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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-18-2011 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
hey, remember like 5 months ago when u adamantly thought status quo was better than the reid bill passing?

good read
04-18-2011 , 01:48 AM
What would yall rather.. Cake or Merge or Bodog?
04-18-2011 , 01:48 AM
Anyone else think these poker sites are gonna try and leverage the threat of all the U.S players getting stiffed into a bargaining chip with the Feds? I don't expect to see my money for a long time.
04-18-2011 , 01:53 AM
Mods just a suggestion:

Is there a way we could limit the ability for posting here to non new posters?

This would help with all the trolling....just a thought
04-18-2011 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Barkley409
Anyone else think these poker sites are gonna try and leverage the threat of all the U.S players getting stiffed into a bargaining chip with the Feds? I don't expect to see my money for a long time.
Lulz like the feds would give a fuuuuhhhhh
04-18-2011 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by MannyDuuke
What would yall rather.. Cake or Merge or Bodog?
Originally Posted by IamPro
Confirmed Cake is pulling out of US and probably Merge too
Even if it's possible to make a deposit on any site from the US right now, I'm not sure how much of a good idea it is.
04-18-2011 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by 1outter
Even if it's possible to make a deposit on any site from the US right now, I'm not sure how much of a good idea it is.
Pretty sure Cake is still accepting US players, or so I heard on the ustream. Merge and Bodog are as well. And yea I'm not talking depositing right this second, but in the near future I prolly will make a very small deposit to play at least a little.. Just wondering what you guys think is the best choice
04-18-2011 , 02:01 AM
real eyes


real lies
04-18-2011 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by hdbets
Mods just a suggestion:

Is there a way we could limit the ability for posting here to non new posters?

This would help with all the trolling....just a thought

Must have contributed to at least one photoshop thread to poast imo
04-18-2011 , 02:02 AM
IamPro- where did you get this confirmation from that cake, merge, bodog will pull out of US?
04-18-2011 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by DesperateHouswives
IamPro- where did you get this confirmation from that cake, merge, bodog will pull out of US?
They may soon but at the moment they havent
04-18-2011 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by LeapFrog
stop responding to ******s with april reg dates ffs
f u
04-18-2011 , 02:06 AM

04-18-2011 , 02:14 AM
04-18-2011 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by DartmouthBG
If you've read the 80 page indictment many times and understood the US Codes they are being accused of breaking, you would realize that this has nothing to do with the legality of online poker. They charges do not suggest online poker is illegal, but rather using US banks to fund online gambling. It is a clear violation of the UIGEA.
Perhaps you are reading some other UIGEA than I am. Perhaps the Uninformed Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. I'm talking about the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. The UIGEA only makes it a violation to use a US bank to fund internet gambling if that gambling is unlawful. That means that some other law makes the gambling illegal. The UIGEA didn't make any form of internet gambling illegal that wasn't already illegal under some other act.

Originally Posted by DartmouthBG
This has nothing to do with the indictment sounding convincing. It has to do with actual evidence. Any player who has deposited or withdrawn, realizes how they worked around the UIGEA. The indictment lists 30 or so deposits/withdrawals from each site, so clearly the DOJ was in the know.
I think we can agree on the fact that US banks were used by the accused to fund an internet gambling operation. There is no law against that as long as that internet gambling operation is itself legal. Where is the evidence that it is illegal? What is the law that makes it illegal?

Originally Posted by DartmouthBG
Also when the weight of the illegal actions comes down on 15 or so people facing 25+ years, you better believe they will do whatever they can to cut a deal.
I expect the ones in custody probably will. How many is that?

Originally Posted by DartmouthBG
There is no case to be tried. What defense do they have for using shill websites that transmitted incorrect merchant codes to banks in order for the charge to be approved? There simply is no defense.
I see. You are a lawyer. You have reviewed the statute, the case law and all available commentaries, and you are informing us of the results of your research. Thanks for your work.

Or perhaps you havent a clue what needs to be proved to get a conviction for bank fraud, nor what defences there are against evidence that might seem to be such proof.

Originally Posted by DartmouthBG
You can't say, well online gambling should be legal so we should be able to do this... yada yada. A violation of a law comes with consequences. You don't like the law, the US uses public policy to change those laws.
Fine. I'm not, and the accused won't say what you say we can't say.

