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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-26-2017 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
100%. Expect air force one to be fitted with coal rollers any day now.
07-26-2017 , 11:34 AM
Trump is far too self-absorbed for any transgender issue to actually register for him, let alone enough for him to hate them. It was just another Obama policy for him to easily unwind that would keep the base in line.
07-26-2017 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
If you don't think London is a top 10 city for good food you're crazy. Quite a few of our other subjects contributed to the culture there are great afro-carribean meals to be had. We don't have good mexican but aside from that we do ok.
Lol, no.
07-26-2017 , 11:42 AM
Scott Adams is on recent episode of Waking Up which is Sam Harris' podcast. While I strongly disagreed with much of what he said he is not as nuts as I thought. It's a worthwhile view into a trumpkin. The closest thing I have seen to a somewhat rational defender of trump although much of his defense rests on the assumption that trump is always playing 4d chess.
07-26-2017 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by NMcNasty
Jon Snow: We're going to need every man, woman, and child to fight the white walkers. Not transgenders though... those tremendous medical costs.
This is ****ing brilliant.
07-26-2017 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Scott Adams is on recent episode of Waking Up which is Sam Harris' podcast. While I strongly disagreed with much of what he said he is not as nuts as I thought. It's a worthwhile view into a trumpkin. The closest thing I have seen to a somewhat rational defender of trump although much of his defense rests on the assumption that trump is always playing 4d chess.
which is an irrational belief in and of itself
07-26-2017 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Scott Adams is on recent episode of Waking Up which is Sam Harris' podcast. While I strongly disagreed with much of what he said he is not as nuts as I thought. It's a worthwhile view into a trumpkin. The closest thing I have seen to a somewhat rational defender of trump although much of his defense rests on the assumption that trump is always playing 4d chess.

SA: You just presumed you knew Trump's thoughts, which is impossible. As a trained hypnotist, this is one of my major tells for cognitive dissonance

SA: Let me defend every absurd/horrendous thing done by Trump by telling you what his real motivations for doing them are and how they are actually brilliant.

Non-brainwashed person: But........

SA: I see what you are thinking, but it is okay when I do it because of arbitrary distinction X.
07-26-2017 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
SA: You just presumed you knew Trump's thoughts, which is impossible. As a trained hypnotist, this is one of my major tells for cognitive dissonance

SA: Let me defend every absurd/horrendous thing done by Trump by telling you what his real motivations for doing them are and how they are actually brilliant.

Non-brainwashed person: But........

SA: I see what you are thinking, but it is okay when I do it for arbitrary reason X.
He is trying to defend the undefendable. It's just the closest thing thing I've seen to an attempt even though its doomed to failure.

It's not at all interesting as a defense of trump though. I found it interesting as a view into a trumpkin who can at least form a coherent sentence.
07-26-2017 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
There is a high likelihood that I'm stealing this.
I already did
07-26-2017 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
meh, canada is actually pretty sweet. but clovis is from arguably the ****tiest part of it (alberta), which is basically republican-land for canucks
Originally Posted by Clovis8
I think you guys need to update your view of Alberta. Our provincial government is NDP a party so left you have nothing similar in the US except Bernie.

We have one of the first carbon taxes in North America.
I'm also in Alberta and if you don't spend time in the sticks it's a pretty progressive place, up to and including screwing up my regular commute to put in dedicated bike lanes all over the downtown, which I think is absurd in a city that has severe winter five months of the year.

As for the NDP they won mostly because there were two right-wing parties that split the vote, which is why I still think this is the ultra elite covert move for progressives to somehow make happen in the US with the GOP.
07-26-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
He is trying to defend the undefendable. It's just the closest thing thing I've seen to an attempt even though its doomed to failure.

It's not at all interesting as a defense of trump though. I found it interesting as a view into a trumpkin who can at least form a coherent sentence.
Scott Adams defends Trump because SA was rooting for a Trump win to enhance his career after he predicted it early on. In order to not be seen by others/himself as a horrible person for rooting for Trump, he then had to rationalize Trump being not so bad. Then he got mad at liberals yelling at him for defending the indefensible. That, and Hillary's estate tax really seemed to trigger him.
07-26-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
SA: You just presumed you knew Trump's thoughts, which is impossible. As a trained hypnotist, this is one of my major tells for cognitive dissonance

SA: Let me defend every absurd/horrendous thing done by Trump by telling you what his real motivations for doing them are and how they are actually brilliant.

Non-brainwashed person: But........

