Originally Posted by Two SHAE
I didn't mean it from a personal finance perspective. I meant that if lots of participants in the market are going to dump when it's life changing, then if you bought in at <insert not really early price>, then it's not ever going to become life changing for you. You'd just be the baghodler in that scenario...
Invest long-term because you believe in the tech/team/roadmap etc, or trade short-term because you have some unique insight and a great understanding of the overall market. The idea of "I'm just going to chunk in 20k and sell when it's 200k" is just silly degen poker player gambling.
Kelly Criterion is very reasonable and does not mean that you no longer believe.
Everybody believes in something with a certainty x. And if your certainty is x, you should adapt the size of your investment in relation to your overall bankroll accordingly. I guess this is not exactly what Kelly Criterion is, but the idea is the same.
Also how long to hold, is it impossible to believe that something is overpriced even if you happen to like that thing?
Somebody invests into ETH believing it is useful only for Application Z (let's say online slot gambling) and let's just presume that this maximum value is reached with a 30billion market cap.
Time to cash-out (before the drop ofc lol). You still believe in the project, but right now it is over-priced for this investor.
I find it very hard to evaluate crypto and a lot is playing by ear. Evaluating cryptos to each other seems easier.
Is it winner takes all, aka if ETH can enable decentralized online poker, will it force out everybody else? Will it take 40% market share? Will it work at all? Will another crypto replace ETH in this market? How much can it or other cryptos penetrate other markets?
Most people who say crypto123 is overpriced do it based on anchoring. I see many BTC sceptics who would definitely buy it at $1200 today, while it was totally overvalued at $400 not too long ago. Same goes for ETH.
How much crypto is over/underpriced depends today mainly on how big you dream. I haven't read/thought about a way to price cryptos any better. Perhaps somebody here knows.