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4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration 4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration

11-08-2014 , 04:48 AM
Well there must have been some interesting stuff happening when you were in jail. What were the things that stood out? Any good memories?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-03-2015 , 11:05 AM
Hey guys, thought I'd post another update. I've been free from jail for a little over a year now, and have been clean since July 2013. I recently started training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and have been doing better than I have at any point in my life.

A few of you were interested in the heroin dealers I spoke about and the workings of their organizations. The brothers, who were my primary dealers for most of my addiction days were busted while I was in jail. Read about their operation here:

Also, a guy I grew up with who I also bought heroin from also was busted. This guy was the only dealer I ever had that I would consider a friend. He grew up in my predominantly white area and was always a reliable and safe dealer, who was also really fair and looked out for me alot. He had never been in handcuffs once in his life until this happened:
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-03-2015 , 08:54 PM
Nice to hear you're doing well. Re. your friend - any idea how the cops busted him? And what precautions he took to make sure he wasn't selling to cops?

A friend of mine grew weed, loved his craft. An artist. He rented some downtown space to grow produce. Business was good so he hired an underling. They advertised on craigslist with some sort of 420 code. Underling meets up with someone who was an undercover cop. Sells him some weed. Cops follow underling home, keep a tail on him, follow him to the downtown location. Underling took the hit and my friend scarpered town. I guess friend was paying cash for the downtown locale cos the cops never got his name.

Anyway that's what made we wonder how the dude got caught. I think my friend was pretty good about never having much produce at home ... before the downtown locale he had a number of growhouses but all in different names so they wouldn't be able to link him to too much. Was this guy a bigtime dealer? He didn't have much drugs at his house so probably not? Hope it works out for him.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-04-2015 , 03:19 AM
**just in case it isn't really obvious**be VERY careful if you try to sell/buy 'drugs' on craigslist/internet--even if you're using a fancy code like '420' lol seriously?? and...

even-if you're in a pretty lax area like cali/co/etc at least BE AWARE of what you're doing ie, local laws and possible ramifications. and yes--I know it happens all the time but... If your plan is to grow buds for a living--you might want to have a better marketing plan than selling on craigslist...just sayin...
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-04-2015 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Nice to hear you're doing well. Re. your friend - any idea how the cops busted him? And what precautions he took to make sure he wasn't selling to cops?

A friend of mine grew weed, loved his craft. An artist. He rented some downtown space to grow produce. Business was good so he hired an underling. They advertised on craigslist with some sort of 420 code. Underling meets up with someone who was an undercover cop. Sells him some weed. Cops follow underling home, keep a tail on him, follow him to the downtown location. Underling took the hit and my friend scarpered town. I guess friend was paying cash for the downtown locale cos the cops never got his name.

Anyway that's what made we wonder how the dude got caught. I think my friend was pretty good about never having much produce at home ... before the downtown locale he had a number of growhouses but all in different names so they wouldn't be able to link him to too much. Was this guy a bigtime dealer? He didn't have much drugs at his house so probably not? Hope it works out for him.
I wouldn't say he was big time, but he was definitely mid level at the very least. The amount of drugs they found in his house isn't a good representation of how big he was though.

He sold to a guy that was working for the police. They had the CI buy from him for a couple months while they built the case. When I found out who it was I was not the least bit surprised.

As far as precautions he just only sold to people he knew well. That worked well for him for over 15 years but eventually everyone's luck runs out I guess.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-05-2015 , 07:56 PM

Came across this recently- it's a documentary called

Ben- diary of an addict.

It's a diary of a British guy who films his life as a junkie daily on a camcorder. Really moving doc and for anyone that was griped/touched at all by this thread will def be moved by the doc. It touches on not just the addict, but his family and their battles as a whole with addiction.

It touched a nerve for me, I'm sure lots of reader that follow(d) this thread will be moved also.

Glad you're back layzie!! And that you're clean again and working at things positively, good for you! let me know what you guys think about the film!

Benny, hope you're doing good also bro
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-06-2015 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by kissmyacehole

Came across this recently- it's a documentary called

Ben- diary of an addict.

It's a diary of a British guy who films his life as a junkie daily on a camcorder. Really moving doc and for anyone that was griped/touched at all by this thread will def be moved by the doc. It touches on not just the addict, but his family and their battles as a whole with addiction.

It touched a nerve for me, I'm sure lots of reader that follow(d) this thread will be moved also.

Glad you're back layzie!! And that you're clean again and working at things positively, good for you! let me know what you guys think about the film!

Benny, hope you're doing good also bro
I started watching it but I grew very uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable like it made me want to get high, but uncomfortable in a "what the hell did I do to myself and my family" kind of way. I will definitely watch Trainspotting 2 though!

I appreciate the kind words, and I hope Benny is well too. I haven't really had any contact with him except in this thread so I really have no idea how he is doing.

On another note, I was bored and did some research on the circuit court website and found out that the majority of the people I knew in the drug game are now locked up. It's funny cause the guy I got busted buying from suddenly had his charges dropped about 8 months ago, and a couple of the people I searched for were arrested a couple of weeks after that.

Gotta love the system when I get a 4 year sentence for being a junkie and the guy I bought it from got away unscathed.

I couldn't look in to too many people cause obviously a lot of them don't use their real names.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-06-2015 , 04:51 PM

1. What are some estimations for the likelihood of becoming addicted to heroin after 1 use? 2? 3?....

2. Once an addict- likelihoods of overdosing, living a long time, and getting clean?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-08-2015 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator

1. What are some estimations for the likelihood of becoming addicted to heroin after 1 use? 2? 3?....

2. Once an addict- likelihoods of overdosing, living a long time, and getting clean?
Assuming we're talking about just your average person, but the chances of becoming addicted after one use are pretty slim. After that you have to start taking other factors in to consideration. Like, can the person easily get heroin? If so, they're likely to use a 2nd time, then a third, and so on.

If we're talking strictly physically addicted, one use is not gonna trigger dope sickness.

Overdosing is way more likely to happen to an addict who somehow manages to get clean for a little while, and then goes back and tries their regular dose. I've lost several friends like this.

Long term the only lasting effects I have from heroin are bad dental problems. Luckily it's pretty much just my teeth in that back so it's not noticeable, but they pretty much all rotted. Otherwise I'm in perfect health and was fortunate enough to come away pretty much unscathed and disease free since I didn't share needles. In Virginia Beach you can by a ten pack of needles for about 3 dollars from a pharmacy by simply asking for them.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-08-2015 , 01:19 PM
One thing that I've come to accept recently is that I will always be obsessed with something. Now that drugs are out of the picture I've decided to become obsessed with health and fitness. I treat it as a drug almost. I religously attend jiu jitsu classes which is a great workout and I will not leave my house without drinking a veggie shake.

This acceptance of always being obsessed with something has actually changed my life because it keeps me focused. And now my focus is towards something positive instead of just getting high.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-08-2015 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by eeonblue
It's funny cause the guy I got busted buying from suddenly had his charges dropped about 8 months ago, and a couple of the people I searched for were arrested a couple of weeks after that.
I wonder why......
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-08-2015 , 04:36 PM
Yeah that was what I was getting at. It's funny because my lawyer asked me in the beginning if I'd be willing to testify against him if he can get me a deal and I said no. Then after he talked to the prosecutor he said that they never even brought up the possibility of wanting my testimony so that would mean he had already made a deal.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-08-2015 , 06:41 PM
A customers son died of an OD recently, he was doing oxy I think, he would smash pills and snort them. I didn't think a person could really OD from that because he didn't have tons of money to buy a **** load. Are the perscription heroin pills worse than the kind you slam?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-08-2015 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by eeonblue
He sold to a guy that was working for the police. They had the CI buy from him for a couple months while they built the case. When I found out who it was I was not the least bit surprised.
What do you mean by the last sentence obviously no names but can you provide more details?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-08-2015 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by electricladylnd
A customers son died of an OD recently, he was doing oxy I think, he would smash pills and snort them. I didn't think a person could really OD from that because he didn't have tons of money to buy a **** load. Are the perscription heroin pills worse than the kind you slam?

More people OD from prescription painkillers than heroin and cocaine combined
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-09-2015 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by botulism
What do you mean by the last sentence obviously no names but can you provide more details?

You mean about me not being surprised? The guy he was selling to was known to be sketchy and should have been in jail. He'd been busted previously and we wondered why he hadn't gone to jail yet. My friend must not have known this. I would have warned him had I known he was selling to him.

In regards to prescription vs street drugs, I feel like prescription drugs are more dangerous because more people have access to them and they don't have quite the stigma around them. They are commonly prescribed and that may make people not take them as seriously. Chemically, the street drugs I think are more dangerous since you don't know exactly what's in them.