SA: I see what you are thinking, but it is okay when I do it because of arbitrary distinction X.
this x100. found myself verbalizing my disdain alone in my car listening to this episode.
07-26-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Is this transgender tweet meant as a distraction or just FU libruls/treat for the base?

07-26-2017 , 12:20 PM
You know...not a single Trump person has been in a public hearing. The obvious problem is how it hurts the country by hiding things from the public and helps Trump & Russia by aiding a cover-up.

But it also hurts the country and helps Trump in another way. Classified information and details known to investigators are being revealed to Trump people and not the public. This is being done before even a fraction of documents have been submitted, allowing them to destroy evidence before its subpoenas as they see fit.
07-26-2017 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
Scott Adams defends Trump because SA was rooting for a Trump win to enhance his career after he predicted it early on. In order to not be seen by others/himself as a horrible person for rooting for Trump, he then had to rationalize Trump being not so bad. Then he got mad at liberals yelling at him for defending the indefensible. That, and Hillary's estate tax really seemed to trigger him.
Indeed. He really leans heavily on his "prediction" of trump's win.
07-26-2017 , 12:24 PM
Trump cites costs.

Deplorables on social media all agree, transgenders just aren't right in the head and shouldn't serve.
07-26-2017 , 12:30 PM
I don't understand. Can Trump ban blacks and non-Christians next if he wants? Maybe he intends to show the rest of the world how righteously pure we are. What's the difference if they're all protected classes?
07-26-2017 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
This is precisely the kind of wedge issue that keeps the GOP relevant. God, guns, gayz, this is red meat to them. They are masters at keeping the rubes focused on **** like this so that they'll continue to vote against their own self-interests regarding economics and healthcare.
There is perhaps no societal issue in the history of this country where people's minds have changed faster than gay and transgender rights. This is not going to be a wedge issue. The vast majority of people in this country now favor them.
07-26-2017 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
A portion is likely due to some voters not knowing the difference between winning the election and winning the popular vote.

Depends on how the question was asked I suppose.

EDIT: Why do I continue to give people the benefit of the doubt? Trying to be optimistic about my faith in humanity I guess.

This was the exact question:

"Based on what you know, who received the most votes from the general population in the 2016 presidential election?"

I think what boggles me is the 9% of Clinton voters who think Trump won the popular vote.
I mean, it really surprises you that a significant portion of the population maybe doesn't know the electoral college is a thing or how it works? I can definitely see 9 percent of very low information clinton voters who voted for clinton, but then just heard that she lost, assuming that she lost the popular vote. I'm surprised the number isn't higher.
07-26-2017 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Ok, I'll play. Granted, I'm playing voluntarily, but if I absolute HAD to choose...

F: Huckabee
M: Conway
K: Perry

Reasoning for the decision between Huckabee and Conway is that while I would assume both would be awful spouses, I also assume Huckabee is WAY more far-right conservative Christian than Conway, which I wouldn't be able to stand. Conway, as horrible as she appears, also seems magnitudes more intelligent than Huckabee, at least based on her educational and professional history.

I'd probably add a fourth option after several years: K Myself.
lolllllll at marrying Conway over Perry.
07-26-2017 , 01:00 PM
According to White House sources, Vice President Mike Pence has been pushing hard for this kind of policy shift in the military, as had senior officials such as chief strategist Steve Bannon.

The more socially liberal factions of Trump’s inner circle—including his family members and staffers Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner—have been opposed to all the anti-LGBT initiatives of this administration. However, they quickly determined that their “political capital be spent elsewhere,” as one senior White House official characterized it, given that their advice on LGBT issues has been routinely overruled, if not overlooked, by this administration and President Trump.
Translation: Bannon is just as much as an all around bigot as Pence is. Ivanka and Kushner are just push overs who run liberal interference for Trump.
07-26-2017 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Ok, I'll play. Granted, I'm playing voluntarily, but if I absolute HAD to choose...

F: Huckabee
M: Conway
K: Perry

Reasoning for the decision between Huckabee and Conway is that while I would assume both would be awful spouses, I also assume Huckabee is WAY more far-right conservative Christian than Conway, which I wouldn't be able to stand. Conway, as horrible as she appears, also seems magnitudes more intelligent than Huckabee, at least based on her educational and professional history.

I'd probably add a fourth option after several years: K Myself.
Disagree, Mooch is clearly the one that's gotta go.
07-26-2017 , 01:07 PM
Trump no doubt saw this, look for him to repeat it soon
07-26-2017 , 01:10 PM
Holy ****, Huckabee just had a stroke:
