Originally Posted by PuppyFridayYall2
I'm well aware. I qualified for the policy when I was 20 or so and I was absolutely comfortable with the risk I was taking on. I would love to revert back to it....but I can't.
I don't care about you but others can benefit and you don't know anything about the individual healthcare market before the ACA. Health Indurance policies pre ACA were not a lifetime commitment by the insurer. Thinking you would get catastrophic coverage for $30 a month if you ever needed it is lol. You would have benefited from the remainder of your current year of coverage then you would have been put into a death spiral.
Your premiums would have been jacked up magnitudes and you would still only have the same crappy coverage. You would be unable to get any other insurance unless your state offered a high risk pool and even then you would be subject to high risk pools.
If you were not being moved into a new group annually with your $30 insurance then it was not what you thought it was and would likely have covered pretty much nothing. That doesn't even take into account the pre existing condition games insurers regularly played when people got expensive illnesses. The likely outcome of your "coverage" would be the insurer denying claims and put it on you to prove you didn't already have cancer before you got the policy.
This is how the individual market worked pre ACA. It just stole money from healthy people and provided no coverage to sick people. Bragging they only stole $30 a month from you as a 20 year old is lol.
The total failure of the individual markets is what necessitated the ACA. They literally did not provide actual forward looking insurance against getting ill.
This is also why they can't repeal the ACA.