As far as Thayer's point, he's correct but that's also because way more people have access to prescriptions and doctors than they do heroin dealers.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-09-2015 , 10:59 AM
Of course. Ignorance is a HUGE problem in all aspects of drug use/views of drugs
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-09-2015 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Of course. Ignorance is a HUGE problem in all aspects of drug use/views of drugs
Yeah, definitely. I'm sure I discussed this in this thread or the first one, but when I started doing heroin I had no idea it would make me physically withdrawal. I had no idea what it would do to me. I didn't even smoke cigarettes at the time. I just figured it was a mind over matter type thing and I would just have fun with it.

I vividly remember when I first found out it would make me sick. Me and a friend were driving out to score and he was sick as a dog in the passenger seat. I was asking him why he got so sick and I never had. He said "don't do any dope for the next few days". It was then that I thought about it and realized I had been doing it every day for a couple months.

About 36 hours later, I discovered what dope sickness was all about.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-09-2015 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by eeonblue
Hey guys, thought I'd post another update. I've been free from jail for a little over a year now, and have been clean since July 2013. I recently started training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and have been doing better than I have at any point in my life.

A few of you were interested in the heroin dealers I spoke about and the workings of their organizations. The brothers, who were my primary dealers for most of my addiction days were busted while I was in jail. Read about their operation here:

Also, a guy I grew up with who I also bought heroin from also was busted. This guy was the only dealer I ever had that I would consider a friend. He grew up in my predominantly white area and was always a reliable and safe dealer, who was also really fair and looked out for me alot. He had never been in handcuffs once in his life until this happened:
have these clowns never heard of a stash house or stash spot? jfc, my neighbor just hides it in the garage and hes survived 3 raids, one of which was fbi.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
10-10-2015 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
have these clowns never heard of a stash house or stash spot? jfc, my neighbor just hides it in the garage and hes survived 3 raids, one of which was fbi.
Well the first article clearly states the house that was raided was a stash house. The article doesn't go in to too much detail, but from busting the stash house they were then able to get evidence and informants to get people higher up. The two brothers I knew were not the people discussed in the article, but it was part of their operation.

In regards to the second article, I was suprised to learn that he kept that kind of **** in his own house, especially considering he had two kids.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
11-10-2015 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by kissmyacehole

Came across this recently- it's a documentary called

Ben- diary of an addict.

It's a diary of a British guy who films his life as a junkie daily on a camcorder. Really moving doc and for anyone that was griped/touched at all by this thread will def be moved by the doc. It touches on not just the addict, but his family and their battles as a whole with addiction.

It touched a nerve for me, I'm sure lots of reader that follow(d) this thread will be moved also.

Glad you're back layzie!! And that you're clean again and working at things positively, good for you! let me know what you guys think about the film!

Benny, hope you're doing good also bro
I think that documentary was linked ITT before, because I've watched it and I don't know how I would have found it without this thread.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
11-10-2015 , 07:10 PM
Didn't watch it, but I did watch some similar ones back when I was using, and couldn't even imagine watching it now. Would make me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Not that it would make me want to use, but it would make me feel extremely ashamed/regretful to have been that bad off.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-05-2021 , 07:05 AM
Hey Layzie/eeonblue, how are you doing bud? I for some reason was just thinking about you and searched this thread out. I hope you’re still clean from dope Layzie, especially with the abundance of fentanyl these days.

For those curious about my own situation, I haven’t done heroin in over 11 years. I have a great job and things are going well especially now that I finally quit drinking alcohol as well.

It’s pretty embarrassing reading my old posts in this thread, but I believe this thread helped me get to the better place I am now.

I hope to hear from you Layzie!
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-09-2021 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Benny Foldem
Hey Layzie/eeonblue, how are you doing bud? I for some reason was just thinking about you and searched this thread out. I hope you’re still clean from dope Layzie, especially with the abundance of fentanyl these days.

For those curious about my own situation, I haven’t done heroin in over 11 years. I have a great job and things are going well especially now that I finally quit drinking alcohol as well.

It’s pretty embarrassing reading my old posts in this thread, but I believe this thread helped me get to the better place I am now.

I hope to hear from you Layzie!
He hasn't posted since 2018, I wouldn't get your hopes up.
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
09-09-2021 , 03:30 PM

Serious question: Do you think about heroin a lot? Like multiple times a day and just a constant battle 11 years later?
4 Years Later: Ask Layzie About Heroin Addiction/Abuse/Recovery And/Or Incarceration Quote
