

gg tourism industry. gg whatever was left of liberty
I uninstalled my browser from my phone and reset an old ipad to bring with me when I flew in last week. A big X appeared across whatever that piece of paper that gets printed before immigration but not on my wife or son's. At that point I figured there was at least a 10% chance I was going to get a hard time.Thankfully I didn't.
As mentioned before there was not a single "brown person" on my flight.
I'm English,a Labour Party member and even got married in Vegas but doubt I'll be coming back here again til I see how things turn out.
04-04-2017 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Why? Because I said Obama should have done something about Assad, when he crossed the red-line, and thus prevented more children getting gassed.
Uh, Obama did do something and fewer children got gassed after that.

Then an impotent moron took over the presidency and look what happened.

Jesus you're bad at this. Still waiting to hear how you think Trump should respond to make sure Assad doesn't do this again, btw - or are you cool with him rolling over and be like "kill all the children you want, we can't do anything because Obama won't let us"?
04-04-2017 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Haley sucks and repeats Trump lies on the international stage. Elaine Chao married a turtle, so I question her judgment in all matters. Mattis, McMaster, and Kelly seem fine. The others I know nothing about.
While I was hopeful for the three you mention, Kelly has went on record saying he is considering separating children from their parents as a deterrent to illegal immigration, so I can safely cross him off the list. Mattis has the disastrous Yemen raid under his belt already, and apparently doesn't even have the power to appoint his own people to Pentagon positions, so I guess I'll cross him off, even though he's probably the closest thing to same in this adminstration. McMaster appears to have no influence, and like everyone else in the cabinet has no control over appointing his underlings, so while he's probably not terrible he's really just a figure head there to give some the adminstration some fake credibility.
04-04-2017 , 09:56 PM
BS has more posts defending Gorka on being a nazi then he does condemning war crimes. He doesn't bother to condemn war crimes, to be fair.
04-04-2017 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
LOL no consistency whatsoever.

Your position was that Obama should have done something because that's what he said he would do. We specifically talked about this. You said you wouldn't criticize Trump for doing nothing because he didn't say he would do something.

But now your issue with Obama doing nothing is that he's allowing children to be gassed. So I guess you're pretty mad at Trump too? Because his inaction is allowing children to be gassed?

Like you have no position at all. It's just slightly dressed up caveman grunting. Obama BAD! Trump GOOD! Reasons can come later.
Well, I'm not sure what Trump could have done to prevent this latest attack as he's only been in office 2 months.

But Obama had plenty of time to do something and didn't.
