Originally Posted by Nonfiction
How many countries being duped, infiltrated, and politically exploited into converting away from Democracy (and 0 that I've heard of in the other direction) would make you draw the line? I honestly don't know what my number is, but I do know it's not just based on whether America is fully transformed. Millions of innocent people are suffering and/or dying over this, much like the citizens of Russia and NK.
If we can't beat Trump et al in time, we'll be joining them much faster than expected. He's been escalating since January, and the acceleration keeps just enough pace to always stay ahead of the resistance. Mueller and other investigations heated up strongly in the last 2 months, and things like Jr's meeting, Browder/Magnitsky hearing exposing Trump & GOP, raiding Paul Manafort's home, etc. forced him to step up the deflections into what we're seeing lately from Scaramucci, crazy attacks on Sessions and Congress, more overt racism than before, threats of actual military conflicts in 3 or 4 countries, and it's all (including lies, obstruction, witness tampering) gotten more obvious to the naked eye. Even serial killers don't increase suspicious activity and public crimes when they find out the law gets closer to catching them. Nobody does.