Originally Posted by DartmouthBG
Please stop spreading hope that the case isn't as serious and heavily weighted against the Poker Companies as it truly is.
Well I wouldn't want to give the impression I am optimistic about the outcome. I think it is almost certain there will be negative consequnces for some of the accused. I just don't think it is guaranteed that all of the accused will be convicted or cop a plea, or that the sites will be totally shut down. There certainly is a chance that will happen, but it is nowhere near 100%.

Originally Posted by DartmouthBG
The best case scenario here is they all take plea agreements, discontinue the service to US players, agree to cooperate to become regulated, and in return allow the disbursement of the remaining US players funds.
Not even close. The best case scenario is that the site owners fighting it, or some outside parties seeking a declaratory judgement, get a verdict that online poker is legal. Then we have legal online poker, and seven or eight of the nine charges go away leaving only the bank/wire fraud and possibly the money laundering. Then, of less importance to players, these cases are won on obscure arguments related to no criminal intent, no loss incurred, legal right to make the transfer, etc.

Do I think these outcomes are likely? No. Possible? Yes. Will some of the accused take the risk of going there? I have no idea, however their bluster up to this point indicates that is the direction they are heading. The principals at FT are talking in terms of exoneration. Perhaps it was all a bluff.
04-18-2011 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
hey, remember like 5 months ago when u adamantly thought status quo was better than the reid bill passing?

good read
yeah the blackout would have been sweet too. captain hindsight for the win though. And of course I see my boy Slugger tonging up your leavings. Nice work trolling me in this thread though, even though this is NVG. No regard for the severity of the situation. Very classy

edit: obviously I like the word though
04-18-2011 , 02:18 AM
04-18-2011 , 02:20 AM
^^^^^ now that's funny!

04-18-2011 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by LeapFrog
yeah the blackout would have been sweet too. captain hindsight for the win though. And of course I see my boy Slugger tonging up your leavings. Nice work trolling me in this thread though, even though this is NVG. No regard for the severity of the situation. Very classy
What the hell are you talking about. I told you you were an idiot then. Go back to the thread and read my posts. No hindsight was needed - you were wrong. You didn't know what the hell you were talking about, but were extremely extremely adamant and arrogant about your position. You made this bed, sleep in it.
04-18-2011 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by stu+stu
I used to be a professional online poker player lol
04-18-2011 , 02:29 AM

Time to turn this into a photoshop thread IMO
04-18-2011 , 02:29 AM
Quick to the point video clip stating what happened from an Australian media source:
04-18-2011 , 02:32 AM

Don't know if this has been posted earlier this thread, but more info on the douche Tzvetkoff. You know you've achieved douchebag status when your license plate reads 'BALLER'. There's nothing less baller than having to tell people you are baller.
04-18-2011 , 02:33 AM
pretty peeved that theres been little or no comment from the "stars" at Full tiltUB and Stars (AFAIK) (apart from durrr who posted here) Lederer gordon Ivey DN etc received huge amounts of $$$ to promote thier sites etc(and were the face of the boom) and now thier silent. I mean even if they know nothing just hearing they have some empathy for what U.S players are going thru would provide some comfort. Its so much easier for them to go overseas set up new accounts and cash out not so for the 100nl grinder-

Its a bit like when princess Di died and the royals didnt morn with the public immediatly, as soon as they did ppl felt comforted

anyway my 2c
04-18-2011 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by tedjam
pretty peeved that theres been little or no comment from the "stars" at Full tiltUB and Stars (AFAIK) (apart from durrr who posted here) Lederer gordon Ivey DN etc received huge amounts of $$$ to promote thier sites etc(and were the face of the boom) and now thier silent. I mean even if they know nothing just hearing they have some empathy for what U.S players are going thru would provide some comfort. Its so much easier for them to go overseas set up new accounts and cash out not so for the 100nl grinder-

Its a bit like when princess Di died and the royals didnt morn with the public immediatly, as soon as they did ppl felt comforted

anyway my 2c
I wouldn't count on hearing much if anything. They're all lawyered up.
