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Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform

06-27-2017 , 11:28 AM
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by icoon
What's this supposed to mean or imply?

I'm sure if you gave me a 30 year graph of lettuce prices in Prague and a 30 year graph of Brad Pitt's bodyweight I'd eventually be able to cherry pick a 3 month sample where the graphs look identical.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 01:03 PM
relax its just a graph
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by JermNZ

In so many words, he told me:

- When top finance guys see a huge opportunity, they rarely wait. They control it. For them, the opportunity in crypto would be for the entire thing to crash so that they can buy in at levels that make sense for them. They are (as he put it) “talking to a lot of people about what would make this crash.”

Between the lines I take this to mean these guys are actively looking at ways to increase fear as much as possible (media, underground whales, etc). They won’t put institutional money in but they will start to put certain parts of their fund in as a true hedge, including a lot of their own personal funds.

Example (can't prove this) would be WSJ got some pressure from banks to push that Gdax flash crash headline last week.

- These funds look at the current coin ecosystem as a test bed to build their own private chains. There is no way they’d ever use the same Ethereum or Ether based blockchain for their own use.

“We’re not in the business of making other people rich”

Instead, they’d leverage the Ethereum tech to create a private blockchain that they fund with their own money, then allow investors to buy into the fund itself.

This would come in the form of “The Goldman Sachs XL Fund” which is fueled by “GoldmanCoin” which is powered by the Ethereum platform (not Ether, more like a private version of Ethereum classic). Then package that, sell it and ride the popularity of the tech. They also offer benefits of low transaction fees for high net worth ppl who do biz internationally. Contracts, options, etc.

Same is true for VisaCoin or AmexCoin or whatever else.

- They are going to start picking off developers with enormous bonus and salary offerings. Like $5M + 3% coin returns yearly. They want to do this not only to get the talent but also to undermine existing coins.
This will be the true test for the fundamentalists — the finance guys start draining the wealth by depressing prices, then offer a HUGE life raft for the OG developers to come build something privately.

In terms of the global adoption, he said they’re seeing it more as an asset class than a currency. The regulation piece is just too big to overcome and there will be a crackdown over the next 2 years. He also said a lot of the privacy focused coins (XMR, ZCASH, etc) are interesting but in an off the books type of way (think Panama Papers 3.0)

Just so I understand the argument put forth, what he's getting at is he [Hedge fund X] is basically saying: Let's make 'GoldmanCoinX,' cut out Ethereum [the middle man] and make mad $ correct?

The truth is it's actually a great question to ask yourself and I'm glad someone brought it up. If anyone is serious about Ethereum, I think it's actually a good spot to try and research/think about whether you can see for yourself any large holes in this idea for HedgeFundX before having an answer given to you. I promise you'll definitely learn a lot in the process that will help you long-term to better understand your investment.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 04:47 PM
On balance, Consensys has the best ethereum developers and they are extremely aggressive in having that market cornered.

Because of EEA, from what I know they contract out these developers to EEA member companies to explore, develop, etc proprietary use cases for insane amounts of money. It makes 0 sense for any EEA member to hire a team of ethereum developers right now. It's still too new and use cases for blockchain are still not completely understood.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 06:38 PM
I didn't know that aggo. Thanks
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 06:55 PM
Nice pop today, gain some momentum and let's go!
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 08:10 PM
Everything JermNZ says seems about right. What he described is definitely the mentality at these places (I worked in trading first job out of college).

It makes a ton of sense that they won't enter the space unless
1) They can get the market to crash, enabling them to buy in at low discount prices
2) They build their own coin

I see 1) being much more likely than 2) just because it's going to be known by everyone at some point that private blockchains are completely worthless.

This is why I think the EEA is ultimately meaningless for Ethereum public chain adoption.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 08:23 PM
It is so stressful comparing yesterday to today. Yesterday was all DOOM and gloom. People withdrawing thier balances and people were %100 sure the bubble popped. The truth is Bitcoin is gold.

Who owns gold? People. Who owns the US dollar?

BTC is gold, and ETH is nipping at its heels.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by cafepoker
It is so stressful comparing yesterday to today. Yesterday was all DOOM and gloom. People withdrawing thier balances and people were %100 sure the bubble popped. The truth is Bitcoin is gold.

Who owns gold? People. Who owns the US dollar?

BTC is gold, and ETH is nipping at its heels.
This is just my 2c so I say this knowing everyone is a grown-up here and capable of making their own investment decisions, but if yesterday or these swings of last week bothered you that's probably a sign to yourself you might have too much invested right now or don't fully understand what exactly it is you're investing in. If you're just looking to speculate short-term or trade the swings, disregard the above.

Last edited by Kazuya; 06-27-2017 at 08:47 PM.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by iloveny161
Everything JermNZ says seems about right. What he described is definitely the mentality at these places (I worked in trading first job out of college).

It makes a ton of sense that they won't enter the space unless
1) They can get the market to crash, enabling them to buy in at low discount prices
2) They build their own coin

I see 1) being much more likely than 2) just because it's going to be known by everyone at some point that private blockchains are completely worthless.

This is why I think the EEA is ultimately meaningless for Ethereum public chain adoption.
What you are describing are people who fundamentally don't understand crypto.

Didn't bitcoin crash from $1200 to $200? Was that not enough for these guys to make their grand entrance!?
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-27-2017 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
What you are describing are people who fundamentally don't understand crypto.

