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4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration 4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration

08-11-2013 , 12:46 AM
Yes, the black brothers that you mentioned a long time back. Is that common for dealers to last that long without getting caught? I would think eventually the police would catch up to them.

You said the their phone number changed every week how did you get the new number?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
08-11-2013 , 04:24 AM
do you still have dealers aggressively stalking you around? I know someone with a coke problem, and if he deletes them and asks them to not call them, they just come by his house every once in a while pretending to come as a friend.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
08-11-2013 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Halstad
Yes, the black brothers that you mentioned a long time back. Is that common for dealers to last that long without getting caught? I would think eventually the police would catch up to them.

You said the their phone number changed every week how did you get the new number?
They stopped serving people awhile ago. I haven't laid eyes on them in years. They use runners. I spoke to them on the phone but they keep there distance...They don't even possess the dope anymore. The police are quite aware of who they are but they are smarter than you would think. I got the num from a friend.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
08-11-2013 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by chipchip
do you still have dealers aggressively stalking you around? I know someone with a coke problem, and if he deletes them and asks them to not call them, they just come by his house every once in a while pretending to come as a friend.
No they honored my request to be cut. They make a ton of money and they're not as cold blooded as youd imagine.

Edit: these people don't know where I live. My phone num has changed too obv..
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-17-2013 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by eeonblue
Oldest brother had no problems... been in the air force for over twenty years and flies government officials in a helicopter in the DC area. Getting his clearance level with 3 felon brothers was an interesting process.
Can you tell us more about how this went?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
04-01-2014 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by eeonblue
Hey guys this is the OP... at some point I lost my password or something. Can't really remember what happened but I think a lot of people had the same problem a few years back.

Anyways I relapsed after being heroin free for about 5 years. Wound up in jail with another felony (#5 across 3 states) possession charge. I finally got bond on my third appeal after detoxing in the can for 3 weeks. I have a great lawyer who has a small chance of getting it dismissed on illegal search or if the state trooper who pulled me over is stupid enough to tell the court the same thing he told me in regards to why he stopped me. I'm on my phone and will elaborate more tommorrow but any questions ask away. If there's no interest I'll let the thread die again.

Quick update... have court on Monday and my sentencing guidelines call for 22-26 months. The judge does not have to stay within the guidelines. He may suspend all the time or he might even give me more. I will have a letter from my drug counselor requesting that they let me stay in his care and a letter from my boss about my value to the business. Also, tomorrow will be 9 months sober.

The harshest judge is scheduled to be the duty judge next week so it's very unlikely he will be handling any criminal cases.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using 2+2 Forums
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
04-01-2014 , 12:48 PM
Going to jail for 2 years for possession would be ******ed. Good luck.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
04-01-2014 , 12:54 PM
Just think about what your drug use does to your loved ones.(or should I say your family not to many loved ones around when in hardcore addiction) I have a younger brother running the streets of Atlanta strung out on crystal meth for the last 4-5 years going in out of jail. I can't tell you how many sleepless nights,nightmare filled dreams. Waiting for a phone call letting me know I lost my brother. I could go on and on as to how his drug use has hurt my family in ways I just can't explain.

Good luck with yourself and stay strong
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
04-02-2014 , 10:30 AM
how were you caught by the police?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
04-02-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by the orange crush
how were you caught by the police?
The guy I was scoring from was being watched by narcotics officers.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
04-02-2014 , 09:25 PM
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
07-05-2014 , 04:49 PM
any updates?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
07-06-2014 , 06:46 AM
Damn, Layzie/eeonblue's last post was in this thread. I hope the judge was light on sentencing.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
07-06-2014 , 04:09 PM
What a brilliant and informative thread!

I have had mild experience with a lot of "party" drugs but not opiates.

My dad was an addict and finally cleaned up 10 years ago after a 16 year habit. Reading this thread and it's content/stories has given me a much clearer idea on exactly what he would have been through (he's a stubborn old sob who won't always open up a lot!)
Much like Benny, he found music his main motivation to keep away from that lifestyle and and into the punk/ska scene! (His band has songs on youtube if you're interested benny pm me for link!)


I think what you've achieved is brilliant, I can almost see you getting better in words as I read through your posts itt. Sorry to hear about your dads health and I send my best wishes to you and all your family over there.

Your diary and posts itt have touched me a lot and I'm sure my father and you shared heaps in common in your past lives.

