Cliffs - Just skip to last paragraph or two. Or can easily skip whole thing unless you specifically want to hear my personal deconstruction of one posters' posting habits.
The vast majority of my posts are disingenuous, ****, lies, and veiled with a stench of bitcoin maximalism.
Well said. To be honest, after seeing you get your news from the Drudge report, it's genuinely surprising to me you are capable of this level of self-awareness.
1- when attempting to passive aggressively inform people that "the flippening" is not an investible thesis
Who said it is? Are you obtuse enough to think that was my whole thesis? I correctly predicted market share shifts away from Bitcoin when it was 98%+ of the crypto market - and that to you that makes me a 'mETH' head (lol at that term by the way). For the record, I was correct and made thousands of % ROI better than if I had stayed with just BTC and continued to blindly read propaganda against Ethereum (of which there was tons at the time, same as there is now). Instead, 'lucky' for me, I understand this space and saw right through the ****, much like I can easily do with you. Do you ever stop and wonder why 'mETH' heads & people who own alternative cryptocurrencies makes you feel so salty/spiteful and what that says about you as a person? I can't even begin to comprehend; that would be like me being mad at someone owning say Ripple (who cares? It's their $). I'll just point out the obvious it's a pathetic front on your part that you pretend to 'care' so much about what other people do with their investments when really your only purpose here is to just spray spitefulness and hope any sticks.
2- when trying to warn people that they should not invest in ICOs without a business plan, viable product, or use case
I've never given advice investing on different ICO's. If anyone searched my post history there is caution regarding them and telling people that unless they truly know what they're doing it's best to not dabble into ICO's. Where we disagree here is you shift the goalposts and frame ICO's as if they're all a scam - that's just not true. I'm done taking the high road and I'll just say it how it is. In other words **** off because that's just completely wrong.
3- when trying to get mETH heads to understand their own blockchain
I actually read these as my last parting gift to you. Let's go through them:
Ok. An article about Augur and its roadmap. It's well written. What is your point? I can't even understand what you're getting at here. Do you have any original thoughts, or just links to articles? Or I'm reaching here but is the whole point of this article is that it's going to be a bit janky at first? Well duh. Here's the Augur development team in their own words:
We want to launch slowly. In the beginning the core dev team will essentially have carte blanche to modify things, replace / upgrade contracts, etc in the case of a fault event or vulnerability after launch. The idea is to sort of start with “training wheels” and slowly remove them over time as the system proves to be secure
They're still early in their roadmap and haven't yet started bug bounties. Be ready to clutch your pearls when that happens! In case you can't draw your own conclusion from the quote I posted, that's what's called good business practice.
Okay? Read the second response. It's one of the lead developers saying it's a current issue for regular developers and providing multiple solutions while acknowledging they will make it more developer friendly in the future. This will probably get fixed in Metropolis, if not sooner. Is this the best you got? It's two months old as well. In case you're living under a rock, Ethereum is not a 'polished' platform and no one has claimed it is. Nothing like it has ever been done. So is the purpose of this link to cherry pick an existing 'problem' and put all your focus and effort into it? Here let me make this easier for you so you can upgrade your shill game:
These are valid concerns. Should I bother to go into BTC's ****show right now or begin to even question whether they have united leadership, a vision or an agreed-upon roadmap in place that can stand up to honest criticism? I'd ask on r/Bitcoin, but I'd be snap censored and banned (if anyone thinks this is embellishment go try for yourself and report back here) for even trying to have a discussion about the difficulties Bitcoin currently faces. But I digress, and I won't waste any time 'attacking' another coin because it's a waste of time and not something I'm concerned about.
But here, just as a gift let me do some more shill homework for you. Here are some more Maximalist talking points you can try to bring up among lower information cryptocurrency investors to try and confuse them (Ignore Vitalik and his response, clearly):
You're welcome. Moving on, next up we have this link:
and from that you seem concerned about
We can see here that it costs 0.09 ETH or $26.55 to add two numbers together 1 million times. Compared to running on a local computer or cloud server this seems pretty high. Let’s do a quick price comparison to AWS.
I can add two numbers together 1 million times in python in 0.04 seconds. Amazon charges $0.0059/hour for their cheapest EC2 instance — t2.nano. This costs $0.000001639/second or $0.000000066 for the operation. Compared to $26.55, this is about 400Million times more expensive (or 40Million if you are willing to pay a low gas price). Whoa!
All I can do is laugh because it's straight from your playbook. Find an article with big fancy blockchain words, post a link and hope something sticks from it. The part I find hilarious is you can't even type a paragraph or explain in your own words what
you think this means or
why it's relevant. Well here, let me do this one last time for you because once you cut through the tech jargon I can tell everyone exactly what he is actually saying. Technically, he is:
but here's the catch:
If you were to try and run some computational mathematical code that spits out millions of integers
of course it would be more expensive (I'm not going to bother to do the math, let's say his #'s are correct) than sending a simple transaction or executing logic on a smart contract. Pure computational long-winded math code isn't the focus point in the development of the Ethereum blockchain you moron, so no, using Ethereum blockchain for a use-case that it's not well designed for, well no **** it's not going to perform admirably. If you understand anything about blockchains you'd realize
technically he is correct, but it's a stupid comparison by any metric. It's almost as bad as it would be like me pointing to an article on how poorly smart contracts perform with Bitcoin - also stupid and irrelevant. Anyway, to finish this example before I forget: Why this is is because the blockchain would then have to log those millions of integers forever (obviously) and that's a more expensive/useless way to do so in that manner. If you really were wanting to run some computation specifically like that in that manner and needed a cost efficient way to do it, wait for Golem to come out where it can be run on a decentralized cloud platform & won't be 400 million times more expensive. That whole article is a subtle troll. Go back to your shill well and try harder next time.
Ethereum scales far worse than bitcoin.
executing contracts are expensive
executing contracts inside of contracts are even more expensive
all of these things take computing power (as in node validation) and far more disk space vis a vis to bitcoin.
See what I wrote over a month ago in this thread here:
Kazuya: comparing a BTC transaction to an ETH transaction is like apples and oranges. BTC sends just bits of little info from A -> B. That's it and that's all it can pretty much ever do. Eth can do that, but it can also send tokens, and it can execute logic on those tokens or information that it sends. Transactions like that do take more gas. Those ones [transactions] that BTC do, it would take probably 1 GWei (10^9) - which is roughly probably ~2c to complete (and probably 20-30 seconds at ~215k daily transactions which is what it was done at today)
Re-read that quote. Now re-read it again. Now the only conclusion I can come to is another data point towards you're a moron and cannot even begin to understand the many differences between BTC and ETH. You're also trying to compare something where use cases are completely different.
gl to everyone that is holding his bags
I'll hold my own bag and have been for my whole adult life.
You truly are a black hole waste of time to engage with and congratulations you make the world a dumber place for pretending to know what you're posting and talking about. Continually responding to you has put me in a lose:lose position. I'm face-palming myself because it took me 42 minutes and counting to read through all these articles/links and then patiently explain why you're a dishonest moron time and time again - but I allowed myself to do it one last time for nostalgic sake so you cannot somehow do mental gymnastics and come to some conclusion of you having a higher ground in any argument. I'll admit I allowed myself to get suckered in because I care about intellectual integrity. As fun as this dance has been, it's just not something I'm going to commit to doing for the foreseeable future and it's just not how I'm looking to invest my time moving forward - I value it too much. It's become either I waste an hour or so of my time a day towards preserving an honest narrative of Ethereum and its applications via this thread by debunking all your daily bull****
or I can choose to ignore it all and try to take the high road (which I tried to, and failed at, clearly).
It's disappointing to me because 98% of this thread are people genuinely wanting to participate and contribute towards moving a discussion forward, and many of them are also clearly quite knowledgable and offer much value, but you specifically and your dishonesty stand out like a turd that needs to be flushed away. And I can't help but spend all of my time jamming the flush button. It works, but then you go and lay another one the next morning. Perhaps it's my fault for giving a **** about directly confronting trolls, or I'm just not articulate enough, but honestly at this point it doesn't matter to me anymore and apathy has set in. It's just stupid to continue this madness and clog this thread with our back/forth any longer and
everyone suffers - including the potential of this thread - so yeah I'm done. The last clear sign to me is when the majority of my time in this thread is spent engaging shills instead of talking about the things that are truly exciting in this space, its time for me to unsubscribe as its no longer productive for anyone and I don't want this to become any more of a freakshow. For everyone elses' sake, I hope that allows Aggo's post count to drop dramatically.
If for some reason you want to hear from me specifically about something that you can't find an answer elsewhere to or from any other poster in this thread, just PM me and I'll likely answer any quick questions or point you towards a few ETH reddit posters who're intellectually honest/knowledgable and have in the past patiently explained complex concepts much better than I can. r/Ethereum is also a great source of information that is more closely moderated towards engaging discussion and not a wild-west of posting. But I've now said what I need to say, and if you're not still sure what to believe in this flame war between me/Aggo, my last parting words to you would be: Don't give up continuing to learn more about this space, it takes time but it gets easier to understand the whole concept behind Ethereum. And besides, I promise you'll one day wake up and be able to spot the turds for yourself.
Last edited by Kazuya; 07-11-2017 at 11:38 PM.