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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-18-2011 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by breadandbutter
Oh really? Is that why Pokerstars at one point had 250K users online tonight? Is that why the Sunday Million still had 6500 players today (while it was usually around 8000)?

A huge portion of American players seem to think because they are not allowed to play, the entire online poker world has collapsed. WRONG. The U.S. is just a country. PS and FT are still operating over the entire world and will still make millions and millions of revenue each day. Why should they cancel their business?
FTP is dead.. anything above 1/2 is DEAD of fish..

stars has a ton of fish left at american times because south americans and canadians are bombarded with stars adds more than FTP.

This is just the end of FTP
04-18-2011 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Prob need to put some kind of time limit on there or the no will never get paid off. DUCY?
04-18-2011 , 02:47 AM
I wonder what would happen if some other Attorney General (in another state for example) were to pursue evidence of any U.S. Federal Agency having financial dealings with any of the accused processors.

Perhaps the FDA, FAA, CIA, FBI or some other agency is currently (or formerly) doing business with and/or making transactions with off-shore companies of the same ilk?

My guess is the amount of U.S. Online Poker traffic would pale by comparison to the amount of "illegal" funds moving into and out of our shores by our own country through the same (or similar) accounts.

Then again, discovery of those clandestine accounts/transfers/transactions would only affect a handful of unknown and disposable humans. DOJ is probably best to avoid that kind of publicity.
04-18-2011 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
What the hell are you talking about. I told you you were an idiot then. Go back to the thread and read my posts. No hindsight was needed - you were wrong. You didn't know what the hell you were talking about, but were extremely extremely adamant and arrogant about your position. You made this bed, sleep in it.
what are you talking about? I knew and said this could end at any time. Of course I didn't expect this particular situation to occur this soon. Who did? Now, take it to pm and stop pissing on this thread. I know the state of this thread is a joke, but cry silently huh?
04-18-2011 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by tedjam
pretty peeved that theres been little or no comment from the "stars" at Full tiltUB and Stars (AFAIK) (apart from durrr who posted here) Lederer gordon Ivey DN etc received huge amounts of $$$ to promote thier sites etc(and were the face of the boom) and now thier silent. I mean even if they know nothing just hearing they have some empathy for what U.S players are going thru would provide some comfort. Its so much easier for them to go overseas set up new accounts and cash out not so for the 100nl grinder-

Its a bit like when princess Di died and the royals didnt morn with the public immediatly, as soon as they did ppl felt comforted

anyway my 2c
Yeah, if I was facing the charges their companies are facing, and was in the middle of the ****-storm that they're in, I'd really be piping up.

Sit tight, they'll come out with some kind of statement when the dust settles.

Also the new splash screen on todays FT update assures us not to worry as our "money is safe and secure"

Also keep in mind DNs tweet: Not ignoring #BlackFriday and as much as I'd love to discuss it, I've been advised not to for now. As soon as I can, I'll add my two cents.

Also Kevmaths tweet re: Pokerstars http://******/rzEqTf

Not sure what else you expect. A personal Phone call? They've been doing that too.

Last edited by 1outter; 04-18-2011 at 03:23 AM.
04-18-2011 , 03:27 AM
I just purchased shares in Entraction based on the assumption all competitors will benefit from closure of the big 2, but assumed Party's stock price would rise faster (Entraction was up only 4,5% today when I bought it, and last friday it closed -3% because OMX stockhol closed before the big news)
04-18-2011 , 03:46 AM
It's impossible for me to read all of the posts itt so if this has been mentioned previously I apologize. My question is this:

Why can't Stars and Tilt issue cashout checks to their customers with money in their accounts? There may not be a way to process the payments through wire transfer or whatever but I don't see any reason why a good old fashion check can't be written and sent to the players? Sure the cashouts would be slow but at least people will get their money.
04-18-2011 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Why can't Stars and Tilt issue cashout checks to their customers with money in their accounts? There may not be a way to process the payments through wire transfer or whatever but I don't see any reason why a good old fashion check can't be written and sent to the players? Sure the cashouts would be slow but at least people will get their money.
Most of their bank accounts are frozen so checks would bounce. The money they do have liquid will not be enough to cover all the withdrawals.
04-18-2011 , 04:13 AM
can anyone tell me the 3 people that were arrested?
04-18-2011 , 04:16 AM
if i have a mobile security key etc on ftp, should i disable it (still logged in from US)?

no telling how long this is gonna last, and im sure ill have a new phone in a year or two, and who knows if ftp will be in US govt control or in existence or what. ftp support has always been crappy, so im sure it can only get more chaotic from here.
04-18-2011 , 04:17 AM
The U.S. Justice Department shut down Full Tilt Poker on Friday, along will other online poker sites, accusing 11 people of bank fraud and of illegally operating gambling websites. The government seized accounts run by the sites that held money stored by players.
From this WSJ article. Don't know how true this actually is but is so it doesn't seem to good for Americans with money on the site.
04-18-2011 , 04:20 AM
04-18-2011 , 04:31 AM
04-18-2011 , 04:33 AM

Last edited by stu+stu; 04-18-2011 at 04:58 AM.
04-18-2011 , 04:46 AM
As an american player, what are your guys plans now? (in terms of getting money back, playing poker, etc)
04-18-2011 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by breadandbutter
Oh really? Is that why Pokerstars at one point had 250K users online tonight? Is that why the Sunday Million still had 6500 players today (while it was usually around 8000)?

A huge portion of American players seem to think because they are not allowed to play, the entire online poker world has collapsed. WRONG. The U.S. is just a country. PS and FT are still operating over the entire world and will still make millions and millions of revenue each day. Why should they cancel their business?
This may be the most intelligent statement made in this entire thread. These are legitimate, multi-million (billion?) dollar businesses.... Certain people have issues that need to be dealt with, and there will be fines involved in order to buy their way out of this, but there is no way that the U.S. Government is going to put these companies out of business or seize the money in the bank accounts of these companies that are in accounts in foreign banks. Think about it people....
04-18-2011 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by RJLange
This may be the most intelligent statement made in this entire thread. These are legitimate, multi-million (billion?) dollar businesses.... Certain people have issues that need to be dealt with, and there will be fines involved in order to buy their way out of this, but there is no way that the U.S. Government is going to put these companies out of business or seize the money in the bank accounts of these companies that are in accounts in foreign banks. Think about it people....
largely agree except that they have already seized accounts in 14 countries, so yes they seemingly can seize non US accounts as well. If they couldn't have frozen non-US assets they would have had 0/little leverage in getting the 8 absconding accused to the negotiating table. The companies will have to pay huge fines and keep out of US market for 3-4 yrs min(most likely scenario). The US players get there money after the settlement is reached. Problem is these guys charged party poker founder 300m$ for a lot less. God knows what ridiculous number it will be for these guys
04-18-2011 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by RJLange
This may be the most intelligent statement made in this entire thread. These are legitimate, multi-million (billion?) dollar businesses.... Certain people have issues that need to be dealt with, and there will be fines involved in order to buy their way out of this, but there is no way that the U.S. Government is going to put these companies out of business or seize the money in the bank accounts of these companies that are in accounts in foreign banks. Think about it people....
The problem is a different one....the isolation. France is isolated (unless you want to play with a France account)......Italy is the US might become isolated also. It is sending the wrong signal around the world and that is what makes it scary.
One upside for the european community might be the 'hope' that the weekend tournaments might be rescheduled and adjusted to the european time.
04-18-2011 , 05:10 AM
Just for info - it is not uncommon that multi-billion companies face lawsuits and prosecutions and legal troubles and asset freezes

Not all of them go down because of these lawsuits and prosecutions though. Most of them survive, especially if their business in most jurisdictions is legal and unaffected

I am still far from convinced that the American DOJ can single-handedly cause FTP and Stars to shut down globally
04-18-2011 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by RJLange
This may be the most intelligent statement made in this entire thread. These are legitimate, multi-million (billion?) dollar businesses.... Certain people have issues that need to be dealt with, and there will be fines involved in order to buy their way out of this, but there is no way that the U.S. Government is going to put these companies out of business or seize the money in the bank accounts of these companies that are in accounts in foreign banks. Think about it people....
There is a world outside the USA where Full Tilt and Poker Stars operate to the satisfaction of their regulators and the happiness of the hundreds of thousands of players who were online yesterday.

Sorry as we are for US players please don't think that FTP and PS are US companies...they are not. This is not Enron.

Serving a worldwide customer base is entirely legal outside the USA...and it's likely to continue to be so. The prohibition of alcohol in the USA in 1919 did not stop the world drinking...and what's happening now won't stop the world playing poker no matter what the doom sayers think.
04-18-2011 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by egoismforever
The problem is a different one....the isolation. France is isolated (unless you want to play with a France account)......Italy is the US might become isolated also. It is sending the wrong signal around the world and that is what makes it scary.
One upside for the european community might be the 'hope' that the weekend tournaments might be rescheduled and adjusted to the european time.
The good thing about europe is the freedom of movement. You can live and work freely in any euro state as a european citizen: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and so on.
04-18-2011 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by SuckedOUt1
The good thing about europe is the freedom of movement. You can live and work freely in any euro state as a european citizen: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and so on.
This will not help 95% of the people in case that their country gets isolated. People wont sell houses.........quit work and so on, just so they can play poker against people from other countries
04-18-2011 , 05:25 AM
The good thing about America is we have 50 states and not 50 countries. So the EU is basically doing what we did 200yrs ago.
04-18-2011 , 05:25 AM
So a day or two before online poker is shutdown i deposit $200. I run it up to $2100 before it gets shutdown. My $200 deposit was never taken out of my bank. What can I expect to happen? They take the 200 out of poker account or I keep it all?
04-18-2011 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Plogo
So a day or two before online poker is shutdown i deposit $200. I run it up to $2100 before it gets shutdown. My $200 deposit was never taken out of my bank. What can I expect to happen? They take the 200 out of poker account or I keep it all?
You can expect whatever you want. That way, we'll all be surprised.

Last edited by Ishmael; 04-18-2011 at 05:32 AM. Reason: Nobody knows, dude.