Didn't bitcoin crash from $1200 to $200? Was that not enough for these guys to make their grand entrance!?
although i agree with the sentiment, i think its not a fair comparison because the landscape has definitely changed.

I also agree that EEA announcements don't mean ****. Sure it validates the usefulness of the tech but anyone that thinks these huge corporations are not 100% out to extract the most information and value for their own gain are delusional
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-28-2017 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by JermNZ

Sure it validates the usefulness of the tech
I think this says a lot though
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-28-2017 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Kazuya
This is just my 2c so I say this knowing everyone is a grown-up here and capable of making their own investment decisions, but if yesterday or these swings of last week bothered you that's probably a sign to yourself you might have too much invested right now or don't fully understand what exactly it is you're investing in. If you're just looking to speculate short-term or trade the swings, disregard the above.


Let me ask you this however: At what point could you see yourself selling?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-28-2017 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by WorldBoFree

Let me ask you this however: At what point could you see yourself selling?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There's 2 scenarios I'd sell my stash and the first is if something fundamentally changed in the [development] road map in a drastic way that's worse for Ethereum (Vitalik dying or anything, that would be awful for a million reasons but that wouldn't be enough) The other scenario is if something much better (technology/development/use cases) became a viable alternative. I know there's hundreds of coins out there right now and every week you hear about one that is supposed to be the next Ethereum/Bitcoin, but the truth is there aren't any that are any candidates close to fitting this criteria in my opinion as of 3Q 2017 (and no, Bitcoin going to Segwit will not ever fit this criteria at all). 2018/2019/2020+, forecasting today is as good as reading tea leaves because who knows but by then Ethereum will likely be a monster (in the best way) so whatever it would be, it would need to have a massively disruptive value proposition. I have no idea how to assign a probability % to this scenario happening, so I won't because it would be a complete guess.

Black swan events can happen and any person involved in cryptocurrencies could lose their investments 100%. That's fine with me because if that happened at least to me it's results oriented backwards thinking to be upset about it and even though that would obviously suck, I'd be completely at peace about it. And that's because I only have invested what I can afford to lose. To sound like a broken record, the best play in this space [and this is just my opinion] right now is to only invest enough in that you're actually okay to lose, and then stop being a pussy about the swings and hold through everything .

To actually answer your question specifically, I might sell at most 1-2% after Metropolis to just blow $ on fun stuff if the price is 700+ but no more than that. The rest I plan to hold and stake. I could ramble on for paragraphs why I believe this is the play, but I'll keep it shorter and just say if you're sitting on profits looking to cash out right now to think carefully and consider holding on at least until after Metropolis update. I'm fairly confident (and you can't ever be completely confident in this space) you'll be happy you did in the end for doing so, but again everyones risk profile is completely different. Continue to keep reading more about the space, keep an open mind, evaluate for yourself what's the best plan of action for you personally and just stick with it .

Last edited by Kazuya; 06-28-2017 at 01:04 PM.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-29-2017 , 04:25 AM
Kazuya makes an extremely important point with this post which hasn't been discussed enough yet IMO: Either you invested in ETH because you believe in the technology or you are just clicking buttons and hoping for a jackpot.

If you believe in the tech, it makes no sense whatsoever to sell before the conversion to PoS/Casper. This is largely what you are gambling on by investing in ethereum. Proof of stake (specifically with Casper's solution to the nothing-at-stake problem) is an elegant patch to the vulnerabilities of scaling a Proof of Work crypto. If you don't agree with that, you would be stupid to hold a long position with ether. If you do, it would be stupid to have a short position. So grow a pair, pick a side, and have a seat.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-29-2017 , 06:37 AM
Knew I should have topped up at $220. Dammit
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-29-2017 , 08:01 AM
Gas Limit is increasing:
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-29-2017 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by heltok
Gas Limit is increasing:

What's the likely impact of this?
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-29-2017 , 12:40 PM
It's good.

It means Eth will now be able to begin breaking through the ~300k tx ceiling/day it's been stuck at for the last 2 weeks or so (in laymen terms less congestion on the network - for longer explanation go back a page or so and there were comments where it was mentioned). I personally believe Eth price will rise when this happens.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-29-2017 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Westley
What's the likely impact of this?
Backlog clearing(which is from extra capacity) will go much faster. Also it shows that miners are able to react so if some other issues comes up for example increased traffic, they might be able to react.

It should be noted that block times have increased from 14s to 18s due to the ice age, with the positive effect of lower inflation(negative if you believe in keynesian economics) and the negative effect of less transaction capacity. So part of this is just offsetting this effect.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
07-01-2017 , 01:15 AM
Am I the only one who sold a sizable part of their position and then actually went short leading up to Tezos?

I've been rock solid "HODL!!!". But with tezos talking about liquidating their **** so they aren't subject to crypto fluctuations, I just don't see how ETH doesn't take a massive hit.

It almost seems too obvious it's a trap.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
07-01-2017 , 05:11 AM
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
07-01-2017 , 11:00 AM
Does anybody know what Tezos eth wallet is?
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
07-01-2017 , 04:10 PM
SEC alleges that Renwick Haddow, a U.K. citizen living in New York, created a broker-dealer and did not register the firm with the SEC as required under the federal securities laws.

Hi poloniex, they are coming
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
