Tell me what negative news has happened to Ethereum since its all-time highs? More specifically what I am asking (because
this is what I care about) what fundamentals in their development or roadmap have changed for the worse?
I've never claimed to be a short-term daytrader nor a crystal ball predictor in price movement. My sentiment has been cautiously optimistic this whole time. At $12, $45, $87, $400, and now at $220. A pullback of ~50% isn't relevant (especially not after a ~4000%+ gain over 6 months, like are you serious Aggo?) and to me specifically it has not changed the long-term vision at all because see first quote and your lack of answer to it.
I "know" you're a cuck who passively aggressively posts unsubstantiated arguments. I know you disagree with me and my viewpoints, yet won't offer up any predictions or analysis of your own, or even bet against mine. You contribute nothing of value to this thread. This I do know.
Do you somehow feel BTC will scale better in the future than Ethereum? Please do tell, and be as specific as possible.
My belief is that
both Ethereum and Bitcoin have scaling issues they need to address now & in the future if they ever want to have mass-market adoption. I strongly believe Ethereum is better equipped to deal with these challenges and have a roadmap in place to do so.
As of today, ETH already scales better than BTC; I've already shown the math in this thread to calculate for yourself whether this is true or not. And it's true, that is a fact,
not a viewpoint. But if we're talking in hypotheticals for the future, I'll once again offer you the opportunity to say BTC > ETH will handle more on chain transactions/sec + overall volume. Pick say 3 different dates in 2018 to measure and we'll compare and bet on the outcome. Oh wait, see above quote about you being a cuck with zero conviction behind your beliefs.
not a day trader. There are a lot of so-called expert day traders that make claims that are unproven and don't post audited results to prove otherwise. It's similar to stock traders or sports betters - some are legit but a lot of them are just FOS and don't have an edge. I personally don't care about being a policeman for that stuff as I'm looking towards using my own time in a more valuable manner. And it goes without saying, what other people are doing ultimately doesn't matter to me - but what I just typed nevertheless holds true. I don't doubt a very small % have an edge, and if so more power to them. That's not where my focus is now, or in the future. My edge isn't in 3 hour candlestick charts & triggering capital gains every other day.
are the same people who were pounding the table for "the flippening" just 2 weeks ago. Now they claim ignorance or knew that it was going down.
I never said a specific date when the flippening would occur, just that it will. If you somehow think it won't, once again feel free to take my $ and bet against it happening <crickets chirping/insert excuse here>. By the way, if you weren't braindead you would realize someone like myself doesn't want Bitcoin to 'fail.' Unlike you, I'm not emotionally tied to the success or lack thereof of assets I no longer own and also realize that it failing would have a collateral effect on the crypto markets as a whole - it's lose:lose for everyone in this space. I was a big believer in BTC for more than a few years, seeing it go to zero wouldn't make me happy. My 'prediction' for BTC if you're so dying to know is that it will bleed market cap % as years pass and slowly become less relevant - I do not think it is a ponzi or that it will ever go to zero. That's an emotionless argument based on my own thesis to what makes a cryptocurrency valuable - I truly DGAF how much better it is in your mind, especially when you don't have the intelligence to argue a viewpoint that has any merit. (Besides, that is discussion for the Bitcoin thread, and trust me you won't see me coming over there to post about Ethereum).
The bottom line is there's 2 ways to deal with trolls like yourself. #1 is bait them into putting money behind their beliefs (at least to me that shows me whether you're a fraud or not, after all this is an investing thread on a gambling forum). #2 is let time speak for itself. Quote them in a year or so and remind them how wrong they are. You've dodged #1 so by default it has to be #2. Please once again tell me how wrong I am so we can see with absolute clarity who truly is the moron in 2018 and beyond.
Last edited by Kazuya; 07-10-2017 at 11:00 PM.