What's the new job?! Still grinding poker ?


Great thread and kudos for starting off such a great piece of dialogue/information. You are clearly a smart and talented individual and I will be rooting for you to suceed in every way you can through life. Like benny said, assuming you're doing a stretch, I hope the judge was reasonable/lenient. When you get out, get yourself into a healthy routine and surround yourself with good equally intelligent people to stimulate your mind the right way.

Probably the most influential and greatest thread on 2+2 IMO

Hats off to both you guys
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-21-2014 , 04:35 PM

I was just released from jail yesterday after serving nearly 6 months. I was sentenced to 1 year, with the possibility of reconsideration after completing the substance abuse program. This means that the judge gave me the chance to complete the jail's 20 week substance abuse program, and then petition the court to amend my sentence.

I did complete the program and the judge gave me time served on my sentence. It's good to be free and hopefully to move forward without abusing drugs.

City jail was an infinitely worse experience than my time in Sussex 1 State Prison which I previously discussed in my first ask me thread (and possibly in this one, I don't really remember).

Thanks for the support.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-21-2014 , 04:51 PM
Good luck man.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:20 PM
nice read, gl staying clean
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-21-2014 , 07:15 PM
Once you have had some time to readjust to being free and have processed what you have just gone through, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on your latest experience. Good luck with your life and staying sober. You know what you have to do, now just do it.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-22-2014 , 01:18 AM
Good luck staying clean. I know it can be tough.

My brother was in a similar situation to the one you're in now. He unfortunately didn't understand that he has to change everything and ended up back in, this time with a 6 year sentence.

Please do what it takes to stay clean. Go to meetings, stay away from your old hangouts and the bad situation you were in that led you down this path. Move away if you have to.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-22-2014 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by eeonblue

City jail was an infinitely worse experience than my time in Sussex 1 State Prison which I previously discussed in my first ask me thread (and possibly in this one, I don't really remember).
I'd be interested to hear about this.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
11-01-2014 , 12:32 AM
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
11-01-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Halstad
Sure i'd be happy to update on anything you may want to know. I've been clean since July of 2013, been out of jail for about a month and half. Still have my old job (wait tables at a high end seafood restaurant on the water). Had my first probation visit last week. I am court ordered to do another substance abuse outpatient treatment program, so am now starting to get that set up.

No desire to use drugs at all. Feel great to have that in the past, but it would be nice to be able to smoke weed from time to time.

Be happy to answer any other questions.

As far as the prison vs. jail thing, prison is just better. Better food, better living conditions, more freedom, contact visits, etc. City jail is just a nightmare.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
11-01-2014 , 08:17 PM
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
11-02-2014 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Halstad
I'd be interested to hear about this.

I'd also be interested in hearing what it was like and why it was worse.

Really sucks you had to go through it. Glad you got out early though. Really hoping you stay out of trouble, or at least won't get caught
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
11-07-2014 , 08:47 PM
Well, I didn't want anyone to think I was abandoning my own ask me thread, so here's a little about the prison vs. jail thing.

First off, if you mind your own business, the chances of being killed/raped/beat up are really slim in my experience, and trust me Sussex 1 State prison is no joke... as I previously mentioned, the DC sniper was there before being executed, and Malvo, the younger kid is there now (at least he was as of a couple years ago, haven't looked into it). It is 23 hour lockdown, 1 hour to shower, use the phone, play cards, etc. If you mind your own business in carry yourself in a natural way (not pointlessly act hard, or like someone your not) you will more than likely be left alone. Again, this is just MY experience.

This holds true for city jail as well, but from what I saw there was more pointless fighting in the jail. Usually when there were fights in prison, there was a legitimate reason, or it was gang related.

The main things that I was speaking of were differences in food, space, and treatment. The jail I was in was run by deputies who are just *******s. The correctional officers in prison were alot cooler and respectful. The food is alot better in prison and the commissary had alot more stuff available.

Also, when I was in prison you can buy and smoke cigarettes, which was a major plus. As of 2010 (I believe), this was banned in prisons in Virginia. I served my time in 2005.

In city jail it is so overcrowded there are people sleeping on mats on the floor. Prison doesn't have this. They won't even transfer you from jail to prison unless there's a bed available.

I'm on my phone so that's all for now, but I am around if there's any discussion to be had. If not, i'll let the thread die. Thanks to everyone who participated and enjoyed this thread and my previous ask me thread.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
